Shounen Onmyouji

Chapter 4

The little girl opened her eyes. However, they were not focused.

"What happened? Please, answer me!"

Seeing that her daughter was not responding to her, the distraught mother shook her daughter repeatedly.

Yet, only the little girl"s head shook while the rest of her body remained relatively still. Her eyes were still not focused and she appeared to have zoomed out.

Seeing his wife crying out and blaming herself for letting their child go out, the little girl"s father clenched his fist tightly.

Hasn"t he repeatedly told her not to go near the shrine?

A long long time ago, when his great-great-grandfather was still a child, demons from the west rode in the wind and appear here. This resulted in many deaths and injuries caused by the demons. If they continued their rampage, there will soon be no living people in the village.

People without any strength or power could only wait for their deaths as they get eaten by the demon.

Suddenly, one night, the demons disappeared.

According to what the village elders say, the demons are sealed in the shrine near the lake.

Since then, no one is allowed to be near the shrine which holds terrible beings. And from the records, there was no escape from the bad things that would happen to the people who go near the shrine.

The other woman who was found near the shrine woke up a day later.

She laid on a bed made by putting some old clothing on a straw mat and stare blankly at the roof.

Besides her, the pair of brother smiled and looked happily at their mother.

"Mother, thank G.o.d…" (*literally translate to "that"s great" but I thought "thank G.o.d" sounds more like what one would have said.)

The woman stared at the boy who looked like he was going to break into tears in shock.

"… Mother...?"

The elder brother heard his mother mumbling to herself, and blinked his eyes.

There seemed to be something amiss with his mother.

"Mother?" the woman sat up and frowned, "What happened?"

At this moment, the children"s father – who is of course the woman"s husband – stepped into the room. He had just returned from a visit to the elder. When he saw his wife sitting up, he heaved a sigh of relief and looked more at ease.

"Ah! That"s great! I was just wondering what I would do if you never wake up."

He squatted beside the straw mat and reach out for his wife"s hands. However, his coa.r.s.e hand was pushed away by the woman.

"What are you doing? Where is this place?"

The woman"s tone was sharp and she was wary of her surroundings. She stared at the man and the two boys and slowly backed away, attempting to escape.

"What are you talking about? This is your home!" the husband said.

The woman shook her head in denial, "You"re lying! You"re lying! This is not my home. What are you trying to do? What are you trying to accomplish by bringing me here?"

The woman screamed and stood up unsteadily.

"I"m going back to my father and mother. They must be worried about me. My mum has a weak heart. She can"t work. If I"m not home…"

The two kids hurriedly hold on to their mother, who was walking unsteadily and was trying to leave the house without her footwear.

"Mum! Where are you going? Please don"t leave!"

The woman brushed away her children. The elder of the two fell on the floor. He looked at his mother sadly. The younger brother, who had fell and kneel on the floor, then started to cry. He couldn"t take any more of this, and a drop of tear rolled down his eyes.


The man realized that there was something strangely wrong with his wife. He slowly approached her while trying to comfort her.

"What are you saying? Didn"t your parents died of influenza many years ago?

The woman shook her head violently, and there was fear in her eyes.

"You"re lying. My father is very healthy, how could he get sick….? Oh! I know, you must have abducted me here right?"

"Nonsense!" the man hollered. He then grabbed the woman"s wrist. The woman screamed. Her facial featured twisted together as she tried with all her might to shake off her husband"s hand.

She stared at the two children who were holding on to her legs and screamed "I don"t have any kids like you! Now let go of me!"


He supposed that was what they call "instinct".

A year ago, he couldn"t see or feel demons or spirits. Even when he thinks that such situations are a norm, he could still have "an ominous feeling". After his ability to see returns, such instinct became stronger. Perhaps the years that he was unable to see had helped him hone such "instincts".

Masahiro suddenly raised his head and jumped off the ground barefooted. He ran a distance and scrutinized the area around him.

A few seconds later, both Kochin and Rikugo appear and stood beside Masahiro. They too, were looking around with cautious.

The creature, who was sitting on the roof of the straw hut observed their actions.

"Ern…." It looks really disinterested.

Suddenly, he blinked, turned his head back and looked around.

The wind that blew from the depths of the forest carried the scent of demons.

The feeling was making the creature uncomfortable. It growled and gave a fierce look with its deep red eyes. Then, its expression changed as it tasted the air.

"…Humidity…water vapor…"

The air was cold and humid. There was evil and there was violence and pain in the air with the demon"s scent. It was like the demons were challenging them.

The creature threw a glance at both Kochin and Rikugo. Both Kochin and Rikugo were strong fighters. Kochin, especially, was only second in terms of strength, to him. Even if he did not intervene in their fight, the two of them could probably manage. But, for unknown reasons, it just felt troubled.

The aura was approaching, and the trees were blown from side to side, as if they were shaking in fear.

"It"s from the west?"

"Erm. A bit more to the east."

What Masahiro thought was confirmed by Rikugo"s answer. Then, Rikugo"s cloak got blown up mysteriously. His brown hair was blown from side to side in the wind. Kochin"s hair was also blown from side to side, and there was a serious look in her eyes.

"It"s fast."

The bracelet on Rikugo"s wrist shone and turned into a spear as he stood up to shield Masahiro.

"It"s here…"

From the forest, a dark shadow appeared, cutting off what Rikugo had to say...


Taiin and Genbu were at the river source of Zuyo. They were staring at the water.

"I got it…!"

Taiin pointed to a shoal of fish. Immediately, Genbu focused his spiritual energy.

A few of the fish were trap in a bubble of water created by Genbu and were flung out of the water. When the bubble burst, the fish landed on the river bank. They threw their bodies up and down as they struggled to get into the water.

"Wow! A good harvest, a good catch! You are really one of the water spirit summons."

Taiin clapped enthusiastically for him, but Genbu paid little attention to her.

"Seimei likes eating this kind of fish."

"Let"s catch some for him when we return to Kyoto. Seimei would also go fishing at the river sometimes. But those were the times when he is thinking about matters so it"s hard for him to catch any fish." Genbu thought.

Rikugo, who was there to protect Seimei, or Genbu, who would be beside him since he had nothing better to do, would always see him staring at the fishes sadly. When this happens, they would always feel sorry for Semei. 

Seimei was not good at fishing at all.

"Masahiro likes eating this kind of fish too! Must be because he is Seimei"s grandson."

"I think that"s not the reason."

Taiin raised her voice and reply Genbu, "They are living close together. Of course they would have the same habits!"

"Saying things with such confidence, what exactly did she base those theories on" Genbu thought.

Masahiro"s father, Yoshimasa, too, had been living with Seimei since the day he was born. He was different from Seimei. He didn"t like eating that kind of fish. Hence, Taiin"s theory was flawed in that sense.

Genbu, knowing that Taiin would be furious if he had reb.u.t.ted her theory, kept these thoughts to himself.

They used some water soaked vines to tie up the fish. Genbu looked at the river again and thought that that should be enough fish for the day.

Suddenly, a strange aura can be felt sliding across the water surface and beneath their feet.

Taiin hovered above the waters while Genbu stood at the river bank instead. The water near to Genbu was still calm. However, the waters beneath Taiin"s feet were rough and splashing about.

They were near to a shallow portion of the river in order to fish. Strictly speaking, their main purpose was not really for fishing but mainly for convenience.

Taiin hurriedly shake away the thing that was wrapping itself around her legs and landed beside Genbu. The sand around them were all uneven and rough, so the geography was not very good.



They threw the string of fish up high into the air. As the fish drop, a shadow leapt out of the waters and bite onto the fish.

The two sides of the face of the creature were separated by a long scar. It opened its b.l.o.o.d.y mouth and swallowed the string of fish. Using its long sharp teeth, it chewed on the fish. Before long, remnants of the vines that were used to tie the fish drop from its mouth and into the water.

The creature had black fur and a tough hide. As it turned, the water splashed onto its four limbs. Soon, its dark, black eyes were staring straight at the two spirit summons.

Then, the creature screeched. The sound was like that of metal hitting against each other. This caused Taiin to have goose b.u.mps and she trembled involuntarily.


She raised her right hand and hurled a gust of wind at the creature angrily. However, the creature quickly dodged the blast of wind. Instead, the trees surrounding the area had all fallen to the ground.

"Taiin!" Genbu reprimanded.

Taiin ignored Genbu"s voice and proceed to summon a tornado.

"How dare you eat the fish meant for Masahiro!"

The angry Taiin hurl the tornado at the creature. This time, it hit its target dead on.

The creature let out a terrible scream as it was thrown into the air and sank into the water when it fell.

"Don"t you dare escape!"

As Taiin prepare to chase after the creature, Genbu suddenly grab hold of her clothes.

"Hold it!"


Genbu grab hold of Taiin, who was falling back and stare at the direction of the small hut intently.

"There"s an aura…"


Genbu let go of Taiin and turn his body.

Not long later, Taiin too felt the demonic aura carried by the wind.

"It"s the same aura as just now!"

The aura that was emitted by the demon which she had blown away was known as "youki". Now, the same youki can also be felt in the direction of the small hut.

As Genbu and Taiin leave the place, bubbles can be seen appearing on the water surface. Then, a black face appeared.

The demon looked as the two spirit summons left the place. After which, it submerged back into the water.

It never reappeared again.


The creature grinded its teeth in annoyance.

The black colour youkai(demon), with its rows of sharp teeth began its a.s.sault suddenly.

Rikugo blocked the attack with his silver spear while Kochin fiercely stabbed the demon on its stomach. The creature gave an agonising scream as it was thrown back. It hit one of the trees but regained its stance quickly and started to attack them again.

Rikugo quickly used his cloak to block the second attack. Kochin made use of the split second to grab hold of Masahiro"s hand and pull him away from danger as the demon used it claws to slash where Masahiro was.

"Zu..." the demon licked its lips and stared at the pale looking child.

This child is unable to deal with his attacks. Could it be that even though he inherited Seimei"s blood, he did not have any of the powers Seimei processed?

"Masahiro, are you alright?"

Masahiro, under Rikugo and Kochin"s protection, could only reply "I"m fine..."

The speed at which the aura was moving was incredible, and there appears to be no breaks between the attacks.

Masahiro then heard the sound of four limbs jumping off the ground, pa.s.sing through the forest and rushing towards him.

He could feel the youki. Realising that the demon was just nearby, gooseb.u.mps appeared on his skin and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

He bit his lips.

He now realised what it was like to be unable to see demons and other spirits. He could focus his senses and feel where they are. Through this, he could tell where they are. However, he was unable to react to the demon"s action. As he couldn"t see, he would face an empty s.p.a.ce and focused his sense of hearing and sense of touch. By the time he did that, the demon would have moved to another place. This was how it was and the same situation repeated again and again.

Even earlier, when his spiritual abilities were sealed by his grandfather, it was a different thing all together. Then, he couldn"t "see", "hear" or even "feel", so he was indifferent to his surroundings. He had never felt as vulnerable as he is now.


He had barely seen Rikugo"s spear flashing across his sight when he lost his balance and felt a burning pain on his back.

Was there not one, but many demons?

He had heard many overlapping sounds. Rikugo and Kochin were both in a difficult battle. Needless to say, the demons were much faster than he had imagined.

Kochin"s eyes sparkled.

"Rikugo, protect Masahiro."

Her voice was cold and clear. She then place her hands on the on the forks placed around her waist and walk towards Rikugo and Masahiro.

"Don"t bother yourself with it anymore. I"ll finish it off in one hit."

"It"ll be good if you could really finish it off. Just take care not to destroy the hut as well."

There was no further reply to Rikugo"s advise.

Rikugo opened his eyes wide open as a loud roar was made by the demon.

"There"s only one..."

"Huh?" Masahiro questioned.

Rikugo calmly replied, "There"s only one demon. But because it was moving so quickly, even we can"t see it clearly. This is incredible." There was no tone of surprise in Rikugo"s voice even though he believed that it was an incredible feat. Instead, Masahiro was the one who was shocked at the news.

That aside, what about the sounds of many feet hitting the ground that he had heard?

It was bad enough that he couldn"t "see", but what was he to do if he was to be involved with such difficult demons in the future?

He recalled the memories that were long forgotten. In the past, he couldn"t "see", "hear" or even "feel", that"s was the main reason why he thought that he couldn"t be an onmyouji.

Right now, even though he can feel, the lack of his spiritual sight is a great limitation. To be a great onmyouji that he dreamt to be, Masahiro needs all of his five senses. He must not even lack one of them.

As Masahiro"s fingers curl into a fist, he heard a low and cold voice.

"I can"t stand this anymore."

The creature with the white fur landed right in front of him and transformed into its real form in a split second.

Touda turned his head back to face Masahiro, who was tongue-tied. His cold golden eyes stared into Masahiro"s brown orbs.

"How can this weakling call himself the Grandson on that Seimei?"


Masahiro couldn"t breathe as his heart pump even quicker. It felt like he had been stabbed by a heavy and cold knife.

Rikugo turned and looked at the both of them. A shocked expression soon formed on his usually expressionless face.


Touda stopped the surprised Kochin single-handedly, and then gave the demon an angry glare.

"Scram! You are an eyesore!"

Soon, red flames began to form on his raised hands. He waved his hands slightly and the resulting flames burned around the demon, blocking the demon"s path. The demon was trapped. As it attempted to escaped, Touda"s flaming snakes wrapped around it. The demon screamed in pain. Not long after, the smell of charred meat filled the air.

The fire burned more ferociously and suddenly disappeared together with the demon.

The heated air was blown onto Masahiro"s face, but that hot air soon cooled down. At the same time, his body felt cold.

Masahiro could only look as Touda turned and left.

It has been a long time since he had seen the taller, more muscular Touda, with his deep red colour hair.

Between his hair was a silver metal ring.


Taiin and Genbu landed amidst the strong winds. When the two of them saw Touda, they didn"t dare to move.

Taiin"s expression tightens and became pale. It was obvious to the people around that she was trying her hardest not to back away from Touda.

Touda noticed the fear in Taiin and frowned. However, unknown to Touda, this expression made Taiin even more frightened.   

Genbu, too, was observing the situation nervously.

"You all were fighting against "the black creature with a mask" right?"

"That"s right."

The one who replied was Kochin, as Touda ignored what Genbu had just said totally.

The atmosphere was getting tenser. With just Touda alone, the atmosphere could turn so cold and frightening.

Masahiro, who was rooted to the ground, opened his mouth subconsciously.


Touda"s eyes were filled with anger. The wind around him felt like sharp blades as the hot air around him rose. (I thought this translation makes no sense in English, except for the "hot air rises" part..  Just take it that he is really really really angry.)

He slowly turned his head back and glare at Masahiro.

"How did you know that name?"

It was a question. No. Given his tone, it was more like he was forcing an answer out of him.

Masahiro couldn"t answer the question. Touda was so angry, that he felt that any answer would be shot down without mercy.

Everyone else held their breath.

Then Touda coldly state, "What are you? You are not allowed to use that name!"

Masahiro heart stopped. He was trying to support his knees, which felt like they were about to give way anytime, and clutched his fist even tighter.

He even forgot to blink his eyes, as he looked at Touda silently and sadly. There was no expression on his pale face.

Not long later, as if he had lost interest, Touda turned his eyes away and transformed back into the white creature, quickly walking away.

After a while, the frozen air around them seemed to have started flowing again.


This anxious, high pitched voice... whose was it?

"Are you okay? You look really pale."

And who does this matured and worried voice belongs to?

Why would his eyes feel hot?

Masahiro collapsed as his knees gave way. There was a large hand supporting him. Yet, he could not even find the strength to hold on to this hand, as he fell to the ground.

He couldn"t see, but who was it that he want to see most?   

Deep in his mind, he heard the sound of something shattering. What was that?

Someone was kneeling right in front of him, looking at him with deep black eyes. Who was it?

He couldn"t hear the wind, the leaves nor the gra.s.s. These sounds were gone. Instead, what he heard was the voice of his memories.

----A name is something with an important meaning, so you just can"t tell it to anyone.

The world before him seems to be shaking. No, what was being shaken was some other thing.

----Ah, ah, wake up! Seimei"s grandson!...

The one who told me this name was....

The one who told me this name, the name so important to him was....

----I give you the right to call my name....

Then person who told me this was--------

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