RATCLIFF, Lady JANE, widow of Sir John, died Sept. 12, 1874, aged 72.

REDFERN, WILLIAM, the first Town Clerk, died April 23, 1872, aged 70.

REECE, W.H., solicitor, died in May, 1873, aged 63. He rebuilt St.

Tudno"s Church, on the Ormeshead, and did much to popularise Llandudno.

RICHARDS, Mr. WM. WESTLEY, the world-known filmmaker, died Sept. 14, 1875, aged 76.

ROBINS, EBENEZER, auctioneer, died July 1, 1871.

ROTTON, H., died December 13, aged 67.

SALT, T.C., a prominent member of the Political Union, died April 27, 1859, aged 70.

SAXTON, Rev. LOT, a Methodist New Connexion Minister of this town, died suddenly, September, 1880, in his 72nd year.

SCHOLEFIELD, JOSHUA, M.P., died July 4, 1814, aged 70.

SCHOLEFIELD, Rev. RADCLIFFE, for 30 years pastor of Old Meeting, died June 27, 1803, aged 70.

SMITH, JOHN, attorney, died September 23, 1867.

SMITH, TOULMIN, died April 30, 1869.

SPOONER, Rev. ISAAC, for 36 years Vicar of Edgbaston, died July 26, 1884, aged 76.

SPOONER, RICHARD, Esq., M.P., died Novembar 24, 1864, aged 81.

SPOONER, Mr. WILLIAM, for seventeen years County Court Judge, of the North Staffordshire district, died May 19, 1880, in his 69th year.

STANBRIDGE, THOMAS, Town Clerk died February 10, 1869, aged 52.

ST. JOHN, Rev. AMBROSE, of the Oratory, died May 24, 1875, aged 60.

SWINNEY, MYLES, 50 years publisher of the _Birmingham Chronicle_, died November 2, 1812, aged 74.

THORNTON, Capt. F., B.E.V., was thrown from his carriage and killed, May 22, 1876. He was 35 years of age.

TURNER, GEORGE (firm of Turner, Son and Nephew), died March 25, 1875, aged 68, leaving a fortune of 140,000.

UPTON, JAMES, printer, died November 9, 1874.

VINCENT, HENRY, the Chartist, died Dec. 29, 1878.

WORRALL, WILLIAM, for 30 years Secretary of St. Philip"s Building Society, died May 1, 1880, in his 78th year.

WRIGHT, Mr. THOS. BARBER, who died October 11, 1878, was one of the founders of the _Midland Counties Herald_, the first to propose the Hospital Sunday collections, and to establish the Cattle Shows.

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