Chapter 32


“That’s right . Your answers are too good, we suspect that cheating took place . ”

“I didn’t do such a thing!”

Perhaps they thought that I cheated . I was surprised and so desperately denied it, a female teacher raises her lightly and screams in a high pitched voice .

“You must be cheating or how else you could you have gotten second place! Horitkun in my cla.s.s is already depressed, he left early today . ”


“He is the student who always gets 2nd place . He is very smart and has a high self-esteem, I was always conscious of Kamiyo-kun . Today he got pretty disturbed that he was surpa.s.sed by Shinozuksan and left early . ”

While another teacher explained what happened, Megane-sensei was complaining about something .

(TLN: Megane 眼鏡 means

The person who is always at second place, isn’t that the nerd-san the everyone was talking about? He is certainly a smart person and is in the top ranks even in the national mock exam . If I got number 2 then he leaves early, I do not think it’s my fault but . . .

Because the results of the test is due to my efforts, it is just a story wherein you would have to do better next time .

“You were always ranked low . You had bad behavior and your reputation among the students and parents were bad . I do not know if it is caused by the memory loss, but to suddenly get 2nd place . . . . I doubt it will become like that . More than anything, didn’t you cheat as well last year . ”

Her gleamed .

Last year, Aikchan did it . . . . even though cheating would not be beneficial to myself!

“Please calm down sensei . Certainly Shinozuksan last year, made a mistake . But the situation is different this time . She lost her memory, since then she has become a wonderful student . ”

Stomach suddenly came out, a teacher with a lonely atmosphere but was kind and gentle . This teacher is the vice of this school . To that gentle smile, how many times have we been healed with it during the preparation for the sports festival . With his favorite phrase “Well isn’t it fine” .

“She worked hard at the student council and volunteered to help the teachers, I also heard from the other teachers that her att.i.tude in cla.s.s is also good . ”

Ofu, I was complimented . It’s a little embarra.s.sing .

“But vice . . . . ”

I can clearly hear the grinding of Megane Onna sensei’s teeth, I sank lower as as she was truly glaring at me resentfully .

(TLN: Onna 女 is blunt term for female or woman)

“Ah, isn’t it fine??”

Raising his hand and interrupting was Kurofuchi Megane-sensei with the same unshaven beard as Sudo-sensei . . Somehow he looks terribly sluggish .

“I do not think that Shinozuka particularly cheated on the examination . This time I agreed to heed Sanno-sensei’s call because I wanted to confirm something with Shinozuka . ”

Scratching my head, I took 1 step forward . The look of disdain and silence is overwhelming . Is it because they are adults? The feeling of intimidation was heavier than what I have received up till now .

“Shinozuka . Do you remember helping a woman on the train before?”

“U . . . . uhm, I wonder if I do?”

It was hard to keep up with all the unrelated talk but I look back inside of my head .

A woman I helped on the train . I wonder if there was such a person . I gave my seat to an old man and old lady and guided them but I wonder if I have I ever helped a woman . Is it like picking up lost property? But isn’t it only natural . . . .

I tilted my neck as I rack my brain out, Kurofuchi Megane-sensei hurriedly gave a hint .  

“When I became sick, I received a PET bottle of a sports drink . ”

“Sports drink . . . . ah, I gave a woman the school day the GW (Golden Week) opened . ”

The first PET bottle I bought . There was simply no reason for me to forget .

“As I thought it was you! Thank you Shinozuka! My wife would sometimes collapse due to the terrible feeling of motion sickness . Iya, I was truly saved . Thank you . ”

My back was smacked and I almost stopped breathing . Sensei it’s painful . Please go easy on me . But that woman was the wife of Kurofuchi Megane sensei . The world is small .

“Well then the important matter is over so let us go home . ”

“Wa, wait Himuro-sensei! The important matter is not over . I still suspect Shinozuka of cheating . ”

“ . . . . too noisy old hag”

Small, a small voice whispered and muttered abusive language . It was probably audible to me who was next to him . To the unfinished yelling of Megane Sensei, Himuro-sensei just picked his ears and ignored her .

“How do you suspect cheating even though in general there is no evidence?”

“That . . . . but don’t you think it’s strange!? Isn’t the result of the first years’ third trimester exam in the 100s? Furthermore to suddenly get 2nd place . . . . ”

“Isn’t it because my head is empty that’s why it’s easy to cram stuff in? So, the evidence? There aren’t any right”

With agape jaws and shocked eyes, Megane-sensei seemed hesitant to speak . There is no evidence for something so preposterous . Because I didn’t do it .

Even so Megane-sensei did not want to admit it and kept repeating「but」, she was cut off by Himuro-sensei . It was unexpected to come from this sensei’s mouth . . . .

“M, me too . . . . I am not satisfied with the result of this test . ”

The last person among the teachers who have gathered, a teacher who was a timid man boosts Megane-sensei, Megane-sensei raises her voice joyfully .

“That’s right, that’s right . As expected, sensei understands well”

“Ah, but, about this girl cheating, I don’t believe so . I think that it’s doubtful…… . . ”

“Which side are you on!”

“Waa……so troublesome”

Timid-sensei sparkles as he looks at me and his body fidgets . When he spoke brokenly under the pressure of Megane-sensei, he looked at me straight .

“What I don’t understand is Shinozuksan’s brain”



“Despite memory loss, it’s strange that in such a short time her brain became inevitably better than the original . I often hear stories about a person losing their memory and becoming the complete opposite of their character but to be excellent in such a short time……this person’s brain has not been elucidated yet . By all means, I want to understand her mind!”

He breathed roughly and his spine trembled . I wonder what it is, this sensei is dangerous . He was timid just while ago but now he’s talking fast and has entered his own world . Including me and the other teachers are left behind .

“Ah, leave that alone, what does my homeroom teacher Sudo-sensei think?


All this time Sudo-sensei has only been spectating . I know he doesn’t think of me well and I’m sure he’s suspicious……

Contrary to me dejectedly dropping my shoulders, Megane-sensei turns to Sudo-sensei with hopeful eyes .

“Certainly Shinozuka’s behaviour throughout April was the worst . She doesn’t listen to the teachers words and spits reckless remarks . Dispute with other students also happen everyday and I constantly receive complaints from the homeroom teachers of each grade .  


Was Sudo-sensei criticized very strongly by the other teachers? I guess being resented can’t be helped . From now on, let’s redeem ourselves .

“Not just in school, there were complaints from outside too, I truthfully don’t know what to do with this student”

“That’s right……Sudo-sensei’s suffering, I sympathize with you”

Sensei is also human . Even if you’re a student, I guess there are times where you neglect yourself . If I cause trouble to that extent it’s not strange to suffer from neurosis . Let’s do plenty of help for Sudo-sensei .


Then he closed his mouth once and sent a gaze at me . Although it was a cold gaze just a while ago, now he’s expressionless, I don’t understand what he’s thinking .

“But, the Shinozuka from May is a diligent person”


“Her att.i.tude during cla.s.s is good . There’s also no conflicts between students and Shinozuka centered in opening a study group . Thanks to this midterm exam the overall results of Cla.s.s E went up”

“Hoo, well done Shinozuka”

Himuro-sensei ruffled my head as a thanks but it hurts . Hair is falling out!

“Not only did Shinozuka’s reputation in cla.s.s go up but I also only hear compliments from the student council . Well, the Cla.s.s 1 students are avoiding it”

Are, is this…… . am I being praised? The words coming out from Sudo-sensei’s mouth aren’t criticism but he’s praising me .  ThatSudo-sensei .

“Not only the teachers and students but even the janitors and the guards and recently I’ve been getting thank you calls from people outside”

“Thank you calls? What on earth… . . ”

“Aa, that’s right . Recently my students have been helping people, I hear grat.i.tude and admiration from people who witnessed cleaning .  Thanks to this the school’s reputation is rising and I’m glad”

“Thank you calls? What on earth… . . ”

“Aa, that’s right . Recently my students have been helping people, I hear grat.i.tude and admiration from people who witnessed cleaning .  Thanks to this the school’s reputation is rising and I’m glad”

“And what kind of relation do you have with Shinozuksan? Don’t tell me that Shinozuksan is doing good by herself?

I don’t know about helping others but I do pick up trash on the way to school . I pick up cans in the station, etc . It feels good to be clean .

“There are times where Shinozuka’s name comes up directly but more than anything it seems that her face has been remembered by the station staff . This neighborhood also knows about Shinozuka . There were various things . That’s why, I often hear people say that their behavior has improved and that they’re relieved and impressed”

They remember my face . That’s why when I greeted them for the first time, they had a strange look on their face . I see . Not just in school but Aikchan was also a celebrity outside .

“At any rate, the Shinozuka right now likes to help people and will tackle anything diligently and seriously . There was also no strange behaviour during the exams . Shinozuka did not cheat”

My mouth was gaping . Because that Sudo-sensei stood up for me . What do I do……i’m so happy .


Aren’t you just favoring your student?

“I, favor Shinozuka? Impossible . The behaviour of Shinozuka right now is because of memory loss, if she regains her memory it will possibly go back to the way it was before . I will keep observing from now on”

The word observing gave me cold sweat . I can’t show blunder .

But I wonder if this means I can compromise with Sudo-sensei? I glanced at Sudo-sensei but his gaze didn’t match, he glared at Megane-sensei . I’m scared

“Well isn’t it okay”

I am relieved by the smile of vice who came between the two .

“It’s not good to doubt when there’s no evidence . Above all, what will we do as teachers who can’t trust their students?”

“But vice!”

“I will not allow any more of this, Mito-sensei”

“…… . . uu”

From a smiling face to a harsh look . Even Megane-sensei no longer pursued .

Cheat That s right . Your answers are too good, we suspect that cheating took place . I didn t do such a thing Perhaps they thought that I cheated . I was surprised and so desperately denied it, a female teacher raises her lightly and screams in a high pitched voice . You must be cheating or how else you could you have gotten second place Horita kun in my cla.s.s is already depressed, he left early today . Horita kun He is the student who always gets 2nd place . He is very smart and has a high self esteem, I was always conscious of Kamiyo kun . Today he got pretty disturbed that he was surpa.s.sed by Shinozuka san and left early . While another teacher explained what happened, Megane sensei was complaining about something . TLN Megane means The person who is always at second place, isn t that the nerd san the everyone was talking about He is certainly a smart person and is in the top ranks even in the national mock exam . If I got number 2 then he leaves early, I do not think it s my fault but . . . Because the results of the test is due to my efforts, it is just a story wherein you would have to do better next time . You were always ranked low . You had bad behavior and your reputation among the students and parents were bad . I do not know if it is caused by the memory loss, but to suddenly get 2nd place . . . . I doubt it will become like that . More than anything, didn t you cheat as well last year . Her gleamed . Last year, Aika chan did it . . . . even though cheating would not be beneficial to myself Please calm down sensei . Certainly Shinozuka san last year, made a mistake . But the situation is different this time . She lost her memory, since then she has become a wonderful student . Stomach suddenly came out, a teacher with a lonely atmosphere but was kind and gentle . This teacher is the vice of this school . To that gentle smile, how many times have we been healed with it during the preparation for the sports festival . With his favorite phrase Well isn t it fine . She worked hard at the student council and volunteered to help the teachers, I also heard from the other teachers that her att.i.tude in cla.s.s is also good . Ofu, I was complimented . It s a little embarra.s.sing . But vice . . . . I can clearly hear the grinding of Megane Onna sensei s teeth, I sank lower as as she was truly glaring at me resentfully . TLN Onna is blunt term for female or woman Ah, isn t it fine Raising his hand and interrupting was Kurofuchi Megane sensei with the same unshaven beard as Sudo sensei . . Somehow he looks terribly sluggish . I do not think that Shinozuka particularly cheated on the examination . This time I agreed to heed Sanno sensei s call because I wanted to confirm something with Shinozuka . Scratching my head, I took 1 step forward . The look of disdain and silence is overwhelming . Is it because they are adults The feeling of intimidation was heavier than what I have received up till now . Shinozuka . Do you remember helping a woman on the train before U . . . . uhm, I wonder if I do It was hard to keep up with all the unrelated talk but I look back inside of my head . A woman I helped on the train . I wonder if there was such a person . I gave my seat to an old man and old lady and guided them but I wonder if I have I ever helped a woman . Is it like picking up lost property But isn t it only natural . . . . I tilted my neck as I rack my brain out, Kurofuchi Megane sensei hurriedly gave a hint . When I became sick, I received a PET bottle of a sports drink . Sports drink . . . . ah, I gave a woman the school day the GW Golden Week opened . The first PET bottle I bought . There was simply no reason for me to forget . As I thought it was you Thank you Shinozuka My wife would sometimes collapse due to the terrible feeling of motion sickness . Iya, I was truly saved . Thank you . My back was smacked and I almost stopped breathing . Sensei it s painful . Please go easy on me . But that woman was the wife of Kurofuchi Megane sensei . The world is small . Well then the important matter is over so let us go home . Wa, wait Himuro sensei The important matter is not over . I still suspect Shinozuka of cheating . . . . . too noisy old hag Small, a small voice whispered and muttered abusive language . It was probably audible to me who was next to him . To the unfinished yelling of Megane Sensei, Himuro sensei just picked his ears and ignored her . How do you suspect cheating even though in general there is no evidence That . . . . but don t you think it s strange Isn t the result of the first years third trimester exam in the 100s Furthermore to suddenly get 2nd place . . . . Isn t it because my head is empty that s why it s easy to cram stuff in So, the evidence There aren t any right With agape jaws and shocked eyes, Megane sensei seemed hesitant to speak . There is no evidence for something so preposterous . Because I didn t do it . Even so Megane sensei did not want to admit it and kept repeating but , she was cut off by Himuro sensei . It was unexpected to come from this sensei s mouth . . . . M, me too . . . . I am not satisfied with the result of this test . The last person among the teachers who have gathered, a teacher who was a timid man boosts Megane sensei, Megane sensei raises her voice joyfully . That s right, that s right . As expected, sensei understands well Ah, but, about this girl cheating, I don t believe so . I think that it s doubtful . . Which side are you on Waa so troublesome Timid sensei sparkles as he looks at me and his body fidgets . When he spoke brokenly under the pressure of Megane sensei, he looked at me straight . What I don t understand is Shinozuka san s brain Eh Waa Despite memory loss, it s strange that in such a short time her brain became inevitably better than the original . I often hear stories about a person losing their memory and becoming the complete opposite of their character but to be excellent in such a short time this person s brain has not been elucidated yet . By all means, I want to understand her mind He breathed roughly and his spine trembled . I wonder what it is, this sensei is dangerous . He was timid just while ago but now he s talking fast and has entered his own world . Including me and the other teachers are left behind . Ah, leave that alone, what does my homeroom teacher Sudo sensei think All this time Sudo sensei has only been spectating . I know he doesn t think of me well and I m sure he s suspicious Contrary to me dejectedly dropping my shoulders, Megane sensei turns to Sudo sensei with hopeful eyes . Certainly Shinozuka s behaviour throughout April was the worst . She doesn t listen to the teachers words and spits reckless remarks . Dispute with other students also happen everyday and I constantly receive complaints from the homeroom teachers of each grade . Aika chaaan Was Sudo sensei criticized very strongly by the other teachers I guess being resented can t be helped . From now on, let s redeem ourselves . Not just in school, there were complaints from outside too, I truthfully don t know what to do with this student That s right Sudo sensei s suffering, I sympathize with you Sensei is also human . Even if you re a student, I guess there are times where you neglect yourself . If I cause trouble to that extent it s not strange to suffer from neurosis . Let s do plenty of help for Sudo sensei . But Then he closed his mouth once and sent a gaze at me . Although it was a cold gaze just a while ago, now he s expressionless, I don t understand what he s thinking . But, the Shinozuka from May is a diligent person Eh Her att.i.tude during cla.s.s is good . There s also no conflicts between students and Shinozuka centered in opening a study group . Thanks to this midterm exam the overall results of Cla.s.s E went up Hoo, well done Shinozuka Himuro sensei ruffled my head as a thanks but it hurts . Hair is falling out Not only did Shinozuka s reputation in cla.s.s go up but I also only hear compliments from the student council . Well, the Cla.s.s 1 students are avoiding it Are, is this . am I being praised The words coming out from Sudo sensei s mouth aren t criticism but he s praising me . ThatSudo sensei . Not only the teachers and students but even the janitors and the guards and recently I ve been getting thank you calls from people outside Thank you calls What on earth . . Aa, that s right . Recently my students have been helping people, I hear grat.i.tude and admiration from people who witnessed cleaning . Thanks to this the school s reputation is rising and I m glad And what kind of relation do you have with Shinozuka san Don t tell me that Shinozuka san is doing good by herself I don t know about helping others but I do pick up trash on the way to school . I pick up cans in the station, etc . It feels good to be clean . There are times where Shinozuka s name comes up directly but more than anything it seems that her face has been remembered by the station staff . This neighborhood also knows about Shinozuka . There were various things . That s why, I often hear people say that their behavior has improved and that they re relieved and impressed They remember my face . That s why when I greeted them for the first time, they had a strange look on their face . I see . Not just in school but Aika chan was also a celebrity outside . At any rate, the Shinozuka right now likes to help people and will tackle anything diligently and seriously . There was also no strange behaviour during the exams . Shinozuka did not cheat My mouth was gaping . Because that Sudo sensei stood up for me . What do I do i m so happy . Sensei Aren t you just favoring your student I, favor Shinozuka Impossible . The behaviour of Shinozuka right now is because of memory loss, if she regains her memory it will possibly go back to the way it was before . I will keep observing from now on The word observing gave me cold sweat . I can t show blunder . But I wonder if this means I can compromise with Sudo sensei I glanced at Sudo sensei but his gaze didn t match, he glared at Megane sensei . I m scared Well isn t it okay I am relieved by the smile of vice who came between the two . It s not good to doubt when there s no evidence . Above all, what will we do as teachers who can t trust their students But vice I will not allow any more of this, Mito sensei . . uu From a smiling face to a harsh look . Even Megane sensei no longer pursued .

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