I get off the train and head towards the ticket barrier as I follow Tanakkun. There is somewhat more people than the station I usually use. The inside of the station is also wide and the ceilings are high.  

Ugh, I"m getting pushed away by the crowds.

“Tanakkun, can we hold hands?”

It"s gonna be terrible if I get lost in such a crowd.

He was a little surprised but he laughs shyly and holds my hand. Tanakkun"s hand is rugged and seemed like a boys", and his palm was warm.

“This is the first time I have seen this place with so many people.”

“It is because it"s a holiday that there are too many. We have to make sure not to get lost”

Ofu, it"s a story that is painful to hear because of my experience getting lost. I have to make sure not to let go of Tanakkun"s hand.

As you leave the station, skysc.r.a.pers stand side by side, overwhelmed by many vehicles and pedestrians. Aikchan"s home was a normal house in the residential area, the school"s surroundings weren"t so lively, to be honest I feel like country b.u.mpkins like me has been exposed.

With my mouth wide open, I looked around and my eyes sparkled at the novelty.

“Bus, bus, bus”

I got on the bus at the bus stop, there is shopping mall at the destination about 10 minutes away.

My first bus. The shaky scenery is very different from the train, the tension meter is close to MAX.

I have to hold it in, if I don"t hold it in I might get a nosebleed again. Deep breaths, deep breaths.

We got off the bus at the designated bus stop, There was a large building in front of us. This is the shopping mall. There are a lot of shops here.

In front of the entrance of the mall sits a large clock like object that is supported by two angels.

Angel-san are you ok? I am happy and everyday is fun. Angel-san too, please work hard. And, I prayed from the bottom of my heart.

“Ah, the seniors are there”

At the entrance of the shopping mall, there was Ichinose-senpai and Mikoshibkun,  also Chibkun who came earlier.

“Good morning. You"re also partic.i.p.ating huh Chibkun.”

“Because Ichinose-senpai invited me. I don"t like the crowds very much  but socializing is important.”

“I invited him thinking that it wouldn"t be good to only invite new people. They"re all student council members”

Certainly, Chibkun will be the only outcast.

“Um, h.e.l.lo nice to meet you”

Ichinose-senpai responds with a smile to Tanakkun who nods and greets.

“Nice to meet you. It seems that Aika is always in your care, thank you”

“Not at all. I do it because I like to”

“Tanaka got me at the sports festival. I won"t lose next year”

“It is not only just because of me…….”

Hmm, we may also be able to see the cavalry fight between Tanakkun and Mikoshibkun next year. It was popular among the students, it would be nice to join the compet.i.tion next year. I thought it was a girl"s cavalry fight, but i"m going to be scuffled……like in the tug of war.

“Oi, sorry for the wait!”

Mamiysenpai and Sakaki-senpai came to me while waving their hands. And Nishijimsan clinging to Mamiysenpai"s arm. With this, everyone has gathered.

Mamiysenpai"s wearing a girly gray dress and a mule with a white ribbon. The lace on the dress is so cute!

“Did you wait?”

“No, we"re all here now. What do you want to do? Are you going to eat ice cream right away?”

“Well, since I went through the trouble to come, let"s go shopping.”

“……you take a long time shopping and your baggage is bulky”

“Please take care of the luggage, Kazuki”

With a sign, Ichinose-senpai laughed and said it can"t be helped. The two were looking like real lovers, my chest hurts. They look good together.

“They match really well huh,  those two.”


Sakaki-senpai who thought of the same thing, greeted good morning.  Although I didn"t quite understand what the boys were wearing, it looks good in casual style. They look like models.

“Kazuki has always been devoted to Sakurako since he was a child. I want those two to be together soon, as their childhood friend”

Ichinose-senpai as a child…..I thought was absolutely adorable! He must have been popular since then.

“I wish I could have seen Ichinose-senpai when he was small. He would have been really cute.”

“I"m going to respond to that. Well, he had a pretty face”

As I was imagining Ichinose-senpai as a child, I was pulled on the side of my clothes.

“Hey you, what is with all these people? I haven"t heard any of this! Besides, he"s not a man. This l.u.s.tful b.i.t.c.h!”

Nishijimsan appeared booing. She curled the end of her usual twin tail, a pale pink short-sleeved blouse and a pure white frill skirt. She also had pink lolita odeko shoes to match it.

It"s as if she was an antique doll.

“S- So cute!”

“What are you looking at、you make me sick”

“Nishijimsan you"re  so cute”

“I wouldn"t glad to be praised by you! What is that ugly bag. Such poor taste”

She seems to be pretty angry with the gathered members. Don"t be unreasonable. It"s fear of men. Mayu-chan and her friends should have been invited too.

But no matter how angry she gets, I don"t mind because she"s dressed like a doll. It"s rather cute.  Even if you"re angry it"s cute, me smiling makes her even more angry.

“Hey, Suzune. What are you getting angry about?”

“Because, she"s been staring at people and it"s disgusting.”

To Mamiysenpai, do not make such a disgusting happy face with entwined arms while you are being hit lightly in the head, making a voice of a spoiled child. Sounds nice, Mamiysenpai.

“Nishijimsan"s fashion is so cute, I saw it.”

“Hmm, you have zero sense. But that bag of poor taste is perfect for you.”

“Really! This is my favorite!”

“. . . . . .”

You tell me that my favorite Umausa backpack would suit you, my mood is now better. Nishijima looked as if she"d ate some insects, an unforgiving attack from Mamiysenpai.

“Ri・n・ne~. How many times do I have to tell you that you have a bad mouth?”

“Ouch! Senpai, it hurts!”

Grabbed by the temple with a fist, Nishijimsan got teary eyed.

“As expected of  Sakurako"s junior. Having properly inherited a sharp tongue.”



 Sakaki -senpai who was next door got high kicked. Mamiysenpai, you are quite the athlete.

Mamiysenpai in school is gentle but she displays her lively self to her close friends, at any rate she is a charming person. If I were with you all day today, I might be able to see the other faces of Mamiysenpai.

“Nishijima. I understand that you have fear of men but you can"t be afraid forever, please get used to it little by little. To overcome your male phobia, you came to a co-ed school right?”

“Uu, I came because I liked it……”

Confused by what Ichinose-senpai said, she looked at Mamiysenpai as if she were asking for help. As if to sooth Nishijimsan, he pat her head gently

“I was able to meet you Because I came to Seirin. There will be various encounters like this in the future、why do you not wait without running away?”

“Waiting is it?”

“That"s right. Firstly, you have to look at your companions  face well. Because the people here now are only good guys.”

“……That girl is unpleasant though”


Once again Mamiysenpai grinds Nishijimsan"s temple.

Must be nice, the feeling between senior and junior. Because I have no opportunity to come in contact with my junior, I adore the relationship between them. You"ll have juniors if you join club activities right? I have to hurry and choose a club. Oh, but if I join a club later won"t I seem like a junior? But in terms of age I"m older, maybe if you"re skillful perhaps you"ll be appreciated. Alright, let"s do our best!

“I"m hungry”

At the sound of Mikoshibkun"s stomach, I entered the shopping mall because I wanted to eat the ice cream. Yes, I did.

Upon entering the automatic door, there was a rumble of footsteps behind us, we all turn around to look.

“Earlier there was a post in the internet, 『Dark Heavens』was gonna have a secret live performance here!”

“Seriously!? Isn"t that the handsome rock band. Moreover their lyrics and songs are cool that I was told they surely debuted”

“Hurry, hurry, let"s go to the square!”

The girls who"s eyes were sparkling, as if we weren"t in front of them, rushed to the automatic door.

“W-what is this!?”

“Don"t get dragged by the crowd, grab my hand!”

Ichinose-senpai"s voice becomes distant. I tried to hold hands but I went through the shopping mall swept away by the crowds like an avalanche. And inside, was in a more severe condition.

There was a large hall at the entrance and at the center was a stage, the girls swarmed around it. The inside was full of people. While being crushed, I managed to slip out of the crowd and looked around.


The shopping mall is a building of Enjo, the ceiling of the entrance became a colonnade and there were many shops and people.

“This is the shopping mall. It feels much bigger than it looks from the outside. Ah, where"s everyone?”

While I was amazed by the size of the shopping mall, I looked around to see if anyone was around but I couldn"t see them. I seem to have been separated.

“Oh no……I have to find them”

I only got separated, I"m not lost. Even if I try to search in the crowd, I can"t get in and I seem to be just flung out. These girls are incredible.

At loss of at what to do, I glance around and the escalator caught my eyes.

That"s it, I might find them if I go up to the second floor on the escalator!

I tried to get on the escalator quickly but I struggled because it was my first escalator.

Uh, the timing is difficult.

As soon as I tried to step on it the next staircase suddenly appears, it"s quite hard to get on the escalator. I grasped the handrail and managed to get on somehow, this time I"m scared of getting off. The stairs gradually get sucked in as it goes up. At this rate, my feel will get sucked in!


I estimated the timing then jumped! I managed to get off, the surroundings stares hurt. I want to able to get off smoothly like anyone else.

If you look down from the 2nd floor, you will see a lot of confused people, I don"t know where everybody went.

Uh,  Aikchan doesn"t have poor eyesight, but  if there"s this much people, who is who?……let"s try shouting. Then, they might notice.

As I inhaled a lot of air and was about to shout, there was a wonderful thing in my sight!


Umauschan is walking on the other side of the 2nd floor. And holding a balloon too. Even though I know there"s a person inside the mascot, I can"t stop my excitement!

「Wait Umauschan! I want a balloon too!」

I run after him to not lose sight. When we meet Umauschan let"s have a handshake and a picture too. Will he get angry if I hug him? Shopping mall"s are fun!


I quit my job to resume translating again wohoo! I miss translating!
I will release daily once the 20 dollar daily donation goal is filled.

I will treat this as my work from now on. I am once again under your care guys and thanks for reading.

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