Thirty-Third Episode

"Aheaa ♡ nooooooo ♡ nguu ♡"

By the time we arrived at the changing room Matsuki was already drowning in pleasure.

If I had to explain, due to the glans" head being inside her uterus, and all the thrusting from the walk, Matsuki is showing the white of her eyes and has her tongue out as the drool comes out and her body cramps from the pleasure.

By the way, my crotch area is completely wet due to her love juices flowing out.

"Women sure get a lot of pleasure…"

I murmur as I look at Matsuki"s face.

Once I pull my d.i.c.k out she settled down. And I will enter my sage mode until my libido refills again.

"Well, should I pull out my d.i.c.k from her uterus?"

I decided to pull out the glans that are inside Matsuki"s uterus *Zuppuru*.

Right now I"m lifting Matsuki as I grab her a.s.s with my hands. It"s the standing position, so I lift her a.s.s.

*Gugugu* I pull out the glans that are inside her womb, due to that Matsuki reacts to the pleasure caused by me moving out my c.o.c.k from inside her.

"Nooo ♡ noooooooooo ♡"

Although Matsuki had fainted, she puts her tongue out again while drooling as her body cramps.

It seems like she just had a climax while unconscious.

"Kuu. The glans is not going out from her uterus"

Even though her insides are slippery, as I raised her a.s.s the glans doesn"t come out from inside her womb.

If I try to pull it out will her p.u.s.s.y get pulled out together? Uneasiness filled me as I remember. But I can"t keep my c.o.c.k inside her womb forever.

After reaching that conclusion I put power in both arms, and quickly lift her b.u.t.t.

Following the feeling of her womb getting dragged together and the feel of it liberating my c.o.c.k a sound echoes in the changing room.

"Noo ♡"

Matsuki let out a voice as her body started cramping once again. And her urine started coming out as she lays there unconscious.

"Fuu, it finally came out"

I was starting to worry about it, but I"m truly happy that I managed to pull it out.

As I watch Matsuki unloading her urine while convulsing on the floor, I started wondering what happened to her p.u.s.s.y that is able to drag out.

So I lay down on the floor and open her crotch to observe.

"Uwaa, what an erotic p.u.s.s.y"

The gaping open p.u.s.s.y is exposing the red meat walls. Moreover, the walls on both sides are abnormally developed. It"s completely different from Shizuki"s, and this one is slightly protruding out.

"Amazing. I wonder how it would react if touched…"

Her urethra was spurting out urine. Her c.l.i.toris is abnormally erect, it"s almost twice the size of Shizuki"s. Matsuki and Mitsuki are twins, so maybe they are identical. Their physical structure is similar too. If there is a difference, maybe it is because it was developed, maybe the c.l.i.toris is good reference.

"I wonder if the sensitivity is high…"

As i stare at her congested red and hard erect c.l.i.toris I try to play with it a bit using my fingers.

"Ooh ♡"

Matsuki who is lying down on her back reacts to my touch by letting out a beast-like voice.

If she reacts like this while unconscious, then how will it be if she was awake. Surely it will be way more than this.

"Uwaa, after all it"s coming out…"

The p.u.s.s.y that is open and exposing the bright red meat wall is slightly protruding out from her p.u.s.s.y as if it was a volcano.

Is this her uterus? It"s the first time I see it. It"s quite grotesque, but it"s way more obscene.

"Hmm, should I push it back inside?"

I ask myself so and poke her p.u.s.s.y with my fingers.

"Oooh ♡ noooo ♡"

When I poke Matsuki"s p.u.s.s.y, she raises a beast-like voice as her waist bounces up. And her p.u.s.s.y releases a tide vigorously.

Just by touching it with my fingers she went like this, then if I put my c.o.c.k in she would c.u.m like crazy. Her p.u.s.s.y was hard when I pierced it with my c.o.c.k, but when I touch it with my fingers it feels soft and squishy.

"Enough of that I guess, should I return it inside?"

I mutter so and push her p.u.s.s.y with my fingers.

"Oh ♡ ooh ♡ oooh ♡"

Matsuki raises her voice while her waist bounces again and her p.u.s.s.y releases tides.


I noticed that even though I"m pushing her p.u.s.s.y in with my index finger and middle finger there is plenty of margin in her p.u.s.s.y. It wasn"t so with Shizuki and Mitsuki.

Although her meat is soft, I feel like it"s expanding considerably.

Well, she did give birth to four children so I guess it"s natural? Well it still has a lot of suction power so I guess it"s a good p.u.s.s.y.

But, because it still has plenty of s.p.a.ce I increase it to three fingers.

"Ooh ♡ ooooooooooh ♡"

As Matsuki lets out a beast-like voice and blows a tide, I push my three fingers into her p.u.s.s.y.

There is still room. What a flexible p.u.s.s.y.

I try increasing the count to four fingers, and her p.u.s.s.y starts swallowing it inside.

"Ooh ♡ ooh ♡ ooh ♡ ooh ♡"

Her voice echoes as her body convulses and her p.u.s.s.y releases tides.

"Uoo, really…?"

Impossible, impossible, the base of my thumb was even swallowed and my hand ended inside her.

I feel the sensation of her soft meat wrapping my right hand.

It"s possible to do f.u.c.k her womb and it can even take in an entire fist.

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