Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 69 Opening the Killing Trap

Chapter 69 Opening the Killing Trap

The cold black pond surged and sprayed water out. The ancient and damaged war chariots seemed to have undergone baptism of fire and blood. Their surfaces were covered by blade scars and sword gouges. They rolled over the black water, surging forward upon the waves and wind.

“Truly unusual. To be able to survive after thousands of years, the Demon Emperor’s Yin Grave actually still possesses grave guards, it really is unreasonable!” the shameless Daoist frowned.


Just as he was distracted by them, a black arrow rapidly flew towards him, an underworld flame burning on its head while its tail had a strong black mist curling around it.


The shameless Daoist immediately used his crimson s.h.i.+eld to block the arrow. The arrow was blocked by it, but it then exploded into underworld flames and surging black mist. The underworld flames scorched the surroundings, causing many rocks to melt. The black mist then surged forth and froze the land over, turning the rocks into fine powder.

These frightening energies narrowly missed Ye Fan and the shameless Daoist. This combination of ice and fire was extremely deadly. Ordinary cultivators would most likely lose their lives if they were even slightly careless.

Swish, swish, swish…

One black arrow after another shot through the sky, a torrential rainfall of black arrows.

Dong, dong, dong…

The crimson s.h.i.+eld was continuously battered by hundreds of arrows. They were surrounded by underworld flames, as well as an endless surging black mist.

Chi, chi, chi...

Red light surged out of the s.h.i.+eld in waves, knocking back the underworld flames and blocking the black mist.

However, just at this moment, a rumbling sound came from the broken-down war chariots as they rolled onto the sh.o.r.e, bearing the Yin Soldiers.

“Let me see what you are!” The shameless Daoist bit down on his lower teeth. Opening his mouth, he spat out a green light. This was a finger-long green dagger that slashed through the air. It was like a sparkling crystal, emitting bursts of cold air is it flew forward.

Ye Fan ground his teeth when he saw it. That was the dagger he had found that the shameless Daoist had s.n.a.t.c.hed from him. Now, he took it out to confront these enemies.


The green dagger charged forward, releasing a resplendent brilliance that immediately obstructed the decrepit ancient war chariots.

The shameless Daoist’s Sea of Bitterness glowed with light, and a crimson pearl rushed out, releasing scarlet waves everywhere. Powerful divine energy fluctuations surged out of it, stopping the movements of three of the war chariots.

At the same time, a purple light appeared on the shameless Daoist’s thumb. A sparkling thumb ring caused even his hand to light up purple.

“Go!” the shameless Daoist shouted clearly. Raising his thumb, the purple ring immediately released thousands of sharp purple light blades.

Pu, pu, pu…

The sharp blades slashed apart two of the war chariots, obstructing the Yin Soldiers.

Seeing all of this, Ye Fan cursed the shameless Daoist. These three spiritual weapons were all found by him! But the shameless Daoist had come along and s.n.a.t.c.hed them from him, and was now using them in front of him.

Chi, chi, chi…

At this moment, the green dagger had stabbed through five Yin Soldiers and chopped through one of the ancient chariots. At the same time, the blood-red pearl also sealed the movements of three of the war chariots.

“Good stuff!” sighed the shameless Daoist.

In the end, those rotting old war chariots were all slashed through, and the Yin Soldiers were all pierced. The shameless Daoist quickly charged forward and claimed their black armor in order to see what was inside.

What shocked him was that after the armor of the Yin Soldiers was removed, the inside was just sand that tumbled out. There was nothing living inside. He then found a couple of Yin Soldiers who weren’t made of sand, and found that they were actually the frozen, sealed bodies of dead beasts.

“What’s going on…?” The shameless Daoist was amazed. “Were they being supported by Dao Glyphs?” He quickly went through those sand soldiers and found a small wooden tile with complex Dao Glyphs on it.

“As expected. What a clever tactic, to use sand and corpses as soldiers.” He then said excitedly, “These Dao Glyphs are all thousands of years old. Who knows what kind of amazing things could be gleaned from them.”

He quickly blew away all the remaining sand on the ground, splitting apart the corpses and collecting all of the wooden tiles into a pile on the ground.


Just at this moment, the icy-cold black pond once more exploded out. A demon with a wolf’s head, their whole body covered with black metallic battle armor, appeared. It possessed an extremely dense deathly air. It definitely seemed many times stronger than the previous Yin Soldiers.

“This is a demon that died years ago. It was also taken advantage of, but it doesn’t seem that Dao Glyphs are supporting its corpse.” The shameless Daoist revealed a pondering expression.

The demon slowly advanced. The ground trembled where it walked, and its surroundings were filled with rolling black mist.

“Marvelous.” The shameless Daoist’s Sea of Bitterness once more blossomed with dazzling green light. Cyan flames surged forward, completely encircling the wolf-headed demon.


However, this demon was not so weak. Bursts of dense deathly air came from it, forcing back all the cyan flames.

“It’s a corpse transformation. It now possesses a hazy intellect and its undying demonic body gave birth to a powerful death resentment.” The shameless Daoist was startled to realize how powerful it was, forcing Ye Fan back. He ama.s.sed several spiritual weapons together in order to a.s.sist the cyan flame.

“Looks like something strange really is happening here.” Just at this moment, a cold voice rang out. A youth in his twenties arrived upon the mountain. “Excellent. You guys can leave now…” His gaze locked upon the wooden tablets with Dao Glyphs carved upon them before then turning towards the demon.

The shameless Daoist indifferently shot a glance at him, but his expression then immediately changed. This youth’s sleeves had the mark of the Flickering Light Sacred Land.

“I’m a Flickering Light disciple. My master has ordered me to get you to quickly leave.” The youth was exceedingly arrogant, having an innate superiority feeling. Sweeping his gaze across Ye Fan, when he noticed that he didn’t have any divine energy fluctuations he said, “If you don’t wish to die, hurry up and leave this place!”


Just at that moment, the demon threw off the shameless Daoist’s bindings, quickly jumping and disappearing back into the black pond.

The shameless Daoist turned his body and coldly said, “You dumba.s.s. Dressing up in tiger skin- this grandpa Daoist is most disgusted with sc.u.m like you. To actually feign as a Flickering Light Sacred Land disciple! Don’t bother trying to deny it. Even if it were true, this grandpa would still dare to slap you to death!”


Seeing that his ploy had been seen through, he directly attacked with thousands of golden lights that densely fell like rain upon the shameless Daoist and Ye Fan.

Tch, tch, tch…

The shameless Daoist waved his sleeves, sending the cyan light flying out, easily receiving the rain-like shower of golden rays. They were actually golden needles.


The shameless Daoist rushed up and captured the youth’s neck in a single attack. Lifting him and bringing him to the cold pond, he said, “Wearing tiger skin in order to try hoodwinking me. Tell grandpa Daoist which family’s disciple you are, otherwise I’ll throw you in.”

“I really am a Flickering Light disciple!” the youth shouted in fear.

“Respected Daoist, why bother wasting words on him. Just throw him in to feed the demon,” Ye Fan deliberately threatened that youth from the distance.

“Sounds reasonable. There’s no need for all these useless words.” The shameless Daoist gently shook him, and the young man immediately fell into the deep pond, completely disappearing.

In the distance, Ye Fan was stupefied, not having thought that the shameless Daoist would really act in such a manner. His impression of this immoral Daoist immediately changed to someone somewhat dangerous who didn’t have many qualms.


The black pond rolled, and over ten demons appeared. Their bodies were covered with black metallic battle armor. Only their heads were exposed, revealing strange shapes. Some were dogs, some were tigers, all appearing demonic with dense deathly airs. Within their mouths was that youth. They tore him apart, splas.h.i.+ng blood everywhere.


Just at this moment, the cold pool began to surge. The pitch-black water changed to b.l.o.o.d.y red, becoming something incomparably demonic.

“c.r.a.p, the Demon Emperor’s Yin Grave sure-kill trap was activated by the blood!” The shameless Daoist’s expression immediately became ugly.


The heavens shook and the ground trembled. b.l.o.o.d.y light charged out of the cold pool, filling the entire sky. It turned these Ancient Desolation ruins a bleak red, shocking all of the cultivators present.

“Does that mean...we’re going to die here?!” Ye Fan asked in fright.

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