Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 43 Divine Symbol

Chapter 43 Divine Symbol

Cold light came from the gloomy Han Feiyu’s eyes. A sneer formed on his mouth, and he didn’t say anything more. He stared at Pang Bo and Ye Fan as if looking at two dead men.

The four youths beside him advanced. A teasing smile was on their faces as they slowly surrounded Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

One of them spoke in a low voice so that the crowd couldn’t hear, “You don’t know the immensity of the heavens. There are some people you can’t offend in the Spirit Ruins Palace. Just by relying on the two of you, daring to speak the words you just said is just asking for death!”

Another youth beside him also sneered and mocked them. “You dare to act so mighty when you’ve only just entered the sect a short while ago. Do you not comprehend the meaning of death? Actually, I don’t think the two of you will even be able to enjoy death, because there are some tortures that are so painful that you’d wish death was easy!”

“There is a way for you lighten your punishment.” At this moment, one of them randomly opened his mouth. When he looked at Ye Fan and Pang Bo, he seemed to be looking at two little gra.s.shoppers that he could easily kill whenever he pleased. He mocked them, saying “You two can break your own legs, kneel and beg for forgiveness, crawl to the lake and bury yourselves headfirst into it.”

“If I were you, I would just directly kill myself to avoid living a life of torture.”

The four of them acted very arbitrary. When they looked at Pang Bo and Ye Fan, they would continuously mock and tease them. Surrounding them on the four sides, the two of them had no chance to escape.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo were never the type of people to swallow their anger. These four people’s words were far too excessive, but the two of them didn’t angrily take action. The two of the easily and naturally began to reply.

“What are these four thirteen-year old idiots doing?”

“I reckon that when they were walking out a door, they weren’t careful and they got wedged between the door and the frame. Their heads must have been crushed flat, otherwise how could they be so stupid, like a broken record of stupidity.”

The two of them acted like they weren’t involved at all, indifferently and carelessly watching a scene in front of them. The four youths’ anger immediately blew up; the two of them were nothing to them, but yet they weren’t afraid of them at all. This kind of att.i.tude that didn’t even place the four of them within their eyes made it so that they could no longer control their anger, and their taunting expressions were quickly replaced.

“Reckless b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!” one of them coldly shouted. But none of them charged forward. They had already noticed that the strength of their targets was out of the ordinary. They didn’t want to accidentally lose to them.


Light began to glow from beneath one’s navel like overflowing water, and a Divine Symbol that appeared to be an iron chain rushed out, quickly trying to wrap up Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

“A Divine Symbol attack from the Sea of Bitterness!”

“According to the Elders, such a symbol can only be formed after obtaining some successes in one’s cultivation. Only then can someone truly use mystical arts. This is definitely an expert.”

The crowd let out cries of surprise. Most of them were all disciples who had only just entered the sect. They rarely ever saw someone who could fully use mystical arts or divine abilities, so they were all tense.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo’s speeds were very quick, and they each dodged to their respective sides. That iron chain Divine Symbol shot past them, but it quickly turned around and once more began to attempt winding around and binding them.

This was their first time facing off against a cultivator who could fully use mystic powers. They didn’t know just how mighty a Divine Symbol from the Sea of Bitterness was, so they didn’t dare to recklessly touch it. The two of them once more dodged, but the Divine Symbol was like their shadow as it followed them and didn’t give them any chance to cast it off. It glowed with bright light, yet also possessed the realism of metal. It was as bright as the full moon as it quickly pestered them.


Ye Fan suddenly picked up a giant boulder and slammed it onto the Divine Symbol that was rus.h.i.+ng towards them. The bluestone that was at least half a ton collided with the chain, and a huge BANG, erupted. A deep scar that seemed like a hatchet had slashed down on it had  appeared on the bluestone boulder.

This caused Ye Fan and Pang Bo’s expression to change. Cultivators that could fully use mystical arts truly weren’t easy to deal with. A mortal would basically have no way to resist them.


The iron chain Divine Symbol may have left a deep scar on the bluestone, but it also seemed to have exhausted all its strength. It became an empty shadow of itself, quickly rus.h.i.+ng back into the youth’s Sea of Bitterness. The youth’s body shook, and he retreated two steps.

“These two gra.s.shoppers truly have a great strength. We have to be a bit more careful, or if we are injured, then our face will really reach rock bottom,” one of the four youths said quietly.

Tch, tch, tch, tch.

Four different colored lights lit up from the Seas of the four teens, and four iron chain Divine Symbols rushed towards Pang Bo and Ye Fan from all sides.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo also revealed their strength. The stone cliff was full of huge boulders, and boulder after boulder was tossed out by them, blocking the Divine Symbols.

Bang, bang, bang!

Their G.o.dly strength was shocking as half-ton boulders were easily thrown by them, directly colliding with the Divine Symbols, and at the same time quite a few of them were thrown at the four youths.

The four youths who had only just achieved their mastery of the mystical arts immediately became a mess. Although they had cultivated a trace of divine energy and could condense it into an iron chain Divine Symbol, their control over the Divine Symbol’s strength wasn’t great enough. They couldn’t avoid the boulders, and so they weren’t able to attack their opponents.

Only a small amount of divine energy had formed from their Seas of Bitterness, but just that amount gave their physiques an enormous upgrade. But if they were to rely on just their physical strength, they definitely couldn’t compare to Ye Fan or Pang Bo. With boulder after boulder smas.h.i.+ng towards them, all they could do was dodge.

The huge boulders not only blocked the four youths, but it even caused them to retreat, afraid of being smashed by the giant stones.


Just at this moment, Ye Fan suddenly charged forward. His speed was extremely fast, and he even left behind a faint afterimage.


He appeared in front of one of the youths in just a split second, punching him with a very simple fist.

This fist appeared both beautiful and powerful. Ye Fan had gracefully extended his body, and his right arm waved in a natural and skillful way, seeming to possess some kind of Dao law. His fist possessed great beauty, yet it also contained a terrifying strength as it sent that youth flying dozens of meters.

Blood could clearly be seen flowing out of his nose and mouth. When he landed, the cultivator spit out blood that flew many meters away in a scarlet arc. At the same time, seven or eight of his teeth teeth were also spit out, falling onto the ground.

On the other side, Pang Bo also began to go on the attack. His speed was very fast as he slammed a huge boulder into another cultivator’s body. The crack of bones breaking sounded, and the cultivator was also sent flying.



The remaining two people were also knocked onto the ground by Ye Fan and Pang Bo. They seemed both powerful and beautiful as their fists smashed down the others like iron hammers.

The four Divine Symbols dimmed, quickly returning to the four cultivators’ Seas of Bitterness. Ye Fan and Pang Bo picked up and dragged the four of them together before standing there and looking down on them.

“Didn’t you guys just say that we didn’t understand the immensity of the heavens and that we didn’t understand how reckless we were? Now I’ll ask you, do you guys understand?” Pang Bo kicked the four of them like he would a ball, rolling them back and forth.

“Treating us like gra.s.shoppers that you can kill whenever you please…”

“You said you wanted us to break our own legs, kneel and beg for mercy, and then drag ourselves to the lotus pond and bury ourselves within the silt…”

“And you also wanted us to live a life worse than death, filled with endless torture. You really do talk big!”

Bang, bang, bang…

Ye Fan and Pang Bo were both completely disgusted with those four people. Without the slightest pity, they mercilessly kicked and trampled over them just like stepping on bedbugs. The four of them were like mud as they weakly lay there.

“That’s enough!” Just at this moment, the gloomy Han Feiyu who had previously just been indifferently standing in the distance came over with ice-cold eyes.

Pang Bo shot back, “You say it’s enough, so it’s enough? You’re nothing!”

“Let them go!” Han Feiyu’s voice was incomparably cold, causing the surrounding people to feel like they were encased by ice. Although he appeared to only be fourteen years old, his att.i.tude did not match at all.

“Why should I have to listen to you?!” Pang Bo didn’t acknowledge him as a superior at all.

Ye Fan ignored him even more. Uncaringly squatting down, he picked up two of the teens, and in an extremely relaxed and beautiful manner, he sent them flying.

The two of them became like two javelins flying in the air, quickly travelling over forty meters and  plummeting into the lotus pond’s silt. They were like two pikes that were thrust into the pond, and only their feet could be seen above the silt.

“You’re asking for death!” Han Feiyu’s expression finally became extremely angry, and a cold air seemed to wrap around his body as he pressed forward.

Ye Fan ignored him, once more picking up the remaining two people and sending them flying. With two plops, the two of them were also stuck into the silt just like the others.

The surrounding people were stupefied; this outcome truly shocked them speechless.


An extremely brilliant light blossomed from under Han Feiyu’s navel. A glaring and dazzling cubic wooden seal that was less than an inch long rushed out of his Sea of Bitterness. Glowing with dark green light, it quickly enlarged and moved to suppress Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

The crowd immediately let out cries of shock. This was a true Green Wood Seal! It wasn’t something that was formed from the traces of divine energy in the Sea of Bitterness. The previous four Divine Symbols definitely couldn’t even compare to it.

After the Green Wood Seal rushed out of his Sea of Bitterness, threads of green air came out of it, bringing with it a crus.h.i.+ng, pressuring sensation!

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