Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 59 The Demon Emperor’s Heart

Chapter 59 The Demon Emperor’s Heart

In a very extravagant and imposing manner, these thirty-six divine rainbows at the front and the following twenty-seven beasts with twenty-seven powerful cultivators on their backs appeared. They might have only been a couple dozen people, but they felt like a huge army. They caused even the sky to tremble, as if an endless celestial army was attacking.

The sound of people shouting and beasts roaring filled the air. Mist surged and rolled, and a murderous air soared to the heavens, just like an endless ocean. Ye Fan was completely shocked to see this many powerful cultivators. They numbered twice as many as Spirit Ruins Paradise’s people.

“The Flickering Light Sacred Land, is that the Sacred Land behind the Spirit Ruins Paradise?” Ye Fan muttered to himself. Whether it was back on Earth or here at the other side of the universe, the two words Flickering Light had great meaning. On Earth, that was the name of the Eta Ursae Majoris star in the Big Dipper. Here, it was the name of a powerful Sacred Land.

“The Flickering Light Sacred Land truly is awe-inspiring!” Just at this moment, a cold voice came from another direction. The sky rumbled, and eighteen ancient war chariots rolled forward, a murderous air rocketing up in defiance.

“An ancient n.o.ble family from the Ancient Desolation – the Ji Family!” When the Flickering Light Sacred Land’s people saw the eighteen ancient war chariots, their pupils shrank and they all become more guarded, their imposing manner rising.

Both sides stopped, each occupying a different part of the sky, opposing each other in the distance.

“Contest it with strength!”

Hearing this voice, both parties charged into the grand ancient temple at the same time, deciding not to battle with each other at this time.

Ye Fan’s heart s.h.i.+vered. The legendary Sacred Lands and Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Houses had arrived. Apparently, the appearance of this Demon Emperor’s tomb was astonis.h.i.+ng enough for two giant existences to immediately arrive once they heard the news. 

“An ancient n.o.ble family from the Ancient Desolation…” Ye Fan had a pondering expression. The surname Ji was one of the most ancient surnames in China, and its power was extremely great. Countless legends had been made about this ent.i.ty in ancient China. He had never thought that he would find the name on the other side of the starry sky representing an existence at a level equal to a Sacred Land. 


The Flickering Light Sacred Land and the Ji Family were two supreme existences. Once they charged up, they arrived at the grand ancient palace in just a split second.

Around them, the vicious beasts dispersed in fear. Although they hadn’t reached the point they could take human form, they had long since Awakened. When they sensed danger, they all decisively withdrew. 

The expressions of the Spirit Ruin Paradise’s Elders all changed. Although they were backed by the Flickering Light Sacred Ground, the appearance of the Demon Emperor’s tomb was too sudden and they hadn’t had time to report it up to them. At this moment, the Sacred Land had appeared by themselves, causing them to feel a bit uneasy. Moreover, even the closest Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Family, the Ji Family, had learned about this. The appearance of these two supreme colossal existences caused the Spirit Ruins Paradise’s Elders to feel bitter, since they most likely would no longer be able to gain any profits. 

At this moment, the grand ancient palace was continuously shaking. The Greater Demons were fighting intensely with the Spirit Ruin Paradise’s Sect Leader and Grand Elders. 

The m.u.f.fled sound was becoming more and more powerful, causing people’s heart to feel bursts of pain even from far away.

The Flickering Light Sacred Land’s people quickly surrounded the ancient palace. The dozens of beasts spit out mist and clouds, climbing up the sky, causing the s.p.a.ce to tremble. The Ji Family’s people didn’t back down to them; the eighteen war chariots entered their battle formation and also sealed the sky. Together with the Flickering Light Sacred Land, they blocked off the possibility of the Demon Emperor’s tomb suddenly fleeing away into the sky.

Just at this moment, the Flickering Light Sacred Land and the Ji Family’s people both sent out eight or nine old men. Stepping across the empty sky, lights flickered, and they disappeared into the ancient palace.


The Demon Emperor’s tomb trembled even more. The battle within had already reached its peak, and divine light shot out of all sorts of weapons.

The Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Family and Sacred Land’s people quickly broke this deadlock when they entered. They also seemed to have broken many formations within, and rays of light shot out of the tomb.

The crowd surrounding the tomb immediately took action. Riding divine rainbows, they charged towards those lights. A careful inspection would show that these were weapons that were glowing with divine light, and they definitely weren’t ordinary.


Suddenly, with a violent shake, the people surrounding the ancient temple all turned deathly white and retreated as an absolutely immeasurable and boundless energy charged out of the ancient palace. It was like an angry ocean surging forth, sending the Ji Family"s eighteen war chariots flying back and completely suppressing the Flickering Light Sacred Land’s beasts and cultivators, forcing them to quickly retreat.

This blazing light ray which charged out of the Demon Emperor’s tomb was so bright that people were unable to keep their eyes open in its presence. A crystal coffin less than a foot long appeared; the immeasurable ocean-like energy and the dazzling light was all coming from it.


It lightly trembled, seeming just like a heart pulsing; it was filled with endless Life Qi, and the boundless energy swept out in all directions.

“Stop it!”

Over a dozen figures charged out of the Demon Emperor’s tomb to chase after the crystal coffin. Surprisingly, the one who was at the front was Pang Bo. His body was enshrouded with green light, and the dragon/phoenix marks on his face had become even denser. Even his arms had gradually become covered by marks similar to the Black Tortoise and Qilin. A green light emanated from his eyes, and his Demonic Qi could be considered to be soaring even higher than the Greater Demons behind him. At this moment, the only thing within his sight was that crystal coffin, and he closely chased after it.

The experts of the Flickering Light Sacred Land and the Ji Family charged out of the ancient palace with unsightly faces, ordering the people around them to stop the crystal coffin. The Spirit Ruin Paradise’s Sect Leader and Grand Elders’ expressions were even uglier. They didn’t want to give up despite there being this many people here. If they were to simply give up, all their efforts would have been for nothing.

As for the Greater Demons, they were the most indignant and angry. They were extremely unwilling to let things go like this, but with this many powerful members of the human race present, they were essentially powerless. They spread out, preparing for a hopeful opportunity to take action.

The Ji Family"s eighteen ancient war chariots entered into battle formation, sealing this region of the sky, blocking the crystal coffin from escaping. The Flickering Light Sacred Land’s cultivators also charged forward using either beasts or divine rainbows, directly racing towards it.

The crystal coffin was now trapped. The powerful cultivators rushed out to the Demon Emperor’s tomb and practically at the same time reached out to grab it.


There were over a dozen huge hands that reached out to grab the crystal coffin. Of course, these were not actual palms, but agglomerated from divine light. Each person was trying to grab the crystal coffin at the same time as they fought with the others.

The Ji Family’s eighteen ancient war chariots surrounded it, and the Flickering Light Sacred Land’s people were also free to do as they please. 

The Spirit Ruin Paradise’s Sect Leader and surviving two Grand Elders both felt helpless. Their individual strengths might be very high, but there were only three of them, which was not enough to fight with the other forces.

As for Pang Bo, he was even more alone than them. But he didn’t give up. His Demonic Qi soaring, two green rays dozens of meters long shot from his eyes, and his imposing aura grew even more powerful than before.


Just at this moment, the crystal coffin could no longer endure all the powerful cultivator’s attacks and slowly cracked. With a bang, it completely shattered into pieces.


A demonic energy that flooded the very heavens exploded out, sending everyone flying. Not one person was able to endure this berserk force.

The Ji Family’s war chariots were the closest, and the four at the very front were directly crushed. The twelve cultivators on top of them were blown to smithereens. 

The Flickering Light Sacred Land also had disastrous losses. Over a dozen people were pulped by this overflowing demonic energy, and even their beasts were turned into a b.l.o.o.d.y mist.

The Spirit Ruin Paradise’s Sect Leader and two Grand Elders’ faces turned pale, and were sent flying back hundreds of meters before stabilizing. Even figures as powerful as they had almost met their end.

In the distance, Ye Fan’s heart jumped, afraid that Pang Bo might have been injured. Although his body had been controlled by some unknown ent.i.ty, it was still Pang Bo’s body.

His Demonic Qi soaring, Pang Bo had been the first to retreat and was completely unharmed. It was as if he had long since known that this would happen.

At this moment, the Life Qi that had been released from the explosion of the crystal coffin was just like an endless ocean. Even the combined Life Qi of everything here was not as powerful as it was.

At the source of that endless demonic energy was a scarlet heart as large as a fist. All that powerful Life Qi and that towering demonic energy were all released by this small, sparkling red heart that glowed with divine light.


The sound of a heart pulsing continued, and the heart was actually beating. It hadn’t lost its vitality; this heart actually possessed such a powerful life energy!

Right now, no one was capable of approaching this sparkling scarlet heart. With each pulse, the surrounding people would feel pain, as if their blood vessels about to be torn apart. Each person’s heart violently spasmed, and many people had blood flowing from their mouths. It was too difficult to endure, and they quickly fell back.

This was such a frightening heart! Just by regular beating, it made people unable to endure!

“The Great Emperor’s heart…it’s the sacred heart of the previous generation’s Great Emperor of my demon race!” In the sky, the Greater Demons were all trembling, unable to hold back shocked shouts. 

The Demon Emperor’s sparkling heart vigorously pulsed before suddenly charging into sky, turning into a b.l.o.o.d.y divine light that charged towards the distant heavens.

“Stop it! We absolutely cannot let it leave!” shouted one of the Flickering Light Sacred Land’s seniors, his face full of worry.

“Cut it off no matter what you have to do, we absolutely can’t let it go!” The Ji Family’s cultivators also shouted, “That is the demon race’s Great Emperor’s heart; it’s the source of all its power! If it were to be obtained by another Greater Demon, it’s very likely that a new demon race Great Emperor will appear!”

At the time they were shouting their orders, the Great Demons had already rushed forward. However, one figure was far faster than the others. It was actually Pang Bo! His whole body seemed to have merged with heaven and earth, turning into a green ray that disappeared in the blink of an eye, essentially keeping up with the Great Emperor’s heart.

The Ji Family sent out eight ancient war chariots to chase after it, and the Flickering Light Sacred Land also split off around half of their troops to quickly go after it. Both parties left behind half their forces in order to surround the Demon Emperor’s tomb. 

“If I had known earlier that the Demon Emperor’s tomb was about to appear, I’d definitely have reported this to the higher-ups and gotten them to hurry over. The manpower we have now is far from enough!” an old man from the Flickering Light Sacred Land lamented continuously.

“We thought it was just an ordinary immortal cave. Who would have thought that it was actually the Demon Emperor’s tomb, it truly is unexpected. This is an affair that will shock all of the Eastern Wastelands!” The Ji Family’s cultivators also felt regretful. They also hadn’t reported this to their higher-ups and had simply rushed over here.

In the distance, Ye Fan was extremely shocked. Amongst these people, at least ten of them were at least as strong as the Spirit Ruins Paradise Sect Leader. Yet hearing their words, these were not the truly powerful members of the Flickering Light Sacred Land or the Ji Family. He couldn’t help but feel some fear when he thought of this. 

The Sacred Lands and the Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Families truly were colossal existences that were hard to imagine!

“Sect Leader Li, have you guys managed to obtain the legendary section of the Dao Scripture?” inquired one of the Flickering Light Sacred Land cultivators to the Spirit Ruins Paradise Sect Leader. Since he had learned that this was the tomb of the demon race’s Great Emperor, he immediately realized just how important the sacred items here were.

Other than the precious treasures that the demon race’s Great Emperor had used prior to his death, there were at least three other extremely precious divine items: the Dao Scripture, the Eastern Wasteland human race’s most precious treasure, and the demon race’s Great Emperor’s remains.

Amongst them, the demon race’s Great Emperor’s source of power, his heart, had already escaped across the sky. Whether they would be able to catch up to it and cut it off was hard to say. Other than the demon race’s Great Emperor’s precious treasures, the other two were sacred items to the Eastern Wastelands’ people, and those were the goals of the Ji Family and Flickering Light Sacred Land that they absolutely must obtain this time.

The Spirit Ruins Paradise Sect Leader felt pained that he hadn’t reported this to the Flickering Light Sacred Land, yet still didn’t manage to obtain anything. Had he known this would have happened, it would have been better for him to report it and improve their relations.h.i.+p with this supreme ent.i.ty. He hurriedly explained in detail, “The first divine treasure, the Dao Scripture, disappeared without a trace, leaving only an empty case, and n.o.body managed to see the true scripture. As for the third item, the demon race’s Great Emperor’s heart, it also charged away. All that remains is the third divine treasure. Just now, we had only broken through half of the restrictions and suspect that the Eastern Wasteland’s human race’s most precious treasure is still inside. Other than those, there are still some of those precious treasures left that the Demon Emperor previously used.”

“How could that section of the Dao Scripture just disappear without a trace?!” The Flickering Light Sacred Land and the Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Family’s Ji Family’s cultivators all stared at the Spirit Ruin Paradise Sect Leader, not believing what he said.

The Sect Leader could only bitterly sigh inside. There were other ancient scriptures that were comparable to the Dao Scriptures, and it was said that all of those ancient scriptures were in the hands of those Sacred Lands and Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Families. They already had immortal cultivation techniques on the same level as the Dao Scripture, yet they still wanted to forcibly plunder this section. Helplessly shaking his head, he said, “We really didn’t find it…”

Just at this moment, a melodious immortal music came from the distant horizon. Over ten women were quickly flying over, and they actually flew directly overhead of Ye Fan, startling him.

These women were all wearing clothing whiter than snow. Although they couldn’t be called supreme beauties, they each had an elegance and air that they weren’t polluted by the mortal world. They gracefully flew over like fluttering fairies and dancing spirits, appearing transcendent and beyond the unrefined dust of the mortal world.

Some of them were gently and melodiously playing bamboo flutes that were very pleasant to listen to. Others were smiling, causing people to feel cleansed by a spring breeze. These beautiful picturesque beauties all had an air of immortal purity.

Ye Fan was amazed, feeling like these were the immortal fairies that he had imagined would exist. Seeming both spiritual and graceful, they traveled on rainbows, appearing free from heaven and earth.

“Who would have thought that even the new Jade Lake Sacred Land was disturbed. The other sects should also be coming over not long from now.”

“The Jade Lake Sacred Land is always very aloof. Do you now want to fight over the demon race’s Great Emperor’s remains?”

The Flickering Light Sacred Land and the Ancient Desolation n.o.bility Ji Family both spoke out at the same time. Although they were simply greeting these elegant maidens, it could also be counted as a kind of probing.

“We were just pa.s.sing by and found that an overflowing demonic energy was coming from here so we came to investigate. We didn’t think we’d end up meeting up with all of you,” laughed one of the maidens before once again becoming solemn. “It’s unexpected that the demon race’s Great Emperor’s tomb has appeared. In just a couple days, I expect that this will definitely shake the Eastern Wastelands and countless sects will dispatch people over.”

Ye Fan was very startled. Flickering Light, the surname Ji, Jade Lake, all these words were all extraordinary. Especially Jade Lake; its name had left a profound mark in the legends of ancient China. Who would have thought that its name would once again appear on the other side of the starry sky? 


Translator notes:

The Ji surname: rulers of the Zhou dynasty between 1100-300 B.C., descended from the Yellow Emperor. 

瑶池 Jade Lake: found in the Kunlun mountains (the Kunlun mountains being where divinities reside. There are many legends about them). This is where the Queen Mother of the West lived, a G.o.ddess often a.s.sociated with longevity and prosperity.

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