Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 20 Ancestor Crocodile

Chapter 20 Ancestor Crocodile

A hair-raising roar came from the direction of the Great Thunderchant Temple. It sounded just like a giant, desolate beast from ancient times erupting out of the earth and shaking off its seals. The roar could shake whole mountains and rivers, and even the moon and the stars seemed to tremble, causing people’s spirits to quiver.

But following it, everything became silent once more. That terrifying roar disappeared, and all that remained were the rumbling noises of the sandstorm outside the five-colored altar.

“What was that?”

“There are other living things here on Mars?”

“According to the legends, Buddha suppressed many demons and ghosts. Maybe the place he sealed them was near the Great Thunderchant Temple.”

After only discussing it for a couple sentences, everyone felt their hearts jump in fear. As a modern city-dweller, none of them had believed in these legends. But after all the unbelievable events that had just occurred to them, they now thought of an even more terrifying legend, causing their minds to become overwhelmed with fear.

If their conjecture was true, then their situation was extremely bleak. The Great Thunderchant Temple had already disintegrated into dust, and there was no Buddha or G.o.d here. If they had to face those demons from the legends alone, the conclusion would be very obvious.

“After everything we’ve gone through today, our ideas of what is possible or not have greatly changed…”

“The demons and ghosts from the legends might really appear in the flesh before us today!”

Thinking about what might happen to them, everyone felt their body turn icy-cold.

There were countless possibilities in this world. The unknown fates of everyone caused them to be worried and frightened!

Moreover, there was a cold corpse in front of them, the blood dying the ground red with the smell of blood. This reminded everyone that their situation was already far from good. Some unknown thing had once more appeared, and in front of everyone’s eyes, a colorful life was s.n.a.t.c.hed away.


A sound came from the corpse’s forehead, immediately causing people to become alarmed.

Tch tch

It sounded like eating noises, an extremely unpleasant sound. After all, that was a human’s forehead, and some unknown being was inside it eating, causing people’s hairs to stand on end.

Creakkk, groannn

The sound of bones being ground up came out, like a sharp tooth cutting into the skull. The atmosphere immediately became oppressive and strained.

No one said anything, and the five-colored altar suddenly became silent. Many people didn’t even dare to take deep breaths, trying to remain as quiet as possible.

This kind of horror-movie scenario, with the sound of something eating and biting the skull, caused people to feel like they were stuck in h.e.l.l.

Many female cla.s.smates were covering their mouths. They wanted to cry, but they didn’t dare to make noise.

Of course, not everyone was so scared. The people holding divine relics were slightly more confident. Pang Bo was normally very imposing, but even he had been suppressed at this moment. He dragged his Great Thunderchant Temple bronze plaque over, wanting to smash the corpse’s forehead.

But Ye Fan stopped him, saying, “Don’t act blindly without thinking.”


Just at this moment, a gush of blood surged out of the hole on the corpse’s b.l.o.o.d.y forehead, along with a white colored mush. Many people felt noxious, as it was actually the man’s brains.

A black head poked out of the b.l.o.o.d.y hole. The head was small, sharp, and completely covered with scales.

“What is that thing?”

Everyone recoiled, and even Ye Fan and Pang Bo retreated a couple steps.

This was some bizarre crocodile-shaped ent.i.ty. It dug itself out of the b.l.o.o.d.y hole, its body covered in blood and the white brains, causing people’s scalp to feel numb.

It wasn’t even ten centimeters long, and only as thick as a finger. It was like a snake, but not a snake; it was shaped like a crocodile but it lacked limbs. Its body was completely bald, completely covered in black scales. It seemed like a creature straight from the depths of the underworld.

The blood and brains stained its black scales, a ghastly sight that caused people to feel extremely noxious and fearful.

The unknown creature dug its way out of the forehead, crawling out onto the corpse’s head. Its two small eyes appeared extremely chilly. It motionlessly stared at everyone, acting not like a dumb animal, but an exceedingly intelligent creature.

Seven cla.s.smates were now stripped of their lives, forever leaving this existence.  They had not expected that it was actually caused by such an incomparably ugly creature eating them.

Its eyes showed a matchless malicious intent, like an evil spirit coldly sweeping its eyes over everyone. It didn’t appear to be looking at existences on the same level as it; it appeared to be looking at food.

“f.u.c.k your mother you three-inch b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you’re not even as big as a rat! Since you’ve helped seven of my cla.s.smates die, this daddy will crush you to death!” Pang Bo picked up his Great Thunderchant Temple copper plaque, and using all his strength, he swung it towards that cold-blooded unknown creature.

Peals of thunder sounded and a bright radiance charged towards the sky. The copper plaque’s light became thousands of lightning bolts that violently surged forward, weaving themselves into an inescapable net.


But this unknown creature was extremely quick and was very difficult to deal with. It turned into a black ray that dodged the brilliant light rays.

Ye Fan walked forward with the ancient bronze lamp in his hand. He blew into the light with all his might, and a blazing divine flame suddenly spouted out, violently surging forward.

That malevolent creature who was not even ten centimeters long and just a finger’s thickness released a mournful shrill that was so loud it shocked everyone. It sounded just like the cry of an evil spirit, causing people’s eardrums to buzz and sending chills down their spines.

It was hard to imagine that such a small, scaled creature could emit such a huge and frightful sound.

The light that Ye Fan blew out covered over three meters, but only part of that unknown creature’s tail was engulfed. Half its tail completely fell off, while many of its remaining scales cracked from the heat.

It glared at Ye Fan with an extremely sinister expression. Opening its mouth, it exposed a dense mouthful of sharp and white teeth. It continuously shrieked at Ye Fan in a low voice.

“Just what is this d.a.m.n thing?” In the back, many cla.s.smates were very afraid. Even though they were grasping the divine relics, they didn’t dare to advance forward.

“You three inch c.r.a.p, with such a malicious stare, I’ll definitely smash you.” Pang Bo was not in the least bit afraid, and full of courage, he swung his Great Thunderchant Temple copper plaque, saying, “You’ve killed seven of my cla.s.smates, but only your tail has been burnt; go die for me!”

Pang Bo’s whole body was covered by a glaring radiance, his mighty force appearing like an angry G.o.d of battle. The copper plaque trembled, and a Buddhist chant shook the sky as it rumbled.

Ye Fan followed up on the other side, surrounding the rest of the dreadful creature. The divine lamp’s flame was like a furious dragon as it rushed out, roasting even the air.

At this time, Zhou Yi, w.a.n.g Ziwen, and the others also rushed up from the rear, also raising their own divine relics and smas.h.i.+ng them towards that malevolent crocodile-shaped creature.

Even though it had been surrounded and trapped, this organism was simply too fast. It continuously rushed throughout the entire five-colored altar, and it was difficult for anyone to manage to touch it.

Its malevolent cry once more sounded out. This sinister and frightful creature was chased to the point that it appeared incomparably angry and resentful, its cry appearing like the howling of nine evil spirits.


The sound of the light curtain being penetrated once more appeared. Many ugly crocodile-shaped creatures succeeded in piercing their way onto the five-colored altar. All of them were less than ten centimeters long, and they all appeared the same as the first one. Their eyes seemed equally comparable to evil spirits, and they appeared to have a cold aura filled with an extreme resentment and hatred that was completely irreconcilable.

“How are there so many?”

“Just what are these creatures? Is Mars their nesting ground?”

Everyone felt completely powerless. They weren’t G.o.ds; they didn’t know how to use the relics in their hands. All they could do was have the Buddhist items act independently to release light to resist danger. And with so many of these malevolent creatures, there was simply no way to kill them all.

At this time, a rustling sound came from outside the light cover. There were over a hundred densely packed crocodile-shaped beasts.

The people in the rear who lacked courage were already shuddering. If so many vicious beasts were to break in at once, even if they had their divine relics, they didn’t seem capable of defending against them.

“Pang Bo, don’t chase. We have to stay together,” Ye Fan yelled to Pang Bo.

With so many vicious beasts appearing, there was no way for them to kill them all. The best way to protect them was to hold until the five-colored altar gathered enough energy and opened the ancient path of the starry sky.

Suddenly, a loud howl that caused the spirit to quaver thundered out again from the direction of the Great Thunderchant Temple!

Following this spirit-crus.h.i.+ng roar, the sandstorm outside seemed to stop for a moment, because the heavens and earth could only contain this sound, and everything else would be drowned out.

The ground shook continuously, and even the five-colored altar momentarily trembled. The sandstorm outside was completely suppressed.

“The Great Thunderchant Temple…really is the nest of these vicious beasts!” exclaimed someone in a shuddering voice.

Everyone looked outside the light s.h.i.+eld, and saw more and more of those vicious beasts coming over from the Great Thunderchant Temple. Thousands of them packed densely together covered the ground with their black scales.


Suddenly everyone felt the ground violently shake. An extremely bitter wind came from a thousand meters away, a wind that churned towards the sky and settled as deep as the underworld, an air that overtook all s.p.a.ce within heaven and earth!

Even though there was a sandstorm between them, people still saw terrifying lamp-like eyes emerge from the ruins of the Great Thunderchant Temple, their gaze penetrating the darkness.

An explosion like a volcanic eruption blew up the rubble, causing many house-sized boulders to be thrown into the sky, some of which landed near the five-colored altar with frightening force.

“The Great Thunderchant Temple’s foundation…has been broken. Just what dreadful things were underneath it?!”

Even though everyone was holding holy divine relics, they probably would not be able to have enough effect.

“I think I know what these vicious crocodile-shaped beasts are,” said a trembling woman in a shuddering voice.

Tibet was the region in which Buddhism was the most prevalent and had the most Buddhist followers. This particular woman had once gone to Tibet for sightseeing and went to several places such as the Jokhang and Ramoche Temples, some of the most important places of Buddhism. She had once talked with a local Tibetan who told her of a couple legends.

It was said that Buddha’s residence, the Great Thunderchant Temple, wasn’t actually some holy land, but a place to suppress many demonic beasts. The first layer contained the Ancestor Crocodile, a crocodile G.o.d from ancient times. Its magical power was without bounds, but in the end, it had finally been suppressed by Buddha.

“You mean that the holy Buddhist land, the Great Thunderchant Temple, was sealing many unrivaled demons?”

“That old Tibetan definitely did tell me this.”

When they heard this, everyone felt their body turn. If it really was like this, then the Ancestor Crocodile was sure to come from the Great Thunderchant Temple. As for these ugly vicious beasts, they were just its offspring.

Ye Fan knit his brow and said, “I once read an essay on ancient times which had a couple records…”

In the essay’s recording, it said there was a limbless, clawless crocodile. Its body was as strong as diamond. It was capable of evasive flying, and easily capable of penetrating the flesh of the human body. It was called the Divine Crocodile.

Zhou Yi also nodded, saying, “I’ve also seen a similar ancient text…”

It was rumored that in the Buddhist inheritance, there were recordings of the Divine Crocodile; its Ancestor was suppressed by Buddha, and since then, its progeny was no more.

Legends were usually just told as fantasy tales, yet now they were personally living in one, an astonis.h.i.+ng and terrifying feeling.

“That old Tibetan said that the Ancestor Crocodile was suppressed in the first layer under the Great Thunderchant Temple, so wouldn’t that mean there’s a second and third layer as well…?” asked a female cla.s.smate in a shuddering voice.

No one replied. If the Ancestor Crocodile truly did appear before them, then just that would be enough to end them.

The rustling sound continued as thousands of small ‘crocodiles’ appeared outside the five-colored altar, attempting to pierce through it.


Suddenly, the five-colored altar shook, and a five-colored, ancient talisman appeared in midair. It looked like stars s.h.i.+ning, which then formed the Taiji eight trigram diagram, a precursor to the opening of the ancient path of the starry sky.

However, at the same time, a frightening shaking came from the ruins of the Great Thunderchant Temple. Those lamp-like blood-colored eyes rose several meters into the air. Obviously, it was trying to escape from its bindings and trying to rush over here.

Leave, leave Mars! This was the hope of everyone, and many people even started to pray, hoping that the ancient path of the starry sky would quickly open. Even if they had to float forever in the lonely cosmos, it would still be better than this place.


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