Shizuki woke up after an hour.

"I-I am sorry…" [Shizuki]

I was satisfied from the bottom of my heart, Shizuki"s skin looks smooth and moist because of the sweat but she apologized while squatting on the floor. She seems depressed because of the promise made with Senjo-senpai.

But, if anything the fault is mine because I didn"t end the punishment early.

"Don"t worry about it. I don"t mind about the promise, after all she made it without confirmation from us, so it can"t be helped if we had something more important" [Fujimura]

"Sorry…" [Shizuki]

I said so to the depressed Shizuki, but she stayed on her knees and apologized again.

She is so stubborn for a s.e.x slave. Even if I forgive her, she doesn"t forgive herself.

Well, I like that about her.

"I understand. I will give you punishment later" [Fujimura]

"Thank you. And I am truly sorry for troubling you" [Shizuki]

Shizuki seems satisfied with my words and thanks me while kneeling. However, unlike her usual voice she sounds sad.

Punishment normally is unreasonable. So Shizuki is normally punished without doing anything bad. That is why Shizuki could enjoy from the bottom of her heart. But this time Shizuki is convinced that she should be punished later because of her misconduct, so she can"t enjoy it.

So I have to punish her later, otherwise she may break.

In order to keep the yandere slave fully obedient I must consider various things.

I made Shizuki wear brand-new underwear and let her get dressed.

The time is past 5:00, Senjo-senpai should have left the meeting place already, but just in case.

The problem is evidence, without it, no matter how she interrogates us, there will be no way of getting us to be punished.


"It would be better if you don"t wear the chast.i.ty belt for the time being" [Fujimura]

Even if it can be hidden with something, it doesn"t change the fact that we have been watched by Senjo-senpai. It is possible that she will make a surprise inspection.

"Shizuki?" [Fujimura]

I was worried about the quiet Shizuki, so I look at her.

Shizuki who removed the choker clenches it very hard and is looking down while trembling.

"Leave that, we must not let any proof on sight" [Fujimura]

I said so to Shizuki, but she doesn"t reply and is looking down.

"Shizuki" [Fujimura]

"… … Yes" [Shizuki]

When I called her more strongly, Shizuki who replied at last finished putting down the choker.

Hmm, I am a bit anxious. Due to the fainting and the time wasted, Shizuki"s mind has become unstable. The choker and the belt are the proofs that Shizuki is my s.e.x slave. By letting it go, there is a possibility that she will break.

The existence trying to break my relationship with Shizuki. Her anger is turned to Senjo-senpai, she is the cause of this, and because of that she may attack Senjo-senpai.

Even if I feel like that… It is probably meaningless.

If Senjo-senpai says anything that shakes Shizuki, Shizuki may forget herself and attack. However, Senjo-senpai is a member of the kendo club, and is said to be part of the national tournament. If she attacks.

Senjo-senpai who is part of the discipline committee may not counter-attack an amateur, but if Shizuki suddenly attacks, she may counter-attack by reflex. If that happens Shizuki may be injured.

But, I can"t leave Shizuki and confront Senjo-senpai by myself.

"Okay, forget it. We are returning" [Fujimura]

"Eh?" [Shizuki]

Shizuki looks at me with her doubtful face.

Even if we are suspected by Senjo-senpai, it is better to not meet with her.

I crouched and took the choker from Shizuki"s bag, and attach it to her neck.

"Master…" [Shizuki]

Shizuki holds the choker on her neck with both hands, and calls me with her trembling voice. She looks at me with her eyes full of tears.

"I am s-sorry. I was bad, I bothered my master…" [Shizuki]

Shizuki says so with her trembling voice, covering her face with both of her hands while crouching.

I can hear faint sobs.

Did she think that by caring for her I would fall further?

This is bad. By the flow of things. Shizuki is sad now, but if I fail now she may turn her anger to Senjo-senpai. Moreover, if Shizuki seriously attacks Senjo-senpai, it will become very bad.

The opponent is a kendo master; there is no way to win face to face…

If it reaches such a point, it may be good if she doesn"t suffer a serious injury.

Shizuki is suffering from mental illness. And she loves me to the point of being fully obedient. If someone who tries to break our relationship appears. In which situation we are in right now.

It is better not to think that it will pa.s.s with time. As the time goes, Shizuki may reach a dangerous idea.

If so, what do I do? Maybe it is better to meet Senjo-senpai today. Even if Senjo-senpai has left the meeting place already. I can"t predict what will happen to Shizuki if we don"t go.

But to meet Senjo-senpai, I must first stabilize Shizuki"s mind.

"Shizuki" [Fujimura]

I spoke to Shizuki who is kneeling while hiding her face with her hands and keeping down her sobs. But Shizuki doesn"t answer.

"Shizuki, this is an order, stand up" [Fujimura]

I, who am looking down at Shizuki, command her to do so.

*PIKUN* Shizuki reacts to my order and stands up. However, she keeps looking down.

She is quite unstable as expected; it is dangerous to meet Senjo-senpai. However, if we keep waiting, distorted emotions may arise and she may take actions before I know it.

So I have no choice but to stabilize her.

"You are mine!" [Fujimura]

I said so and grabbed Shizuki"s hair to force her to bend forward.

"I told you before, if you die, you will be killing me" [Fujimura]

I said so to Shizuki face to face, and I went around to her back, pulled down her underwear after rolling up the skirt. And then I unfastened the pants" zip and take out my raging c.o.c.k.

"I will use you forever, even tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, the day after that, a month after that, the year after that, and even ten years after later" [Fujimura]

While speaking to Shizuki, I grabbed the bare b.u.t.t that was fully exposed with my left hand, grabbed my c.o.c.k with my right hand and push the tip of the glans to Shizuki"s p.u.s.s.y.

"Shizuki, follow me, listen, follow my orders, you are my possession, I will look for all the possible ways to keep you, even if there is no way I will open one, so you just have to silently walk the path I made" [Fujimura]

While speaking I push my waist forward.

*GUJUU* The p.u.s.s.y makes obscene sounds while swallowing my c.o.c.k.

"You only have to follow me. Silently follow me, don"t think about unnecessary things… Shizuki, you are mine, stay silent and obey me, only watch me. Only listen to my voice, your place is Here" [Fujimura]

As I said so I pierce my c.o.c.k to the p.u.s.s.y"s base *ZURURU*. And grab Shizuki"s a.s.s with both hands to pierce her even more fiercely.

The tip of the glans penetrates the inner most part and Shizuki"s bottom trembled *BIKURI*.

*ZURURURU* When piercing and taking out the c.o.c.k mercilessly.

"M-Mast…" [Shizuki]

Shizuki, who was silent until then, said something with a faint voice.

I who was moving my hips mercilessly stopped and gouge the innermost part of Shizuki"s p.u.s.s.y with the glan"s head.

"Masteeer… ♡" [Shizuki]

Along with the sweet voice, Shizuki"s body trembled and her puss squeezed my c.o.c.k while spouting a tide *BYUBYU*.

I stroke my chest in relief after hearing Shizuki"s voice and the feeling of her p.u.s.s.y.

Shizuki"s mentality seems to have stabilized with my brainwash. Is should be okay now.

I was relieved, so I decided to enjoy Shizuki"s p.u.s.s.y for the time being.

There isn"t enough room to enjoy it, but Shizuki"s p.u.s.s.y is the best as expected.

Translator: Leoito

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