Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 61 Perfect Woman

Chapter 61 Perfect Woman

Similar to the dragon, the qilin was also from legends, and its existence was only pa.s.sed on through stories and writings. Since ancient times, basically no one had ever seen one. Just like the dragon, only impure bloodlines continued to be pa.s.sed on within this world. People often mistook it for some kind of dragon, such as the Flood Dragon. These qilins’ bloodline were incomplete, and a true qilin had not been seen in a long time. Only some beasts that had similar shapes continued to exist, and they were called qilin beasts.

This kind of impure bloodline beast from the Ancient Desolation had a very diluted amount of divine blood, but its strength could be still be considered incomparably powerful, comparable to Greater Demons. The appearance of a carriage pulled by nine beasts with qilin heads truly was an ostentatious display, leaving people no choice but to be shocked. 

Dozens of divine rainbows came over to clear the path. The nine qilin-headed Ancient Desolation beasts surged forward and stopped right in front of the Demon Emperor’s tomb. The jade carriage was sparkling bright with colorful rays spreading everywhere. Divine clouds lingered around it, making it appear extremely extraordinary.

One of the seniors of the Flickering Light Sacred Land quietly said, “When the top members of the Ancient Desolation n.o.bility’s Ji Family go out, they use nine Flood Dragons to pull a carriage. Using that as a base, this person who has nine qilin beasts pulling a carriage for him must definitely have a supreme status.”

The Ji Family’s cultivators bitterly laughed when they heard this. “The only ones who can use the nine Flood Dragons to pull a carriage are the head of the family and one of the senior clan uncles. With the display this person is showing, even if they aren’t the head of one of the Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Families, they definitely aren’t much lower.”

The Flickering Light Sacred Land and Ji Family’s cultivators were all apprehensive, not daring to go forward to greet this powerful and mysterious existence from some unknown divine land. The Jade Lake Sacred Land’s women were also quietly discussing this, but they were unable to guess just who this person would be.

After the nine qilin beasts stopped, no activity came from within the jade carriage. The person inside didn’t come out, seeming silently waiting for something. On the other side, the huge s.h.i.+p made of divine jade also stopped in midair before coming too close, apparently somewhat afraid of the jade carriage.

This was obviously just the beginning. Many sects would quickly rush over here. By daybreak, at least a thousand people would be gathered here. Once the news finished spreading, this place would definitely flare up with people. The Demon Emperor’s tomb was something that could attract every single cultivator within the Eastern Wastelands.

“The importance of the appearance of the tomb of a Great Emperor of the demons is far too important. Those distant Sacred Lands will definitely place a set of Dao Glyphs within their grounds, condensing Heavenly Power in order to open up an ancient path that will allow them to quickly pa.s.s through s.p.a.ce and arrive within Yan.”

The light from the Demon Emperor’s tomb soared, and the number of people there continued to increase, and occasionally people would quietly discuss what was happening. Even if they weren’t able to fight over the precious treasures, they had still rushed over here in order to personally witness this huge affair that would shake the Eastern Wastelands.

Ye Fan didn’t wish to stay here. There was nothing left for him here since Pang Bo had already disappeared for quite a long time.

Please let nothing happen to Pang Bo…

Ye Fan pa.s.sed over the mountains quickly, and in a short time, he had distanced himself far from the ancient land. He ran all the way until the sun had risen high into the air, but he still didn’t find anything.

Divine rainbows would occasionally shoot across the sky of the ancient primal land. Those cultivators were all flying in the same direction, all obviously rus.h.i.+ng towards the Demon Emperor’s tomb.

“Where did he go? Did I get the direction wrong…?” Ye Fan was chasing after the path Pang Bo had taken, but he still hadn’t found the slightest trace. However, he didn’t give up, continuing forward. It was noon by the time he felt a trace of strange fluctuations.

“That’s the pulse from the Demon Emperor’s heart…this is the right direction!” Ye Fan quickly chased after it. But an hour later, he seemed to have arrived at the place he had just left, as if he hadn’t left at all.

In front of him were five large mountains that were very precipitous, seeming like five fingers reaching into the air.

“What’s going on…?” Ye Fan didn’t understand, but he didn’t overthink it too much, simply continuing trying to move forward. He stopped only to carefully memorize his surroundings before once more chasing after the pulse, not believing that he would once more wind back around. But an hour later, he was stupefied to find that he once more returned to the same place.

“How could this be happening?” Having once more returned to his starting point, Ye Fan was now certain that something was wrong. This location was less than a couple hundred kilometers from the Demon Emperor’s tomb, and he somehow was still within the ancient territory. 

At the beginning, he hadn’t cared at all about the scenery around him, but at this moment he seriously observed them. He was amazed to find that those five precipitous mountains seemed to be just like five fingers from a G.o.d’s huge hand.

“Did someone manage to carve the mountains and surroundings into Dao Glyphs and a form a special power that confuses people’s perceptions?” speculated Ye Fan. He closed his eyes and began to rely solely on his heart’s feeling and the powerful pulses from the Demon Emperor’s heart in order to navigate. He didn’t know how much time pa.s.sed, but he suddenly felt a spiritual air blow into his face.

Ye Fan opened his eyes and found that he had somehow ended up in a world filled with flower fragrance and birdsong, seemingly just like the sacred and divine holy lands of legends. The beautiful scene was poetic and picturesque.

At this moment, he could distinctly sense the pulses from the Demon Emperor’s heart, causing his heart to feel sharp pangs. It was definitely within this holy land, most likely past those beautiful mountain peaks.

Immortal mist filled the air, and a couple pavilions and palace halls could faintly be seen within the depths of the immortal mountains. Ye Fan was quickly hurrying forward when he suddenly noticed a beautiful silhouette standing on the cliff in front of him. The surrounding mist undulated, and a woman in white clothes as pure as snow appeared, gently floating within the wind like a fairy that was about to ride the breeze.

This extremely beautiful woman was just like a secluded serene orchid, appearing completely above the mortal world. She had a tranquil beauty, and combined with the natural scenery around her, they perfectly united to make her seem a part of heaven and earth’s spiritual grace.

Yef Fan had never believed that there was perfection in this world, but that woman standing on the cliff in front of him truly drew his gaze. Not only was her face beautiful enough to ruin countries, even her temperament was also transcendent, causing others to helplessly feel inferior. It seemed like all the beauty in the world would be eclipsed by her.

This uniquely beautiful woman looked just eighteen or nineteen years old. Black hair lightly danced in the wind, her long eyelashes trembled over her misty eyes, and her red lips covered jade-white teeth that sparkled. Her neck was delicate, while her skin and bones were like icy jade. Her exquisite facial features complimented her hazy curved body, turning her into a beauty that could not be touched by imperfection.

Ye Fan was a firm and self-confident person, so he wasn’t greatly affected. After a short period of enchantment, he quickly calmed down and walked over.

Just at this moment, the cliff’s woman looked over at him, lightly laughing. She reminded him of the petals of an immortal flower blossoming in extremely splendor, causing even the sky in the heavens to lose its color. 

Ye Fan was amazed by this kind of beauty, but at the same time, a strange feeling arose in his heart. This woman seemed too fabricated, as if she came from a dream. She was completely faultless, completely lacking any imperfection; her perfection almost made her seem like a demon.

“Stop now or you’ll lose your life.” A voice like the sound of nature came from her, extremely pleasant to listen to, but truly causing Ye Fan to feel a chill. He felt that this perfect woman wasn’t joking around.

Chi, chi, chi…

The sound of someone ripping through s.p.a.ce came, and the Greater Demons that had disappeared from the ancient palace were now rus.h.i.+ng out of the depths of these immortal mountains to appear beside this woman. There was the winged golden-haired maiden, the old Flood Dragon, the st.u.r.dy man whose arms were covered with scales, and the huge man with a bull’s head, all with pale expressions, all looking like their vitality had been injured. They respectfully and solemnly stood next to this perfect woman with deferential att.i.tudes. Staring at Ye Fan, a murderous aura rose from them.


Just at this moment, Pang Bo’s voice came from the fluctuating mist behind the immortal mountain. He seemed extremely pained as he spat out those words.

“Just kill him and everything will be solved!” yelled the old Flood Dragon.


Suddenly a Demonic Qi that filled the heavens like a boundless ocean surged out, and another figure appeared within the sky. Pang Bo’s black hair crazily fluttered, and his whole person seemed like a profound ocean, emanating a feeling of endless oppression. His imposing manner was such that it was hard to breathe in his presence.

The marks that had formerly covered just Pang Bo’s face had now spread, and the current Pang Bo’s naked chest and arms were all covered by dense dragon and phoenix marks, and even the rest of his body was covered with ancient characters. Cyan air curled around him, and his eyes emitted a green light that was dozens of meters long. 

“I said to let him go!” His expression was incomparably cold as he glared at the old Flood Dragon.

The old Flood Dragon and the other Greater Demons all looked over at that perfect woman, waiting for her orders. The perfect woman lightly laughed, saying, “Don’t harm him and send him off from this place.”

“PANG BO!” Ye Fan shouted towards the figure whose Demonic Qi was soaring and whose imposing aura was like a mountain, shouting his name over and over. But the current Pang Bo was both familiar and unfamiliar. His expression was cold and indifferent as he looked over at Ye Fan. Not saying anything, he disappeared from the sky, and the surging ocean of demonic energy receded like the tide.

The next second, Ye Fan felt his body become lighter. That beautiful maiden with golden wings and golden hair had flown over, and encasing him in a ray of light, she brought him soaring into the sky.

Ye Fan continuously shouted, “PANG BO!” But a stream of air quickly blocked his mouth and stopped his shouting. The golden-haired maiden brought him along at an extremely quick pace, and all he could do was make incomprehensible noises behind his gag.

Not long after, the golden-haired maiden brought Ye Fan onto the ground and let him go. Giving him a profound look, she said, “It would be best for you to quickly leave here.” Saying this, she turned into a ray of golden light that soared back into the sky.

“Let Pang Bo go!” Ye Fan shouted, but there was no response, and that golden light disappeared in an instant.

The place she had let him go was only a couple kilometers from the Demon Emperor’s tomb, and he could clearly see that bright floating ancient palace as well as the huge crowd of cultivators that had gathered there. Ye Fan had been returned right back to the primeval ruins. 

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