Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 109 Sacred Medicine

Chapter 109 Sacred Medicine

Deep within the area forbidden to life, nine sacred mountains were connected together around an enormous abyss. The bottom of this black hole could not be seen.

On top of one of these majestic and grand mountains, it was extremely quiet. Vegetation thrived and prospered. At the center of the flat summit of this mountain was a two-meter wide spherical gurgling spring. Specks of sparkling light overflowed from it, making it appear formed from a divine liquid. 

Within this very small spring lay a person. But he appeared more like a corpse. His body had withered, his wrinkled skin was dim, and he was just skin and bones. 

“I didn’t die…” The instant Ye Fan fell into the spring he became clear-headed. The spring water had a rich Life Qi that prevented his body from aging further.

His life force had almost completely dried up, his organs had withered, and his skin was like parchment. Now soaking within this spring, he started to quickly absorb the Life Qi like a desert meeting rain.

Lying on his back within the center of the two-meter spherical spring, he sensed that even his throat and lips had dried up. He managed to crack open his withered mouth with difficulty, and began to drink the spring water.

The water was sweet, bringing with it bursts of fragrance. It flowed into Ye Fan’s dried throat and lips like immortal ambrosia, leaving a rich aftertaste. A power gradually grew within his body.

His vitality gradually returned and his flesh slowly recovered. His withered organs were also nourished back to health by the Life Qi.

He knew that he had finally escaped danger and lived. Within the divine spring, the Ancient Desolation Forbidden Land’s evil power could not continue aging him. Half an hour pa.s.sed and he didn’t know just how much of the spring water he had drunk. He could no longer swallow even a single gulp more.

Lying within the spring, he was unable to move at all. Looking up at the blue sky, he let out a deep breath. He had managed to survive the calamity. His life force was slowly recovering, relieving him from worry. 

He lay there for another half an hour, sensing his body’s life energy was gradually growing stronger. Only then did he begin moving, waving his weakened arm in front of him. His withered body had now recovered a bit, and his vitality was over half recovered, his heartbeat becoming stronger and stronger.

Only at this time did his five senses gradually begin recovering. His body felt very peaceful as he soaked in the spring water. Huge amounts of Life Qi were flowing into him from his pores.

“Being alive is truly great…” A contented expression appeared on Ye Fan’s face. Not long ago, the fire of his life had almost been completely extinguished. He had truly thought that he wouldn’t be able to survive this calamity and would die in this place.

“When people are peaceful and easily obtaining success, they will forever be unable to find content within themselves. Only when their backs are against the wall and pushed to the brink, when they truly are sunk into the deepest despair and desperation, only then will they understand that a simple and easy life is only one type of happiness.” Ye Fan looked up into the sky from the pool, his face full of a calm joy as he waited for his body to recover its vitality.

His flesh and organs were being nourished and his pulse was becoming more powerful. His skin was gradually smoothing out and had regained some l.u.s.ter. Ye Fan had finally recovered enough energy and sat up, no longer being too weak to move from his lying position. At this time, his five senses had completely returned to normal and he immediately sensed a powerful fragrance that refreshed his mind.

The two-meter wide spring had eleven small trees surrounding it, each just over half a meter tall. Green light sparkled off them, making them seem carved from a s.h.i.+ning jadeite. They were similar to pine trees with their needle-shaped leaves that seemed made from divine jade. 

Ye Fan was no longer the ordinary mortal he was years ago. After successfully cultivating, his spiritual perception had become incomparably sharper, and he could sense things he could not have before.

 Although the eleven trees were very short, each was covered by ancient tree bark. They snaked powerfully back and forth, just like a dragon. They had grown over thousands of years, giving off an extremely astonis.h.i.+ng and ancient feeling that made them seem less like trees and more like living stone.

At the top of each small tree, a dazzling golden fruit had been born. It was as large as a dragon eye, s.h.i.+ning as brightly as if it were cast from gold.

The jadeite-like green tree had unexpectedly given birth to such a golden fruit. The two contrasted each other, s.h.i.+ning exceptionally bright as the aroma coming from them filled the entire summit with intoxicating flavor.

Having suffered many trials, Ye Fan had finally entered the Ancient Desolation Forbidden Land, all in order for these sacred medicines. Staring at the eleven golden fruits, he finally felt as if this had all been worth it.

The Sacred Lands and the Ancient Desolation Forbidden Families had plotted for a long time, dispatching various groups of experts and wasting countless time and money to refine forbidden items, even giving them an imitation of the Desolate PaG.o.da to bring with them. In the end, they were all annihilated. All those supremely powerful existences had all fallen, causing those great powers to gain nothing.

But now, Ye Fan was sitting within the divine spring and the sacred medicines were right within reach. How could he not be happy and excited?

Ye Fan stood up and with two steps managed to walk ash.o.r.e. Picking the golden fruits, the strong fragrance had such a refres.h.i.+ng effect on his spirit that it almost floated out of his body. 

As expected of divine medicines. I wonder why it can only grow within the evil air of the Ancient Desolation Abyss.

Ye Fan placed one of the golden fruits into his mouth and gently chewed its sweet pulp. The dense aroma opened all his pores, relaxing his whole body, and made him feel like he was immersing himself in spring winds.  

The dragon eye-sized golden fruit didn’t even require one mouthful. After chewing it, it turned into an immortal ambrosia that flowed down his throat. He felt his consciousness ascend towards the sun, floating outside his body with a desire for immortality.

Now he was a cultivator, and he wasn’t like his previous ordinary self who just randomly ate it like normal fruit. He quickly sat down, leaning his back against the small tree, and began to circulate the Dao Scripture’s mystical arts.

But he was too weak, his body unable to bear it. Having almost died of old age, even after drinking the spring water and recovering quite a bit of vitality, he still was white-haired with wrinkled and wizened flesh. The golden energy that entered his body didn’t flow towards his Sea of Bitterness or enter his divine spring. It directly rushed towards his limbs, nouris.h.i.+ng all his bones and causing his aged body’s flesh to gradually becoming sparkling bright.

Upon using the Dao Scripture’s mystical arts, the speed at which the sacred medicine activated increased, and half an hour later, Ye Fan’s flesh had quickly filled back up, no longer appearing dried out and looking increasingly rosy. Even his white hair gradually darkened.

He reached out his hand and grabbed a second golden fruit. Placing it in his mouth, he gently chewed it, letting the sweet flavor turn into golden energy that quickly spread throughout his body. His skin began to glow with specks of golden divine light.

Half an hour later, Ye Fan felt full of energy and vitality, once more thriving with vigorous life energy. His skin had smoothed out and was elastic now. With these two fruits, he had changed from being a decrepit old man to just around thirty years old, his body surging with Qi.

Ye Fan stood up. A formidable wind would follow behind each of his movements. He no longer felt weak, and had now recovered his youth. Just at this moment, he suddenly thought of something. His expression abruptly changed and he rushed out.

A hundred meters away, the golden tome was motionlessly s.h.i.+ning. It hadn’t been dragged into the endless abyss by the Celestial Jade Sacred Lady. Ye Fan hastily gathered it, once more placing it into his Sea of Bitterness.

After taking back the Dao Scripture, Ye Fan walked back up and surveyed his surroundings clearly. The sacred mountain was completely tranquil now, and there were no more white skeletons.

Looking in the distance, his scalp immediately turned numb. There were countless skeletons on the other eight sacred mountains, and endless amounts of them continued to climb out of the abyss.

What’s going on? It’s only here that’s completely tranquil. Ye Fan’s thoughts spun, and in a moment he thought of the lump of green copper.

Being able to shake the Celestial Jade Sacred Lady into flying away, and making it so that she won’t even appear again, could it be possible that the green copper possesses an extremely great deterrence force? He was doubtful, not knowing whether it was that or something else.

Well, the Desolate PaG.o.da is supposed to be able to suppress Immortals to death, and since the green copper is on the same level as it, it might be possible for it to possess such deterring power.

The lump of green copper floated silently within his Sea of Bitterness’ spring’s mouth, lying there like a boulder that could not be shaken. He had no way of controlling it, let alone using it to fight back against his enemies. It had been the Celestial Jade Sacred Lady who had probed into his Sea of Bitterness and made contact with the green copper, not him who forced the green copper to attack her, and only then did she suffer such a severe loss. The mysterious green copper was completely uncontrollable, causing Ye Fan to feel both hopeful and helpless. 


Ye Fan went rigid. He noticed a person with flesh and blood on the next mountain closest to him. The distance was very far and he was unable to see clearly, but he was absolutely sure it wasn’t a skeleton.

At the absolute peak of that mountain was a ten-meter long, huge iron sword stuck perfectly straight into the mountain. That person was calmly leaning against the sword hilt, a black cloak covering him and fluttering in the breeze.

“Another Desolate Slave!” Ye Fan immediately made such a conclusion. A true flesh and blood body could not possibly exist here, so it had to be an existence similar to the Celestial Jade sacred lady.

“And there’s…” When Ye Fan carefully observed the other sacred mountains, he also saw another flesh and blood figure on another peak. A person stood at the summit, and a bright silver bell as large as a house was gently floating in the air above the summit.

Ye Fan’s gaze hardened, and he saw a third person standing on another sacred mountain’s peak. The white skeletons all detoured around him. An ancient ten-meter tall, nine-level paG.o.da floated over his head, seeming as if it could suppress the world.

“A fourth person!” He saw a fourth Desolate Slave standing at on a sacred mountain’s summit with his hands behind his back. Purple clothes danced around him, and a huge cubic stamp floated over his head that overflowed with antiquity, possessed of a boundless and imposing aura.

“What’s going on?!” Ye Fan was completely shocked. All the sacred mountains seemed to have human figures he couldn’t see clearly.

The bell, paG.o.da, seal, and others were the most difficult Vessels to refine. To be people capable of possessing these weapons, they definitely were not ordinary people. They had to be cultivators who had reached the very peak of success, definitely reaching an unimaginable level.

According to legends, only absolute peerless experts are able to become Desolate Slaves. These people that managed to have a bell, paG.o.da, seal, and the like as Vessels, they were most likely people who shook the world back in their day. It might even be possible to find traces of their existence within ancient histories...

Ye Fan quickly walked back to the spring, wanting to quickly completely recover all his vitality. He successively ate two more golden fruits which turned into a golden energy and flowed through his flesh and bones. 

His body blossomed with splendid light, the golden energy overflowing from his body and causing him to flicker like divine jade. A vigorous air of life spread out. His s.h.i.+ning body had finally completely recovered.

At this time, Ye Fan had once more returned to being a youngster around ten years old.

He felt a powerful divine energy, and Life Qi soared and surged through his body. The divine splendor turned him completely faultless. His bones were even brighter, condensing divine light. His skin now flowed with dazzling light, and his body now no longer appeared like a normal person, but more like a G.o.d that mortals would devoutly wors.h.i.+p.

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