Sky World

Chapter 1: Raid


Chapter 1: Raid
Part 2

The Sky World universe consisted of countless islands, floating in the sky above a vast sea.

They came together into eight distinct rings, stacked vertically.

A little more than a month earlier, a magic swordsman named Jun met two girls on Altaria Island, which lies on the eighth ring, the one closest to the sea. The two girls were Kasumi, a light warrior, and Eri, a white magician. Having left their old guild, they sought an opportunity to escape from the secluded Altaria Island.

Kasumi’s goal was to meet up with Sakuya, her close friend from whom she’d been separated. But Sakuya was likely already ages away, up on an island in the fourth ring somewhere.

She was actually an offline friend of Jun’s with a nickaname Kai. Jun had first stepped into Sky World in order to look for her. As a result, helping Kasumi turned out to be the easiest way for Jun to reach his goal.

When Jun went to recover a key to an airship, the only way off the island, Sayuka suddenly showed up. She came to attack Jun in an effort to prevent him from gaining the airship, reasoning that she didn’t want Kasumi involved in the brutal battles that awaited them on the upper rings.

Jun just managed to eke out a win. He had everyone board the airship, hiding the fight from Kasumi. The trio set off from the island into the vast universe of Sky World.


Three weeks had pa.s.sed. The group finally landed on Lao Thai, an island on the seventh ring.

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