Slaughter God

Chapter 7

SLAUGHTER G.o.d – 006

Forgotten Person

Ji Li gradually recovered from his mental state.

“Was I too cold in how I treated that girl?” When he thought of his own tone of voice, he tapped his forehead with some regret. After all, he knows Ji Yuzhu was forcing their promised engagement, but it was also for his own good.

But when he heard Ji Yuzhu bring up her sister, his whole mood was affected and suddenly he found it difficult to control himself, and so he decided to leave because he was upset.

Ji Yuzhu, reached the limit of low tier strength at 13 year of age, and broke into the middle tier of strength by the time she was 14 years old.  Today’s Fire Bird tribe can’t compare to what it was in the past, but with just the breakthrough of Ji Chu there is still some distance apart.

But she, is known to the tribe as the second genius.

Since the first genius is, that woman.

At 12 years of age she reached the limit of first tier stength, and was the first person to reach a five-tier power level in the Whirling Fist!

“Ji Yunzhu… …” silently saying that name out loud, that no one has heard of in a long time. Ji Li gripped his fists tightly, an expression pain flashes across his face.

Ji Li has been left with a shadow over his heart, due to the things that happened a few years ago, he has been unable to let go.

And today as he was refining his energy that figure suddenly flashed through his mind.

The figure that he has been reluctant to think of.

Ji Yuzhu’s sister, Ji Yunzhu.

“I thought I could forget about you, but surprisingly after such a long time, you still affect me like this.” Thinking of that figure, Ji Li is still feeling sad.

He didn’t know until now, that runing away is useless, this name has become an obsession in his heart.

Engraved deep in his heart.

“For three years now.” Ji Li collapsed on his bed, his eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, he softly whisper. The drop caused by remembering her finally caused his mind to give and  the memories started to pour out.

Memories about himself, memories of Ji Yunzhu.

Since childhood when he was born into this world, and the time when he recovered his memories, he had never seen his parents, the only person he could say is family would be his aunt. However, whenever he asked about his parents, his aunt told him he came out of a stone.

If Ji Li was really an ordinary child he might of believed it. But he had experienced a past life, a lie like this told to kids he would not believe, but he still didn’t have an answer. And then when he was five years old, his aunt also disappeared.

Since then, the only person he could trust was himself.

A man left alone in such a strange world, that loneliness can’t be faked, he would often miss the past, a world he is unable to go back to.

At this time, he met Ji Yuzhu’s sister Ji YunZhu, a quiet indifferent girl, but understand all his odd speech and behaviour.

Suddenly, he seemed to have found substance, and he devoted almost all his feelings to her.

Ji Yunzhu was only two years older than him, but was far more matured than her peers, and with two sets of memories Ji Li could just keep up her, since an early age she had not treated him as a child.

Her stunning nature, that demonstrates her beauty.

She is confident and aloof, which made her stand out.

Her talent was excellent, so she soared above the rest.

This woman, was like a G.o.ddess.

But when it comes their childhood, maybe Ji Li saw what was between him and Ji Yunzhu  as childhood sweethearts, these feelings were born and bred over their childhood interactions, these thoughts he will never abandon.

However, just three years ago.

He and Ji Yunzhu ventured out of the tribe into the mountains, the result of there adventures turned out to be fortunate! Shortly after, Ji Yunzhu found an opportunity to breakthrough into barrier into the high tier level of strength – the limit! [tl: thinking of changing the names of the strength level to make it easier]

A 14 year old, high tier powerhouse, this shocked the entirety of the Fire Bird tribe! Even throughout the whole Southeast domain, it was very rare! You know, even now, Fire Bird tribes strongest Ji Long was just at this realm.

When Ji Yunzhu, was given a marriage proposal, she burnt it up.

Ji Li, because of that adventure risked their ability to ever return to tribal, but the results had been an increase of eight levels of strength for him [tl: each level is 100 jin], but because of some damage to his physical body, his strength level directly dropped down to the fifth level of strength, practicing for three years, he had reluctantly returned to the seventh level of strength. If not for this times success, to stimulate the hidden black energy in his body, he was afraid it would be hard to ever get any stronger in his life again.

The most surprising thing of all, was that right after Ji Yunzhu became a high tier powerhouse, she announced herself from the Fire Bird tribe!

“This tribe is too weak, it would only hold me back if I stay here.” Until now, Ji Li still remember what Ji Yunzhu announced before she left.

When he told her that they still had each other, something worthwhile to staying here for, she simply gave him a cold look, didn’t say another word, and floated away, never to return.

Fire bird tribe had sent many tribal elders to try and keep Ji Yunzhu, but all of them were seriously beaten up.

Since then, imposing and ingrat.i.tude became synonymous with Ji Yunzhu, and her father, Ji Long announced that the tribe was prohibited from mentioning her name again.

Ji Li was stuck in the aftermath of this incident, the people around him once again became rotten, he felt for a long time that his life had lost all direction, this often gave birth to the feeling that he no longer belonged to this world of illusion.

Until Ji Yuzhu and announced their engagement.

Ji Li can’t deny that they do not match each other, but because of his relationship with Ji Yunzhu, Ji Yuzhu is often following him around. When Ji Yunzhu left, she became his only closest friend.

But, perhaps he himself said he could not understand his way of thinking, and such feelings towards Ji Yuzhu was more like care for a sister? Even a faint little worry about the latter had Ji Yunzhu as the alternative.

It was today, that she immediately promised to be betrothed to him, created an underlying cause for his worry.

“Yunzhu……” thinking of it, Ji Li formed a fist, then sat up from the bed, he looked out of the window murmured: “The day you left, did you have any difficulties? Why didn’t you tell me? Or is it your natural indifference, to martial arts? ” [tl: not sure this turned out well, any suggestions?]

With this recollection, and his past memories now buried in his mind, he didn’t dare to think of that woman again. Finally with his memories returned deep inside, his head gradually cleared up once again.

Handsome face, unique temperament.

“It’s been a long, are you still beautiful. “Ji Li after completely thinking of that person for the first time in three years, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, speaking into the air. With his eyes getting strong, firm, and not shaken: “I regret letting go of the chance to follow your footsteps, but for now, I will not be running away. One day, I will appear before you, and ask if you can still remember your origami airplane boy? ”

Ji Yunzhu was a genius, a super genius, and with that opportunity, she had probably reached an incredible level.

However, now his body had that mysterious black energy’s help, he was going to become strong and mighty!

“Absorbing this energy has a great risk, I have to find a way to reduce this risk.” Ji Li decided to cheer up and was starting to fill with fighting spirit, his eyes were shining with brilliance.

“Okay, this mentality, will do much good.” The mysterious spirit that suddenly rose within, reminded him of something, his eyes unconsciously fell on top of the old tree outside the window, at the top, a Blue Bird.

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