Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 123 Bronze Immortal Palace

Chapter 123 Bronze Immortal Palace

Those seniors were expressionless as they walked across s.p.a.ce. Their existences were like huge mountains that oppressed their enemies, making it hard for them to breathe.

The four old women of the demon race had already used up all their power breaking out of the encirclement before. Their bodies were covered in wounds. As for the seven seniors in front of them, they were originally not inferior to them in any way. If they were to battle, the results would be obvious.

“There’s no need to kill them. Just capture a few…” the purple-clothed maiden laughed, looking like a sprite as her clothes and hair fluttered.

The demon race’s women all sighed inside. They knew there was no way for them to win. If they were to fight, the only result would be their deaths. These few people had already experienced countless things, and they knew that dying here had no meaning. In the end, they decided to try fleeing.

The fourth of them all released their killing attacks, using up everything they had left. Blood flowed as they finally managed to attacked their way out, but in the process they lost Ye Fan there.

The seven seniors were just about to chase after them when they were stopped by the maiden. She wrinkled her nose, saying, “Whatever. I don’t want to see blood flow here. We didn’t come here to kill them. Just leave it to the others.”

She personally came up and circled around Ye Fan, sizing up and up. “Who are you? As a human cultivator, why were you together with those Greater Demons?”

Ye Fan calmly expressed his grat.i.tude. “Many thanks for saving me. I was originally just a free cultivator that accidentally ended up within the demon race’s land. It’s fortunate that you guys came and saved me.”

“Lies! You’re clearly an accomplice of the demon race. You dare try to trick me with your lies. I have ways to deal with people like you.”

“Ah, there really was nothing I could do. Here’s what happened…” Ye Fan invented a random story. There was no way he could tell them about the Demon Emperor’s heart. If he did, they’d probably immediately cut open his Sea of Bitterness to take it out.

She walked forward and pinched Ye Fan’s cheek. With an evil smite, she said, “Little brother, you really are naughty. If you don’t tell me the truth, don’t blame older sister for being rude.”

This maiden only appeared around seventeen years old, while Ye Fan’s true age had long since pa.s.sed twenty. Being addressed as little brother left him speechless.

“Why aren’t you speaking anymore?” A small dimple appeared on her left cheek and her eyes flashed with sharp light. Pinching his cheek, she said, “I’m actually very nice. Even though you won’t tell me the truth, I won’t kill you. At most I might carve a little turtle on your left cheek and a little frog on your right cheek.”

“I didn’t lie…” Ye Fan stalled while thinking of a way to escape. There was no way he could stay with them. His Sea of Bitterness held too many secrets. If he were to land within the hands of the Ji Family, they were probably all be exposed.

In the distant sky, golden lotuses bloomed brightly. Yan Ruyu flew by and saw what was happening. Waving her hand, a golden lotus blossomed amongst them, and the seven seniors were immediately annihilated.

But the purple-clothed maiden didn’t die. Although blood flowed from her mouth and she was sent flying, a bright light flashed over her body and blocked the golden lotus.

Yan Ruyu once more attacked. Golden Lotuses Growing in the Sea of Bitterness, a bright Variation that released bursts of fragrance. A blazing golden light enveloped her.

Yan Ruyu looked back and secretly transmitted to Ye Fan, “I’m being chased by others. We both only narrowly escaped, so you’ll need to rely on yourself.” She flew into the distance, disappearing beyond the horizon.

Although she was a descendant of the demon race’s Great Emperor, countless years had pa.s.sed and times had changed. Her bloodline had long since declined. The only way for her to escape now was to rely on supreme members of the demon race.

“Cough…” Within a now shattered valley, specks of light flashed. The purple-clothed maiden had actually yet to die. She struggled up and muttered to herself, “That faultless demonic lady really is too frightening…”

She was covered in dirt and coughing blood. Her body shook as she just managed to stand up within the rubble.

Ye Fan had a clear understanding of just how powerful Yan Ruyu was. The senior generation experts of the Ji Family were unable to block a single golden lotus attack, but that maiden was able to resist it and hadn’t died.

Divine sense fluctuations came from the distance, and Ye Fan immediately knew it was from those supreme cultivators. It was probably the cultivators chasing after Yan Ruyu who were carefully searching. He hastily hid within the valley as well.

The purple-clothed maid was startled, asking, “What are you doing?”

Ye Fan attacked from far away. Taking out his cauldron, he sent it to suppress that maiden.


She was doing everything she could, but having received such severe wounds, even standing was a problem. To be able to live after the attack of the Golden Lotuses Growing in the Sea of Bitterness Variation was already amazing. Now she was unable to prevent the descending cauldron.


The cauldron seemed ancient and simple. It grew to five meters tall as it fell down. It weighed over two hundred tons and she was unable to budge it. 

Ye Fan quickly advanced and continuously attacked. Ray after ray of divine light shot out, not only sealing the purple-clothed maiden’s Sea of Bitterness but also binding her physical body in order to prevent any accidents.

“What are you planning on doing?” She didn’t appear too worried as she stared at him.

“I’ll have to trouble you to accompany me out.” Ye Fan knew that the sight of him being protected by the demon race when escaping the encirclement must have been noticed by the Ji Family. If they were to find him, he wouldn’t be able to escape. This maiden’s status definitely wasn’t ordinary. Capturing her might mean he had an additional protective talisman.

Suddenly, Ye Fan heard a river below the great valley. His divine sense was incomparably powerful and a ray of golden light shout out of the small lake between his eyebrows, shooting out into the dark crack underground.

“There’s a river below…” Ye Fan picked up the maiden and jumped into the dark crack.

“Hey, hey, hey, I’m afraid of the dark, don’t jump in! I can protect you! The Ji Family won’t hurt you, so leave this place.” Now she was worried. If she were to be seized and carried away in such a manner it would be hard for them to find her.

“I’m used to having everything under my control. I don’t want my life or death to be in other’s hands. Right now, I still don’t need to use you to protect me,” responded Ye Fan.

It didn’t need to be said just how powerful Ye Fan’s divine sense had become. Entering such a terrible situation, the small golden lake between his eyebrows was like a third eye. Everything within the darkness was as clear as day to him. He was aware of everything around him.

They fell over four hundred meters before reaching the underground river. The water was ice-cold and was flowing extremely quickly. But they didn’t know where it went.

Ye Fan carried the maiden and directly jumped in, and the river rapidly began carrying them far away to some unknown place.

“You’ve lost it!” she exclaimed. Her lively eyes widened and her long eyelashes unceasingly trembled. “The underground river is the most dangerous of all. Days, or even months might pa.s.s before we see light again. You also don’t know where it’s going. It might bring us into evil demonic lands.”

“At least it’s much safer than landing in the hands of your Ji Family,” Ye Fan replied indifferently.

She sweetly smiled and her little dimple flashed very touchingly. Her sweet voice enticingly said, “Little brother, believe me, as long as we leave this place I can protect you. You should remember that I did let those old women from the demon race go.”

“Who are you to the Ji Family? What’s your relation to Ji Haoyue?” Ye Fan wasn’t moved.

“He’s my seventh brother. As long as you let me go there’ll be many benefits for you. I can get him to teach you how to cultivate the Bright Moon Rising Over the Sea Variation.” 

Ye Fan sucked in a breath of cold air. He hadn’t expected this little maiden’s status would be so high. She was actually the younger sister of Ji Haoyue who possessed a divine body. He muttered to himself, “Looks like I have a beautiful flower in my hands…”

“You…don’t mess around!” Her heart skipped a beat.

“You’re an important person to the Ji Family. If they were to know that I captured you, I’d definitely die, so I can only offend you.”

She hastily struggled with a reply, saying, “If you want to live you can’t kill me! Do you not know? Our Ji Family’s special younger generations have a trace on us. If we were to die, no matter how great the distance is, it will definitely be transmitted to the Ji Family.”

“A trace…are you a special member of the younger generation of the Ji Family?” 

“Don’t be reckless. If you were to kill me, you’ll definitely die as well.” She was truly worried that Ye Fan would immediately kill her. “The fact that I was able to survive a strike from that faultless woman with her golden lotus Variation should be enough to prove it to you.”

Ye Fan felt that this maiden was unordinary, but he was more interested in the precious treasures on her body. He laughed and imitating her previous words, he said, “I’m actually very nice. Even though you won’t tell me the truth, I won’t kill you. At most I might carve a little turtle on your left cheek and a little frog on your right cheek.”

“You…what are you trying to say?!” Her lively eyes opened wide in shock.

“Hand over all your precious treasures.”

“What?!” An expression of disbelief was on her face. “You...want to rob me?!”

“Right. The one being robbed is you. Hand over what you have.”

A whole month pa.s.sed before they finally escaped the underground river. They were released into a huge lake. The powerful water pressure would have crushed them into pieces if they were normal people.

It was pitch-black under the water and it was impossible to use their eyes to see. But this didn’t have any effect on Ye Fan. Golden light shot from the lake between his eyebrows and his powerful divine sense swept through everything around them, every detail entering into his mind.

“What kind of place is this?” He was completely shocked. Beneath the water on the walls were many palace remnants. Ye Fan walked cautiously beneath the water.

At this moment, the purple-clothed maiden was completely enveloped within his divine sense and hidden away by a light curtain. She was just barely able to see three meters away into the water. “Heavens, are these remnants from the Ancient Desolation?”

Ye Fan kept walking forward and a shock came over him. A huge bronze palace that was incomparably grand was in front of him. It was practically a small town! With boundless majesty, it hadn’t collapsed. It was still in a complete state. Green rust made it appear simple and ancient. Its imposing nature made him feel very somber.

He couldn’t believe that he had ended up in such a place!

“AHH!!” Underneath the curtain, she suddenly screamed. If she was able to move, she would have already fled the scene.

Ye Fan was originally drawn to the bronze palace and hadn’t been mindful of its surroundings. Only now did he notice dozens of corpses. With the ripples from his movements, the corpses emerged out of the ruins and appeared behind him.

He was unable to clearly see their appearance. Each of them was covered in a layer of wax adipocere like a coc.o.o.n, appearing very evil.

“Isn’t it just a couple corpses? What’s so frightening about it? They’re probably just people who drowned within the lake.”

“These…are wax corpses from before the Ancient Desolation!” she screamed, her face turning completely pale. “Normally it’s impossible to find even a single one of them, but this place has over a dozen of them! And it seems that there’s even more. Heavens, what kind of place is this?!”

Ye Fan s.h.i.+vered, becoming even more cautious. When he finally got closer to the bronze palace in front of him and the violet-clothed maiden finally saw that huge grand bronze palace, her face immediately became even more deathly pale. “Bronze Immortal Palace…how is this possible? It really does exist in this world!”

“Is something wrong?” Seeing her expression, Ye Fan became even more worried.

“Leave! We have to leave as quickly as possible, otherwise we’ll die!” Even when she had been captured by Ye Fan she hadn’t become this scared.

Ye Fan’s heart shook and he asked, “What place is this?”

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