Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 7 Five-Colored Earthen Jar

Chapter 7 Five-Colored Earthen Jar

Everything happened so fast; the events unfolding before their eyes were beyond their imaginations!

“What is this…?” No one could believe what was happening.

However, the nine dragon corpses and the bronze coffin were right in front of them, an undeniable fact!

This all went far beyond common sense. It turned over people’s beliefs and shocked their understanding of the world.

When the chaos occurred, Ye Fan and his group didn’t turn into a mess. Everyone stayed together, and Jade Emperor Peak finally settled down. While they had all been knocked to the ground, none of them suffered any serious injuries. At most, some people ended up with wounds on their arms.

At this moment, all their faces were full of shock. The inconceivable view in front of them was something that they couldn’t forget in their entire life.

Nine t.i.tanic dragon corpses were just lying in front of them. And there was even that large bronze coffin that went beyond people’s understanding; all of this was simply far too shocking and mysterious.

Everyone was completely speechless. Waves of shock rippled through their hearts, and fear was written all over their faces.

Only after a long time pa.s.sed did Lin Jia quietly say, “We should quickly get off the mountain.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. None of them wanted to stay here for any longer than they had to. The air on Jade Emperor Peak brought chills; why would nine dragon corpses pulling a huge bronze coffin appear? Why did it land on Mt. Tai? Even with the reality right in front of them, it was still hard to accept.

The blood-red color of the setting sun revealed the wreckage of Jade Emperor Peak. The area around the ancient bronze coffin was the most severely damaged; a huge crater had been smashed there and huge cracks 1-2m wide extended out in every direction like a spider’s web.

One particular crack was like a wriggling centipede, extending all the way to Ye Fan and the other’s feet. Luckily, the crack was already at its end and was less than the width of a palm so it didn’t cause any problems.

Just as everyone was preparing to leave, Li Xiaoman pointed to the front, “What is that?”

The crevice in the ground revealed half a jade tablet, which was reflecting the sunlight towards them.

Although everyone was somewhat afraid, they still walked forward a couple steps. There, in the one-meter wide crack, they saw the corner of a circular earthen jar, from which half a broken jade tablet had fallen out of, appearing to be part of a jade book.

“How is this possible, don’t tell me there actually is something buried underneath here?”
That circular earthen jar was not at all large. Instead, it was simple and created out of five unusual colors of earth. It seemed to have the air of many years, and no one knew just how long it had existed.

“Hurry over, there’s more up ahead!” w.a.n.g Ziwen was standing at the very front. He pointed out an even larger crevice with a trembling finger.

In that almost two-meter wide crack was also a five-colored earthen jar. It had already been broken into pieces, and a jade tablet was revealed inside it. On it were some complicated words and symbols that no one could understand.

Naturally, everyone was clearly extremely frightened. Instantly they thought of those two words, Heaven Bestowal. This was quite likely to be the earthen jar used in ancient times for sacrifices to the G.o.ds and spirits!

In the five-colored earthen jar was a jade book. This appeared to have been from the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was similar to Ban Gu’s White Tiger Justice which said ‘He who wishes Bestowal must have a gold silver-gilded rope or a stone gold-gilded rope to receive official Bestowal.’

And also from the Western Han Dynasty’s Sima Qian’s Records of the Grand Historian - Heaven Bestowal, there were recordings of ‘To soar to excellence, remember the gold-plated stone.’

In just a short period of time, everyone was starting to find that many five-colored earthen jars could be found in the surrounding cracks. Altogether, there were more than ten.

Each five-colored earthen jar was very simple and unadorned, filled with signs of countless years gone past. The jar either contained a jade plate or a stone tablet, on top of which were words and symbols that were difficult to decipher.

There was not one person who was not amazed. They vaguely seemed to suspect that the dragon corpses and bronze coffin might even have some sort of relations.h.i.+p with these jars.

Ye Fan often enjoyed reading those ‘wondrous and mysterious’ kinds of books about ancient times, so of course he understood quite a bit more about Heaven Bestowal than the others. He was completely shocked; was it possible that in ancient times, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, as well as seventy-two kings all actually came here to undergo the Heaven Bestowal?

If these legends weren’t true, then how could there be all these five-colored earthen jars? Looking at the words that were written, most of them appeared to be an ancient form of Chinese script, the oracle bone script, which seemed to confirm his theory.

Everyone had agreed to leave as fast as possible, but they seemed to be unconsciously being guided. They had already walked around half the bronze coffin. After seeing the frightening nine dragon corpses, the shocking twenty-meter long bronze coffin, and the many five-colored spiritual earthen jars, their fear factor had already gradually decreased. But after walking around this much, they still felt uneasy and decided to quickly get down the mountain.

“There doesn’t seem to be any danger, but those dragon corpses….”

“Look, in the middle of the crater, there’s a giant altar!”

The ancient bronze coffin had smashed a huge and deep crater into the ground. Everyone turned and walked to the other side of the bronze coffin, and staring down, their fearful expressions once again appeared.

In the deep crater was a supreme altar. It was not made of earth, but completely made of five different colored stone boulders. It stably rested with the twenty-meter long ancient bronze coffin on top of it, which appeared to have caused it no damage at all.

This exceedingly enormous five-colored altar was clearly not the same as those earthen jars. It was located in the center of Jade Emperor Peak. It gave an imposing and majestic air, vastly surpa.s.sing those earthen jars.

The bronze coffin had fallen from the sky; the huge impact it caused was difficult to fathom. But it unexpectedly did not cause even the slightest damage, not even a small crack, to appear on the altar. The altar obviously was not just some piled up boulders for it to be still unscathed.

On top the huge five-colored spiritual altar, other than the ancient coffin, there were also piles of many jade pieces and stone slabs. Each and every one of them seemed to overflow with antiquity.

Whether it was the jade pieces of the stone slabs, each had mysterious characters carved into them. Compared to the oracle bone script on the previous five-colored earthen jars, they appeared to be even more primeval. These mysterious symbols appeared to be similar to heavenly scripture.

On that exceedingly huge altar was a huge row of neatly piled up stacks of these jade pieces and stone slabs. What bewildered everyone was that none of them had ended up being affected by the bronze coffin’s fall.

“We should hurry up and leave,” simultaneously urged Ye Fan and Zhou Yi.

Everyone nodded. This place was really not appropriate for them to stay any longer. Although there were many mysteries, they weren’t things they could solve right now. The nine huge dragon corpses caused them to be nervous, and as for the huge bronze coffin, it caused their hearts to grow even more anxious.

Just as everyone was turning to leave, a female cla.s.smate let out a scream. A rock beneath her foot gave way, causing her to trip, and she and the stone started falling down the hole.

“Careful!” A male cla.s.smate quickly grabbed onto her, and the cla.s.smates beside them also quickly came to help, pulling her back up.

The stone that had been knocked down emitted a rolling noise as it rolled down, and with a peng! noise it heavily collided with the five-colored altar.

The exceedingly large stone altar immediately began emitting a hazy five-colored glow. Everyone could feel a huge force envelop them. Their legs felt like they had been tied up and turned to lead, making them unable to move a single step.


The five-colored stone altar unceasingly vibrated, causing all of Jade Emperor Peak to shake with it. The people standing just outside the huge crater immediately felt dizzy from the ground shaking. They were unable to move a single step, and with all the shaking they all fell and rolled down the huge crater.

The group landed on the five colored stone altar. Everyone’s hearts grew cold with fear!

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