Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 91 It’s A Small World

Chapter 91 It’s A Small World

Ye Fan ran very fast, crossing over mountains as agilely as an ape and as fast as a cheetah. The mountains quickly pa.s.sed below him. However, he was unable to lose the people chasing him as they could still be seen closely behind him. One could guess that they weren’t inferior to him; they were most likely cultivators at the late stage of the Sea of Bitterness. 

Suddenly, Ye Fan’s expression solidified. Ahead was a great valley, and two human figures blocked the way. Not only were there chasers behind, but two of them had flanked Ye Fan. 

It was already too late to turn around and run in a different direction, so Ye Fan stopped on the spot and said, “You two, we were just chatting a few moments ago, why are you blocking my way now?”

Looking ahead, the two flankers were a man and a woman, both around twenty-five years of age. The woman had a cold smile hanging on the corner of her mouth, saying, “Weren’t you happy within the Violet Sun Paradise? Why did you suddenly flee like this? Could it be you did some shameful thing that others can’t know about?”

The man strode forward, intently glaring at Ye Fan. “You must have stolen something, otherwise there’s no reason to run away like this. A beggar truly can’t change his ways, to actually come to our Violet Sun Paradise and do such shady things.”

“I think that the Source you have must also have some shady origins. Maybe it’s even stolen from our Violet Sun Paradise. Otherwise, how could a beggar possibly have such a precious thing?” The woman also pressed forward.

Ye Fan continued forward slowly. He appeared extremely calm and didn’t rush forward, but he was coldly laughing in his heart. These two people were obviously trying to steal his Source, and they actually had to make all these baseless accusations against him.

“I say, big brother, big sister, how can you mock me like this? This Source is undoubtedly a precious inheritance within my family, so you can’t just throw that many shameful accusations against me…” By the time he finished saying, Ye Fan had already arrived in front of the two of them.

Just at this moment, the people behind him saw that Ye Fan was very close to the other two and someone shouted, “Be careful!”

But it was already too late. Ye Fan decisively attacked, his movements very quick. His hands moved like lightning, smas.h.i.+ng the two people’s heads together and knocking them unconscious.

These two cultivators had never expected that an eleven-year-old beggar could have such power and skill, so they hadn’t had any defenses. In just a second, they collapsed to the ground.

Ye Fan didn’t use the golden tome, mostly because he wasn’t certain he could kill the two of them immediately. Moreover, he now could give the people behind him the wrong idea that he had killed the first person like this, and not because he understood cultivation.

Ye Fan grabbed a curved blade from the woman’s body and was about to slash through the two of them when a rebuking voice came from behind.

Ye Fan didn’t slash the blade down. A small sneer appeared on his face. Hopefully, I can mislead them. He pretended to go crazy as he fled into the woods.  

As expected, a hateful voice came from behind him. “This little brat is very wicked. Senior brother Yang was definitely killed like this.”

“Fortunately we were close behind, and he couldn’t kill senior brother w.a.n.g and senior sister Zhang.”

Ye Fan muttered to himself, “If you can’t catch up then this will stop here. If you really are willing to go all out to tangle with me, I’ll give you a nice surprise.”

He wasn’t strong enough, or he would have long since revealed the cards in his hand. If he were to be surrounded by others, he would have a miserable end. Now that he had successfully tricked them, it was equivalent to having another protective charm.

Charging forward another couple kilometers, the three figures behind him finally caught up. The woman amongst them sneered, saying, “Since you aren’t a Violent Sun Paradise disciple, although your speed is quite fast, you don’t know this territory. In the end, you were still cut off by us.”

The other two men appeared extremely gloomy. One of them spoke in an extremely cold voice, “It’s a pity that senior brother Yang actually was killed by a little beggar. He actually fell for one of this little brat’s schemes.”

“If we hadn’t rushed so fast, maybe even senior brother w.a.n.g and senior sister Zhang might also have met an unfortunate end. They were also successfully beaten by this brat’s sneak attack.” The other man also had an extremely cold expression.

Ye Fan acted very afraid, putting on the expression that an eleven-year-old should have. He stuttered, “Uh…this isn’t my fault…they wanted to kill me for my Source…I was forced…when they weren’t prepared…I hit them.”

The woman’s expression was icy-cold as she said, “Senior brother Yang was killed by you…”

“I…thought he was knocked unconscious when he fell. But he didn’t fall unconscious and actually grabbed my leg…I was scared…I took out a blade…and accidentally chopped past his neck.” Ye Fan acted just like an eleven-year-old in fear.

“Accidentally?!” That woman’s face was sinister, her pretty face covered in cold frost. “Accidentally killing senior brother Yang. Are you trying to mock us or just trying to joke?”

“There’s no need to say so much. Take the Source, kill him, and take revenge for senior brother Yang!”

“Just killing him right away is too light…”

Cold flickered in the two men’s eyes, and a sinister killing intent rose from them.

Just at this moment, Ye Fan had already calmly moved his feet into position. Although he seemed as if he were trembling in fear, it was in order to line up the three of them into a line. As soon as got into a position when those three were lined up…


A blazing golden light shot out from Ye Fan’s body, like golden lightning, eclipsing even the sun. The golden tome’s dazzling light filled the sky.

Plop, plop…

The two men died immediately, having been cut apart at the waist. Blood spurted out as the top halves of their body fell down onto the ground. The lower part of their bodies stayed locked in place for a second before also collapsing into a pool of blood.

“You…” The woman was shocked, but her reaction was very quick. A violet divine net tried to bind Ye Fan.


The golden tome was like a sun or a blazing ball of flames as it charged into the large purple net. Both sides emitted loud, echoing sounds.

The violet net started to crack before falling to the ground. The golden tome rushed past, cutting off that woman’s head.

Ye Fan wiped off his cold sweat. If he hadn’t hidden his trump card and managed to trick these people, it would have most likely been him who would have collapsed into a pool of his own blood.

“Wanting to kill me and take my Source, your deaths won’t be able to make me guilty.” He tidied the place up before quickly leaving, not daring to tarry.

Just after he had rushed away a hundred meters, shouts came from behind and another couple of people appeared and started to chase him. Ye Fan hurriedly looked back, and his face immediately became stiff. Behind was Li Xiaoman!

He couldn’t tell what kind of feeling he had, after all, they had once been a couple. Although it had long since ended, such a situation was still beyond his expectations. 

Being cold and indifferent was fine. Acting like they were different people was fine. But under such a situation…

“Is she trying to kill me or block her fellow disciples…? I hope it’s the latter.” Although those feelings had long since been put behind him and couldn’t affect him much anymore, if it was the former, that would really be too b.l.o.o.d.y and tragic.

Ye Fan sped through the mountainous path smoothly, his speed extremely fast. Suddenly a bell ringing sounded throughout the mountains.

“It’s from the Violet Sun Paradise…” Ye Fan turned back to look, noticing that the figures had all stopped once they heard the bell and were quickly rus.h.i.+ng back.

“A bell whose ringing can pa.s.s dozens of kilometers away…and as soon as they heard it, they ran back…could it be that the Violet Sun Paradise is recollecting all of its disciples?” Ye Fan’s thinking was very quick, instantly thinking of a possibility: the Violet Sun Paradise had definitely noticed something out of the ordinary, and the most likely possibility was that they had learned of the Jiang Family’s knight’s status. 

“Not good!” He quickly ran off.

Pa.s.sing by a river along the way, he took out the Source and threw it into the bottom of the river.

“If the Violet Sun Paradise’s second top expert was able to sense the aura of a Source, then other experts can also definitely sense it. I can’t keep it with me for now. I’ll come take it back later.” Ye Fan was afraid that the Violet Sun Paradise’s experts would also come chasing after him in order to help the Jiang Family’s knight. If that happened it would be extremely troublesome.

“I can’t keep running out this way. I should go back so that they won’t be able to antic.i.p.ate my location.” Ye Fan quickly began to run, arriving in front of a large waterfall. Jumping in, he stuck next to the wall of the waterfall, the water cras.h.i.+ng down upon his body.

Although his cultivation base wasn’t very high these days, he could still survive without breathing for a long time. When he was unable to endure, he could stick out his head and breathe in the fresh air.


Ye Fan hid in that manner for three full days. There were people who had flown over here during this time, but they hadn’t noticed him under the waterfall. Ye Fan then switched to another hiding spot, hiding for over half a month within these mountains without being found. 

This night, Ye Fan stealthily left the Violet Sun Paradise’s mountain range.

Several days later he was five hundred kilometers away, leaving that place far in the distance.

Thinking back to his experience at the Violet Sun Paradise, Ye Fan’s deepest impression was Li Xiaoman’s indifferent expression as she advised him to be realistic and accept his life as a mortal, as if she were lofty and aloof.

“I should have gotten rid of the Jiang Family’s knight now. I have to quickly find a good place to cultivate.”

But Ye Fan never thought that just three days later within an old city he would look up and see the Jiang Family’s knight.

“He really won’t leave me alone! It actually wasn’t that Source that was giving me away.” Ye Fan quickly fished out all of items on him. The white jade pendant from Elder Wu Qingfeng shouldn’t be the problem. The broken piece of jade the shameless Daoist Duan De gave him should also not be the problem. 

He then took out the walnut-sized Bodhi seed and muttered, “Is it because of this?”

He would truly hate to give up the Bodhi seed, as it was able to help him comprehend the Dao. Ye Fan had never treated it as any other spiritual treasure, always treating it as a sacred tree’s seed. Carefully thinking about it, he didn’t feel as if the problem was with it.

“The precious treasure Jiang Yichen sensed might actually be this Bodhi seed…”


Not long after, Ye Fan walked into a restaurant, ordering a couple of dishes to eat.

“It really is a small world…” Suddenly, a decrepit old voice rang in Ye Fan’s ears. An emaciated white-haired ghost-like old man appeared in front of.

“Elder Han!” Ye Fan almost flipped over the table in shock. It really was a case of disasters never coming alone. He actually ended up running into him at such a moment.

“Looks like we really have Karma between us. I was actually looking for you.” The Spirit Ruins Paradise’s Elder Han sat directly across from him.

“Does Elder Han have something he needs from me?”

Elder Had was like dried up firewood. His flesh was shriveled with only a thin layer of skin over his bones. Adding on his white hair, he appeared very frightful. He gloomily said, “I’ve prepared countless spiritual medicines for you, but I was never able to find you. I didn’t expect to meet again here.”

“You’ve prepared many spiritual medicines for me?”

“You’re the main medicine. The other spiritual medicines are supplementary,” said Elder Han.

“f.u.c.k you, you old fart!” Ye Fan slammed the table. Continuing to endure now would be absolutely useless.

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