Part 1

Sharley changed her clothes into her sleepwear, and prepared to go to bed.

She sat on her bed and pondered about the matter tomorrow.

(Tomorrow for sure…I’ll be united with Ares-san…
I wonder, will I be able to sleep tonight…?)

Her face was dyed slightly red.
She then embraced her pillow and lied down.

(For that thing to happen today…I’ve disappointed Ares-san…)

She felt dejected and turned to the other side.

(If I had yielded myself more to Ares things might have been better…)

While looking up at the ceiling Sharley absentmindedly thought about her lover.

(But…since I received those kinds of kisses today…
I’m certain I’ll definitely be fine tomorrow…)

She confirmed her resolve, and then muttered a short chant to turn off the Sun Arts-powered lamp.
She pulled up her blanket until below her face and closed her eyes.
Before long, her soft sleeping sound started to become audible.


Part 2

Someone was observing that young lady from a slightly distant place.
Concealed within the trees was a crow―――
that was carried in the arms by a girl from the beast race.
Dark brown skin and silver hair. She was wearing the same maid outfit she wore during the day.

Her eyes possessed night vision and she together with the crow intently stared at the girl’s state, and then leaped to the sky――and landed perfectly on the ground.
Without change she started running off, and disappeared in the midst of the night.


Part 3

The next morning――――

Ares finished his breakfast, changed his clothes, and waited for Sharley to come.
Although he was off duty, just to be sure he entered the building of the temporary branch to meet with the Society members and confirm their situation.

As soon as entering his colleagues called out to him.

[Hey Ares, Raiza still hasn’t come yet, did you hear anything from her?]

[Raiza? Nope, I didn’t hear anything…]

Then a good-natured slim middle-aged man the room.
It seemed he was a servant of the Esteol House, and seemed to came for Ares.
He handed over to Ares a letterthat he was entrusted with by Raiza.

It was certainly Raiza’s hand-writing by checking the contents.
The gist of the letter was [I want you to immediately come to the hospital where Grace works. I’ll go ahead and wait for you.]

There was no mistake something serious happened―――
Ares immediately summoned a carriage.


Part 4

The biggest hospital in the Medical City Kuoteram.
Ares entered inside and explained his situation to a nurse.
He was then guided to the special sickroom.
Inside the room were Raiza and Grace who were talking to each other with strained expressions.
When Grace noticed Ares’ presence her expression became shocked.

[Ares-san!?…why are you here…]

[Because I called him…]

Grace started brooding over something.

[By any chance…did something happen to Sharley?]

[…Yes. Raiza will also go inside the sick room now, and confirm that girl’s condition but…]

Grace looked at Ares directly.

[Ares-san. Please don’t be shocked no matter what you see inside okay?]


Ares was in turmoil as he agreed.
Was Sharley’s condition that bad.
Even though she was displaying her lively smile yesterday…

The door of the sick room was opened.
Inside was what was called a VIP room of the biggest hospital in the city. It was wide and looked comfortable to stay in with all its various equipments installed.
It was a reception appropriate for the former director’s youngest daughter, also known as the genius and famous recovery user younger daughter.

However, Ares and company didn’t have the luxury to look at the room’s design,
they just, searched for Sharley’s figure.

They then discovered her sleeping peacefully on top of a bed.


Over there Sharley’s normal sleeping appearance could only be seen.

[…Grace-san, this is…doesn’t she look like she’s just sleeping normally?]

[…Yes, she is sleeping.
…or rather…
She has been continuously sleeping the whole time.]

Terrible sounding words.
In other words Sharley has been continuously sleeping without waking up.

[…If it is only that―――]


Interrupted Grace who planned to say more was the voice of the should-be-sleeping Sharley that resounded.


Ares’ expression brightened as he switched his line of sight from Grace to Sharley but,
in the next moment that expression transformed into despair.


Sharley’s face flushed and writhed in agony while she slept.
There was no denying that her voice contained sensuality.

[Th…this is…?]

[――Ares-san, this is why I especially didn’t want to show this to you.]

Raiza who called Ares was also stunned.
She knew about Sharley not waking up since morning but she haven’t witnessed this scene.

[…Let’s change locations. I’ll explain things there.]


Part 5

When Sharley knew it she was at an unfamiliar place.

I…should’ve been sleeping at my own room…)

Her clothes was the white robe which she wore before sleeping.

Endlessly stretching clouds filled the surroundings and a blue sky filled the heavens.
Pillars which looked like the ones built in temples and palm trees were disorderly standing here and there.

(This cloud-like floor…is amazingly soft…
For now…I have to confirm where this place is…)

As Sharley stood up in order to explore the state of the vicinity, her foot sunk into the floor, and she returned to her earlier position which was facing upwards.


Her whole body sunk into the floor for a bit, which sealed her movement.


Although she didn’t sunk anymore further, her limbs were completely restrained.

Then, *jiwaa*…a liquid oozed from inside the clouds towards her sunken body.
The slimy liquid reached Sharley’s body, which slowly melted her white robe.


The girl’s white skin was gradually exposed, and soon even her underwear was dissolved.


With teary eyes she shook her head, and the liquid enveloped the girl which became stark-naked.

Eventually the liquid was absorbed inside the cloud like the ebb of a tide.

The girl’s rich b.r.e.a.s.t.s to her belly, and even until her secret place were completely visible.
Even though there weren’t any people that could be seen from the surroundings, Sharley’s face blushed from shame.

And then, this time countless white thread-like semi-transparent tentacles rushed out from the cloud-like floor.


They coiled around Sharley’s body.
To her arms, armpits, b.r.e.a.s.t.s, navel, thighs, and then to a girl’s important place――


Each of them twisted, curled, slithered, and wriggled.

[Ah…stop it…!]

As a result of being thread-like and thin, they didn’t tightened hard, but the delicate sensation stimulated the girl’s body.


They swarmed towards her drooping pair of spheres from their summit until their bases.
They rushed and squeezed around them, but they didn’t reach for their tips.


A ticklish and agonizingly itchy-like sensation.

Numerous tentacles gathered around the girl’s v.a.g.i.n.a, and caressed its surroundings.

[Ah…that place is….hyu…!

Similar to a brush, a restless crowd of tentacles entered the girl’s v.a.g.i.n.a.
Slender tentacles violated her insides.

[nn!…..noo…stop…stop it…]

*Bikun!* her body slightly shook, and her whole body started slightly sweating.

Eventually the crowd of tentacles divided into two groups, and *kupa* spread the lips of her v.a.g.i.n.a which still didn’t knew depravity.

Thereupon a conspicuously large tentacle…or one could say that it had a size that was slightly bigger than the others, appeared as it *nerua* shoot out a viscous liquid.

That tentacle moved towards the girl’s opened v.a.g.i.n.a, and traced the vicinity of it.


The lower half of the girl which had her movement sealed trembled.

It then easily penetrated her v.a.g.i.n.a, and caressed the inner part of her pulsing v.a.g.i.n.a.


As soon as tasting that, Sharley, among all the sensation which she experienced for the first time, felt a unique pleasure from inside her v.a.g.i.n.a.

Then the tentacle poked the innermost part of her v.a.g.i.n.a―――


She lightly climaxed.

Although she lightly came, it was actually the first time in her life that she came.
The girl’s hips trembled and started to lose strength, and drool trickled from her mouth.



Without stopping the tentacle roamed around inside the girl’s v.a.g.i.n.a as it pleased.
Furthermore the other slender tentacles didn’t stop in indulging on the girl’s body.
As the stimulus and pleasure began her body once again started quivering.

[Noo…please…stop it…]

The girl weakly pleaded with unfocused eyes.
Only the spreading blue sky was in front of her line of sight―――


Part 6

The three settled down in an empty room where Grace lead them.

[What the heck was that, her condition! What happened to Sharley!?]

[Calm down Ares-san. In my own way I examined her condition.]

It seemed Grace was able to determine Sharley’s condition based on her own knowledge which she learned from the library.

[This is perhaps, a deed by a Dream Demon I think.]

[Dream Demon…]

『Dream Demon』――they were the famously called Succubus and Incubus which were a kind of Mormou (Night Spirit) that appeared inside a person’s dream.
They were said to be evil spirits or ghosts.
They appear inside a person’s dream and show them a nightmare, but the contents were various.
However they were mostly the obscene kind of dreams.

[That kind thing…can’t we drive it away?]

[I haven’t heard any precedents…
Their domain is inside dreams. Naturally we can drive it away if it materialized…]

[Hey onee-chan…is this…a kind of magic?]

Grace nodded.

[I believe this is a kind of 『Moonlight Magic』.

『Moonlight Magic』―――
was a magic which bewitched and ruled the mind, it had many spells which weren’t direct offensive magics but instead made the enemy powerless without injuring them.
Its other name was [Lunar Magic], and as in accordance with its name it was a magic that was opposite to the 「Solar Magic」 which governed the body.
{TL Note: I’m changing Sun Arts -> Solar Magic)
There were almost no Moonlight Magic user in this city which believed in the Sun G.o.d.
Of course the relationship of the pract.i.tioners of each magic wasn’t bad.

[There are barely any Moonlight magicians in this city but I haven’t heard anyone who uses a Dream Demon…
There seems to be someone who uses Moonlight Magic, and that’s the only thing that I know.]

[What if we can’t remove this magic?]

[…If it’s according to the books it seems she’ll break down.]

[Why was Sharley aimed at?]

[That is…I have no idea.
My little sister is not the kind of girl to be resented by somebody but…
Perhaps someone was envious of her.]

[Can the magic be cancelled…?]

[I’ve let an acquaintance of mine who is a Truth Magician to try to use 『Dispel』…
but it was a failure. It seems a considerable amount of magical power was used in this.]

A 『Truth Magician』 was a magician who mainly investigated and pursued magic, and they could use  『Dispel』 which erased spells.
However it was necessary to have magical power greater than the opponent for that erasure.

[About that…from the result of collecting information,
I found out that a person who is considered to be an expert in Moonlight Magic is quietly taking up residence in an area opposite this neighborhood.]

[I plan to look for and visit that person after this.
Though I hope the two of you could come with me as my guards…]

The two didn’t have any reason to refuse.
They immediately departed in a carriage to visit that area.

[…What’s the name of that Moonlight magician?]

Ares inquired inside the carriage while it rocked.

[The magician’s name is Belkut Sandegard. His age is unknown.
Although it’s informal it seems he is operating a clinic for medical treatment of the mind.
…however he is a person that had various bad rumors around him.]

After hearing that Ares’ expression turned meek.

(…A guard is definitely needed for this.
But still I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere…)

The simple but elegant landscape of the city changed.
There was a two-storied old-fashioned building at their destination.
It was large but there were cracks in several places, and there wasn’t any signboard of a clinic built.

Grace lead at the front, and knocked on the door.
To both her sides stood Ares and Raiza.

*Patapata* resounded footsteps,  and before long the door was slowly opened.
Thereupon a pet.i.te, brown skinned, silver hair with cat ears, and maid outfit-wearing girl appeared.
She stared at the three with a curious expression.

[Yes, who might they be?]

[I am, called Grace Esteol…]

Grace took out a business card and handed it to the girl.

[My little sister happened to catch an illness,
and I would like to inquire Belkut-sensei’s opinion on her condition.
May I perhaps request to meet him?]

[Yes. Please come inside and wait. I will ask sensei.]

It appeared there wasn’t a guest room, as soon as they entered a room they were lead to an old sofa and the girl’s light footsteps resounded inside as she went up to the second floor.

The inside of the room was clean, but it was also old-fashioned.

[Did you see her, Ares? She was a very cute werebeast girl right!
When she was walked, her tail was swinging!]

[…Be careful Raiza. She’s a servant of a man with bad rumors you know.
That werebeast girl, she could do things contrary to her appearance.]

Even Grace showed a surprised reaction to Ares’ statement.

[Is that so? Even I think that she’s a lovely cat-san…]

In the past a werebeast adventurer had many times served as Ares’ training partner in the Headquarters at the capital city of the mercenary kingdom.
There existed different types of werebeasts, but their leg and arm strength were higher compared to humans.
Furthermore they have a skill called [Awakening] which even more increased their power.
To put it simply Ares went through a lot of bitter experienced because of them.

Before long footsteps *patapata* which draw nearer could be heard.

[Please come. Belkut-sama had approved of your meeting.]

They went up the second floor, and was guided to the innermost room.

The inside of the room was made of dull stones and contained a large desk. It had the bare minimum of things to accept guests.
The man who was the owner of the room was sitting on that desk while smoking a cigar.

[Welcome Grace-san.
It is an honor for the genius of the Esteol household to visit this clinic.
I am this clinic’s doctor, called Belkut Sandegard.

A low and pressure-filled voice.
Belkut was a large-built middle-aged man who had silver hair and moustache.

(! ――This man…)

Ares remembered it.
It was the second day when since he came to this city.
When he was together with Sharley they had met this man.
He was wearing a robe during that time, but today he was wearing a red shirt and black pants.

(From his reaction, it seemed he had forgetting about me…
Considering his att.i.tude towards that maid,
the bad rumors does not seem to be completely untrue…
Even so I wonder if the maid during that time isn’t here anymore?
It would be good if she isn’t suffering through any bad experience…)

[Oi Kuu, bring tea to our―――]

[No thank you it’s fine right now.]

Interrupted Grace.

[Sensei. Although it’s very rude it’s an urgent situation so I’d like to immediately get straight to the point.]


[My younger sister, Sharley, has been possessed by a Dream Demon.
Does Moonlight magic have that kind of spell?
And do you also know the method to cure that spell?]

Belkut *subasuba* sucked his cigar and pondered for around five seconds.

[Dream Demon…she has been possessed by something troublesome huh.]


[To start with, certainly Moonlight magic has a spell called 『Dream Demon Summoning』.]

[A magician can’t successfully chant it if he’s not highly capable.
It’s effective range was infinite and the method to cancel it…doesn’t exist.]

To Belkut’s last words the three became dejected.

[But if it’s a Truth Magician’s 『Dispel』――]

[We’ve already…attempted that…]

[A magician who can use 『Dream Demon Summoning』 naturally has a considerable magic power huh.]

Belkut once again sucked his cigar and pondered.
The three sunk into silence towards the expected conclusion.

[First of all――I would like to be allowed to examine the patient’s condition.
After that I may be able to think of a way to cure her.]

[!…Yes, I understand.]

Grace stood up.

[We’ve prepared a carriage downstairs.]

[I understand. Kuu, Bring out my luggage.]

After wearing a red robe, Belkut accepted his bag from the werebeast made.


Part 7

In a line Ares and company boarded the carriage and returned to the hospital.
They went to the sick room again where Sharley slept.

Belkut brought down his luggage and approached Sharley’s bed, and first confirmed that she was sleeping.

[nn❤ fua❤ nn❤ nn❤]

Sharley once again lapsed into moans while sleeping.
Belkut didn’t mind her state as he casually rolled up her blanket.
Right there was the appearance of Sharley in her sleepwear.
Then Belkut also casually stripped down her sleepwear.

With a backward glance Belkut saw the three behind who were watching the development became surprised, then he stared at Sharley’s pink-white striped underwear.
That place was dripping wet.

Belkut caressed with his right hand her secret place from above her underwear,
and ma.s.saged with his left hand her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from above her clothes.


[Wh-what the h.e.l.l are you doing!]

For the body of the girl he fell in love with to be casually touched Ares unveiled his fury.

[Be silent brat! Can you even do something towards this girl’s condition!?]

[…Both of you please stop while in front of the patient.]

Grace calmly pacified the two.

[Belkut-sensei. Please don’t speak that way towards him.
If you’ll say such things then even we who can use Solar Magic are powerless with regards to this situation.]

[…Is that so. It’s my bad my mouth just turned sharp.
I apologize, umm…Ares-kun.]

[――It’s fine…I apologize too.]

Although Ares said that his wrath actually haven’t settled down.
From his spiteful way of speaking towards Belkut, it was obvious that he wasn’t apologizing from the bottom of his heart.

[So…how is her condition, sensei?]

[This is without a doubt 『Dream Demon Summoning』.
As I’ve said in the clinic, there isn’t any way to undo this.
However there is a way to cope with this.]

[――There is?]

[Yes…but beyond this point we’ll need to talk about remuneration, do you want to proceed?]

For a moment, Grace became loss for words to Belkut’s demand, and then she realized that it was a reasonable thing as she fixed the bridge of her with his finger.

[…You’re right, we haven’t talked about that kind of thing.]
[With regards to the method there are a few complicated things,
I wonder if we could discuss it privately in a different place?]

[…I understand. Raiza, Ares-san.]

[…Yeah. I’m fine with anything, since there’s nothing we could do anymore…]

After giving Belkut a glance Ares went out the room together with Raiza.

Grace and Belkut moved to a separate vacant room and continued their conversation.

[So…what are these complicated things?]

[The limitation attached to this magic is the requirement to see well the face of the other party.
The person who casted this magic to your little sister might be one of your acquaintances…something like that.]

[Is that the case even for a highly capable Moonlight Magician?]

[Even if it’s not the Moonlight Magician himself it could also be someone he employed.
Was your little sister recently observed by someone here?]

[…No…I haven’t heard anything like that.
…however, if you put it that way isn’t sensei being one of the suspects a high possibility?]

Grace smiled as she told the latter half as a joke.
Nevertheless for this situation she was secretly doubting Belkut.

[Gahaha! Well, I can’t deny that.
…though actually there’s no need to suspect me.
It’s because for the sustenance of this magic the concentration of the magician is needed.]

[So what your’re saying is…the other party can only be shown nightmares if the magician is in the midst of channeling the spell?]

[That’s correct. It means that while she is still showing symptoms,
the fact that I am here talking with you is proof of my innocence.]

In other words the criminal (or someone he employed) must have seen Sharley’s face,
and was currently in the middle of channeling the spell in some place to let her see nightmares.

[And about the coping method that I’ve mentioned earlier,
it’s to similarly channel and strike my thoughts against the spell.]

Grace became dumbfounded.

[Is it something that simple…?]

[Obviously preparations are needed. And I need to be beside the patient when I do it.
Please don’t let anyone enter the room while in the middle of the ritual.]

[…I understand. But still…to dispel this magic…]

[It’s limited to the other party stopping it, or if he dies.
However is it fine for this magic to keep on continuing?]

The horrible aspect of this magic (apart from letting the targeted person see nightmares)
was the inability to recover stamina and spirit, and replenish magical power while sleeping.
On the contrary this means that there’s a big difference if the patient will be able to rest even for one day.

[So…about the remuneration that I mentioned.]

[If it’s money we’ve prepared it.]

[I don’t need money. This is what I want.]

*Tsun*…Belkut poked with his large finger the tip of Grace’s large breast.

[!…Wh,what are you!?]

Grace stepped back as she hid her chest with both arms.

[I’m not troubled with money. Which is why I am demanding for your body.
For a day that I’ll be performing an anti-ritual I want to hold your body.]

[――This was my miscalculation. The payment for the consultation will be paid in the future so get out right now!]

Was it because of shame or of anger, Grace’s face was dyed red as she declared that.

[So you’ll look for someone to replace me?
It’s probably impossible in this country, and do you think you have the time to search for one?
In the meantime your little sister will keep on breaking down.
Didn’t you say this when you came to my clinic? That it was an 『emergency』

Grace grinded her teeth as she became silent.

(It’s as this man says.
There are countries and regions where Moonlight Magic is widespread but there’s no time to get in touch them.
And I also don’t have any magicians who has a connection to call on to…)

Ares-san and Raiza have connections in the Society Headquarters.
But most likely just getting in touch with them will take time (it was already too late to send a letter) and although the Society Headquarters itself employed various capable people, it was uncertain whether there was someone who was versed in Moonlight Magic.

[If you understand the situation, can I accept it right now?]

The man gripped both of Grace’s shoulder.

[I,I have…a person that I like.]

Grace turned her face away and answered with a brooding expression.

[Is he that red-haired youth?]

[But that isn’t related to me.]

Belkut suddenly brought his face near and covered Grace’s soft lips.


Belkut brazenly joined their mouths deeply, and thrust his tongue inside Grace’s mouth.

Tears started to spill from Grace’s eyes.

(To be done by this rude and vulgar man…
I’m sorry…Ares-san…)

Belkut’s large, long tongue violated Grace’s tongue, teeth, and inside her mouth.


In that moment the man invaded the gap of the slits of her Robe.
Essentially the slits were added for Ares,
but now she ended up with this boorish and big hand caressing her thighs.

Before long Belkut’s hand started grasping Grace’s b.u.t.t.


Different from Ares he impudently gripped the cheeks of her a.s.s,
and toyed with them by stretching them left and right in an arc.

Eventually Belkut inserted his hand inside Grace’s light purple panty.

[Ah…stop…that place is…]

Belkut’s thick finger stroked back and forth Grace’s secret place.


For several minutes Belkut continued to finger her,
her genitals became damp and started giving off a *kuchukuchu* sound.

[You get wet easily huh, that solves me the trouble.]

[You, you’re wro…ahi❤]

Belkut’s rough finger continued to bury itself inside of Grace’s v.a.g.i.n.a.


(It’s only his finger…yet it’s this big…)

Similar to earlier, Belkut continued to stir the inside of Grace’s v.a.g.i.n.a.


Grace clinged to the man’s body as she endured the pleasure.

The man seized the back of Grace’s head and made her face his direction,
and after a short pause started french kissing her again.

Belkut moved his tongue as he pleased,
and Grace seemingly a.s.sertively responded with her tongue more than earlier.


Was it because of the pleasure from having her genitals fingered that her switch was lit,
Grace unconsciously gave out a sweet coquettish moan.

[Take off your whole robe.]

Grace reluctantly abided to the man’s words.

*Shuru*…was rustling sound of her clothes and while her face was dyed of shame,
her white skin was slowly exposed.
Abundant twin hills and a narrow waist. Beautiful round a.s.s and a bewitchingly drenched v.a.g.i.n.a.
Light purple stringed panties and today was black kneesocks.
While her nude body was being exposed Grace twisted her body in shame,
the person herself unconsciously lit the fire of the man’s pa.s.sion even more.

Belkut inserted his right hand similar to earlier to the inside of Grace’s panties,
and with his left hand seized from below her drooping fruits as if plucking them.


The talented girl’s face charmingly distorted from the violent caresses.

While kneading her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s Belkut sucked on them,
and licked her nipples with his tongue.


As her b.r.e.a.s.t.s was held in the man’s mouth and her nipples licked with the tip of his tongue,
the girl leaked out moans.

Because of the man’s large tongue, she was feeling big stimulus from just only that.

The big finger of Belkut’s right hand continued to finger Grace’s v.a.g.i.n.a,
messing inside of it back and forth which made her s.e.xual fluids overflow.


Grace was completely toyed with the simultaneous caresses from above and below.

(Even though his way of touching is violent…I’m…feeling it…)

Grace shook her head when she remembered the red-haired youth.

(Stop it me…I’m doing this for the sake of Sharley…!
The times when Ares-san had embraced…feel much better than this…1)

Grace endured the pleasure as sweat rolled down her body while she let out moans.

[Well then…won’t you place your hands above that table?]

Grace followed as she was told and her pose became her b.u.t.t pushing out.
Her genitals below her mellow-endowed a.s.s was sopping wet and oozing s.e.xual fluids.

(It’s alright…I can bear this…)

Before the appointed insertion, Grace rested her shoulders and readied herself.

[Iya iya your a.s.s in all aspects is of the finest quality huh, Prodigy-sama.]
{TL Note: Throughout the novel Grace is often described as 才女(saijo) which is translated as talented woman/girl. Talented girl-sama sounds bad so I’ll use prodigy here}

Belkut stripped off his robe, unfastened his pants, and took out his d.i.c.k.

Grace saw from across her back Belkut’s d.i.c.k which was definitely a degree bigger than Ares.
Ares’ wasn’t small, it was big for his physique as Grace expected.
Nevertheless, Grace caught her breath when she saw that.

[Well then, I’ll be savoring this.]

[Ah…please wait, slowly――]

Belkut didn’t mind the fl.u.s.tered girl as he strongly thrust his d.i.c.k in one go.



An impact travelled through Grace’s whole body, which seemed to stop her breath.
She stuck out her tongue and shivered from the more than expected stimulus.
Far from feeling the inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a being filled, Grace felt that it was being expanded.


*Zubu*…*zubu*…Belkut slowly f.u.c.ked her.


Pleasure spread across her v.a.g.i.n.a from each of his thrust.
It was like a faint electrifying pleasure.


Unable to endure it the talented girl raised up sweet erotic moans.

While moving Belkut violently kneaded with his big hands the talented girl’s huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

[Nooo❤…this kind of…❤…fierce touching…❤]

Both of Grace’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s were grasped and swung in an arcing way from the center to outwards,
and her nipples were strongly and painfully pinched.

[n❤…my b.r.e.a.s.t.s❤…not them❤…that place too…❤]

As the inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a was spread out and s.e.xual fluids spilled out,
Grace’s expression became completely enchanted.

(This is strange…no matter how large a man’s genital is…and no matter how much I’m violently condemned by his technique…for me to…n❤…feel it this much…)

[Since I have to perform the ritual after this, let’s end this earlier today.]

Those words didn’t reach Grace’s ear who was drowned in pleasure.
Not to mention that she had already forgotten about the ritual.

Belkut removed his hands from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, tightly gripped her hips and then immediately f.u.c.ked her fast.

[n!…❤…ahn! ❤ahn! ❤…]

Without stopping the wave of pleasure filled Grace’s body.

[Noo❤…not like this❤…stop…please stop…❤]

Belkut completely ignored Grace’s pleas and continued f.u.c.king her.

[Ah❤…c.u.mming❤…not this❤…I’m already…c.u.mming――!!❤]

Grace bent backward while on top of the table as she climaxed.
Her beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s *burun* shook, and her body trembled.


Her expression became absentminded and as soon as she thought it was finished she suddenly opened her eyes wide.

[Ah❤…no way…you’re still…]

The man didn’t care about Grace who climaxed and continued to f.u.c.k her.

[Ah❤…ah❤…it’s coming again…❤ not this❤]

Grace pleaded while in tears but Belkut’s d.i.c.k rapidly continued to torment her v.a.g.i.n.a.

[Fufufu…for that Progidy-sama to be in this state, maybe I should spread this in this hospital.]

[nn❤…nn❤…that kind of thing❤…ah❤…I’m c.u.mming again❤]

Grace with her hair disheveled hair continued to let out sensual moans.

[Was that boy affectionate with you like this?]

[No❤….don’t talk about❤…Ares-san…❤]

Grace’s figure was already undeniably messed up.
No one would probably believe that she was doing this for her little sister.


Grace climaxed for the second time. She grasped tightly the tablecloth as she endured the pleasure.
s.e.xual fluids gushed out from the gap between Belkut’s d.i.c.k and the opening of her v.a.g.i.n.a

[To even squirt…yare yare, how unexpected Progidy-sama.]

The man smirked as he moved his hips.

Grace’s body *gakugaku* convulsed as she drooled and shed tears.
Her became cloudy from the many drops of liquid.


However Belkut didn’t stop f.u.c.king her and her body reacted,
her large moans once again gradually rose up.

Belkut transfigured the part of her a.s.s that he was grasping,
and while kneading it he started his last spurt.

[nー!❤ ah❤ ah❤ ah❤ ah❤]

The girl’s coquettish moans repeated together with the speed of the man’s movement.

[I’m c.u.mming! Go c.u.m once more!]

[nnn――――――!! ❤❤]


A large amount of s.e.m.e.n was poured inside her v.a.g.i.n.a.


Grace spasmed from her third climax and then fell over the table as she became dazed.
She took rough breaths as beads of sweat flowed on her body.

[Iyaa…it was splendid. As expected of Progidy-sama.]

Belkut called out to Grace as he fixed his clothes.

[I’ll be performing the anti-ritual after this you know?
I’ll be troubled if you don’t get up and confirm it.]

Grace twitched as he reacted to his words,
and at last slowly got up, and looked around the room.

[…I need to…ready and clean my body…
Please…go to the sickroom first and begin the preparations.]

While taking a breath Grace spoke mechanically.
Belkut without minding her condition went out of the room.

Grace put her breath into order, cleaned the sweat and s.e.xual fluids-smeared tablecloth and floor, and started to slowly wear her underwear.
Then *dorori* spilled out Belkut’s s.e.m.e.n from her v.a.g.i.n.a.

With her face dyed red, Grace bit her lips.
Her body trembled from fury and shame
A single tear spilled out from her

[I’m sorry…Ares-san…after all I’m…the lowest kind of girl…]


Part 8

On Belkut’s side he entered Sharley’s sickroom, took his bag, and brought out several tools. He drew a magic circle, and lined it up with incense and candles.
He then looked around the room and laid a small crystal in the room.

(Fumu…it seems the talented girl still hasn’t come…she appeared to be quite in a shock…)

Belkut leaked out a snicker, approached Sharley’s bed, and rolled up the blanket.
Similar to earlier he stripped off her sleepwear.
The part around her secret place was moist, and her pink-white striped panties appeared.

But this time he stripped off her underwear halfway,
and inhaled the smell of her half-seen pink v.a.g.i.n.a.
He then floated a smile in satisfaction, and gently caressed her v.a.g.i.n.a.


With only one stroke Sharley reacted with a gasp.

Belkut licked with his long tongue his finger that got smeared by the girl’s s.e.xual fluids.

[Soon…soon I’ll set you free…]

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