
Chapter 3 Now Evening What Evening

Chapter 3 Now Evening What Evening

In the dim light of the night, w.a.n.g Jinhai stumble and totter. He falls down so may times that  the paint has been taken off his helmet. Scramble up from the ground, finally he stands on his feet.He"s obviously scared when three of us suddenly show our appearance in front of him: “What"s wrong with you?”


“Are you Headshot?” Lin Che asks casually.

“Yes, what"s up? w.a.n.g Jinhai wiped the blood on his mouth and said, “what… brings you to me?

I smile: “we"re going to start a studio, and march in the upcoming Skyroad. We need a strong Roer Hunter, so we want to invite you in.”

w.a.n.g Jinhai"s eyes are rebellious: “why should I join you? What do you have?”

Lin Che smiles, points to me and replies: “his name is Ding Muchen. Tian Zong ID ‘Polaris Pales". And people call him ‘Polaris Knights G.o.d". My name is Lin Che. Tian Zong ID ‘Cold Autumn River", Ranking No.17 for Wizards in domestic servers, do you think we are qualified to invite you to join us?”

“P…Polaris Pales?” w.a.n.g Jinhai looks astonished, “are you the one…who lead the team of Silver Fox and save a seat for them in golden league ? The NO 1 knight nationally?”

“Any doubts?"I looked at him by the light of the street lamps.

w.a.n.g Jinhai gives me a glance and then loses himself in his own thoughts: “You are indeed familiar to me…”

“Only 100 players are in the highest and most powerful King ranking in arena of national servers. He is one of them, and the only professional knight player among them. Is he qualified to invite you to join us?”

“Join you…what benefits I can get ?”w.a.n.g asks in a thoughtful tone.

“We will not only set up a studio, but also an operating company. Our company will hire you with a high salary. w.a.n.g Jinhai, would you like to join us?”

w.a.n.g Jinhai is a bit stunned, “Will your company…have the strength to conquer all and save a seat in Skyroad?


“Awesome, I"ll join then!" w.a.n.g Jinhai nods excitedly.

I hold out my hand and give him a smile:”welcome to join us. We shall call you?”

“Call me Sea.”

“Good, Sea, nice to meet you. We will take care of each other!”

w.a.n.g Jinhai nods : “Sure, nice to meet you too!”


Back at studio with w.a.n.g Jinhai.

Everything is ready except one essential equipment.

Then we have a discussion about the purchase of the gaming helmet.

“Three types of helmets are pre-released by Skyroad. One of them is called civilian cla.s.s helmet, which can be purchased at 2000rmb. However, it only has an authenticity of 85%, which may affect the accuracy when judging players" locations by sound and also the whole depiction of game scenes. What"s more, this kind of helmet can only be worn online for eight hours then you have to rest for more than an hour, otherwise it is harmful to the body.”

Lin Che reads the game data from the magazine on his hands for reference , then he adds, “the second type is the medium helmet, which costs 10000 RMB. It has an authenticity of 96% and can be worn online for twelve hours, without doing any harm to human body; The third is the VIP level helmet which worth 50,000 RMB.It has an authenticity close to 100% and it can be worn online for unlimited time as long as the player can stand. Civilian cla.s.s helmets have been sold out since the first release. And it has a limitation for 8 hours. So I don"t think it will be our choice."

w.a.n.g Jinhai agrees: “well, especially for the very beginning of the game, we"ll need to be online for more than 12 hours to ensure we"re ahead of everyone. Since our studio"s aim is to earn money and upgrade as quickly as we can without domination on certain levels, we should spend the money wisely and buy the best VIP helmet.”

Zhang Wei nods.

“But we have no money.”I said.

Lin Che also nods: “yes, elder brother Chen just bought a villa at No 1 Courtyard with a few hundred square meters for his uncle"s retirement. Thus he has spent all his savings. And for me, I have sold all the game equipment and sent my mum all the money. I almost have no single penny left."

Zhang Wei"s turn:”Not only am I Penniless, but also I am in debt for thousands RMB.”

w.a.n.g Jinhai shivers all over. He is lost and helpless when facing the eager staring eyes of three of us: "what the **! Didn"t you promise to offer me a high salary? And in the end I will be charged for basic gaming helmets?"

Lin Che placates: “Sea, don"t worry. We just borrow from you. The funds will be counted on the studio. The money will be returned when we earns.”

“Sea, do you have 200,000 RMB?" I asked.

w.a.n.g Jinhai "s teeth are gritting. He replies in a solemn and stirring voice: “no, I don"t have so much, and even if I did, it is all the hard-earned money from my offline PK. If your company does not make profit, I will be bankrupt.”

“You played well as a Gun Hunter with a high ranking in domestic servers. You should have the confidence that "we all have our places in the world" and "the money we spend is the foundation to collect more"." Lin Che continues to break the psychological defence of w.a.n.g Jinhai.

“I don"t think you are trustworthy. It is like a pirate ship I just boarded” w.a.n.g Jinhai said cautiously.

I clarify:"In fact, you only need to take out 150,000. The VIP helmets are rewarded to the most powerful kings of the national arena last season. It is customized by Yue Heng Company. And I have already received it, so you do not need to buy mine.”

I open my backpack and take out a golden helmet. The words “A man of integrity with no fear, a man of courage on Skyroad” are printed on it, followed by my name “Ding Muchen”. It is an honor for the King of the Season. It is the legendary “Gold Helmet”, just like that of the pilots in air force.

w.a.n.g Jinhai"s eyes are shining. The VIP helmet"s appearance attracts him and he makes his final decision: “well, then I"ll take out 150,000 and let"s roll!”

“Great!” Lin Che actually gets three VIP helmets for nothing. This time everything is ready indeed. We shall only wait three months for the official release day of Skyroad.


How time flies! It is only three days left for the official release day of Skyroad. The game will open for ID registration at 12 o"clock noon!

“I"ll reminder you for the last time.” I speak to everyone with the game helmet in my hands ,”I"ll choose the role of knight. Che picks sorcerers. Sea will be a Roer Hunter, and v.i.a.g.r.a a Monk. Do not make any mistakes on this. When you have created your personal figure, the next step would be choose a profession. Then the account will be created successfully. “

“Understood!" reply by the three.

“Let"s move!”


On the second floor of the villa, a few camp-beds are placed side by side. This is our office. We can easily communicate with each other here. 


We all lie down, then put on our helmets. The game now starts..

“Beep, beep,beep ~~~”

There is only darkness for a moment when I put on the helmet. One red spot is shining and slowly comes closer to me. A few seconds later, the little red spot turns into a glorious bloom, and then is condensed into a graceful she elf. She is tiny sized, and dressed in a fine gauze skirt which draws the outline of a stunning figure. Waving a delicate wand, she is flying towards me from the darkness. She speaks with a smile:" Master, I"m your elf guider. Please name me.”

I take a deep breath: “Your name is – – Ding Muchen"s Girlfriend!"

You have no way to know the bitterness of an elder single man except myself!

The elf guider stared blankly. Soon above her head appears the words Ding Muchen"s Girlfriend. Her face turns in rosy. Obviously she is a bit awkward. She could know the actual meaning of the name. That"s incredible. She speaks: “Master, you are so bad…"

I"m deeply obsessed. Huge improvements have been made for this version of Skyroad compared with the last version!

Then the fairy lady continued, “Master, only fifty-seven minutes left for the opening of ID registration. I will guide you through all the procedures.”


The countdown appears on the horizon of darkness. Only the elf guider is still floating in front of me, mumbling to herself: “this chaotic world is finally opening. I"m so excited~~~”

How humanized the game is! I can"t help praising.

It is before long that the countdown is ended, and the darkness is opened up.

“Cracks ~ ~ ~”

Just like the very beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, the darkness is dispelled by light. It is a gray world in front of me. Numerous stooping brutal evil spirits with blood appear on the ground. They growl in rage. Five meters monsters of b.l.o.o.d.y eyes are carrying rocks. The war drums are rumbling. Right in front of the monster army, march the troops of human cavalry. They charge and fight against each other.

The sound of drums are so loud that the whole world shakes. The wind carrying an offensive smell start to blow and rains of blood start to drop.

The evil mages in crimson robes sing loudly.They are summoning evil spirits from another world.

Immediately red air-flows are rushing all around. They turned into scarlet beams in the group of human cavalry and then explodes. The flesh of the bodies is spitting everywhere. Weird monsters shaped like wheels full of iron thorns are rolling in the crowd of humans beings. The thorns are so sharp that the cavalry including their horses are cut apart. It is a scene extremely b.l.o.o.d.y and brutal. In the front of their arrays are countless ghost p.a.w.ns. They were human beings, but bewitched by the dark world and become the pioneer fighters for those evil spirits.The b.l.o.o.d.y smell are bursting. The claws are waving. They are locked in combat with human cavalry.

The whole world is dyed red with blood.

In the mist of the wild war, a pet.i.te figure walks out from the human cavalry and Sword &shield fighters. She is stunning in a white snow dress. The sharp sword she holding is in a cloud of mist and shining in flashing light. She sways the sword. The spirit of the sword transformed the strength into a streak of visible airflow which cuts both the heaven and earth apart and bombards the evil mages. Three of the mages are exploded and turned into a mist of blood.

The girl marches forward step by step. Numerous blood color evil spirits and fire light monsters are striking around her. They are all bounced off by the protective Chi defence around her. Although sometimes she stands still and bites her lips, she have not stepped backwards once. She sticks to move forward. Soon she is invisible in the crowds of countless ghost p.a.w.ns and cruel giants. Then a sword light are slashing up into the sky, and countless evil spirits are killed. The whole world is all b.l.o.o.d.y red.

In a blink of an eye, all turned into dullness. The sky clouds are red like blood. The following words are transformed, hanging on the sky:

A man of integrity with no fear, a man of courage on Skyroad


The word “Skyroad” is hanging on the edge of the sky. And it is the time for me to enter the system to create my account. A temple appears in front of me. The game system starts to scan my body and my face. A similar-looking young man is generated. Dressed in shabby rookie apparel, he is standing at the center of the temple. Finally, the world of Skyroad, I"m here!


The fairy lady looks at me and speaks, “the system has detected that you used the name "Polaris Pales". This name has been reserved by our system. Do you still want to use it?”


I shake my head. I don"t want to use this name anymore.

“Master, please rename yourself.”

The elf guider flies in a light posture and asks with a smile.

I ponders for a while. A name jumps into my mind: “Now Evening What Evening”

Yeah, I have led the Silver Fox team fighting in the Golden League. How glorious! When I close my eyes, I could still see so many people"s faces, and all the names like Xia Yiran, Su Xiran etc are coming to my mind. They are all shadows who live in my past. But right now, everything fades away. So I have a feeling of Now Evening What Evening or What the Day Owes Night indeed.

“Your ID in the game will be Now Evening What Evening, please confirm.”

“I Confirm.

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