Sonohi Sekai ga Kawatta

Chapter 8 Part 2

That Day The World Changed Chapter 8 Part 2


When I arrived at school, the shoes locker was tightly packed with love letters today too. I smiled at the sight and started to pack the amazing number of love letters, and let out a sigh.

“Really, what is this. The meaning is unclear and unpleasant…” [Fujimura]

No matter how you think about it, the number of love letters is greater than the number of girls of this school. It would be thought that the same girl sent many love letters, but it is not.

“This is from Shirayuri’s girls, this from Sakuragaoka. Akanedai, and even Jogasaki…” [Fujimura]

The love letters I receive come from neighboring schools as well as from this school.

I have a great tolerance towards bullying, but when it comes to receiving favor I am not accustomed. So I don’t have a way to deal with it. It was okay when dealing with the girls from this school because they were only making noise, but when the other school’s girls get involved I won’t be able to manage it. Besides, I will be always monitored no matter where I go, and it makes me restless.

I mean, I am afraid to be seen somewhere unexpected.

While looking at the bag filled with love letters that is really heavy I let out a great sigh.

“Senjo-senpai, please do your best in the game!” [1]

“With Senjo-senpai it is not a dream to partic.i.p.ate in the national tournament!”

“If you can get a ticket for the national in your hands, it will be the best achievement since we started the female Kendo Club!”

When I turn to where the yelling voices are coming from a person was seen.

A schoolgirl walks calmly while having her long black hair in a ponytail moving from side to side.

(If you are reading this in a page that is not  , this is a stolen translation, you should support the original translator)

Wearing a blue hakama, the kendo club’s uniform. And carrying a bamboo sword with her left hand. [2]

High stature and long slit eyes that hold a strong will combined with her well featured face.

Mikage. The girl’s kendo club captain; Shizuki’s and my senior, a third year student; Part of the three most beautiful girls of our school. The strongest queen. [3]

They are severe on others, but are reputed to be even more severe on themselves; anyhow, they are famous for being stubborn people.

“Senjo-senpai. I don’t like that person somehow…” [Fujimura]

She is called a queen, but I heard that Senjo-senpai as an athletic member regards discipline as very important. So I think she won’t use violence without a reason. So I don’t have to be freaked out, but I don’t like that person.

I won’t compromise, I won’t ever give up my dreams and hopes, trying to grasp the glory that is the result of acc.u.mulation of blood, it is too dazzling, and can’t help but feel miserable. That is why I don’t like Senjo-senpai. [4]

“What is wrong?” [Shizuki]

Shizuki who kept silent while staying close to me said while t.i.tling her head to one side.

“Ah, no, it is nothing” [Fujimura]

I put my hand on Shizuki’s head and answer her while
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stroking her head.

Even if I don’t worry she probably won’t involve herself with me. Because to her kendo is more important that a man.

However, Senjo-senpai who is surrounded by schoolgirls, probably members of the girl’s kendo club, looks at this place. And after saying something to the schoolgirls, Senjo-senpai alone walks to us.

Eh? Hey, why are you coming here?

And I noticed something.

If it is true that she is very strict with discipline. If said Senjo-senpai hears about the commotion that was made in Shizuki’s cla.s.sroom.

The public announcement about our relationship is the prime example of disturbing the public morals. [5]

Impatient I turned to look at Shizuki. Shizuki who was seen by me smiles gently and blushes. The choker on her neck has a silver nameplate with “s.e.x Slave” engraved on it.

This is bad. If this is seen there will surely be sanction. That not, the real problem is the silver chain. The chast.i.ty belt that has rotors installed in her nipples and c.l.i.toris, and the vibrators that are in her p.u.s.s.y and a.n.u.s, that is used to molest Shizuki all the time.

I look at the plate engraved with “s.e.x Slave”, it is the end if she is given a physical check-up. At the worst she will be killed.

(If you are reading this in a page that is not , this is a stolen translation, you should support the original translator)

“Ru—– no, it is useless” [Fujimura]

I thought about running, but I heard about Senjo-senpai hating cowards. And I also heard that she dislikes weak men.

If she sees me running away, it may become difficult.

While hiding Shizuki, if something is said I will obediently apologize. So I decided to hide Shizuki behind me and face her.

When she reaches in front of me she stops walking and looks at me with her long slit eyes.

Looking at her beautiful face and cold eyes made me freeze in shock and swallow my saliva. And I lower my line of sight.

She is carrying the bamboo sword in her left hand. d.a.m.n it, she is cowardly carrying a weapon. Moreover, a swordsman carrying a bamboo sword is too cowardly. No matter how strong I am, I don’t want to be struck with a bamboo sword by a kendo member. After all I may be strong against pain but I am not a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t. [6]

“Fujimura-san, I am impressed by you” [Senjo]

She said to me while lowering her head, I am not a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t but I will have to endure somehow being beaten with a bamboo sword.

Eh? What? What do you mean?

Senjo-senpai raised her head and pa.s.sed by me as I was confused.

I was taken off-guard; startled I looked at Senjo-senpai.

If the choker on Shizuki’s neck is seen it will be very bad.

Senjo-senpai moves horizontally and I move quickly to hide Shizuki. Senjo-senpai again moved horizontally but I quickly hide Shizuki behind me again.

After all Senjo-senpai is aware of Shizuki’s choker. That was why she said something to distract me while she went to secure the evidence while I’m distracted.

It is over if she sees the choker. If have to hide it even if it affects my pride.

“I know that Sakura-san is very important to Fujimura-san. But I would like to ask Sakura-san something. Can you let us talk somehow?” [Senjo]

Senjo-senpai moved to see Shizuki again, but I too moved to hide Shizuki behind my back while looking at Senjo-senpai, tired of trying she speaks with a humble att.i.tude to me who keeps hiding Shizuki.

It is a strategy to lower my guard.

“Shi-Shizuki, is, is… Not, not feeling well, so I was going to bring her to the infirmary. So if we can talk later…” [Fujimura]

I who was hiding Shizuki behind my back said to Senjo-senpai with a smile.

Please, please leave.

“I-I see. I apologize for that” [Senjo]

After Senjo-senpai said that she lowered her head with an apologetic face.

Oh? I thought she would persist on it, but she will back down?

(If you are reading this in a page that is not , this is a stolen translation, you should support the original translator)

“I don’t mind waiting for Sakura-san’s physical condition to get better. I will be waiting after school at the courtyard. I want to ask you something at any cost” [Senjo]

Then she raised her head and looked at me, then Senjo-senpai said “I apologize for my impoliteness” as she lowered her head once again. And then she walked away.

Oh, we were saved. But, to only call Shizuki.

It was difficult to secure the evidence with me present, so she changed her strategy to meet alone with Shizuki. She did very well, but she is too naïve.

Shizuki is a small and beautiful girl that seems very weak-willed, but in the inside she is a s.e.x slave that is completely obedient to me. No matter what kind of torture you do, she will never speak.

If we try to run we will be doubted instead. If it is Senjo-senpai it will be better to meet her.

“Shizuki, go to the courtyard after school” [Fujimura]

“Yes, Master. I know” [Shizuki]

Shizuki who was behind me answered. I heard her answer and was quite satisfied. This s.e.x slave that I trained is quite good. She seems to know what I meant.

“Oh, I will say it again in case you forgot; you have to talk to the teacher in the morning that you feel bad and come to the spare room. Because the punishment for laughing at me hasn’t disappeared. I will give you a wonderful punishment that will make you cry” [Fujimura]

When I looked back to look at Shizuki I ordered so while grinning.

“Yes, master. I know ♡” [Shizuki]

Shizuki who looks at me, smiles and blushes.

Fu fu, obedient is good.


Written as 千条先 (Read asせんじょう) Bamboo sword, also known as a shinai, it is this (Shinai). And the hakama is like this (Hakama) Written as 御影 and read as みかげ. I am not entirely sure about the meaning of this, but I think he is referring to before the beauty values changed, RAW is (一切の妥協を許さず、己の夢や希望を決して諦めず、血の滲む努力を積み重ねた先にある栄光を掴もうとする姿勢があまりに眩しくて、自分が酷く惨めに思えてしまう。だから俺は、千条先輩が苦手なのだ。) It may sound a bit weird, but it is actually not, the students know after all that they are in a s.e.xual relationship, I mean, there is no way people have not seen her choker. If you forgot, he was bullied before, so it was normal to be beaten, and he gained a bit of resistance against pain. 

Translator: Leoito

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