Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 80 Seizing the Source

Chapter 80 Seizing the Source

Ye Fan returned to the small restaurant around midday. He truly enjoyed the atmosphere when eating together with Uncle Jiang and little Tingting.

After lunch, little Tingting very obediently washed the dishes. Seeing this, Ye Fan blushed in shame. He recalled that he hadn’t helped with that at all yet.

“Here, I’ll do it. You’re still young, so you don’t need to do this. Go take a nap so you’ll grow taller in the future.”

“Big brother doesn’t need to. I can wash the dishes. I wash them very clean,” the little girl stubbornly denied Ye Fan.

Uncle Jiang was smiling when seeing his granddaughter so doted upon as he tidied up the table.

A towering voice suddenly interrupted this comforting atmosphere. “After not meeting for two years, this little brat has certainly grown a bit.”

A twenty-five-year old young man strode in, his face wearing an indifferent smile, disdainfully sweeping his gaze across Uncle Jiang and Ye Fan, before finally resting on little Tingting.

“Uncle, who are you? Do you know me?” Little Tingting was very sweet. Despite somewhat sensing that something didn’t seem right, she still adorably addressed him as "uncle." 

“Of course I know you. I knew you from when your mother and father were alive.” The young man had a fair complexion with very thin lips, giving people a malicious feeling. He didn’t refrain at all from poking at the taboo topic, directly bringing up little Tingting’s father and mother, who had already died.

The little girl’s eyes immediately reddened. She still vaguely remembered her parent’s appearance. She had often cried during her sleep before. After living with Uncle Jiang, with the pa.s.sing of time, she at least no longer continued to cry in her dreams.

But at this moment, being reminded by someone else of her parents’ deaths, she could no longer stop her tears. Turning her small body away, she slowly began to wash the plates, her shoulders continuously shuddering.

Seeing little Tingting so heart-broken, Uncle Jiang’s expression immediately changed. “What does the Li family’s seventh young master want here?”

The young man pulled up a chair, seating himself upon it and saying, “It’s not a big deal. I’m just someone who cherishes my old friends, so I came to check up on how this grandfather and granddaughter are doing.”

Uncle Jiang couldn’t tell what kind of emotion this man was feeling, so he replied, “With seventh young master’s blessing, we’ve just barely been able to continue surviving these past days.”

Ye Fan didn’t say anything from beside him. He had already recognized this person as the youth riding the Scaled Dragon Horse this morning.

“Why do I feel some kind resentment? Old Man Jiang, do you resent me?” the young man smiled contemptuously and indifferently.

This person had entered the Hazy Light Paradise at around the same time as little Tingting’s parents. With his limited talent, he was quickly overshadowed by her parents. He was then firmly chided by her parents for being evil, and the result was that hatred grew in his heart. When Tingting’s parents died, it was him who caused the Li family’s people to seize Uncle Jiang’s large restaurant and motel, forcing this grandfather and granddaughter to a state near death.

“How would I dare to resent seventh young master? Such a thing is definitely not true.”

The young man’s thin lips gave people an extremely cruel feeling. “Some things can’t be locked back within the heart. If there’s resentment, it’s better to just immediately let it out. Otherwise, the anger might hurt your body. Now that you’re already over seventy, you don’t have many more good years to live.”

Uncle Jiang’s body trembled, but in the end, he still calmly said, “Seventh young master, I just want to ask one question of you, otherwise I won’t be able to die peacefully.”

“Ask, then.” The young man opened a folding fan, gently fanning it, acting calm and unperturbed during this hostile interaction.

“I just want to ask whether Tingting’s parents truly died from an accident or not?” The old man’s mood was apparently somewhat out of his control as he gripped his fist so tightly even his fingertips had turned somewhat green, and his whole body was lightly trembling.

Ye Fan hastily walked over and supported him. On the other side, little Tingting was silently sobbing, her tiny back continuously shuddering as her small hand slowly scrubbed a small bowl.

“Old Man Jiang, seems like you really do have an extremely large grievance within your heart. But even so, what are you going to do at your old age? Are you really going to go risk your life? If you were to die, then your pretty little granddaughter might really no longer have a place to live.”

“How did Tingting’s parents die?” Uncle Jiang’s breathing intensified, his chest continuously huffing, his face full of sorrow.

“You can guess on your own.” The young man snapped the fan shut, turning towards Ye Fan and saying, “I heard that you led people to beat Manager Liu’s people into cripples?”

Ye Fan didn’t react, still supporting Uncle Jiang. The young man glared at him, not saying anything. He stood up and walked towards little Tingting.

“What are you doing?!” Uncle Jiang’s eyes filled with fear. Like a mother protecting its young, he spread out his arms and blocked him, hiding little Tingting behind him.

“What are you so nervous about, Old Man Jiang? You actually think I’d attack a little girl?” The young man carefully examined little Tingting, continuously nodding and saying, “They really are similar. It’s a shame the Hazy Light Fairy’s death was so pitiful. Now that two years have gone by, your daughter already seems just like you.”

Little Tingting bit her lips. Although she was shuddering, she didn’t let out any sobs, not wanting to weep in front of this Li family seventh young master. 

The young man gently tapped his left hand with his fan, saying, “Ok, Old Man Jiang, you won’t need to continue to suffer hards.h.i.+p in the future. I’ll take this girl with me and you can just continue peacefully living your final years away in this little town.”

“What are you talking about?!” Uncle Jiang immediately began to heave, pus.h.i.+ng little Tingting behind him, firmly glaring at the Li family’s seventh young master.

“This little girl is very capable. I’m preparing to bring her with me back to the Hazy Light Paradise, letting her do some work for me. It’s definitely better than staying with you and not being able to have food to eat.”

“Absolutely not! Li family seventh young master, you can’t bully people like this!” Uncle Jiang’s anger made it so that he even had trouble breathing, his eyes turning red and his body shaking.

Ye Fan hastily supported him.

“Grandpa, you’re okay, right? Don’t scare Tingting…” Little Tingting was hugging the old man’s leg. Her face was full of worry and fear as tears continuously flowed out.

The young man mockingly said, “Old Man Jiang, do you need to act in such a grand manner? You have to realize that once she leaves you, she’ll have a completely new life. It might even be possible for her s.h.i.+ne within the Hazy Light Paradise.”

Uncle Jiang panted heavily. Only a long time did he calm himself down, pleading, “Seventh young master, please let us off.”

“What are you saying!” The young man’s face darkened, appearing extremely gloomy as he said, “I’m letting you enjoy your later years, yet you still aren’t willing, truly unable to tell good from bad!”

“I’ll always stay with grandpa!” Little Tingting’s eyes were red as she tightly hugged Uncle Jiang’s legs.

“Right now I still have important matters to attend to. Tomorrow I must return to the Hazy Light Paradise. After a couple days, I will personally come to bring her away.” After saying this, he turned around and gave Ye Fan a look. “If you want to beat a dog, you have to at least check who the owner is. Although it was a banished dog, outsiders are still not allowed to easily humiliate it.” Saying this, he gently patted Ye Fan’s shoulder a couple times. “Reckless people have trouble living long lives.”


Ye Fan immediately fell to the floor, blood flowing out of his mouth. The chair behind him had even been broken apart.

The young man coldly smiled at him, swis.h.i.+ng his sleeves and leaving.

“Are you alright, child?!” Uncle Jiang fearfully and hastily went to help Ye Fan.

“Big brother…” Little Tingting’s face was also fearful, using her hand to wipe away the bloodstains on Ye Fan’s mouth.

Seeing the Li family’s seventh young master leave, he quickly stood up and said, “I’m fine.”

“Are you really fine?” the old man skeptically asked.

Little Tingting was also nervous, asking, “Big brother, are you really ok? Your mouth has blood on it.”

“An accident almost occurred.”

“It’s not serious?” Uncle Jiang worried.

“You misunderstand. I meant that I almost couldn’t hold back from attacking him. I’m fine. But this person really is cold and fierce. If I was an ordinary person, then with his attack just now, I wouldn’t be able to live for more than half a month.”

“It was us who brought you into this. If it weren’t for us, you wouldn’t be in this trouble,” Uncle Jiang blamed himself.

“Uncle, don’t say it like that. The blood just now was spat out by me, not because of him.” Ye Fan gently smiled, saying, “Speaking of which, I still have to thank the Li family’s seventh young master for bringing me such a great opportunity. He personally ran over here and told me when I should leave.”

“You…” Uncle Jiang’s expression turned suspicious.

“Such a fierce and cold person shouldn’t be left in this world. He even wants to take Tingting, he absolutely cannot be forgiven!”


That night, Ye Fan carefully examined the Li family’s movements. Deep into the night, he left the small town, guarding the mountain pa.s.s that was about ten kilometers away. This was the path that had to be taken to leave Clearwind Town. 

The hazy moonlight occasionally fell upon floating clouds, shrouding the mountain forest in complete darkness. The roars of multiple beasts continued through the night, and the mountain forest appeared somewhat eerie and frightening. 

Late into the night, the mountain pa.s.s trembled, and the loud clopping of a horse’s hooves came nearer. Under the faint light of the stars, a Scaled Dragon Horse whose whole body was covered in cyan scales quickly rushed over. 

Ye Fan quietly waited until the Scaled Dragon Horse had rushed right up to him before a blazing golden light suddenly charged out of his body, appearing particularly bright in the darkness, just like a blazing sun.

Blood splattered. A scream came from above the Scaled Dragon Corpse, but that person didn’t fall down.

Ye Fan was startled, quickly turning the golden book to slash back. With a soft plop sound, the Scaled Dragon Corpse was cut in half, its corpse cras.h.i.+ng down upon the ground. The person mounted above it jumped off, flying twenty meters away before landing.


A bright silver ray quickly charged towards Ye Fan. It was a half-a-foot long silver spear, appearing just like a silver lightning bolt.

Golden light flashed, and Ye Fan guided the golden page to slash the silver spear into two halves, its broken pieces falling to the ground.

The person who had jumped off the Scaled Dragon Horse quickly turned to run deeper into the mountain forest.

Ye Fan was once more troubled. The golden page turned into an electric ray, streaking across the darkness and arriving in front of that person in just the blink of an eye. It was completely unstoppable as it slashed off that person’s left leg.

“AHHH!” that person finally screamed out, tumbling across the ground.

Only then did Ye Fan sigh in relief. This was the first time he had concealed himself to kill someone. He was inevitably somewhat nervous and his accuracy had decreased. He carefully walked forward.

“We meet again, seventh young master of the Li family.”

That person who was rolling back and forth upon the ground and whose blood was overflowing was that pale-faced young man. When he saw Ye Fan, a disbelieving expression appeared on his face. He shouted out in alarm, “How could it be you?!”

“Does something not seem right?” Ye Fan’s expression was very indifferent as he looked at him from a short distance away.

“I never thought it would be a little brat like you! I really was blind!” The Li family’s seventh young master was incomparably angry, looking very frightening.

“Thanks, seventh young master, for giving me this great opportunity.” Ye Fan stood away from him as an indifferent cold smile appeared on his face.

“…” The Li family’s seventh young master was angered to the point his body was continuously trembling. At this moment he was both desperate and unable to vent himself, but mostly he felt furious. 

“How did Tingting’s parents die?” Ye Fan’s words were cold, and a golden light flashed as the golden book rushed out.

With two soft noises, the Li family’s seventh young master’s arms were both cut off since Ye Fan had still been slightly worried about him. The golden tome once more returned to his Sea of Bitterness.

“AHH! Little brat, even as a ghost, I won’t let you off!”

“Why do people always say such useless words?” Ye Fan walked in front of him, saying, “You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Having done so many villainous things so heartlessly, today is your retribution. I’ll slowly give you your judgment.”


Ye Fan reached out his hand and sent his fan flying four or five meters away.

“You…” The Li family’s seventh master’s eyes were burning with anger.

Ye Fan walked over, planting his foot on the man’s face, saying, “Heaven sees what man does. Having committed so much evil, did you really think you could live free forever?”

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