Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 83 Who Dares to Block 

Chapter 83 Who Dares to Block 

The white-clothed man came from an Ancient Desolation n.o.ble Family – the Jiang Family. His name was Jiang Yifei, and he was as beautiful as jade, his clothes were whiter than snow, and he possessed a transcendent air about him.

He didn’t say much about Senior Jiang Zhe, but he still gave out many useful pieces of information. Uncle Jiang’s father, Jiang Zhe, had left the Jiang Family many years ago, never once returning. Some unknown situation had occurred between the family head’s bloodline and him.

“Senior Jiang Zhe completed many meritorious deeds and was blessed with good luck, how could he just die like that fifty years ago?” This was the one part that Jiang Yifei didn’t understand.

“When he died, he coughed up quite a bit of blood.” Uncle Jiang repeatedly remembered more details about what happened, but he wasn’t that sad. Some things would slowly become unmoving after the pa.s.sing of time.

“So it was like this.” Jiang Feiyu didn’t say any more, only nodding as if he had understood some secret. 

The beautiful maiden beside him was called Jiang Caixuan. Her graceful and elegant beauty had gained her the t.i.tle of the Jiang Family’s young lady. The temperament she displayed caused people to feel as if she were unreachable.

However, she was very fond of little Tingting, not acting at all haughty towards her. Holding little Tingting’s hand, she would occasionally ask her some questions in a very gentle voice.

That arrogant youth was called Jiang Yichen. Although he now knew of Uncle Jiang and little Tingting’s new status, he wasn’t at all cordial with them. He was still as aloof as ever.

Jiang Caixuan walked up, her voice sharp and clear. “Old sir, you should return to the Jiang Family with us. My grandpa said that the Jiang Family had let your bloodline down, and that no matter what we had to find you and ask you to come back.”

“Let it be. The things you speak about are things I cannot understand. Your lifestyle is too different from mine. We basically live in two different worlds. I’m already accustomed to life here…” Uncle Jiang was just an ordinary old man. Having lived this many years, and experienced this many things, he felt that there was no way he could accustom himself to that kind of family, so he tactfully turned them down.

“Even if you won’t think about yourself, you have to consider Tingting. She is a little princess with a very high status. She shouldn’t be allowed to be bullied. She needs a different kind of life.” Jiang Caixuan brought up little Tingting’s future, trying to convince the old man. “Come back with us. The older generation of the family all very much wishes for Senior Jiang Zhe’s bloodline to return to the Jiang Family.”

“You can take Tingting back with you, but I’m already used to life here, so I don’t want to go anywhere new…”

Little Tingting immediately hugged the old man’s arm, saying, “I’m staying with grandpa. Wherever grandpa is, Tingting will be too.”

At this time, Jiang Yifei gently smiled. He was also very fond of little Tingting. Patting her head, he said, “The sky here is too small…”

Jiang Yifei was a smart person, so he knew that trying to convince Uncle Jiang in such a manner was useless. Only if he were to make the Jiang family appear supreme might he convince this old man to change his ideas. He stood up, saying, “Let’s go to the Li family.”

His words were very calm, but it seemed to possess a strange magical power. The beasts outside all began to roar, and a b.l.o.o.d.y baleful aura filled the air. All of the knights exploded out with powerful battle intent. 

Jiang Yifei’s expression was very unhurried and at ease. That golden divine Tiger Dragon followed behind him, slowly walking side by side with Uncle Jiang. Seeing this, the others all fell in behind him.

None of them mounted the beasts, but instead traveled on foot towards the Li family. Little Tingting nervously held on to the old man and Ye Fan’s hands. Being surrounded by people who seemed to consider her very important as they guarded her, she felt somewhat uneasy. At this time, Jiang Yifei and Jiang Caixuan were walking side by side with them, but they were only on their left or right, not taking one step in front them or taking the central position.

The street’s people were all very alarmed to see Uncle Jiang and little Tingting being guarded in such a way. They all felt that it was inconceivable, and many people trembled in fear and retreated to the side of the road, afraid of those beasts. 

“What’s going on? Does Old Man Jiang know them?”

“Look at how those beasts don’t even touch the ground. They can probably even fly. How could Old Man Jiang have a relations.h.i.+p with these people?”

“The old man’s bitter life has finally turned around. Good people will always eventually have good fortune.”

“The Li family is in big trouble now. It seems that they’re walking right up to the Li house.”

“Good. Having been so oppressive these many years, it’s finally time for someone to fix up the Li family.”


Many people congregated on the two sides of the road. Although everyone was very frightened and didn’t dare to get too close, they still appeared excited as they followed the group at a distance towards the Li house.

When Uncle Jiang arrived in front of the Li house main gate, he was still somewhat hesitatant. Upon seeing this, Jiang Yifei directly supported him up the stairs, saying, “Let alone the tiny Li family, even the Eastern Wastelands’ most powerful imperial palace wouldn’t dare to block us.”


At the front, a pair of vermilion gates suddenly collapsed,as if some huge sledgehammer had smashed upon them.

The inside of the house immediately burst into panic, and many cries and curses rang out.

“Who did this?”

“To dare cause trouble in the Li house, you’re asking for death!”

Over a dozen people quickly rushed out, each appearing quite vicious. But when they saw the fierce beasts, they immediately became stupefied. Their curses were immediately swallowed and they became tongue-tied. The vicious expressions on their faces all disappeared and became terror as they quickly turned and ran back.

“What are you afraid of? Our Li family also has cultivators.” A manager had received the report and walked up while swearing and cursing. “f.u.c.k, who was so stupid and courageous that they dared to come cause trouble at our Li house? Do they not know how many cultivator masters are temporarily staying here right now?!”

“Bad person!” Just as the manager walked out, little Tingting immediately retreated a couple steps. Obviously, she was somewhat afraid of this person.

“You guys…” That manager also became afraid after walking out. A golden divine Tiger Dragon, a Divine Deer with a third eye; these were all beasts he had never even heard of, and immediately subdued him.

“This is a bad person?”

“Yes, he brought people to take our restaurant and hit grandpa, making him spit out blood.” Hearing such a thing be spoken with little Tingting’s voice caused people to feel even more indignant.

Jiang Yifei waved his hand, and one of the knights immediately advanced, pressing the manager back.

“You...what are you doing?! This is our Li house and there are even cultivator masters here! You won’t be able to behave this way!” He attempted to act fierce as he shouted loudly, while retreating as quick as he could.

“Don’t attack here or you might scare the child.” Jiang Yifei thoughts were very meticulous. Such a b.l.o.o.d.y spectacle would definitely scare little Tingting.


That knight, whose whole body was covered in armor, grabbed the manager by his clothing and threw him far away before he followed, turning into a green ray of light. Another knight also mounted one of the ferocious beasts and soared into the sky, grabbing the flailing manager in midair and bringing him along, disappearing from the small town.

“Heavens, they can fly!”

“They really are capable of flying!”

“That beast can actually fly in the sky, it really is inconceivable.”

Those ordinary people who were watching from the distance were all startled, their mouths dropping wide open with amazement.

Little Tingting’s mouth also opened into an “o”, standing on her tiptoes as she looked towards the distant sky they had disappeared to.

Jiang Caixuan smiled and squatted down, saying, “Do you also want to have such a rare beast that can bring you up flying every day?”

Little Tingting subconsciously nodded, but she quickly thought of something and tightly gripped the old man’s arm, shaking her head and saying, “I just want to stay with grandpa.”

Jiang Caixuan never thought that little Tingting would actually so clearly understand her deeper intentions. She no longer continued trying to entice and persuade her.

Not long after, green figures appeared in the sky. The knights and beast flew back, landing upon the ground. The first knight’s hand held a tuft of hair which still had a bit of blood on it.

Ye Fan was startled. The Jiang Family’s knights were apparently all very powerful, and their strength was hard to guess. A kind of surging battle intent came from their bodies.

Everyone continued to walk in. The ordinary onlookers also walked in far behind them, wanting to personally see the evil people of the Li family get what was coming to them.

“Who was it that has barged into my Li house and caused this much chaos?” Just at this moment, several middle-aged men wearing fine silk clothes walked out. Furthermore, there were also some old men who walked out, their faces furious.

“It’s you, Old Man Jiang?!” It was obvious they still didn’t understand the situation. When they saw Uncle Jiang, they immediately berated him, “Who let you enter here? Get the h.e.l.l out!”

“Second grandpa, be quieter. Haven’t you noticed what’s behind him?” Someone quietly brought his attention to the beasts.

Only then did he notice the beasts outside the gate, causing his expression to immediately become confused. He retreated in fear, saying, “Quickly invite those immortal masters to come out.”

Jiang Caixuan’s pretty face became cold, saying, “A small family who only has some people who barely understand anything about cultivation dare to act strong and oppress the weak, they truly are reckless.”

She lightly waved her hand, and all of those people were sent flying back like dead leaves. They slammed into the walls, falling to the ground and were no longer able to crawl back up. These were all the Li family’s important members, and they repeatedly screamed for help.

Lights flashed, and two human figures rushed over. The Li family’s two cultivators appeared within the front courtyard. Seeing all this, both their expressions changed.

“Friends, who are you? Did we offend someone for you to come to Li house and hurt people?” These two were both just under thirty years old. They were afraid and angry, but they didn’t dare to flare up.

“Someone like you doesn’t deserve to know,” Jiang Caixuan coldly sneered.

Jiang Yifei calmly asked, “Were Tingting’s parents killed by you?”

“What…what are you saying, don’t slander us like that!” Seeing Uncle Jiang being supported by this huge group, they both felt somewhat amazed.

“Who is slandering who?” A knight walked up, and his gaze was like a sharp knife. He arrived in front of them in an instant, directly sending the two of them flying. A b.l.o.o.d.y palm imprint appeared on each of their faces, and immediately started swelling up.

They immediately became even more furious and frightened, holding their faces as they retreated. “Friends, you can’t be too excessive when you do things. We are disciples of the Hazy Light Paradise, and several immortal masters are watching over our home!”

“Immortal masters? They dare call themselves that? We really have to go check out the Hazy Light Paradise. We’ll let those two ‘immortal masters’ of yours show us the way.”

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