Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 134 Repairing the Peak’s Gate

Chapter 134 Repairing the Peak’s Gate

That night, Ye Fan sat on Zhuo Peak’s summit. His powerful divine sense rushed out and continuously searched. Unfortunately he couldn’t find anything strange within Zhuo Peak. If this peak truly was a scripture, it was indeed profoundly hidden.

Deep into the night, the Star Peak in front of him became even brighter, filling the sky with pure starlight. It looked like snow falling, yet also like white jade, causing people to feel a powerful star power.

Such an inheritance was too wondrous. With so much star power condensing there, the light became even brighter, and over time could nourish the body, definitely having some hard to imagine benefits.

This did make him somewhat envious. Such a cultivation method truly was original, and it was no wonder the Taixuan sect was so dominant. Those 108 main peaks were truly extraordinary. 

Ye Fan threw out this line of thought, beginning to cultivate the Dao Scripture. He had no time to waste, wanting to increase his cultivation base as quickly as possible. 

He gradually calmed down. The Dao Scripture was the absolute best technique to cultivate the Wheel and Sea secret realm. There was no ancient scripture within the Eastern Wastelands that could surpa.s.s it.

Late into the night, he woke up, muttering to himself, “Once I finish cultivating the Wheel and Sea secret realm, I’ll have to prepare a method to cultivate the Dao Temple secret realm. I wonder when I’ll be able to arrive at the Jade Lake Sacred Land.”

He didn’t have any thoughts on the Empty Void Scripture. Furthermore, the Jade Lake Sacred Land’s ancient scripture was the best for cultivating the Dao Palace secret realm, so it was what he most wanted to obtain.

Ye Fan calmed down, entering his dreams, letting the moonlight spill over him as he lay down on the bluestone. Enveloped by this light, he appeared both spiritual and above mortality. 

There was another benefit to entering the Zhuo Peak: the only master of this peak was Li Ruoyu, who simply didn’t have the time or desire to investigate Ye Fan’s past. If he were to enter the other peaks, his ident.i.ty might be crystal clear to them by now.

The second day, Ye Fan started to search all over the mountain, but was unable to find even a single spiritual medicine, or even a spiritual root. This was no different from a wild mountain.

A couple ominous crows cawed, flying from the old dried-up trees, filling the quiet and making it appear even more bleak.

He truly couldn’t imagine that such a wild land was one of the main peaks of the Taixuan sect, representing a powerful inheritance. 

Around noon, he returned to the mountain peak. The broken temples and the courtyard were covered with weeds half as tall as a person. A wild hare jumped around within, making him speechless.


He threw a rock at it and the hare died. Starting a fire, a pleasant fragrance soon started to drift out. The rabbit meat was roasted golden brown, grease dripping into the fire.

“Zhuo Peak, dried up vines and dead trees, crows perching within the temple halls, hares jumping around…it really is too…” Ye Fan muttered to himself.

Li Ruoyu saw him from a distant broken temple, not paying any attention. Closing his eyes, he was as quiet as the dead trees around him.

Just at this moment, someone’s ridiculing voice rang out, “The 108 main peaks represent the Taixuan sect’s 108 powerful inheritances. Those main peaks are important sacred lands. Nowadays, this place is completely barren and pitiful.”

An arrogant young man wearing blue clothes descended down from a divine rainbow. His head was held very high, wrinkling his brow at the fire.

“What, you want to eat rabbit?” Ye Fan  ridiculed him, light as a feather.

This youngster never thought that a disciple who had just entered the sect would dare act so brazenly. He immediately said darkly, “Big guts. The main peaks are holy lands, how can you blaspheme against them like this?”

“Who are you talking about? Come, take him out and show me,” Ye Fan replied indifferently and continued roasting the rabbit meat carelessly.

“Can you not understand what I’m saying?” He walked right up to Ye Fan, looking down at Ye Fan and saying, “How can an ordinary fire be started on the main peaks, the vulgar stench of meat freely floating…”

Ye Fan did as he pleased, constantly turning the rabbit spit.”If delicious rabbit meat is vulgar, then your soft and tender flesh is what? Is it mortal flesh?”

Originally the arrogant youngster only came here to mock him, not thinking that Ye Fan wouldn’t fear him at all. He angrily shouted, “This is an immortal sacred land, you can’t blaspheme against it!”

“There are no Immortals here, no G.o.ddesses, so who am I blaspheming against?” Ye Fan took the golden rabbit meat off the fire and started to tear into it, no longer bothering with the youngster.

“You…reckless fool! Acting so disgracefully on a main peak is something the Taixuan sect will not forgive you for!” He gloomily advanced and was just about to attack.

“Stop trying to give me a bad name. What do you mean, reckless fool? How am I disgracing the Taixuan sect?” Ye Fan glanced at him, saying, “Don’t act like an imposing senior brother in front of me.”

“I’ll arrest you and send you to the Heavenly Punishment Cliff!” he coldly smiled, reaching out a hand to grab him.

“Wait!” Ye Fan blocked him, saying, “Where are you from? Even Zhou Peak’s Elder Li is here and hasn’t said anything. Are you even from Zhuo Peak for you to dare act in such a manner?”

“As a Taixuan disciple, I naturally have the right to protect this immortal sacred land!” His five fingers reached out towards Ye Fan’s neck.

Ye Fan shouted towards the broken temple, “Senior Li Ruoyu, Zhuo Peak is our inheritance, are disciples from other main peaks allowed to touch me?”

“Other than the Sect Leader and a couple Grand Elders, the other mains peaks are not allowed. They have to wait for me to let them in,” Li Ruoyu’s rang out.

“In that case, you intruding on my Zhuo Peak’s important land is a great crime that needs to be punished!” Ye Fan flashed, dodging his claw, throwing a stone from the ground that was as fast as lightning, slamming into him.


The stone struck his face, causing his blood to burst out of his nose. Swaying a couple times, the intense pain caused tears to flow down his face and he almost fell unconscious to the ground.

“Intruding on Zhuo Peak’s precious land, you really are reckless, disgracing the Taixuan sect! Your crime is great and you must be punished!” Ye Fan turned him around, his right arm holding a stone as he once more struck his face. Blood and saliva flew everywhere.

Pow, pow…

He was knocked unconscious, his mouth now broken as he twitched on the ground.


Half a day later, he was awoken by Ye Fan. At this time, Li Ruoyu walked over and asked, “What did you come here for?”

He awoke completely, immediately remembering what had just happened. His expression became ugly; he was actually knocked unconscious by someone? He couldn’t bear it, wanting to attack Ye Fan.

Li Ruoyu blocked him, darkly saying, “Insolence!”

“Greetings senior master,” he coldly greeted the elder, suppressing his anger. Bowing, he said, “Each of the main peaks’ disciples will have a compet.i.tion three months from now. I came to give you an invitation.” Stopping here, he handed over a letter.

“Ok, you can go now,” Li Ruoyu nodded.

His eyes flashed with cold light. With one last glance at Ye Fan, he turned and left. 

“Next time don’t shout and make such a disturbance on other main peaks. You’re not a Grand Elder,” mocked Ye Fan from behind him.

“You…” The blue-clothed man was furious, but he didn’t dare do anything in front of senior Li Ruoyu. Soaring into the sky, he flew away towards the Star Peak in front of them.

Li Ruoyu glanced at Ye Fan, but didn’t say anything, tottering back to that broken temple to sit in meditation.

“Great perfection seems flawed, great status seems humble, great skill seems clumsy…” Ye Fan muttered to himself, carefully pondering over these twelve words and once more beginning to wander around Zhuo Peak. 


Half an hour later, several figures descended midway up the mountain to block Ye Fan, the blue-clothed man among them.

“Who do you think you are to just come to my Zhuo Peak whenever you want?” Ye Fan swept his gaze over these people from the Star Peak. 

Other than the blue-clothed man’s ashen face, the others were all laughing heartily. 

“It’s rare for Zhuo Peak to have even a single disciple. Looks like it’ll be less quiet and more exciting now.”

“As a senior brother, I’ll teach you manners. In the future when you see us, you have to bow in greeting, do you understand?”

Two of them came up, one trying to force down Ye Fan’s head and the other kicking towards his knees to make him kneel.

“What are you doing?” Ye Fan dodged to the side. “This is a main peak, it represents a legacy. People from the other main peaks are not allowed to randomly enter.”

“Hahaha…” they all laughed.

“As if Zhuo Peak required someone to allow us entry.”

“This place is no different from an empty mountain, and we can freely come here whenever.”

Two of them once more tried to push Ye Fan’s head down and another two tried to kick in his legs, wanting him to kneel.

“Would you dare act like this on other main peaks?” Ye Fan stepped back a couple steps. “You’re too overbearing!”

“Naïve fellow, this older brother will teach you to understand the current situation!”

“I’ll return that sentence back to you!” Ye Fan grabbed the arms of the people trying to force his head down and twisted. The sound of bones cracking immediately rang out.

At the same time, his right leg swung out, and the two people trying to kick his legs to force him into kneel were knocked heavily to the ground.

The blue-clothed youth and another person both became frightened and soared up into the sky, trying to flee.

A huge boulder that weighed many tons was thrown at them. It moved faster than lightning, smas.h.i.+ng into their bodies.


Their miserable screams rang out as the two of them were smashed out of the air. Their injuries were very severe, with most of the bones in their bodies broken.

Ye Fan had easily beat these people until they could only roll on the ground. Walking over, he trampled over the blue-clothed youth’s face, saying, “You’re really something, you know that?”


Like playing soccer, he sent him flying out, landing upon a distant old vine.

He then arrived at two of the others, stepping on their hands and saying, “You want to teach me how to lower my head and how to bow to greet you? Why don’t you give me a demonstration?”


Ye Fan raised his feet and kicked them flying out to smash into an old tree behind them.

“You guys want to make me kneel?” Ye Fan arrived in front of the final two. With two more kicks, they were sent soaring high into the air before cras.h.i.+ng down onto the ground.

“Remember, Zhuo Peak is a main peak with a powerful legacy. If you want to come here, you need to make a report and have someone let you in at the gate,” Ye Fan spoke righteously, placing a bad name onto them. At this time, Li Ruoyu soundlessly appeared, standing not far from there.

“Alright. From today onwards, no one is allowed to intrude into Zhuo Peak without reporting it first.” Casually saying this sentence, the old man once more disappeared into the forest.

The fact that Zhuo Peak was once more reinforcing the rules of its gate spread quickly. Especially in Star Peak, there were many disciples who were furious once they learned that their fellow disciples had been heavily wounded.

Ye Fan returned to the mountain peak. Li Ruoyu didn’t say anything, handing him an ancient bow and nine feathers, along with a yellow notebook.


“Senior Li, the retaliation forces of the Star Peak have arrived!” Near dusk, Ye Fan noticed that dozens of Star Peak disciples were now right outside Zhuo Peak’s airs.p.a.ce.

“Didn’t I give you that bow and those arrows…” Li Ruoyu sat within the broken temple, closing his eyes and only saying one sentence.

Ye Fan was bewildered. This feeble-appearing old man was definitely not as simple as he seemed. He soared into the sky and roared, “You go too far! This is a main peak with an inheritance, but you actually just randomly fly over it? If it was the other flouris.h.i.+ng main peaks, would you dare act like this?”

The angry replies from the Star Peak’s disciples immediately rained down upon him.

Ye Fan straightforwardly nocked an arrow, and the ancient bow immediately released an extremely frightening fluctuation. A distance old crow cawed, turning into a black light that entered into the arrow in Ye Fan’s hand.

Such a result caused Ye Fan to be flabbergasted. He felt as if the arrow had now become a blazing sun, possessing a terrifying might that was impossible to fathom.

The Star Peak disciples in the sky were all alarmed, and one of them shouted, “Quick, retreat!”

Ye Fan didn’t dare release this arrow. He sensed that if were to release it, it was possible for a hole in s.p.a.ce to be ripped open. The ancient bow and arrows that the old man had given him were too mysterious, possessing unfathomable might.

Of course, the most shocking thing was that Zhuo Peak’s nine unique old crows all turned into black rays that submerged into the nine arrows on him. At this moment he had only nocked the black arrow to the bowstring, and that had already caused the sky to tremble.

“This is definitely a precious treasure!” Ye Fan was now sure that his decision to stay within Zhuo Peak was the right one. This place had far too many mysteries. 

With the arrow ready, Ye Fan turned to aim it at all the people in the sky. They all immediately fled for their lives.

In the distance, several figures were quickly charging over. The Star Peak Elder arrived in front of them and loudly shouted, “Senior brother Li, please be lenient!”

“Just frightening them off is enough,” said Li Ruoyu.

The disciples from the Star Peak had all scattered, most of their faces deathly pale.

“Wasn’t the ancient bow of legends lost along with Zhuo Peak’s inheritance? Why did it suddenly appear here?”

“Those nine old crows are always here, I never thought they would be this frightening. To be able to merge with those nine arrows, just what are they?” 

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