Tell the musicians and get the chaplain. She said yes!" A rebel cry went up from the Slater brothers. The cavalry didn"t seem to mind--in fact they joined right in. There was another sound, and T~ss recognized Apache war whoops.

She tugged on Jamie"s hand again, but he didn"t notice. He kept walking.

Kristin and Shannon and the children and Dolly and Jane and Jon and everyone were wishing her luck, and she was suddenly standing in front of a cavalry man wearing a chaplain"s insignia.

"Jamie!" she whispered.

"I"m really sorry about your horse."

"Don"t be. Nalte gave him back to me as a wedding present."

"Oh! You"re marrying me just to get your horse back!"

"Say, "I do," Tess."

She stared at the smiling chaplain and she heard the words but she didn"t hear them. Oh, they would be cherished in her memory forever, but right now all she could think of was the feel of Jamie"s hand upon her, and the promise of the security of it. It was time, and she said her vows. Then she was wearing a thin gold band, and everyone was wishing her luck once again.

There were toasting and dancing, and she kissed Nalte, a huge sloppy kiss on his cheek.

But then she discovered herself in her new husband"s arms again, and she was heading up the stairs again, and she didn"t know if she was drunk with champagne or with happiness or with desire for this man who had come into her life and given her everything.



"We"ve still got guests downstairs."

He groaned long and low and kicked open the door to their bedroom and walked determinedly over to the bed after kicking the door shut behind him.

Then he smiled wickedly.

"My way, Tess. Everything is my way today."

Then he cast himself down upon her. He ldssed her slowly and with seductive force, and she knew that there was nowhere she would rather be. When his silver eyes rose above her she smiled sweetly and breathlessly.

"Your way," she promised.

And he smiled, and he kissed her again.

And indeed, the night was delightfully pa.s.sed. His way.


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