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Memory 2: School and Lunch and I

—Am I happy right now?

I mean, I understand the basic concept of happiness, and I"m full aware of the literal meaning. But, if one were to ask me if this emotion filling my chest is happiness, then I would be confused on how to respond.

I finally made it back to my original world, after traversing through different worlds for 7362 days…No, it"s not even about my original world. All I wanted to do was tell Koori my grat.i.tude…my feelings. That was the only reason I wanted to return, making me feel the urge, the desire to return. To meet Koori again. I had these words inside of my head, my only desire to convey them to Koori in person.

"Senpai is just too funny…so I"ll go out with you."

We even ended up in this exceptional relationship, which probably delivered the biggest surprise in my entire life, even more than anything I"ve seen in the different worlds I visited. Even after casting my [Arusal1] spell countless times to check, the current reality didn"t change. That"s why—

"Ah, Senpai~Morns~"

I didn"t even pick up Koori"s approach as she walked towards me, wearing her school uniform.

"Ahaha, what"s that face~?"

"…It"s too dazzling."

"Hm? Dazzling? Was it such clear weather today?" Koori replied as she narrowed her eyes, as she looked up at the sky.

Watching her like this, she yet again felt like an existence too far away that it made me dizzy.

"Ahh, I see I see. Senpai, you"re thinking about something weird again, right?"

"Something weird…"

Is it…? I can"t properly judge if what I"m thinking is weird in any way. That"s why I tried putting it into words.

"I was…thinking about happiness…"

"Happiness…Pfft, what"s up with that~? It"s just like Senpai, so funny!" Koori hid her mouth with her hand as she laughed.

Her glossy, smooth hair, her slender, white arms, her dazzling thighs. The most of it all, her heartfelt laughter, I could watch it my entire life. Yeah…this is it. That"s what it was. This scenery I always dreamed of seeing again…

"Is it that? You"re happy that you can be together with me again? Well probably not…"

"Yeah, that"s it."


Yet again, I realize how sharp Koori can be.

"Being able to walk together with you like this…is pure bliss for me."

Putting it into words really isn"t that much work. How did it take me so long to realize, when it was this simple?

"…? Why are you leaning over like that?"

"…Because…ahh come on…this is foul play…"

"—! A status abnormality?!"

The time pa.s.sing since the threat of a status abnormality has been confirmed is crucial, so the quicker we take care of it, the better.

"Ahh, stop stop stop! You don"t have to use magic! I"m totally okay!"

"But, your face…"

"Just leave my tomato face alone for now…Don"t look at me."

"S-Sorry…" I did it again.

I still am far from perfectly grasping the common sense of this world. To be frank, even Koori"s angered expression like that is a treat to watch, but I really don"t want her to hate me, so instead I resorted to secretly gazing at her from the side. Even as we started walking, Koori muttered words like Calm down, me…calm down… to herself.

"Ah, right right…Senpai, it"s been such a long time, seeing you in your uniform."

"My uniform…"

Now that she mentions it, 20 years ago, Koori had been wearing the middle school division"s uniform, but now we"re both sharing the high school version. She"s been cute back then already, but it"s not even comparable to now.

"…I don"t know, I don"t feel too nostalgic."

"You barely remember anything from your school days, right…Well it"s been two years—or rather, 20 years inside your head…Woah, that must be tough. Like, seriously!"

Just when Koori"s eyes opened wide with a perplexed expression, she turned that into a gleeful smile.

"I"m glad you came back while I"m still a student~ Though it"s also pretty convenient that you"re in the same year as me now~"


Before my coma in this world, Koori had been in the middle school division"s second year, while I was a first year in high school. Koori herself just normally processed through the years, arriving at my year now, while I was told to repeat my first year of high school after waking up. Naturally, I"m honestly glad that I wasn"t forced to leave school completely, so there is that.

"Hm…? Oh don"t tell me…you were actually bothered by that?"



"You and I are in the same year now. Isn"t it a bit vexing that you address me as Senpai?"

"—Ah, ahhh! That"s what you mean? Oh phew…that shocked me for a second."

"…? What do you mean?"

"No no no, nothing at all~!"

A faint fragrance of citrus came floating over from Koori as she frantically waved her hands…It"s a pleasant scent.

"I mean, we are in the same grade now…but that doesn"t take away our difference in age, right? Senpai is like my Senpai in life!"

"In life…I see. It"s true that respecting the elderly is a principle found in every world."

"Hahahaha, respecting the elderly, he says! Such a boomer phrase!"

Just watching Koori laugh hysterically as she"s holding her stomach makes all the savage and brutal memories from the other world I experienced just a few days ago completely wash away.

"Ahh, this is great…time sure flies when you"re having fun, I totally get that now…Also, Senpai, the staff room is over there~ You have to finish some paperwork because you came back to school, right?"

Before I even realized it, we already arrived at the school, and Koori walked off quickly as she showed me the way.

"Alrighty then, Senpai, I"ll see you later!" Showing a peace sign next to her head, a fitting pose for Koori, she slowly turned around.

"Nanonano~ Morns~"

"Morns~ Oh, you cut your bangs? Looks cutie cute~"

"Eh, reallz? Yay~"

"Nanjo-jan, ye ye~"

"Ye~ Something good happen? You"re in a good mood, like for real~"

"You can tell~? That"s Nano~ You see that drama yesterday? That new actor, you know, he—"

In matter of seconds, Koori was surrounded by friends, and I watched her walk off with a gleeful smile. Seeing what I had always dreamed off right in front of me, I was fully satisfied—

"Hm? You, is something wrong? The student entrance is over here."

An unknown man called out to me, calling me back to reality. From the looks of it, this dream of mine will still continue—

"Also, Nano? Who was that guy just now?"


"Didn"t you come to school together~? You were smiling like crazy when you were talking with him."


I froze up towards my friend"s retort. Well I should be able to cover it up somehow. I"m pretty good at that, after all~ But, I feel like that would be rude towards Senpai.

"Um…well, how do I say it…my boyfriend."

Saying it out loud was as embarra.s.sing as I expected, my voice getting all quiet.

"Umm…boyfriend, huh…I see I see…Wha?! Boyfriend?!"

My friend"s frantic reaction made me jump up in surprise.

"Wah, too loud…"

"Nano?! A boyfriend?! Seriously?! Like, super seriously?!"

"What what? I just heard the word boyfriend coming from here, didn"t I~? Fill me in girls~"

"Nano got a boyfriend!!"

"—Huh?! No way! Hold on! Hold on, seriously?! —Big news! Nano got a bf!!"

"—For real?!"

You kidding me? The news spread through the room in a matter of seconds, and my friends, scattered inside the cla.s.sroom, came closer, surrounding me like I was being interrogated by the police.

"Ehhh…? What"s going on?"

You all got nothing better to do? Really?

"Nano! You got the nerves to be popular with the boys, but never went out with anybody, right?!"

"What do you mean I got the nerves…Well, it"s totally true that I got a bf though."


"Also, weren"t you just confessed to by that hottie from that other school?! You rejected him, so why?"

"She was even hit on by the university students who were with me~"

"And, who is it?!"

"He"s not in our cla.s.s, right?!"


I was hesitating a bit on what to say and what not to say.

"He"s from our school…but I don"t know if he"s in our cla.s.s…"

That reminds me, did Senpai properly take care of the formal stuff?

"I think I saw Nano"s bf!"

"For real?! What"s he like~?"

"A hottie? Better be a hottie!"

"Was just for a sec, so I couldn"t properly see."

"Worthless info~! Totally hilarious though."

"But, I think it was—Watase Kairi!"

She was perfectly on point that I couldn"t even force out a voice. Wait, didn"t she also run into me when I was visiting Senpai in the hospital…?

"Watase Kairi…Who?"

"Ah, that guy who"s gotta repeat this year, right?"

"I know him~ He was hospitalized, I think~"

"Hospitalized…The guy who did some weird drugs?"


"Wah, that"s like totally scary!"

"Eh, Koori are you okay?!"

"Nano~ I know you like fun-sounding stuff, but don"t adventure too much, okay~"


This…has turned into a difficult situation. Maybe I"d be better off just telling them what really happened…Aw man, I should have just kept quiet about this whole thing.

But, before I could even clear up anything, they all started discussing Senpai—No [Watase Kairi] with some imaginary stories. Just when I was at a loss on what to do, however—

"Ah, Senpai."

I spotted the devil as he just entered the cla.s.sroom. Hearing me call out, all the others went quiet in not even a second, looking at him. No, more like staring at him. But, perfect timing~

As expected of Senpai, he wasn"t bothered in the slightest with everyone"s gazes glued to him. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Senpai was the first to break the eye contact, the others started whispering to themselves.

"…That guy?"

"Eh, he"s like, not scary at all?"

"Idiot, look at him, he"s got that cold glare in this eyes…"

"…Wah, scary~"

"No, he"s totally normal! Rather, that"s a good part about him! Seriously, where are you all looking~?" Or so I wanted to say, but barely managed to hold back.

Work it, girl. Work it, me.

Senpai made his way towards the front of the blackboard, and looked around the cla.s.sroom as he narrowed his gaze.

"…Somehow, this feels nostalgic."

Yeah, makes sense…it"s been 20 years after all…

"He"s talking like he came back from juvenile detention…?!"

"Eh, a returnee from reform school…?!"

"That"s what you meant with hospitalization?!"

"This is way too scary…!"

Um…I can perfectly hear you all…Senpai can probably hear them as—Wait, Senpai, why are you holding out your hand towards the door with a cold gaze like that—?!

"Senpai, stop!"

Everyone jumped in shock as I suddenly screamed aloud, but Senpai was faster than me.


A big hole opened on the door, and the teacher behind it let out a shriek…Oh boy…


Right before Senpai could walk outside, I finally managed to stop him.

"Senpai! That"s not an enemy! It"s our homeroom teacher!"

"Home…room…? ……Ahhh."

With a Now that you say it expression, Senpai stopped whatever he was planning on doing, at least…

"…Huh?! Eh, what just happened?!"

"A gun?!"

Yeah, figures…I thought, as I held my head.

"You okay, Koori? No need to force yourself if you"re feeling off…I can even use my [Recure3] if you need it—"

"Ah, no, I"m all good, really…"

So you pick up on that? I can"t tell if you"re trying to kill me or be kind…Well, we"re just talking past each other at this point, I guess. Even so, I can"t help but think of this as fun.

"Heh…haha, I guess that just the normal student life will be problematic enough~"

"…? I had to go through more dangerous situations. Even those where my life was in danger."

"Your life isn"t in danger here!"

What are you talking about, dangerous situation happening at school?!

"And, something similar happened in a different world as well."

"Eh, serious? That sounds really interesting…"

I would have loved to hear more about it, but before that—

"Maybe we should think of a proper excuse for this mess first~" I gave a wry smile, to what Senpai tilted his head to the left.

Of course, that wasn"t the end of it all. First, him talking with the other students turned into a mess. Basically, barely any cla.s.smates dared to approach Senpai because of what happened, but this was also the trigger for some of the boys to make the first step.

"Yo, Watase-kun! Nice to meet you!"



"…Hm? Ah, you"re talking to me? Sorry. Maybe it"s because they didn"t call me by name when I was over there, but I barely react to being called Watase anymore."

"O-Over there? Did you go somewhere?"

"From a different world—ah."

"Different world…? Eh, what?"

"…I messed up…my promise with Koori…"

"Ohh, so you and Nano-chan are actually a thi—Huh? Why are you grabbing my head like that?! Wah, hold on?!"

"Sorry. Let me erase your memories."

"M-My memories?!"

"—Okay Senpai, calm down for a second!"

Things like this went down on a frequent basis, and I always just barely managed to step in between. Even during cla.s.s, when the teacher said It"s been two years since your last cla.s.s, wasn"t it, Watase, Senpai just nonchalantly commented with No, 20 years actually, leaving everyone in confusion, or when a cla.s.smate behind him got up to answer, Senpai pushed him down in a flash…I even heard that something crazy happened during boys" gym cla.s.s.


Because of all these things building up, that slight misunderstanding from the beginning turned into crazy rumours…Honestly speaking, I was at my limit.

"Senpai, could you come with me for a second~?"

If I had to guess, I probably did something fatal. I remember back to when Koori and I had an strategy meeting—

"Senpai, you barely have any memories left from your time as a student, right? If so, then…please don"t do anything fishy, especially not on your first day. No taking out some otherworldly items out of nothingness like before. Especially a sword or other weapons, you got me? Same with magic…I know it might be hard to suddenly not use any of it anymore, but try your best not to stand out in that regard."

…To a certain degree, I really tried to keep that promise…Right before I wanted to do something, I did hold back to the best of my ability, and I didn"t use the [Garden4] either. I had to use some magic here and there, but n.o.body should have been able to see through it.

What brought forth the most problems was my body, trained to immediately react towards any sort of weird occurrence around me. Only against that, I was unable to fight back. surprising my surroundings many times.


She must be pretty fed-up with me by now. Imagining this scene in my head, I was devastated enough that I couldn"t even call out to Koori walking in front of me. Like this, we eventually arrived up at the rooftop, with Koori turning around towards me, a strict expression—Strict…expression?


She burst out laughing. She laughed. Kept laughing. And laughed even more.

"Ha…hahaha…Ahh, finally…that was tough holding back…I really did great holding back…I deserve some praise for this…Phew…"

"…Holding back?"

"I mean, you surprised everyone like that…and you looked like you didn"t even know why…Pffft…No, stop! Just remembering it makes me burst out again! Ahahahaha!"

"You"re not…angry?"

"Ahaha…Hahaha…heh? Angry? At what?"

"You told me to be careful…and I just…"

"Ahhh, well, I was panicking a few times here and there, but what can you do~"

"What do you mean…?"

"I mean, you were gone for twenty years, and now you"re suddenly back in this foreign environment…n.o.body can blame you for not knowing left from right. At the very least, I wouldn"t be able to, so I don"t have the right to get angry at other people, don"t you think?"

Seeing Koori flash a wide grin at me, I was left speechless.

"Ah, I should be the one to apologize! You were worried about that, weren"t you…? I should have told you earlier…"




Really. From the bottom of my heart, strong feelings of grat.i.tude came rising up. That"s why, I couldn"t help but bow down to Koori, where she started to get fl.u.s.tered.

"Wait…I-I keep telling you, don"t pull stunts like that…what I said is just normal, so…"

Koori"s bashful smile looked so lovely, I was about to lose myself…Please, I don"t need anything else in life, so let this time continue for all eternity.

From the looks of it, Senpai was bothered quite much. It didn"t look like it from the outside, so I was merely enjoying it with a good amount of fun, but I might have been a tad bit rude. If that was the case, then I had to at least ask why, so I did.

"…At first, I thought it was just me thinking too much…But, walking down the hallway, the people around us were…" Senpai spoke up.

"Ahh…so you heard that?"

Just walking to the rooftop a few minutes ago, we pa.s.sed countless people whispering to each other about Senpai. As an example—

"…Hey, is that the…?"

"The one sending the teacher flying…"

"He destroyed a door with a weapon…"

"He also threw over a boy who"s part of the judo club…"

"He was at juvenile detention for two years, right?"

"Why is he suddenly at our school…?"

"Maybe he threatened the board chairman—"

And so on. Things sounding possible, things sounding ridiculous…well, most of the things they fantasized about were completely off the truth, but not all of them were lies in the end. Since Senpai didn"t comment at all, I thought he didn"t even hear them.

"The one making things difficult…was me after all."

"…………Hm? What are you on about?"

Like seriously, what"s he talking about? It"s not even about them whispering? Does he think that everyone is avoiding him because they think he"s a delinquent?

"Everyone thinks that you"re losing your way, Koori."

"…Excuse me, but what exactly do you think of me, Senpai?"

"But…in the cla.s.sroom, they were all begging you…"

"Hmm? Did they really~?"

I personally feel it was just the same worthless banter.

"You"re really popular, Koori."

"Popular~? Well, I am pretty famous, especially with the boys~"

"…Yeah, that"s what I thought."

"…Um, I know it might sound weird coming from me, but could you please disagree with me there? Saying it myself was crazy embarra.s.sing."

But, Senpai just shook his head, and continued.

"No, you"re really cute, Koori. Coming to school here, seeing all the other girls, they can"t hope to compare against you. No mistaking it."

"…That"s…well…thank you…very much…"

Again with that…Again with…Ahhhhh! G.o.d d.a.m.n it…Senpai is so unfair…

"Especially when they were talking with you Koori, they were smiling that entire time—Especially the boys."

"I wonder "bout that~? Everyone"s on the same wavelength like me, so it"s easier to talk to them, I guess…"

Isn"t it also because of Senpai"s appearance today? Also, he sure was watching me intensely…Even bothering to the small details like the boys especially—Wait, don"t tell me…?

"Hm? Senpai…are you jealous by any chance?"

Honestly, just asking that had me fl.u.s.tered to the limit, but how did Senpai react with this explosive question?

"………! ……!" He stayed quiet, but his facial expression told me everything I needed to know.

—That much?! I wanted to scream at him, but seeing Senpai"s face turn as red as a ripe apple, I didn"t even need to ask, so it"s all-okay in the end. Well…maybe not as much, seeing that I"m just as embarra.s.sed. But even more than that, I was desperate to hide my grinning face from Senpai.

"Ahh, Senpai~ we"re not kids anymore~"

…Dang. My voice was shaking like crazy. I meant it merely as a joke, but it feels like I just dug my own grave with that…M-Maybe I should change the topic.

"F-For now, let"s eat lunch, how about it?"

Right, right. One reason of coming up here was to let out all the laughter I had to hold back in cla.s.s, but this is actually the main deal right now.

Because of our middle-and high school combined inst.i.tution, we have a lot of students, and a great number of facilities to accompany that.

Still, with this many buildings and rooftops, only the rooftop of the high school division"s first building is open, and the one of this very middle school division"s 3rd building is normally closed off for us students.

Now, if one were to ask how Senpai and I got up to this forbidden place…well, through various incidents, I managed to get the key, tehe, but let"s leave that aside for now~ With n.o.body up here, we can totally monopolize the entire roof for ourselves, sitting in front of fence. With the bread and drinks I got from the school store, preparations are complete~

Before any of you ask, I was eating lunch alone up here as well from time to time. Normally I eat it together with my friends in the cla.s.sroom or outside in the courtyard, but when I feel like eating alone, I go up here.

But—now the still slightly fl.u.s.tered Senpai was sitting next to me, so I couldn"t hold back a happy voice.

"Hehe…it sure has been a while, eating lunch together with Senpai~"

For me, it"s been two years. For Senpai—it"s been 20. To be honest, I never imagined that I would be able to eat lunch with Senpai again like this…

"…Honestly, I didn"t expect to spend time with Koori like this again."

"—Ahaha, don"t just say the same thing I was thinking~" I"ll get fl.u.s.tered again, ehe.

"Same thing…? …I see."

…What"s with this crazy cool face. I can"t…I can"t stop grinning.

Senpai just blankly stared at me, so I showed him one more smile, handing him the bread and tea.

"Here, Senpai. You liked walnut bread, right? Or did your tastes change when you were in these different worlds?"


"Why"re you just getting quiet like that~ Did I hit bulls-eye by chance?"

"No…I was just thinking that you actually remembered."

"Eh. Ahh~ Well, there"s barely any people who like walnut bread…"

The real reason is because I often thought back to the time when Senpai was still with me…

"Seeing Koori remember that about me…makes me really happy."



"…Why are you leaning forward like that—Don"t tell me!"

"It"s nothing! I"m perfectly fine! Don"t do anything!"

Because Senpai would immediately take out a sword again, or cast some weird magic, I can"t even writhe in agony, even though his cuteness is almost killing me every time. Especially ever since we came to school today. Maybe he"s nervous after all? It"s been 20 years for him…I mean, I can"t even fathom how long ago that must feel like. He"s been away longer than I was alive after all.

Senpai"s been spending that time in a completely different place, all alone. The more I think about it, the more I think that Senpai being here is nothing short of a miracle.

"Haaa…Sure is amazing…Nom."

"…Is it good?"

"Mm? This bread? Well…I guess?"

I was wondering why he would suddenly bring that up, but it"s probably because of what I said before. Seems like he thinks that the "amazing" part referred to the actual taste of the bread. Knowing him, he was probably considerate of me. Before he was gone, he never asked me what I was eating and so on.

Yet again, I can"t help but think that a lot must have happened during his time in these different worlds, and that he"s probably changed a lot as well.

"You must have been eating lunch with someone while you were in another world, right?"

The first person that came to my mind was Shaltinisan. Hm…yeah, that must have happened. Though I can"t really imagine it.

"……With someone…in another world…" Senpai muttered to himself with a difficult expression.

"I mean, if it"s hard to talk about, then you don"t have to tell me, okay. I was just interested."

"No." An immediate response. "I was just wondering how to tell you—but this should be the fastest."

"Eh, don"t tell me—"

He"s going to use that 360° reflection magic agai—? I thought to myself, but before I could even finish the sentence, our surroundings went pitch black. He sure moves quickly…Actually, I"m a bit envious of that, since I tend to hesitate and worry quite a lot.

"Senpai, this is…"

"It"ll shift in a second."

Just as he said, it brightened up immediately. Beneath the wide blue sky, a city made of stone stood. It looks a bit…western? Maybe greek? Next to the stone pavemented road were open-air stores, with lots of people—

"Wait, what"s this?! A tail?! Horns?!"

I just a.s.sumed they were normal humans, but they all have tails and horns growing from them?! Their faces…Eh? They look like normal humans at least…rather, so many beauties!

"It"s ⬜⛛⚪☆."

"Sorry, what?"

"……Ah…Well, the inhabitants of [Mektray] all have dragon blood running through their veins. Basically, they"re all demi-humans."

"I see~"

I mean, I don"t really understand the definition of a demi-human, but they"re probably beings that look like humans? Does everyone in that world look like these people? I"m sure that a normal human like Senpai must have stood out like crazy. Was he fine like that?

"But, where"s Senpai?"

"…Over there."

I looked towards the location Senpai pointed at. The past Senpai was sitting in a wide open place with a water fountain, his head cast downward, covered by a hood.

"Ahh, that"s like Senpai~"

You could tell immediately with the vibes he was giving off. I approached him to look beneath the hood, and—

"Eh, woah…Aren"t you, like, crazy slim?! Were you fine back then?!"

The past Senpai was incomparably slim to the current one, and I grew worried that he might just die of starvation…so I panicked.

"F-For now, you have to eat something—"

「For now, eat something!」

My voice overlapped with someone else"s. Said person was sitting next to the slim Senpai on the bench. The girl was holding…something like bread, I think…? and soup…? as she urged Senpai to eat. Well, I"d react the same way if I saw Senpai like that…But, more importantly, seeing this girl from the front, I lost my calm.

"Hold on hold on…isn"t this girl ridiculously cute…?!"

Her height was about the same as mine, but her silver glossy hair made me feel envious, her facial features were small and adorable, and her violet gemstone eyes were shining with worry…What kind of care product is she using for her skin, like, excuse me?! It looks so smooth and sparkly!

Looking closer, small horns were born from her head, and it perfectly fit her for some reason…super cyoot! She seems…to have a tail as well…? Wah, her legs are so slim! Ahhh, ehhhhh…uuuuuuh?

"Who"s that girl?!" I turned around to hysterically ask the real Senpai.

"Honestly…I"d rather not see her face ever again…" He said, clearly b.u.mmed out.


What"s he on about? You say that about an unrivalled beauty like her? I"m fairly confident I could stare at her for like another week though…Not to mention that she"s this worried about Senpai…Like, what kind of relationship did they have anyway?

Right as I felt a bit gloomy, Senpai spoke up.

"It"s right after that…"

Perfectly timed with Senpai"s comment, the beauty acted. She split the bread, and pushed it towards Senpai"s face, but…he didn"t eat it. Following that, she only took a small piece of bread between her fingers, pushing it onto him…but he still didn"t eat it. Well…

「Come on now!」

Ah, is she getting fed-up? I thought, as the girl put the piece of bread in her own mouth. Ehhhh? Even her chewing looks so cute! Like a small hamster…But also so dignified…? Is she, like, a n.o.ble? or so I was speculating, as she suddenly moved her mouth towards Senpai—No, forcefully opened his mouth, and pushed her own on top, feeding him.


"It"s the worst…right?"

"I-I mean…I guess…?"

She"s a bit too wild…? Then again, a wild beauty like that ain"t that bad…

"Huh? Senpai isn"t resisting at all…?"

He"s just letting her do it…ah, wait. This wild beauty looks like she"s touching Senpai"s body…? It feels like there"s a lot of unnecessary touching in there…? And her face is a bit fl.u.s.tered as well?

"…At that time, I was about to die of starvation, so I didn"t even have the strength to resist."

So that"s why she could do all that without Senpai resisting—saying that would have probably gone too far, huh. Well, leaving that aside…

"Don"t tell me, this wild beauty…um…what was her name again?"

"♢⛛…Shemi would probably something close in our language."

"Shemi-chan…wasn"t she pretty close to you?"

"Impossible." Senpai declared. "I can show you proof."

With these words, the scenery in front of my eyes moved yet again. With a momentum quick enough to make me feel dizzy, the reflection in front of me changed. As I thought, this really is fun.

The scenery now seemed to be a forest of some sort, with Senpai exterminating a giant snake, with the cyootish cool Shemi-chan next to him. Matching up with Senpai, she moved at an insane speed, but while the two of them were fighting, they kept quarreling the entire time.

Next, in a shadowy place close to a giant rock, Shemi-chan was fighting a tiger the size of an elephant, constantly glancing over here. Over here referring to the past Senpai of course, who apparently took the hint, and went to help Shemi-chan in her battle, only to get complained at with I never said I wanted your help!, and…Ah, Senpai walked away.

Following that, the scene changed yet again to what looked to be a really hot volcanic place, as Senpai was fighting a really intimidating winged…dragon-like creature, covering for an injured Shemi-chan. In response to that, Shemi-chan looked up at him with watery eyes, begging him to Just leave me behind…! but Senpai looked more annoyed than anything.

Even in the streets of a town, an open field during dawn, and a giant castle…Eh, castle? Seriously, who even is Shemi-chan?

Anyway. All these different scenes perfectly showed that Shemi-chan was acting in quite the complicated manner towards Senpai.

"I see I see~"

Senpai looked over at me, visibly asking me with his gaze if I understood what he was referring to, and I nodded along.

"I understand it perfectly now~"

Shemi-chan totally had the hots for Senpai. But, because she completely sucked at showing how much she actually did, it turned out in such a clumsy way. That being said, I won"t tell Senpai. Rather, I can"t even…who knows how he would react.

Senpai took that as a sign of affirmation on my side, completely missing the point though, but still returned the scenery to the water fountain from the start.

"During my time in [Mektray], I mostly wandered around with her, and as a result of that, I was unable to have dinner with someone else, and I found trouble accepting any half-eaten food."

Show your weakness, and they will take advantage of that—some lesson along those lines seemed to have been engraved in Senpai"s head. Senpai saying that now, and the Senpai back then when he was in Shemi-chan"s care had a completely different expression.

"…Yeah, makes sense…"

I can perfectly understand Senpai"s feelings, and I painfully feel Shemi-chan"s problem as well. She must have panicked because her feelings didn"t get across to Senpai~ Also, I can"t help but feel thankful that she saved Senpai in that problematic state he was in, but…

"Mouth-to-mouth feeding, huh…"

I mean, I totally get that she was desperate, but there had to have been another method…?! Like, even though I know that it couldn"t be helped, I still feel a bit gloomy…This rarely happens with me!



While I was agonizing over my selfishness, we apparently returned to our normal rooftop again, and Senpai was looking over at me in worry.

"…No, I"m fine." I immediately relaxed my face to make it seem like I was perfectly okay, when I realized just what exactly I was holding.

Before I could even finish my thought, I spoke up.

"Um…do you want a bite?"

From my half-eaten bread.

—Towards Senpai, who was left unable to eat food with someone else. Not even able to eat the half-eaten food from someone else.

—Wait…wait wait wait, what am I doing?!

I panicked much more than I wished I would have, and I even realized that I didn"t even directly refer to the bread, and grew even more fl.u.s.tered. Um…Um…what to do…?!

"J-Just joking…~"



Grabbed my hand.

"I"ll take a bite."

With a serious expression.

He looked at me.

"Eh…No, no no no…it was just a joke! It"s half-eaten…you know…?"

By me.

Ahh, what if he says no? But I kinda want him to say no, but also yes at the same time…and uuuuuughhhhh…

"If it"s yours, then."

Senpai stopped his words there for a second, only to continue with as much force as he could muster.

"I think I could eat it if it"s yours, Koori…No, I want to eat it."


Senpai, just as always, as red as a tomato. He"s…trying to overcome the traumas he suffered…but, even more than that…he"s actively saying he wants to do it because it"s me—

"………………I can"t."

"—S-Sorry…it must have been disgusting, right…"

"Ahhh, no no no! That"s not what I meant! Rather, I want you to eat it!"


Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh?! Have I gotten completely crazy?!?!?! I wanna punch myself so badlyyyyyyyyyyy…! But I have to hold back…!

"Um…can I ask something really embarra.s.sing…?" I asked, but didn"t bother waiting for Senpai"s response. "Do you know the word…indirect kiss?"

—Well, yeah. I know. I really do. Even if I didn"t have a boyfriend so far, I"ve been confessed to countless times now, and went on parties and karaoke and wherever with my friends and other boys…and I should be perfectly fine with this. I really…should be…but.

"…I know." Senpai responded.

If you say that with such a determined face…then I"ll completely lose myself, Senpai…! I-I can"t…I can"t look him in the eyes anymore…! H-How did I end up like this…?

"T-Then…um…h-here you go…"

Here you go, I said?! Seriously?!

Right as my head was about to burst, right as Senpai was about to put the bread in this mouth—it disappeared.


Looking up at the sky, a bird was flying past us, the bread in its beak.

"Eh…for real?"

Something like this…actually happens? Isn"t this timing a bit too G.o.dly? Eh…?

While I stared at the bird in shock, Senpai took out a sword—

"Stooooop!! Stay right there! What are you doing because of some bread?!"


Ah, ugh…! Don"t make such a sad face…! Haa…I can"t anymore…I…

"Aha…ahahahaha! A bird?! A bird s.n.a.t.c.hed the bread with such ridiculous timing?! Ehhhhh, stuff like this actually happens irl?! T-This is too funny…ahahahaha!"

"…………I didn"t expect that."

Also, Senpai looks seriously frustrated! Ahhh, how can one person be so cute! Though I can"t stop watching him either~

"Let"s just give up now, Senpai. Also, if you want it that badly, I don"t mind giving you my half-eaten—"

Wait. Isn"t it, like, super disgusting to say that he can eat my half-eaten food whenever he wants?

Then I realized what stupid thoughts I had, and burst out laughing once more. Senpai on his end kept watching me as well with a soft expression, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

At the same place like two years ago, doing things we couldn"t do two years ago—These feelings I didn"t have two years ago—The realization that I like him. From now on, we can experience all these things at our own speed, so there"s no need to rush.

The most important thing of it all—

"Being together with Senpai like this…really is fun!"

That"s all that matters. Or so I think at least.

"…Yeah, being able to stay together with Koori like this…is pure bliss."

Senpai returned these words with a super kind smile, making my heart skip a beat—am I a young maiden in love or something or something?! Wait, that was a rhetorical question.

With a mixture of both embarra.s.sment and happiness, I yet again writhed in a comfortable agony.

1 Spoken as Aruusal, written as Awakening

2 Written as [Pierce], probably from the latin word excel, which means to go beyond?

3 Probably makes sense, but it"s written as [Regeneration]

4 Written as [Imaginary Storehouse]

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