Woah, thank you so much guys for the supports! I’ll try my best to translate this until its last chapter.  But bear with me because i can only translate at night after work and at the weekend, so may be i’ll try to post 2 full chaps a week? But it will be cut into parts because a full chapter is around 2000-2500 words long in english, i’m gonna cut it into two part mostly except for this chapter 9, it’ll have 3 part.

So… enjoy guys σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡


S:FAAM – Chapter 9.2

The message also attached with a detailed address of the company. She jumped happily out of the bed right after reading it, and began preparing herself.

Yesterday Xiao Gu said that she have to wear the more low-key clothes, but her clothes were all brand-names one, so she had to pick one with the more ordinary style.

The afternoon of interview day, she arrived sooner than the appointment time. This company was relatively more smaller than the last one, even the front desk was not as beautiful as the last one. Mi Qing thought that she wouldn’t be here if she didn’t follow Xiao Gu’s advise, so she relieved that she did.

Not many people were interviewed today, and Mi Qing was the second person in line. In the meeting room there was only one interviewer who is a middle-aged man. Mi Qing think he wouldn’t be able to tell her clothes brand and prices, unlike the female HR one yesterday, right…?

During the interview process he didn’t ask about her family background, so Mi Qing’s hope is still relatively large after the interview. And at least she spent a few years abroad, so she still had an advantage in language.

The company didn’t immidiately reply to her, but then she received 2 other interview notices, Mi Qing went to attend it one by one. But in the end, only the first company’s recruitment notice was received.

After received the message, Mi Qing read it back and forth several times. She then confirmed that it was really a recuitment notice, a voice was cheered loudly inside her room.

“Woof! Woof!” The husky in the living room heard her voice and ran up to her door and called out.

Mi Qing came out while carrying her purse, squatting by the door towards the husky, “Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, today we’re going to have a meat again!”

The husky then followed her out and wanted to go out together with her, but Mi Qing didn’t dare to take it out with her. So a man and a dog were having a battle of wits together for a long time, but Mi Qing succeeded in the end and shuted the door right in front of the Husky.

Through door she could hear the cry of its dissatisfaction.

Mi Qing bought a lunch box with 2 chicken legs downstairs, she also asked for a duck neck and then she returned home with a bag full of food.

The husky probably smelled the aroma of the meat, so he kept turning towards Mi Qing. Mi Qing took out a chicken leg from the bag and put it into the husky’s bowl. “Looks like your daddy is absence now, so eat it quickly!”

“Woof!” Acted like he understood her words, he quickly bury its head down to eat. Mi Qing opened the lunch box, which contains meat and rice, although the rice was not as soft as usual home cook, but it was much better than instan noodles.

A man and a dog ate satisfiedly in the living room, after the husky finish eating his chicken leg he then looked at Mi Qing as she was trying to eat her duck neck.

Mi Qing looked down and said, “This duck neck is very spicy, you can’t eat it.”

“Woof!” As if saying that there was nothing he couldn’t eat.

But Mi Qing still shook her head, “If you eat it, you will have a bad stomach. And your daddy will beat me for it.”

“Woof! Woof!” The husky still insisted he wanted it.

Just when Mi Qing finally couldn’t help from giving the duck neck, Xiao Gu returned home. Husky immediately became quite, as if there’s nothing going on.

Mi Qing continued to eat casually in the living room as if nothing happened, Xiao Gu held a shopping bag in his hand and looked at her lunch. “Today’s food is so abundance huh. Have you found a job?”

“He he.” Mi Qing lifted her head proudly and looked at him, “I’m going to work tomorrow, so it’s just a matter of time until i move out from you!”

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it.” Xiao’s tone was light. He then put his shopping bag in the coffe table and took out a box of a dog biscuit. “You haven’t eaten anything have you?”

“Woof!” How could it be.

But Xiao Gu looked at his food bowl and there were some oils and a bone left by the chicken leg.

He then turned his head to look at Mi Qing, but Mi Qing continued to be focused on her duck neck.

Xiao Gu didn’t say anything. He just opened the box of dog biscuit, and took out a new small dog bowl. He poured it with the biscuit. “This is a new flavor in the supermarket, see if you like it or not.”

The husky smell it first and then cheerfully ate it.

Mi Qing peeked at the food bowl, the biscuit was like a small sugar cube with a b.u.t.tered cheese.

Speaking of which, it had been a long time since she had eatten b.u.t.ter cheese biscuit.

“What? Do you want to eat it too?” Xiao Gu gave her a sly look.

Mi Qing stare coldly at him and then twisted her head back, “Who wants!!”

She then collected her belongings and took them back to her room to eat it again. Although her dress was still not sold, but finding a job was a good start. She might be able to move out immediately!

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