Spirit Realm

Chapter 1073: b.l.o.o.d.y Artifact

Chapter 1073: b.l.o.o.d.y Artifact

The flesh of the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil was rough, difficult to chew, and not very tasty.

However, the vitality and blood energy contained in its flesh was a level higher than that of a standard rank six beast.

Qin Lie had exhausted quite a lot of refined flesh and blood energy lately due to repeated usage of Star Door.

Therefore, the flesh of powerful beings was exactly what he needed to recover his strength.

After the Rank Six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil was fully cooked and in his stomach, he discovered his qi and flesh energy were largely restored.

The Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil was five meters tall, approximately twice his height. Its physique was at least three times his own.

However, it only took him an hour to fully cook the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil and devour it whole.

His rank seven bloodline and two hearts had greatly increased his ability to digest meaty food.

Not only did the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil fail to make him feel bloated, he even felt hungry afterwards.

Apparently, a single Rank Six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil wasn’t enough for him to recover his full strength.

It didn’t take long for the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil to turn into a bag of bones wrapped in fleshy gray white skin.

Qin Lie took out a spatial ring and stored the devil’s corpse and sawtooth claws inside.

After resting for a moment, he continued on his journey to hunt down more creatures on this level of the Abyss Battlefield.

Two hours later, two Rank Six Golden Horned Brute Devils entered his soul perception.

It took him a dozen minutes of time and a mixture of frost power, thunder power and earth power to kill both of them.

While battling the devils, he made sure to familiarize himself with the usage of different powers and secret arts. He also tried to engage the two Abyss Devils in melee with his powerful physique.

The Golden Horned Brute Devil was even tougher than the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil was. The golden horn on its forehead was especially indestructible.

He was accidentally stabbed by a Golden Horned Brute Devil with its horn during the fight, and a b.l.o.o.d.y hole had appeared as a result.

The golden horn of the Golden Horned Brute Devil was probably as sharp as his Thunder Soul Blade was.

After he killed the two Golden Horned Brute Devils, roasted and devoured their flesh, he recovered even more refined flesh and blood energy, and his chest wound was healed thanks to the enhanced recovery latent ability of the G.o.d Race’s bloodline.

He continued to march deeper into the Abyss.

After that, he began encountering a large amount of Abyss Devils of rank four, five, or six along the way. He would encounter an Abyss creature, or several of them, every few minutes, at most an hour.

He never needed to attack them first. These Abyss Devils automatically charged him like madmen after they caught the scent of human flesh.

One by one, the Abyss Devils were killed by Qin Lie. Over time, he gradually left the Dark Soul Beast avatar’s territory.

The numerous battles caused him to become covered in blood stench. His eyes were bloodshot all the time.

There were violent energies everywhere inside the Abyss. Even if he hadn’t fought the creatures, prolonged stay inside the Abyss would still cause a normal human to go insane and become full of bloodthirst.

Naturally, the fiendish and b.l.o.o.d.y aura surrounding Qin Lie had grown thicker over the course of many battles.

One day, he killed an entire group of Rank Five Silver Armored War Devils.

At this point, he had completely recovered his refined flesh and blood energy through hunting and feeding.

He stared at the Silver Armored War Devils he just killed and pondered for a moment. Then, he sat down quietly and began refining lifeblood essences.

Previously, the greatest amount of lifeblood essences he could refine was five hundred.

That was his absolute limit.

After going through many battles and restoring his refined flesh and blood energy to max, he discovered that the limit on the amount of lifeblood essences he could refine had increased yet again.

The floor of dead Silver Armored War Devils was the perfect source of refined flesh and blood energy, so he used them to refine his lifeblood essences.

Six hours later, the Silver Armored War Devils were left with translucent bones only. Qin Lie had eaten every last sc.r.a.p of their flesh.

He had added another two hundred or so lifeblood essences into his repository.

“This isn’t my limit yet. I can still refine more lifeblood essences.”

Qin Lie frowned at the stripped carca.s.ses. He had no choice but to find another way.

“The Demon Sealing Tombstone!”

His eyes lit up, and he took out the nameless tombstone known as the Flesh Filling Tombstone of the G.o.d Race.


The Demon Sealing Tombstone hovered above his head and discharged seven brilliant G.o.dly lights from its body.

The seven G.o.dly lights wrapped around his body like ribbons immediately and transmitted strange and mysterious energies into his body.

His G.o.d Race bloodline abruptly boiled up like fire!

His rank seven G.o.d Race bloodline was completely activated by the seven G.o.dly lights of the Demon Sealing Tombstone.

At the same time, his lifeblood essences rushed into the Demon Sealing Tombstone as if they were attracted by the seven G.o.dly lights.

As his lifeblood essences flowed into the Demon Sealing Tombstone, mysterious G.o.d Race characters began to appear on its surface.

Qin Lie stared closely at the mysterious words that had appeared on the Demon Sealing Tombstone. He quietly memorized all of them.

It was a secret art transmission that explained how to absorb the refined flesh and blood energy of living beings using the Demon Sealing Tombstone as a container. In order to execute this secret art, the martial pract.i.tioner had to possess a rank seven G.o.d Race bloodline!

Only those with rank seven G.o.d Race bloodline could utilize the Flesh Filling Tombstone to extract the refined flesh and blood energy of fresh bodies.

He suddenly recalled the first time he entered the Graveyard of G.o.ds. At the time, the Demon Sealing Tombstone had absorbed the seven spirit bodies into itself as it hung in midair.

The Demon Sealing Tombstone was called the Flesh Filling Tombstone by the G.o.d Race. Its greatest use was its ability to store refined flesh and blood energy.

Besides that, the Demon Sealing Tombstone could connect with the eight G.o.d corpses and provide Qin Lie access to their refined flesh and blood energy.

Just the same, the eight G.o.d corpses could use the refined flesh and blood energy stored inside the Demon Sealing Tombstone.

However, Qin Lie had cultivated and quickened the growth of the eight G.o.d corpses using the refined flesh and blood energy stored inside Demon Sealing Tombstone for many years. It didn’t have much refined flesh and blood energy left inside.

That was why he didn’t use the Demon Sealing Tombstone to recover himself despite using up a large amount of refined flesh and blood energy to create the star doors. He had noticed that the Demon Sealing Tombstone was about to run dry since a while ago.

For the longest time, he had refined many lifeblood essences and restored his physical strength using the refined flesh and blood energy stored inside the Demon Sealing Tombstone.

Moreover, the eight G.o.d corpses had consumed many enemy human martial pract.i.tioners and the refined flesh and blood energy inside the Demon Sealing Tombstone to evolve their strength from the level of a human Nirvana Realm martial pract.i.tioner to the late stage of the Imperishable Realm.

Qin Lie and the eight G.o.d corpses had been using up the refined flesh and blood energy inside the Demon Sealing Tombstone without replenis.h.i.+ng it all this time.

No matter how much refined flesh and blood energy was inside the Demon Sealing Tombstone, it was only a matter of time before it was used up completely.

Moreover, he didn’t even know how to replenish the Demon Sealing Tombstone’s refined flesh and blood energy in the first place.

It was only then that he learned the way to store refined flesh and blood energy inside the Demon Sealing Tombstone after his bloodline had evolved to rank seven.

“It’s time to prepare a stock of refined flesh and blood energy for myself!” Qin Lie’s eyes were as bright as the sun.

He was able to find six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil fifteen minutes later. His battle experience had grown over time, so he had enveloped his body in frost power to prevent the ice arrows’ frost powers from penetrating his body.

Then, he ignited his bloodline and send a wave of flames that looked like molten lava straight at his enemies. The devils roared at the top of their lungs, but they were gradually engulfed by the flames.

At this point, he already knew that the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil’s greatest weakness was fire. There was almost no way for the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devil to resist after he unleashed the Blaze Family’s flames.

The thick skin of ice and stone covering the six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devils quickly melted under the fire.

Without the protection of their tough skin, Qin Lie was able to kill the six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devils with ease.

The flames slipped back into his body like spirit snakes after he withdrew his G.o.d Race bloodline.


The Demon Sealing Tombstone flew over and stopped above the six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devils. Seven G.o.dly lights flew out of the Demon Sealing Tombstone under the command of Qin Lie’s bloodline.

The seven G.o.dly lights wrapped around the six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devils like very long leeches.

The still fresh bodies of the Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devils swiftly lost their refined flesh and blood energy. The bodies was visibly turning into bags of bones right before Qin Lie’s eyes.

A few minutes later, the six Frost h.e.l.l Stone Devils were fully absorbed, leaving only their bony carca.s.ses behind.

The Demon Sealing Tombstone was able to absorb their refined flesh and blood energy in an unbelievably short amount of time.

He could clearly sense that the amount of refined flesh and blood energy inside the Demon Sealing Tombstone had increased after the devils had been absorbed.

“What a terrifying and b.l.o.o.d.y artifact!” Qin Lie was stunned by this.

It was only now he realized the true use of the Flesh Filling Tombstone and its horror.

The devils’ refined flesh and blood energy was absorbed by the Demon Sealing Tombstone in just a short time.

The absorption process terrified Qin Lie and renewed his recognition of the G.o.d Race’s might and brutish way of life.

“This thing is probably rare even within the G.o.d Race, is it?” he thought to himself.


At another corner of the Abyss.

Cang Ye, the G.o.d Race female who met Qin Lie once in the chaotic streams of s.p.a.ce was hunting down a few Rank Seven Cave Devils on a dark continent. She was accompanied by her younger male cousin and a small G.o.d Race hunting team. The men were handsome, and the women were beautiful.

They cut apart the Cave Devils’ flesh with sharp, exquisite tools. Then, they propped them above a special purpose stove and roasted the flesh.

They also collected the Cave Devils’ bones, eyeb.a.l.l.s, hair, and other precious things that could be used as spirit materials.

A while later, the Cave Devils were literally left with nothing behind.

They conversed with each other while sitting beside the stove and tearing at the Cave Devils’ flesh.

“Sister Cang Ye, I heard that you encountered a human boy with the Blaze Family’s bloodline when you travelled into Spirit Realm’s chaotic streams of s.p.a.ce?” A handsome young man with conspicuous red hair, scarlet pupils and a brawny physique asked carelessly, “What rank is his bloodline again?”

“One level lower than yours.” Cang Ye shot him a glance before answering indifferently, “But if your bloodline was still at rank six, you’d be weaker than him.”


The youths surrounding the stove exclaimed.

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