Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 11 Light Source

Chapter 11 Light Source

“Just where are we…? I want to go home….” A couple female students couldn’t bear it anymore and began to weep.

“It’s another five-colored altar…,” Pang Bo and Ye Fan were standing together, and the two of them looked at each other before shaking their heads. They had been best friends during university, and even after graduating they often saw one other. The two of them were the people who understood each other the best. Now, the both of them felt that the situation they were in was rather bleak. Everyone appeared extremely desperate, and at this moment there were too many unknowns and variables.

Moreover, at this moment, many people’s gazes turned from the empty and barren s.p.a.ce, and hurriedly observed their immediate surroundings.

The huge bronze coffin had overturned behind them. Under the bronze coffin was a grand five-colored stone altar which closely resembled the giant five-colored altar back on Mt. Tai, except that the colors were different and the s.p.a.ce that this one was on was much greater.

It was possible to imagine just how vast the engineering project would have been back when they were building it. But now it had undergone years of sandstorms. What should have been a high and lofty altar was now practically completely buried beneath russet sand.

Just now, the nine dragons pulling the coffin had landed heavily on the ground, and only then did the surrounding sand get blown away, revealing the altar’s approximate outline. Not only was the huge coffin lying on top it, those nine t.i.tanic dragon corpses were also lying on top of it. The vast size of the altar could be seen from this.

“We… got lost. We can’t find how to get back.” One frail female cla.s.smate was weeping as she said this, her body rocking back and forth. If someone was not supporting her up, she would have long ago fallen to the ground.

Many people had pale faces. By now, many people had made a connection to the possibilities. The scene before them was a completely different and unfamiliar world. No one wanted to accept this fact, but with Mt. Tai out of sight, and the barren s.p.a.ce before them, they had no choice but to accept it.

“Don’t go crazy! Don’t be afraid! We’ll think of a way to fix this,” Ye Fan loudly shouted.

“How can we fix this? There’s no way for us to go back. How… can we get out of this strange world?” Even some male cla.s.smates’ voices were trembling with fear and anxiety.

The unknown can cause a part of people to become full of fear, but at the same time, it can fill another part of them to be filled with excitement and the desire to explore.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo, avoiding the nine dragon corpses, walked forward and looked over their surroundings.

Li Xiaoman was not far. She seemed somewhat cold, holding both her arms around herself. Her beautiful complexion was somewhat pale, but she still appeared as calm as before, like an elegant lotus blooming in the dusk. When Ye Fan walked past her, he took off his jacket and gave it to her. But she only said thanks before shaking her head in refusal.

Ye Fan didn’t say any more. It wasn’t like he was looking to redeem anything. Putting his jacket back on, he continued walking forward with Pang Bo. Detouring around the huge dragon corpses and bronze coffin, they saw Li Xiaoman’s American cla.s.smate was also observing the surroundings. His mouth would occasionally open and say shocked exclamations such as “G.o.d...”

Not far from the five-colored altar was a large boulder that slanted into the air. It was around twenty meters high, and the slope was gradual enough for it to be climbed.

Ye Fan was about 179 cm tall. Although he appeared very thin, his body was actually quite st.u.r.dy. Back in the day, he was the ace of the soccer team. In the soccer stadium, he was nicknamed ‘The Barbarian.’

As for Pang Bo, his name Pang meant ‘Huge,’ and he naturally grew up very large. But rather than fat, it was genuine strength and robustness. He was a true heavy-man; his arms were almost as thick as a regular person’s legs.

Both of their bodies were in excellent shape, and instead of crawling up, they quickly dashed up the boulder. Standing at the top, they surveyed the scene in front of them. They unexpectedly found a faint ray of light that penetrated through the duskiness, amazing the two of them.

“We probably won’t be able to return.” Ye Fan didn’t need to hide anything and directly voiced his suspicions to his best friend. “This place is probably not our world anymore.”

“It really is not our world anymore.” Although Pang Bo was ordinarily very carefree, when he met a serious matter he would never joke around. He attentively stared at the distant feeble light source. Frowning, he asked, “Do you think this world really has G.o.ds?”

Ye Fan was also gazing at the barely visible light. “We’ve already seen dragon corpses. I think that if a real, living G.o.d suddenly appeared in front of me, I wouldn’t even be shocked.”

“A real, living G.o.d appearing before our eyes… just what kind of situation would that be,” Pang Bo quietly said.

A sound came from behind them. The 190cm tall American Kade had climbed up the boulder. When he saw the distant light ray, he immediately let out a loud, shocked shout.

“Thank… merciful… G.o.d, I… see the light,” he said with some not-so-fluent Chinese. Turning around he waved his hand towards the crowd’s Li Xiaoman, yelling, “I see… light!” Climbing down the boulder, he ran over to Li Xiaoman.

Kade shout immediately caused the group of people to become disordered, and quite a few people ran over.

Pang Bo looked at the not so distant Li Xiaoman and Jade. He said to Ye Fan, “Is that foreigner Li Xiaoman’s boyfriend or not?”

“How would I know?”

“Are you really going to drop it just like that?” Pang Bo glanced at Ye Fan.

“Some things can be restarted, but it’ll be difficult to return to how it was before. Even if we walk the same path, even if we meet twice in life, we can’t return our feelings to how they were before. Those things have already pa.s.sed. People must walk forward.” Ye Fan shook his head. Thinking of something else, he smiled and said, “You’re the guy who’s chill and free. You must get a lot of diversity living that night life.”

“You look down on me? Your life is much richer than mine.” Pang Bo once more looked at Ye Fan, then at Li Xiaoman. “My male intuition always told me that something would happen between you two.”

“Stop saying things to corrupt my reputation,” Ye Fan laughed. “Do you also have such a sixth sense towards women?”

At this moment, probably only the two of them were capable of laughing. The two of them weren’t pessimists; no matter what time, it was difficult to find a moment they looked miserable.

Not long after, quite a few people had climbed up the large boulder. The distant feeble light flickered through the murkiness like a fairy light, reflecting in everyone’s eyes.

That light source wasn’t very bright, but it did ignite everyone’s hope. Quite a few female cla.s.smates let out a cheer.

The feeble light in front of them was still in the unknown, but everyone still wanted to walk forward to it. This might have been from humanity’s nature to be afraid of the dark and yearn for the light.

“There must be something.”

“I hope there’s a miracle.”

Each person took a turn climbing up the boulder. Afterwards, they congregated by the five-colored altar to discuss how to handle this new information.

“Everything here is foreign to us. Even though there’s light ahead of us, we still have to careful.” w.a.n.g Ziwen was relatively cautious, so he proposed this suggestion.

Zhou Yi had remained very calm from the start. Nodding, he said, “Right, we should first pick out a couple people to find a path. In any case, the light is not that far. It’s better to guard against any unexpected accidents.”

The others nodded. The path was unfamiliar and impossible to predict. In this strange environment, everything had to be treated carefully.


Suddenly, a violent shaking came from the bronze coffin on top the five-colored altar.

“What happened?”

“I think that the sound came from inside the coffin,” said the pale-faced female cla.s.smate who was closest to the coffin.                

Hearing this, everyone’s faces changed color. The huge coffin held another coffin inside used for storing corpses….

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