Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 40 Dao Scripture

Chapter 40 Dao Scripture

Time quickly pa.s.sed. In the blink of an eye, three months had already gone by. Ye Fan and Pang Bo gradually became accustomed to their new lives. The first thing that had changed within them was their way of thinking of this world.

During this short time, the two of them hadn’t begun cultivating, but were still absorbing the common knowledge of this new world as well as pondering the path they would take in the future. Wu Qingfeng didn’t urge them to hurry, but instead took the opportunity to tell them of all kinds of important experiences that occurred to him during his cultivation.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo both felt that this was very important. Only after another month did they finally have a sense that they had completely understood and comprehended what they had been taught. Only now did they feel ready to start cultivating.

“The Wheel of Life and the Sea of Bitterness are intricately connected. It is impossible to cultivate the Wheel of Life without cultivating the Sea of Bitterness. So in another sense, cultivation starts from the Sea of Bitterness.”

Cultivation was a difficult journey, especially at the beginning. There had to be someone to guide you, or else you wouldn’t know where to start, and might destroy your own opportunity.

“In the following two months, I will help you set foot on your immortal path. You will now officially be cultivators, and in the future, I will no longer be privately teaching you. You will go to the Spirit Ruins Cliff with the others to listen to the mystical arts.”

Although Ye Fan hadn’t officially become a member of the Spirit Ruins Paradise, senior Wu Qingfeng didn’t allow him to avoid his teachings. He treated him and Pang Bo the same. He knew that even if Ye Fan continued cultivating he wouldn’t have any results, but before the Ancient Desolation, Ye Fan’s physique had been called the number one sacred body of this world. It was a pity that nowadays it was just a garbage physique.

The first step of the immortal path was to create a firm and solid foundation. Only in this manner could one climb higher. Wu Qingfeng took out a section of what he claimed to be this world’s most powerful foundation building method – the Dao Scripture.

The fact that the Dao Scripture dared to take such a name was enough to explain its purpose. Sacred writings on Grand Daos were recorded in it, and it was considered an absolutely supreme text. Legend was that it was part of an Immortal Canon. Within the boundless Eastern Wastelands, there were only a couple parts of this ancient scripture. Only a few other ancient scriptures could be considered equal to it, and none were superior.

Of course, the Spirit Ruins Paradise couldn’t possibly have the true Dao Scripture. There was no way they could obtain them just by relying on the power of a Blessed Paradise. What they had were just a few introductory chapters. Furthermore, these introductory chapters were very common in the region around Yan, otherwise they would definitely have brought a calamity upon themselves.

Without a doubt, having the Dao Scripture’s introductory chapters was a huge blessing for talented disciples. It was possible to build an incomparably firm foundation by relying on it, granting many benefits for their future cultivation.

This introductory portion might be precious, but it was no longer extremely valuable, such as a closely-guarded family secret. Therefore, Wu Qingfeng didn’t avoid giving it to Ye Fan, allowing the two of them to peruse it.

The Dao Scripture was a truly profound and deep ancient scripture. Otherwise, its name wouldn’t have shocked the entire endless Eastern Wastelands for years. Although this was just an introductory section, it contained countless truths. Although it was short, only a couple thousand words, it was expounded on by senior Wu Qingfeng for over half a month.

Each line of the Dao Scripture had profound meanings and countless clever truths. It expounded on the absolute summit of cultivation. Even if a strong person found these introductory chapters, he would still sigh in admiration at how the foundation building techniques within could be so mysterious and clever.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo seriously cultivated each and every day. Using the Dao Scripture, the first thing they had to do was sense their Wheel of Life. They would then batter the Sea of Bitterness with Qi. During this process, there was naturally a profound and supreme secret method to guide the Qi.

But just that was not enough. Alone, it was very difficult to break open the door to cultivation. There had to be someone who used ‘Immortal Qi’ to guide you. Wu Qingfeng would come every day. Using the method spoken in the Dao Scripture, he activated the region under Ye Fan and Pang Bo’s navel.

Around ten days later, Pang Bo finally had a reaction and sensed the existence of his Wheel of Life. The next few times, he started to try guiding out his Qi from his Wheel of Life to batter his Sea of Bitterness.

But Ye Fan continued to gain nothing. His Wheel of Life was completely quiet. The area around it was as solid as divine iron. Even someone as strong as Wu Qingfeng couldn’t make his Immortal Qi enter into that place, let alone guide it.

“It really is hard to understand why there would be such a physique…” Wu Qingfeng frowned. He had used almost all his body’s Qi to attack Ye Fan’s Wheel of Life, but it continued to be as silent and unreactive as ever.

“Senior, you have to help him. Give Ye Fan a hand one more time. Maybe next time he’ll suddenly succeed,” Pang Bo hurriedly asked Wu Qingfeng for more help when he saw that he was about to give up.

“Sigh, it’s not that I don’t want to help, it’s just that there’s no way to help. No one can help guide his physique. In the end, he’ll have to rely on himself.” Wu Qingfeng shook his head.

“How could it be like that…how about you just try again?” Pang Bo smiled while asking.

“This kind of physique was the number one sacred body in the times before the Ancient Desolation. It’s not something people like me can understand. There are definitely many secrets about it not known to anyone. But for unknown reasons, it is impossible for it to return to its former glory. It most likely requires some sort of special cultivation method, or it might be due to other reasons. There’s no way to tell for sure.”

Ye Fan was still deep in his meditation and had yet to awaken at this point.

Pang Bo continued to try persuading him. “I think that senior should continue investigating. If you were to find the reason for it, the supreme might of the Ancient Desolation’s number one sacred body might once more appear, allowing the Spirit Ruins Paradise’s prestige to soar to the heavens.”

Just how many years had senior Wu Qingfeng lived? There was no way he could be moved by these words. Laughing and shaking his head, he said, “After the Ancient Desolation, this kind of physique did appear a couple more times. Even extremely powerful people from the Ancient Desolation’s Sacred Lands were powerless. Just using our Spirit Ruins Paradise, do you still think there’s a chance?”


At this moment, Wu Qingfeng seemed to suddenly sense something. Reaching out to once more press his hand below Ye Fan’s navel, he once more concentrated his whole body’s Qi to explore.

“How is it? Is there hope?” Pang Bo eagerly asked.

After a long time, Wu Qingfeng took away his hand and shook his head. “His Wheel of Life and Sea of Bitterness are still as hard and silent as ever. There are no fluctuations. But I did have a strange feeling just now. His essence blood has become even more vigorous. Although it was a very deep and difficult to sense, I definitely did feel a fluctuation for a second.

“Vigorous essence blood?” Pang Bo didn’t understand.

“Not bad. You two found a sacred fruit in the Ancient Desolation Forbidden Land and drank the divine spring’s water. This allowed you to shed your mortal bodies and obtain completely new physiques. Both of you have much stronger Qi and blood.” Stopping here, Wu Qingfeng seemed to become confused. “These few days, his cultivation of the Dao Scripture hasn’t made any progress. Even now, there’s no way to sense his Wheel of Life. But his essence blood has become even more majestic. It’s even more vigorous than yours.”

Pang Bo was amazed. ”Didn’t you say the Dao Scripture is the strongest foundation cultivation technique in the Eastern Wastelands? If it is true that it came from an Immortal Canon, then it should be very focused. The introductory chapters are all used to cultivate the Wheel of Life, so how could he end up cultivating his essence blood?”

“This…” Wu Qingfeng knit his brow, unable to think of the reason why.

Just at this moment, Ye Fan woke. His eyes had a deep divine light, and his Spirit, Qi and vitality all seemed to be at be overflowing.

Seeing him so lively, Wu Qingfeng couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Did you feel anything from your Wheel of Life?”

Ye Fan shook his head. He truthfully hadn’t felt it.

“Then did you have any other special feeling?” He continued to ask.

Ye Fan didn’t want to conceal anything from him. This senior had treated him very well, and instead of being prejudiced against him due to his special physique, he had actually wasted huge amounts of his Qi to help him.

“Although I didn’t sense my Wheel of Life, I feel completely peaceful and relaxed, and my whole body seems to be overflowing with strength.”

“Did you sense any changes?” Wu Qingfeng once more asked.

“I feel like I have an inexhaustible strength.” Saying this, Ye Fan used one hand to grab a huge boulder in front of the thatched hut, and easily picked it up over his head as if it hadn’t cost him any strength.

Wu Qingfeng immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. “Seeing your easy manner, your one arm might have a strength of several tons. If you were to use both arms, you’d probably be even stronger than an elephant.”

Beside him, Pang Bo was also very shocked. Right after he and Ye Fan had covered their youth, their strength had been basically the same. But now, he couldn’t even compare to Ye Fan’s divine strength.

Wu Qingfeng left with an uncomprehending expression. He couldn’t understand how this could be. Ye Fan couldn’t even feel the existence of his Wheel of Life, but with such a strength, could he still be considered a mortal?

Once the senior left, Ye Fan suddenly began running. His speed was like a gale wind as rushed all over the mountain. Pang Bo’s jaw dropped. “Looks like it’s not just your strength, but even your speed has greatly increased!”

In the following few days, Wu Qingfeng put in even more work to teach them, since they would no longer be able to receive private guidance from him in the future. Soon, Ye Fan and Pang Bo would have to go to the Spirit Ruins Cliff and follow the to listen to the mysterious teachings.

A master could open the path of cultivation for people, but once they stepped onto the immortal path, everything would be up to them. The Spirit Ruins Paradise would provide mysterious teachings and medicinal liquids, but as for inheritances and questions, they would all have to be solved by themselves or by promoting themselves. After all, the elders also needed to cultivate, so they didn’t have that much time and energy to squander on teaching.

“Soon, you will have to go to the Spirit Ruins Cliff. You have to be more low-profile there. If you can endure, endure. Don’t be reckless.”

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