The Seventh Story

At school I opened the shoes locker, only to let out a sigh.

The love letters are increasing by the day. And now I even receive cookies and flowers.

Would I want to eat a cookie that was put at the same place that my shoes are at? There is no way I would eat a cookie that has the smell of my feet in it. Please think a bit.


“I have my hands full with Shizuki. So I have to decline all of these, won’t I?” [Fujimura]

I thought that it would decrease, but it increased instead.

This is Shizuki’s fault. Shizuki is my personal s.e.x slave, but others see her as my girlfriend. If we make it official it will be a little better. But Shizuki is against the idea.

Shizuki who is always obedient to me is opposing my decision on this.

Well, she is thinking about me. If I officially announce that a girl as ugly as Shizuki is my girlfriend my social status will surely fall. They may think that I am stupid.

To be honest, I don’t care what they think about me. Originally I was at the bottom, and I was intending to continue like that my entire life. But now I have Shizuki. For me, that is enough. If I have her, I don’t care what the surrounding people think at all.

But Shizuki persists on opposing my idea. It is very arrogant coming from a meat Onaho that exists only for letting out l.u.s.t, but I suppose I can grant her wish on this.

While sighing I pack the love letters in my bag and prepare to go to the cla.s.sroom. Just by seeing her back I understood it was Shizuki.

Her hairstyle is the long twin-tail with a pink ribbon. I found her back similar to Shizuki’s.

“What wrong with them. It is like they are in a hurry” [Fujimura]

I thought of calling out to her, but a Master going after the s.e.x slave is weird, so I stopped. Then I started walking and stopped in front of the shelf with the shoes lockers of Shizuki’s cla.s.s.

(If you are reading this in a page that is not  , this is a stolen translation, you should support the original translator)

There were several schoolgirls around Shizuki’s shoes locker.

Somehow I had a bad feeling.

“She really me off”

“It seems that some people saw Sakura and Fujimura-san together”

“They say it was just like a date”

“There is no way it is possible, not possible”

“But, even if it is a rumor, it irritates me”

The schoolgirls were talking while giving out an angry aura.

I now was convinced of my bad feeling, so I walked to the schoolgirls.

“Sakura is eating in the bathroom, right? No wonder she smells bad. It smells really bad when she is in the cla.s.sroom, doesn’t it?”

“Cho-, wait…”

“What Sakura Shizuki, you know of her name, right? Busakura Kimotsuki is enough for her; she really makes me feel sick” [1]

“Hey Kanna, I told you to stop”

A schoolgirl suddenly screams. The schoolgirl that was speaking badly of Shizuki saw me and was startled.


“I-Idiot. That is why I told you to stop”

The schoolgirl has a pale face. Then the other schoolgirl that told her to stop said in a low voice while knocking her with her elbow.

“Go away” [Fujimura]

I said to the pale schoolgirl with a strong voice like a boss.

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