Hey guys, we’re going to get more interaction between Mi Qing and Xiao Gu in the later chapter, so sit tight guys it’ll be slowly but surely.

And just so you know, I’m gonna keep 3ch/week schedule.

XOXO guys.


S:FAAM – Chapter 10.2

Xiao Gu hugged her for a while, and her cries gradually stopped. Seeing the person in his chest already became more calm, Xiao Gu let go of her and took a tissue near him then pa.s.sed it over to her.

Mi Qing wiped away her tears, and pulled out a makeup mirror from her bag to fix her makeup.

Looking at her antics, Xiao Gu just smiled and asked her, “Have you eaten yet?”

Mi Qing nodded her head and answered, “But still hungry…”

Hearing her answer Xiao Gu couldn’t help but laughed. Then he turned and walked toward the dining room, “Come then, let’s eat together.”

This is the first time the landlord invited her to a dinner. Before, she could only smelt the dish from her room when it was dinner time. And even if she did come out and sat in the living room with her instant noodle, he never had the intention to invite her.

Mi Qing felt like her long time wish had been granted, made her a little bit overwhelmed to see Xiao Gu put another set of chopsticks on the table. And she walked towards the table to see…

Mapo tofu, steamed pork ribs, and a seaweed egg soup.

They’re all a homemade dishes, but they looked very tempting

“Let’s hurry eats it while it’s still warm, you’ve been crying for a long time, and the dishes had already begun to cool down.” He said.

Mi Qing picked up her chopsticks and a bowl of white rice, then she placed a rib on top of her rice. The scent of the steamed pork ribs was so delicious that she couldn’t help to take a bite of it. “Hey it’s so delicious!!”

Xiao Gu glanced at her and raised his eyebrows slightly, “It’s not that good, and I’m not so good at making it.”

Mi Qing looked at him curiously, “So, What you do best then? Chuan-chuan?”
(TN: Chuan-chuan is a meat skewer that served with a hot broth)

Xiao Gu’s corner mouth slightly raised, didn’t respond to her. Then the husky put his front paws at the table, seemed also wanting to have a slice of pork ribs.

Xiao Gu just removed them from the table and said, “Just eat your chicken breast.”

“Woof! Woof!” I want the chicken breast, but also want the ribs!

“Do you want to get scolded again?” Xiao Gu threatened him, while looked at him silently.

The husky tail immediately went down, didn’t dare to provoke his master further more. He went back to his bowl and continued to chew his chicken breast.

Mi Qing who still licking some ribs looked into Xiao Gu’s eyes seriously and asked, “Why did you just suddenly hold me before?”

Xiao Gu looked back at her and said, “In the past when my mother was crying my dad always comforted her like that.”

Mi Qing unconsciously bite the end of her chopsticks, feeling a little bit embarra.s.sed by his direct answer. She then scooped a spoonful of mapo tofu and ate it before starting to ask him again, “Do you think that I’m too impulsive and immature?”

“Yes.” Xiao Gu answered it simply.

Mi Qing, “…”

“But no one automatically get matured just as soon as they got out from school. If something like this happened after you work for a year, I’m sure you’ll react better than today.” Xiao Gu casually added. “When girls are being outside, sometimes they attract some perverts who think that they are easy. Today, you did good to slap him, because some girls might not be able to do it and it might give them some psychological impact.”

Mi Qing stunned hearing his reply, and feeling a bit encourage by it. She nodded to Xiao Gu and said, “You haven’t seen that Chief Pang, he’s so disgusting!”

Xiao Gu glanced at her and asked, “What are you going to do next then?”

When it comes to this problem, there’s also a shadow in Mi Qing’s heart, “Well, I can only try finding a job again.”

Xiao Gu thought for a moment and said, “Why don’t you temporarily come helping at my shop, because you just come to City A to take a shelter anyway.

Mi Qing immediately became stiff and stared at him blankly when hearing what he said. “How did you know that I come to City A to take a shelter?”

Xiao Gu looked at her in a funny way and replied, “You just said it yourself, that you were forced to flee here.”

Mi Qing, “…”

She was just to sad that time, and only looking for someone to share all of her pent-up frustration. So she was completely unaware of what she had said that time.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone else.” Xiao Gu smiled at her. “My shop also has a probation period, with basic salary 2800 Yuan. We also will provide you two meals a day and sometimes also a bonus at the end of the month. We have shift in 10.30 A.M to 02.00 P.M for the morning shift and 5.00 P.M to 10.00 P.M for the evening shift. In between the shift you can rest at the shop but you are free to arrange it as you’d like. You’ll also get 4 days out of a month for holiday. And sometimes we’re going to a company holiday together at the end of the year.”

Mi Qing stunned after hearing what Xiao Gu have said, she didn’t expect that a Chuan-chuan shop to have a welfare employment that is so perfect, it even have a company holiday. But… “The basic salary is very low.”

Xiao Gu looked at her, “How much the salary of your work before?”

“Er…” Mi Qing felt a little embarra.s.sed, “Although it is similar, but at least it’s a job in a company…”

Xiao Gu smiled slightly at her, “So you are looking down upon a waiter?”

“I’m not looking down on a waiter,” Mi Qing said slowly. “But I just don’t want to be a waiter.

Seeing her hesitation, Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows slightly and said, “Forget it then.”

Mi Qing took a few bite of rice and couldn’t help raise her head to look up to him, “What do I need to do in your shop?”

Xiao Gu smiled and asked back to her, “What can you do?”

Mi Qing, “…”

She’s a college graduate okay! Or is she really that useless?

Xiao Gu casually said, “The shop doesn’t serve side dish, so you only need to pour some water to the customer, clean some table and see what they need help with.”

Mi Qing thought about it for a while, about what Xiao Gu have said, that she came to City A to find a temporary shelter, and didn’t intend to stay here permanently, so she was just searching for something to do. And also at Xiao Gu’s shop she would get two meals a day, then she don’t need to eat instant noodle any longer.

She finally nodded and said, “All right then.”

She agreed to it, but Xiao Gu looked at her again for a while and said, “Our shop is very busy, are you sure you’re able to do it?”

Mi Qing, “…”

So what exactly she need to do then?!

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