Show Me The Money

Chapter 91 – The Siblings Meet

Chapter 91 – The Siblings Meet

n.o.body expected that the battle would end in one round so abruptly.

The crowd originally felt that the standoff between the two pairs was way too boring and they wanted Fatty and HeadofG.o.d to appear and fight an intense battle with the beauties. Yet… When they appeared, everything finished lightning fast.

In a single round, Dreamb.u.t.terfly died and Snow Phoenix surrendered.

“They were way too careless. I never would have thought people as famous as Dreamb.u.t.terfly and SnowPhoenix were actually so careless during PvP fights,” an understanding player sighed.

“Careless? How? Their mechanics were great, and their attacks and positioning were on spot. Their combat senses were also very good,” another player, most likely not too great at games, asked in confusion.

“They made five mistakes. First of all, they choose to step out of Icy Fortress’s protection. Although it was to lure the two into attacking, they also placed themselves in danger. This is a clear example of even a single mistake can be fatal. Secondly, they underestimated that Money Grubber way too much. They were clearly under a lot of pressure due to HeadofG.o.d being the third ranked They essentially placed all their attention on him and felt that if they kill him, they would win the fight. They never really took Money Grubber’s strength seriously. But, when you think about it, since G.o.d Familia is called the number one familia, it is impossible for someone they are close with to be incapable. TheFugitive is an example of that. Thirdly, they aren’t familiar with their opponent’s skills at all. n.o.body even knew about Money Grubber’s binding attack. The reason Dreamb.u.t.terfly died in a single rotation was because she was bound and couldn’t move. Fourthly, they didn’t have any pets. If you think about it, Money Grubber and HeadofG.o.d’s pets essentially made SnowPhoenix target them. Otherwise, Dreamb.u.t.terfly wouldn’t have died in that single round at all. Lastly, n.o.body expected HeadofG.o.d to use his reputation as the third ranking as a way of drawing attention to himself. That’s what allowed Money Grubber to find an opportunity to attack. During that fight, the two girls didn’t even have a chance to use twenty or even ten percent of their strength before getting killed. You really have to praise Money Grubber and HeadofG.o.d for how strong they are. What does that mean? Only if they kill in one shot are they actually Fighting a prolonged battle is not the way of the cla.s.s at all!”

That player’s a.n.a.lysis of the fight was truly admirable as the surrounding players all agreed full heartedly.

“Guild Master Smoke, remember the stakes of today’s bet,” XuanYuanSword was feeling very proud.

“Y-You… Heh,” ASliverofSmoke turned around and left.

“Heh, ASliverofSmoke, you are too arrogant,” XuanYuanSword laughed coldly. “You have no idea about Money Grubber at all. Although he is not on the rankings, TheFugitive had once said that Money Grubber was definitely no worse than him.”

“Beautiful Snow, since the victor has been decided, there is no need to fight anymore, right?” HeadofG.o.d walked over with a chuckle. “Actually, G.o.d Familia does truly admire the two of you. Seven out of twelve people died when we were killing the Fire Demon, but the two of you killed the Fire Cloud King, which is even stronger than the Fire Demon. That is truly an admirable strength.”

“Are you making fun of me?” SnowPhoenix said expressionlessly. “Money Grubber, you asked me to do one thing for you. What is it?”

“I didn’t think of anything yet. I’ll tell you when I do,” Fatty chuckled innocently.

“Alright, then tell me later,” SnowPhoenix turned around to leave with a cold look.

“Guys, does anyone else want to have a match? Come and challenge us if you can. We aren’t afraid of group fights either, but you guys are going to be crowned as people who only bully in numbers. It really will be terrible reputation for you all,” TheFugitive roared.

Although there were a lot of players in the surroundings, around half of them were just there to watch the show. The other half were players from various guilds and since they did not receive any orders from their guild masters, they could only yammer on the spot without stepping forth.

“TheFugitive, don’t get, let me face you,” a warrior shouted. He dragged a huge spear with his two hands and charged forth.

“You?” TheFugitive revealed a look of disdain. He activated Acceleration and ran a few circles around the warrior. Then, before the warrior could turn the spear around, his health already reached rock bottom.

The warrior’s body fell onto the ground, while he still had a look of disbelief on his face.

“I guess n.o.body else is going to challenge us? Since that’s the case, then we’re off?” TheFugitive continued.

The various guild masters fell silent. TheFugitive’s words had cut off all their paths. Although they want to order their guild members to gang up on the, they could not afford to lose face since that would cause people to say that all Vermillion Bird City players only know how to bully people in numbers. Thus, they could only watch the thirteen red named players leave c.o.c.kily.

“Haha, did you see how the guild masters looked? Zeze, that was brilliant,” BigPillarofG.o.d laughed loudly with no care for the angry gazes the surrounding players were giving them.

“Alright now, Pillar, we gotta lay low,” HeadofG.o.d smiled.

“Hehe, Big Bro, I’m just happy. We normally sneak away after doing our job and sometimes, we were even treated like the worst things to ever exist by all the other players. We have never been able to walk away openly after surrounded by so many people,” BigPillarofG.o.d chuckled.

“Pillar’s right,” LeftWingofG.o.d wobbled as if he was drunk. “These Vermillion Bird City players are sure dumb. They ended up being stopped by mere words. What pitiful people.”

“Nono, they actually care about their reputation. They aren’t like us who would do anything,” TheFugitive blurted out.

“Dude, why are you criticizing yourself?” HeadofG.o.d didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

At that moment, the sound of footsteps could be heard behind them. They turned around and saw ASliverofSmoke run over with a ton of people.

“Be careful.” The thirteen people immediately became a lot more careful as they looked behind them.

Yet, ASliverofSmoke did not stop. He merely snorted as he pa.s.sed by, then led his people away and disappeared into the dense forest.

“F*ck, he’s so d.a.m.n Let’s go and kill him?” LeftHandofG.o.d muttered.

HeadofG.o.d smacked LeftHandofG.o.d on the head, “How f*cking strong do you think you are? Kill him? He is the ninth ranking warrior on the hero rankings. Why would we risk losing levels to kill him for no reason?”

“Hehe, Big Bro is right,” LeftHandofG.o.d didn’t dare to retort. He merely scratched his head and stopped speaking.

“Let’s go and cleanse ourselves of our red names. I want to get back quickly, I still have an unfinished mission to do,” said Fatty.

The thirteen found a random patch in the forest and started farming. Since there were many of them and they were plenty powerful, they were not afraid of getting ambushed at all.

After a while, they gradually regained their white names. The one who regained it the last was TheFugitive, most likely because he killed the most people. After all, Fatty pretty much saw him with a red name every single time.

“Let’s recall?” HeadofG.o.d asked when everybody got rid of the Sin Points, then took out his own Recall Scroll.

Suddenly, they heard a few sounds. Fatty immediately put his scroll away and looked around, only to find that the others already did the same.

“Let’s go,” Fatty took the lead and went into the forest in stealth.

After a few hundred meters, the sounds became louder. They could also faintly hear the voices of a few players and the growl of a monster.

As they snuck closer, they saw ASliverofSmoke leading people and attacking a strange monster. The monster appeared like a tiger, but had a horn on its head, which was sparking with electricity. Every single attack seemed to shoot out a bolt of lightning. Although it didn’t instakilled a player it hit, the attack caused the player to be scorched black and writhe on the ground.

Furthermore, there were also some female players on the side, who were all attacking.

“We stealing it?” TheFugitive whispered.

“Uhm, maybe now,” HeadofG.o.d hesitated. “We get paid to do stuff. It isn’t good for us to kill steal someone’s boss monster for nothing.”

“Why shouldn’t we?” said LeftHandofG.o.d. “Big Bro, think about it. If we find such a boss monster and ASliverofSmoke sees us when we are fighting it, do you think he would steal it from us if his squad was stronger than us?”

“Uhm…” HeadofG.o.d was still hesitant.

At that moment, the monster growled. Its horns lit up, but didn’t attack immediately. Instead, it seemed to charge up the attack for a while before shooting it out.

The struck players all grunted, then died without even having the chance to get healed.

The bolt of lightning finally disappeared after striking through seven or eight players. At that very instant, the monster began to charge up its second attack.

“Retreat. Retreat!” ASliverofSmoke roared. This monster’s single-attack attack was way too powerful. The only way to kill it seemed to be overwhelming it with numbers.

“Although it’s not as flashy is the Fire Demon, it looks like it’s a lot harder to kill. Its attacks are quick and strong. None of us can withstand a single hit. Even if we did everything we can to kill it, we really might end up just helping others instant,” Fatty whispered.

“Hey, Brother Grub, look! It’s Little Sister Pink!” TheFugitive exclaimed.

Fatty looked over and saw a tall girl amongst the female players wearing a set of equipment befitting a great mage. She was holding up her staff and trying her best to attack the monster. Meanwhile, the monster’s horn was sparkling, and its next attack was clearly aimed at that female player.

Fatty recognized the delicate and doll-like face of the girl at first glance. It was the one who was named the number one beauty of Vermillion Bird City and his little sister, Qian Xiaoqian.

“Guys, I’m going to help,” Fatty didn’t ask them to follow him. After all, they just were just arguing with ASliverofSmoke, it was unknown whether they were going to be treated as friend or foe. If they were to just rush out, then they really might end up dying.

“Brother Grub, wait for me!” TheFugitive followed Money Grubber out and shouted loudly. “Little Sister Pink, don’t worry. Big Brother’s coming to save you!”

Original Chapter Teaser:[expand]

“Careless? How? Their mechanics were great, and their attacks and positioning were on spot. Their combat senses were also very good,” another player, most likely not too great at games, asked in confusion.

“They made five mistakes. First of all, they choose to step out of Icy Fortress’s protection. Although it was to lure the two into attacking, they also placed themselves in danger. This is a clear example of even a single mistake can be fatal. Secondly, they underestimated that Money Grubber way too much. They were clearly under a lot of pressure due to HeadofG.o.d being the third ranked They essentially placed all their attention onto him and felt like if they kill him, they would win the fight. They never really took Money Grubber’s strength seriously. But, when you think about it, since G.o.d Familia is called the number one familia, it is impossible for someone they are close with to be incapable. TheFugitive is an example of that. Thirdly, they aren’t familiar with their opponent’s skills at all. n.o.body even knew about Money Grubber’s binding attack. The reason Dreamb.u.t.terfly died in a single rotation was because she was bound and couldn’t move. Fourthly, they didn’t have any pets. If you think about it, Money Grubber and HeadofG.o.d’s pets essentially made SnowPhoenix target them. Otherwise, Dreamb.u.t.terfly wouldn’t have died in that single round at all. Lastly, n.o.body expected HeadofG.o.d to use his reputation as the third ranking as a way of drawing attention to himself. That’s what allowed Money Grubber to find an opportunity to attack. During that fight, the two girls didn’t even have a chance to use twenty or even ten percent of their strength before getting killed. You really have to praise Money Grubber and HeadofG.o.d for how strong they are. What does that mean? Only if they kill in one shot are they actually Fighting a prolonged battle is not the way of the cla.s.s at all!”


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