While that doth fade This therefore ever shall endure Within the soul as more divine and pure.[52]

[1] See my _Studies in Mystical Religion_, chap. xix.

[2] Book III. lines 51-55.

[3] Book III. lines 194-197.

[4] Book I. line 18. Since this chapter was written, Alden Sampson"s _Studies in Milton_ (New York, 1913) has been published. His valuable chapter on "Milton"s Confession of Faith" reveals in Milton a very wide acquaintance with the ideas which I have been tracing, and shows by a vast number of quotations how frequently the poet used these ideas sympathetically.

[5] Francis Quarles" "My Beloved is Mine."

[6] George Herbert"s poem "Man."

[7] Francis Quarles" "Light."

[8] _Centuries of Meditations_ (London, 1908), iii. 16. For details of his life and for the story of the discovery of his writings, see the Introduction to _The Poetical Works of Thomas Traherne_ (1903) by Bertram Dobell.

[9] Traherne"s pom "Wonder," iii.

[10] _Centuries of Meditations_, iii. 1, 2 and 3.

[11] "Wonder," i.

[12] "The Salutation"

[13] Vaughan"s "The Retreat."

[14] Traherne"s "The Approach."

[15] _Ibid._

[16] _Centuries of Meditations_, iii. 8.

[17] _Ibid._

[18] "Dumbness."

[19] "The Preparative."

[20] _Centuries of Meditations_, iii. 46.

[21] _Ibid._ ii. 81. See also ii. 70 and 83.

[22] _Centuries of Meditations_, ii. 92.

[23] _Ibid._ iv. 70.

[24] _Ibid._ i. 19, and iv. 81.

[25] _Ibid._ ii. 23.

[26] "My Spirit."

[27] "Fullness."

[28] "The Choice."

[29] _Centuries of Meditations_, ii. 17.

[30] _Ibid._ ii. 1 and 17.

[31] _Ibid._ ii. 6.

[32] _Ibid._ i. 26.

[33] _Ibid._ i. 25 and 27.

[34] _Centuries of Meditations_, i. 28-31.

[35] _Centuries of Meditations_, iii. 7 and 3.

[36] _Ibid._ iii. 11-13.

[37] _Centuries of Meditations_, i. 59.

[38] _Ibid._ i. 67 and 62.

[39] _Ibid._ i. 60.

[40] _Ibid._ iv. 59.

[41] _Ibid._ iv. 28. See also iv. 31.

[42] _Ibid._ i. 86.

[43] _Centuries of Meditations_, iv. 2.

[44] _Ibid._ iv. 95.

[45] _Christian Ethics_, chapter on "Charity."

[46] _Centuries of Meditations_, iv. 9.

[47] _Centuries of Meditations_, iv. 37.

[48] _Ibid._ iv. 38.

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