Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 149 Almighty Peac.o.c.k King

Chapter 149 Almighty Peac.o.c.k King

The Watercloud Lake outside the Taixuan Sect was completely unstable now. Even existences like Nan Gongzheng and the Peac.o.c.k were attracted by it.

Watercloud Lake held the Bronze Immortal Palace at its bottom. Countless cultivators rushed over here like it was a divine light within the darkness. Experts were moths flying towards the flame, as this place possessed an incomparably devilish power.

Powerful ancestral figures wished to achieve Immortality, while ordinary cultivators wished to have a glance at the true form of the palace. The nation of Wei was thrown into turbulent times.

After leaving, Ye Fan didn’t plan to return again. In order to escape, he had had to toss out the Bronze Immortal Palace to create a huge disturbance.

Right now he felt a bit awkward. He wanted to traverse the void, but he was completely unable to. 

“Is there really no way?” He frowned, feeling at his wit’s end.

The Bronze Immortal Palace not only disturbed the southern region, even the most distant northern region sent powerful figures over.

From the northern region of the Eastern Wastelands, the Jiang Family and the other Sacred Lands and n.o.ble families all sent people over.

“Once this is over the northern region’s people will definitely have to return. Could I borrow that ability of theirs?” Ye Fan started to wander around this region, making discreet inquiries about the northern region’s powerful figures and the sects’ relations.

At this time, Ye Fan was now over fifteen thousand kilometres away from the Taixuan Sect. He was now far enough and didn’t feel worried. He didn’t continue fleeing further. From a couple cultivators he learned a couple useful pieces of information.

The northern region’s Sacred Lands truly did control a few small powers within the southern region to use as chess pieces. This was so that it was more convenient when they needed to send disciples over there.

Just as Ye Fan was actively preparing, a news that shook the southern region suddenly reached his ears.

After the demon race’s almighty Peac.o.c.k King appeared back in the world, he didn’t first go to the Bronze Immortal Palace but to the Ji Family. With one palm he crushed their gate plaque and sent the Ji Family’s great gate flying.

This was definitely a huge matter!

A n.o.ble family whose legacy extended back to the Ancient Desolation had always been a towering existence with deep inside information. Very few people would dare provoke such a figure.

Crus.h.i.+ng the gate plaque and sending the great gate flying was an extremely grave and huge matter.

This news created huge waves in the southern region.

The Eastern Wastelands’ southern region was already a completely mess with the appearance of the immortal palace. Cultivators had come from all directions, and now with this additional news, the entire land become completely chaotic.

Who was the Peac.o.c.k King? That was an almighty member of the demon race who had been invincible within this southern region eight hundred years ago. After all these years of silence, most people thought he had died. But instead he actually once more appeared in this world, directly attacking an Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Family. Everyone was wondering why he would do such a thing.

This was a true peak figure, and it was hard to imagine his impact. Every word and action would be closely paid attention to, each of his moves could be a signal. Even a slight movement of his was enough to incite a ma.s.sive reaction.

Could it be that the demon race was about to wage war on the human race?

Different people had different theories, and the atmosphere within the southern region became extremely tense.

The Ji Family whose legacy extended back the Ancient Desolation was one of the greatest powers of the human race. A huge existence like that was enough to topple countless nations.

Just what was the Peac.o.c.k King trying to do? Provoking the Ji Family like this would have unimaginable consequences.

But news of a secret quickly pa.s.sed to these cultivators. Everything was due to the Demon Emperor’s descendant. The Peac.o.c.k King was doing this for Yan Ruyu.

Several months ago, the Ji Family had attacked the demon race within the nation of Wei in order to s.n.a.t.c.h the Demon Emperor’s sacred weapon. Many Greater Demons had died there while Yan Ruyu broke out of the entrapment.

Although she was a descendant of the Demon Emperor, many years had already pa.s.sed. The glory of the past could not continue forever.

Yan Ruyu fled far away, seeking refuge with the experts of the demon race. In the end, very few people actually helped her. Some even attacked her out of greed when they heard she possessed the Demon Emperor’s sacred weaon.

As a descendant of the demon race’s Great Emperor, being forced into such a situation truly showed the hypocrisy of the world.

Yan Ruyu sought shelter with the Peac.o.c.k King. When he heard news of her wis.h.i.+ng to seek his asylum, he left his seclusion of eight hundred years and said he was now going to help her.

The Peac.o.c.k King didn’t barge into the Ji Family because such a huge existence was too unfathomable. If he had, even as an almighty member of the demon race he could still die there.

The Ji Family became furious, sending out the order to their ancestors to kill him.

Even the Peac.o.c.k King’s name was famous and had swept through the southern region eight hundred years ago, the Ji Family would not just swallow this anger.

Everyone knew that the Sacred Lands and Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Families had extremely deep information. When they were at their weakest points, at the most critical time they would always have experts appear to save them from calamity.

As for the current flouris.h.i.+ng Ji Family, it was completely unfathomable and they had to kill the Peac.o.c.k King.

“This is a huge matter. The Peac.o.c.k King intends to establish his might!”

“On the other side, the Ji Family’s experts are unstoppable. But the Peac.o.c.k King won’t wait for them to catch up to him. In the end, this matter might still end up unsettled.”

“The Peac.o.c.k King is an almighty existence of the demon race. It’s hard to predict who would win, but the Ji Family has grasped the initiative, after all, they are a huge power.”

Everyone had their own opinions, each having different theories.

Ye Fan’s heart shook. The Peac.o.c.k Peak was extraordinarily powerful, but the Ji Family was a supreme existence that could not be underestimated. From the various cultivators’ mouths Ye Fan speculated the two were almost equal.

After just one day, a shocking news shook the Eastern Wastelands’ southern region. The Peac.o.c.k King had suddenly appeared in Wei, killing every single of the Grand Elders currently residing within the Taixuan Sect.

This was like a huge earthquake, the news causing everyone to gasp. The Peac.o.c.k King was obviously prepared for war. Not only did he smash the gate plaque, he gave the Ji Family no face at all.

Just what kind of existences were the Ji Family’s Grand Elders? They were supreme existences, capable of shaking the land with just a step. Few would dare fight with them due to how great their status was.

But the Peac.o.c.k King actually killed all of them in front of a huge crowd. This was a huge tumultuous affair.

“The Peac.o.c.k King is too powerful, to even be able to kill the Ji Family’s Grand Elders…”

“Those Grand Elders come from the Ji Family, an existence whose legacy extends back to the Ancient Desolation. All of their cultivation bases are too deep to fathom, but the Peac.o.c.k King actually still managed to kill them. It really is shocking…”

Everyone was apprehensive, feeling cold.

“The Peac.o.c.k King’s battle power he displayed isn’t shocking. After all, eight hundred years ago he was unable to find a rivel within the southern region.”

“Right, he is an almighty existence. His power overflows the heavens, sweeping away everything before him. Only this is an almighty.”

The Peac.o.c.k King’s movements completely shook the Eastern Wastelands’ southern region. As soon as he left seclusion, he once more revealed his past might.

His past affairs and accomplishments caused people to be stupefied. The Peac.o.c.k King had never before been defeated within the southern region, and only then did he obtain the name one of the almighty members of the demon race.

It could be said that his success and glory was inestimatable eight hundred years ago. His accomplishments were astonis.h.i.+ng and stunned everything.

Ordinary cultivators were only capable of living over a hundred years. Eight hundred years was absolutely far too shocking!

Or maybe it could only be considered a number is all. But it might be remembered that it was still a very long time of history.

Ye Fan immediately thought of the other side of the starry sky when he heard of this eight hundred years ago. Eight hundred years ago on Earth would place them in the Song Dynasty, a distant past.

Thinking about past affairs, people found that the Peac.o.c.k King was truly worthy of his name. This was not his first time killing supreme existences’ Grand Elders. Eight hundred years ago he had once fought the Flickering Light Sacred Land’s two glorious great figures, creating a huge crontroversy. 

He was chased by the Flickering Light Sacred Land for over fifty years, but they were unable to kill him.

In that era, he was experienced countless battles, and his might cowered the Eastern Wastelands’ southern region. Amongst his battles was one with the Flickering Light Sacred Master that received worldwide attention. That battle had been world-shaking, eclipsing all else.

The Peac.o.c.k King and the Flickering Light Sacred Master fought for three days, the end result a tie. But this was enough for him to look down on everyone, as a Sacred Land’s master was a peak figure within the entire Eastern Wastelands.

He then fled far. It was that battle that gave him his famous name, obtaining him the t.i.tle of an almighty.

The Ji Family was infuriated by the deaths of their Grand Elders.

The Ji Family’s powerful ancestors who had left for the Bronze Immortal Palace all changed their destination, beginning to chase the Peac.o.c.k King. Even the Ji Family’s master personally came in order to kill this almighty member of the demon race.

The Peac.o.c.k King might be able to withstand the Ji Family’s peak existences, but he was unable to truly contend against their huge power. He could only flee far away.

Was he going to stop just like this? Everyone thought that just like this he would once more go into seclusion.

However, another piece of news quickly came that the Peac.o.c.k King had once more attacked, killing several of the Ji Family’s ancestors. This included the experts who were guarding the Ji Haoyue. He had unexpectedly gone after the Ji Family’s divine body.

This was even more important than anything else before. The divine body was not like anything else. Everyone knew that it would the divine protector of the Ji Family in the future, allowing them to prosper for thousands of years, the very root of their life.

All the great figures knew of the divine body’s threat, but they didn’t dare try to eliminate it. That would completely infuriate the Ji Family, and they would not rest before dying.

But the Peac.o.c.k King wanted to kill the Ji Family’s future hope, their future Eastern Wastelands divine king!

It could be said that the he had now truly touched on the Ji Family’s sore spot. At the same time, the Ji Family was very nervous, dispatching huge experts in every direction to search for and rescue him.’

The Eastern Wastelands’ southern region was thrown into completely turmoil, all kinds of rumors pa.s.sing back and forth.

“Ji Haoyue truly is worthy of being the Eastern Wastelands’ divine body, the future divine king. He actually managed to survive and escape somewhere secret.”

“The newest piece of information is that those ancestors guarding Ji Haoyue were all completely killed. He only managed to flee by himself with the Peac.o.c.k King now chasing afer him. It seems he absolutely wants to completely exterminate the Ji Family’s hope.”

The Ji Family was extremely powerful, their might being a deterrence to anyone within the Eastern Wastelands, but they couldn’t control everywhere. In such a short time there was no way they could find Ji Haoyue or communicate with him. All they could do was follow those ancestors’ corpses to chase after.

“c.r.a.p, the Eastern Wastelands’ southern region is about to flip. If the divine body dies, the Ji family will definitely overturn this entire land!”

“To even dare provoke the Ji Family, the Peac.o.c.k King’s divine might is truly unfathomable!”

The Peac.o.c.k King comparable to the mighty ancients had existed for years, possessing a power that no one was able to clearly say. Some guessed his lifespan was reaching the end, and thus he was not afraid of the consequences.

Ye Fan considered all these things to have nothing to do with him so he didn’t pay them much attention.

In a small rural village where dogs and chickens ran about, he suddenly heard a weak cry. “Little brat…”

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