Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 46 Golden Sea of Bitterness

Chapter 46 Golden Sea of Bitterness

Over one day, Ye Fan drank thirteen bottles of Hundred Herb Liquid. Adding on to the previous seven he had drank in the previous days, he had now used up twenty bottles. Other than the Qi in his blood vessels surging and boiling, he didn’t feel unwell at all.

Seeing him drink so much, Pang Bo felt a bit scared. “Let’s stop for now. My heart is leaping in my chest and even my eyelids are trembling in fear. What if you just suddenly blow up and I’ll never see you again…”

“You jinx, don’t say stuff like that…” Ye Fan carefully sensed the condition of his Sea of Bitterness and said, “I seem to feel something really weird.”

“What? Was there an effect?” Pang Bo immediately became happy. “I’ll go find senior Wu Qingfeng to help guide you.”

Ye Fan stopped him, saying, “Don’t go. I want to slowly sense it myself.”

Senior Wu Qingfeng had once said that Ye Fan’s physique meant he could only rely on himself, and that other people had no way to help guide him. He once said that if an ordinary person’s Wheel of Life was a lump of soil, then his Wheel of Life was a block of divine iron. After planting seeds in soil, by carefully taking care of it and cultivating, the seed would eventually germinate and give birth to a flouris.h.i.+ng vitality. But no matter how much you threw into divine iron, no matter how amazing the seed, it would still be impossible for it grow. In such a situation, only once the inside of the divine iron had a qualitative change could there be a glimmer of hope; otherwise, no matter how great the a.s.sistance was from the outside, there was no way for there to be any change.

Ye Fan was very excited when he felt the strange sensation. His physique had been called the sacred body in the times before the Ancient Desolation, but now it was treated as a garbage physique. He was very unresigned to this, so the trace of a special feeling naturally stirred up his spirits.

Pang Bo’s eyes almost popped out when he saw Ye Fan begin drinking bottle after bottle. Even his heart almost rose into his throat.

“I say…can you take it a bit easier. My heart’s practically leaping out of my chest. How about you drink the rest tomorrow? I’m really afraid now…” The floor was already littered with empty jade bottles. Ye Fan had drank over forty bottles of Hundred Herb Liquid by now.

“Don’t worry, I feel really good right now. The surging Qi in my blood vessels has calmed down and there’s a fierce fluctuation coming from where my Wheel of Life is.”

Ye Fan continued to drink the Hundred Herb Liquid until eventually, there was none left. Other than the seven bottles Pang Bo had drank, the remaining fifty-nine bottles were all drunk by Ye Fan!

“How do you feel?” Pang Bo nervously asked.

“I can finally sense the existence of my Wheel of Life. The Divine Energy Spring there is surging…” Ye Fan didn’t say anymore. Starting to use the mystical arts from the Dao Scripture, he began to batter his Sea of Bitterness.

Beside him, Pang Bo was truly somewhat stunned. The Divine Energy Spring inside the Wheel of Life is surging…how come I’ve never felt such a sensation?

The thatched cottage gradually became peaceful again. Ye Fan was like an ancient stone statue as he silently sat there in his lotus position. Pang Bo was nervously standing beside him as a guard.

He didn’t know how much time had pa.s.sed, but the calm was suddenly broken. Brilliant light filled with the thatched cottage, and a tsunami-like explosion of sound erupted out. An endless divine light surged out of Ye Fan’s Sea of Bitterness, golden, brilliant, and accompanied by lightning flashes and thunder rolls.

Pang Bo was speechless and stupefied, only blankly staring at everything that was happening before him.

Thousands of rays of divine lights, brilliantly bright rainbows, and surging golden waves shot out from Ye Fan’s Sea of Bitterness. They were accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder. Tsunami waves soared to the sky.

Such a mystical scene was practically unprecedented. Pang Bo’s shock was at the point where it could no longer be increased and he felt that all this was truly completely inconceivable. He muttered to himself, “Just what the h.e.l.l happened…”

The deafening sounds of tsunami waves within the thatched cottage were frighteningly loud. Pang Bo used his own hand to slap himself in order to convince himself he wasn’t in a dream.

“Tsunami waves reaching the sky sounding like thunder, like thousands of raging waves…” His mouth felt dry and he felt like he was in a dream. The sounds of the billowing waves were like the rumbling of a huge army galloping. Right now, he felt like he wasn’t in a thatched cottage, but standing in front of a boundless ocean that was surging with waves.

Ye Fan was silent and motionless as he sat in the lotus position. A gorgeous and dazzling divine splendor blossomed from within his Sea of Bitterness, and the sound of waves continued. Golden light shot everywhere, thunder and lightning continued to dance, and the surging waves soared to the heavens.

“That golden vast ocean…is that actually his Sea of Bitterness? Why is it that even outsiders can see it?” Pang Bo was completely bewildered, staring at Ye Fan in a daze. That  Sea of Bitterness was dazzling, its divine splendor s.h.i.+ning, and the sound of waves continued to roll over and over.

He was now certain that the sound of the surging waves was definitely from Ye Fan’s Sea of Bitterness. The Sea of Bitterness should be concealed within the body; how could it come out into reality and begin releasing these ocean-like waves?

Pang Bo was petrified. Those golden waves seemed like they might rush out any minute, giving people an oppressive feeling.

“Why is it golden?” Pang Bo voice shook for a long time before he finally slowly calmed down.

If that golden ocean was truly Ye Fan’s Sea of Bitterness, then that truly was far too different from the norm. Pang Bo could now visualize his own Sea of Bitterness, and that place was black as ink without the slightest breath of life. Senior Wu Qingfeng had told him before that without connecting to the Wheel of Life, Life Qi could only linger above the Sea of Bitterness, while the Sea of Bitterness itself would be completely void of vitality. There wouldn’t be any fluctuations of life, and it should either be dark green or black.

However, Ye Fan’s Sea of Bitterness was completely different from what senior Wu Qingfeng had described.


Above the surging golden Sea of Bitterness, lightning would occasionally erupt out. It would intertwine with the heaven-soaring waves, causing the s.p.a.ce between heaven and earth to blaze. The ocean and the sky seemed to connect, and the resplendent golden brilliance everywhere dazzled the eyes.

Pang Bo was nervously watching, afraid that an accident might occur. Throughout this entire course of events, Ye Fan had remained completely silent as he trained in the mystical arts of the Dao Scripture.

Over an hour pa.s.sed before the golden light slowly vanished. The sounds of the tsunami waves also gradually became quieter, and only after another hour did the thatched cottage once more become peaceful. Ye Fan’s Sea of Bitterness also regained its calm. The light become reserved and the sound of waves faded away.

Not long after, Ye Fan finally awoke. His eyes glowed with divine light, and in the instant he stood up his whole body suddenly seemed much more spiritual, as if it possessed some kind of Immortal Dao aura.

“Just what the h.e.l.l happened just now? How do you feel?” Pang Bo impatiently asked.

“Just now, I managed to feel my Wheel of Life, and I even saw my boiling Divine Energy Spring. I then battered my Sea of Bitterness and saw that it was a golden ocean. I don’t know if that was an illusion or some misperception.”

When he heard this, Pang Bo’s jaw dropped in amazement. Nodding his head, he said, “It wasn’t an illusion because…I also saw it.”

“You also saw it?” Ye Fan was surprised.

“Yeah, you weren’t aware, but there was the sound of a vast ocean, waves roared to the sky, thousands of rays of divine light lit up the place, and this whole building shook. We’re lucky we’re rather remote from everyone else or this definitely would have caused a ruckus.”

Ye Fan carefully listened to Pang Bo describe this. He was now convinced of what he had seen. The golden ocean and tsunami waves he’d seen were not a misperception.

Pang Bo asked in concern, “How do you feel? At the end, I saw the golden Sea of Bitterness fade away. Does that mean you didn’t succeed?”

“I don’t know if it counts as a success…” Ye Fan once more circulated the mystical arts of the Dao Scripture and a bright golden light came from his the location of his Sea of Bitterness. The light was extremely small, only the size of a sesame seed, but it was truly brilliant.

“Although your Sea of Bitterness is small, that shouldn’t be a problem. As long as you cultivate it, it will slowly grow.” Pang Bo excitedly said, “I’m certain your Sea of Bitterness is extraordinary. It’s a golden a color and completely different from regular Seas. The light even came out of you and could be seen by others…”

Although he had only cultivated a Sea the size of a grain, Ye Fan was still very happy. Finally breaking through this, he had finally established his own personal golden Sea of Bitterness.

“Why do I feel a trace of divine energy fluctuations from your Sea of Bitterness? Did it agglomerate from life essence…?” Pang Bo wondered in confusion.

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