Split Zone No.13

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

190 Ice Sculpture Huan Qing

d.a.m.n it, she’s getting closer and closer to me .

Nie Zun spoke just when I thought I could no longer bear it and would scream for her to go away .

“Let’s go and have a look outside . ” I realized she was gone after he spoke .

The three of us stood up .

“How do we get out?” I looked at Nie Zun with raised brows .

Nie Zun simply shrugged . “I don’t know . Let’s just have a look . ”

We started exploring the room again . We tried using MF, but every single object in this s.p.a.ce absorbs MF, and there was no way else to pa.s.s . There was no exit in sight either .

I wiped sweat off my face . “We’ve been looking around for so long but there’s no exit in sight . Hey, Nie Zun, do you really know where the exit is?”

Nie Zun did not look the slightest bit perturbed . “I don’t know . ”

I was so annoyed at this . Gaoqin Jiuye said, “Since we arrived through here, do you think we can go back from here too?” He pointed at a vat of water beside us .

My face wrinkled . “Bro, the water wasn’t boiling when we just arrived . Look at that boiling water now . ”

Gaoqin Jiuye shrugged . “We won’t die from being scalded anyway . ”

I smiled at him and pointed at the vat . “Good idea, great idea . You’re right, we won’t die from that . How about you jump in first?”

Gaoqin Jiuye glanced at Nie Zun with a mischievous smile . “How about you go first? You’re the strongest here, right?”

Nie Zun looked at that boiling water and said, “It’s too hot, I’m not going . ”

A clean rejection .

There’s no way we can stay here forever and wait to turn into mummies . So, after about an hour or so of trying to figure out what to do, we eventually decided to jump into that boiling water .

The pain of a burn and the pain from a cut are different, but the pain of being scalded was the hardest to bear . I don’t think there’s anything that can compare to jumping into boiling water . There was no way to describe this .

The good thing was it didn’t last long before we were back in the icy river . I was overjoyed as I immersed myself in that icy water after being scalded in boiling water .

Even though we were in icy water now, the scalded skin still needed some time to heal . I was sure my tears and mucus would have flowed into the water . It was way too painful .

As I was floating casually in the water, thinking about how we can reach the ice without shattering it, a ray of light appeared in front of us . It looked like we were nearing the water surface .

We looked at one another before swimming towards it .

I asked Gaoqin Jiuye immediately as we broke through the surface, “Why didn’t we think of how to get out from here earlier? We can’t reach the ice here . ”

“That’s right . ” Gaoqin Jiuye frowned . He touched the ice around us, and to my surprise, the ice did not shatter . Just when I wanted to try it for myself, I realized that Nie Zun was already out of the water and standing on the ice .

“That’s right . ” Gaoqin Jiuye frowned . He touched the ice around us, and to my surprise, the ice did not shatter . Just when I wanted to try it for myself, I realized that Nie Zun was already out of the water and standing on the ice .

Gaoqin Jiuye stretched a hand towards me . “What’re you blanking out for? Don’t you find it cold?” He then pulled me out of the water with him . Gaoqin Jiuye let me go as we reached the ice, looking slightly disgusted .

I glanced at Nie Zun and found him staring at me .  What’re you looking at? I then happened to look at the icy surface, and I ended up scaring myself .

My face, neck and skin were all wrinkled and broken . It was also extremely red . I looked just like a female ghost . That was the result of being scalded .

I looked up angrily at the two of them with perfect-looking skin . “How did you guys heal so quickly…”

Gaoqin Jiuye shot me a look . “Don’t you know how to use MF to quicken the pace?”

I’m so annoyed .  But I still did it anyway . Before long, my skin was as good as new .

“Where’s this place?” Nie Zun asked . This was the first thing he said after he decided to leave that enclosed room . I guess that’s just how he is . He doesn’t talk very much .

I pointed my chin at all the ice surrounding us . “You see it right, we’re in a glacier . ”

“It’s really cold here . ” Nie Zun looked around .  Right . My Nie Zun has become a childish little kid now .  Gaoqin Jiuye was not amused as he looked at Nie Zun, as if deep in thought .

“Let’s go towards that glacier, see if there’re any paths over there . We dropped down here through the ground . Look above you, it’s all blue sky . There’s no way we can find an exit above . ”

Gaoqin Jiuye looked up at the sky . “No sun again . ”

I only realized when he said it that there was no sun here, only an azure sky .

I only realized when he said it that there was no sun here, only an azure sky .

“Let’s go . Take a look in front . ” Gaoqin Jiuye set off for that glacier . I followed closely behind . Nie Zun caught up only after he took in the sights around him .

We walked in silence . There was no wind or snow here, but an unnatural cold permeated the air in this bizarre environment . The icy surface below us seemed to continue forever, as if it was a path leading us to a glacial h.e.l.l .

After walking for quite a distance, we realized that the glacier did not seem to be getting any closer . It seemed as if all our efforts had been wasted . We were still very far from the glacier .

“Why does it feel like this is a mirage . ” I frowned as I broke the silence . I could no longer stand this silence .

Sadly, none of them were keen to engage me in conversation . They simply kept their eyes on the glacier in front .

My lips twitched .  The Split Zone is weird, the people here are weird . Weren’t these two at loggerheads before? Now that I look at it, they are a great match when they’re together in silence like this .

Two cold, arrogant individuals .

You guys should call yourselves Gaoleng Jiuye and Nie Leng . (T/n: The Chinese character for ‘cold’ is leng, and Li Shen replaced a character in their names with leng . )

As I was still annoyed at being ignored, I realized we had already arrived at the foot of the glacier .

“What’s… happening here . ” The glacier wasn’t small, but it wasn’t huge either . It seemed like a fake glacier, looking like a mountain was perfectly encased inside it under that smooth and dazzling exterior .

“It seemed to be so far away, but we arrived here so quickly . ” Gaoqin Jiuye smiled mysteriously as he eyed the glacier with suspicion .

“There seems to be someone inside . ” Nie Zun pointed a finger at the glacier right in front of us .

I could not see a thing through that s.h.i.+ny and reflective surface ice . I focused MF onto my eyes to see better, and what I saw ended up confusing me .

“There seems to be someone inside . ” Nie Zun pointed a finger at the glacier right in front of us .

I could not see a thing through that s.h.i.+ny and reflective surface ice . I focused MF onto my eyes to see better, and what I saw ended up confusing me .

“Huan Qing… Why is he here?” I pointed at the standing figure embedded in the glacier . Huan Qing was still in his white suit, and it wasn’t easy to spot him in this glacier . Gaoqin Jiuye frowned . “This glacier isn’t hollow . Why would he be frozen in there? And we can see him from here . ”

How would I know…

Nie Zun turned to me and asked, “You know this person?”

I nodded . “He’s my friend . ”

Nie Zun smiled . “Then let’s get his corpse out of there . He won’t be having fun there alone anyway . ” His eyes were gleaming with a wicked expectation as he looked at Huan Qing .

My lips twitched again . He didn’t sound like he wanted to save Huan Qing by getting him out .  I wonder if it would be better for Huan Qing to just stay in there… But of course, there’s no way I would let Huan Qing stay here alone in this G.o.dforsaken place . So, we had to get him out first .

I lifted my left hand and pointed it at the glacier . “Scorpion Ray, shatter this ice . ”

A great weapon would need a cool phrase to go with it . Ever since the Scorpion Ray embedded itself into my arm, I did feel a sort of resonance with it . It had never disappointed me .

A bright light emanated from my left wrist, producing countless needles of light that flew towards the glacier .

I didn’t hope for much at first, since I expected for the MF to be absorbed by the glacier . However, those needles actually pierced right into the glacier . The scene shattered like it was gla.s.s .

This isn’t a glacier, it was a mountain of mirrors . The icy surface that enclosed the mountain shattered into pieces upon Scorpion Ray’s attack .

Originally trapped in the ice, Huan Qing’s figure could now be clearly seen .

190 Ice Sculpture Huan Qing.

d.a.m.n it, she’s getting closer and closer to me

Nie Zun spoke just when I thought I could no longer bear it and would scream for her to go away

“Let’s go and have a look outside . ” I realized she was gone after he spoke

The three of us stood up

“How do we get out?” I looked at Nie Zun with raised brows

Nie Zun simply shrugged . “I don’t know . Let’s just have a look . ”.

We started exploring the room again . We tried using MF, but every single object in this s.p.a.ce absorbs MF, and there was no way else to pa.s.s . There was no exit in sight either

I wiped sweat off my face . “We’ve been looking around for so long but there’s no exit in sight . Hey, Nie Zun, do you really know where the exit is?”.

Nie Zun did not look the slightest bit perturbed . “I don’t know . ”.

I was so annoyed at this . Gaoqin Jiuye said, “Since we arrived through here, do you think we can go back from here too?” He pointed at a vat of water beside us

My face wrinkled . “Bro, the water wasn’t boiling when we just arrived . Look at that boiling water now . ”.

Gaoqin Jiuye shrugged . “We won’t die from being scalded anyway . ”.

I smiled at him and pointed at the vat . “Good idea, great idea . You’re right, we won’t die from that . How about you jump in first?”.

Gaoqin Jiuye glanced at Nie Zun with a mischievous smile . “How about you go first? You’re the strongest here, right?”.

Nie Zun looked at that boiling water and said, “It’s too hot, I’m not going . ”.

A clean rejection

There’s no way we can stay here forever and wait to turn into mummies . So, after about an hour or so of trying to figure out what to do, we eventually decided to jump into that boiling water

The pain of a burn and the pain from a cut are different, but the pain of being scalded was the hardest to bear . I don’t think there’s anything that can compare to jumping into boiling water . There was no way to describe this

The good thing was it didn’t last long before we were back in the icy river . I was overjoyed as I immersed myself in that icy water after being scalded in boiling water

Even though we were in icy water now, the scalded skin still needed some time to heal . I was sure my tears and mucus would have flowed into the water . It was way too painful

As I was floating casually in the water, thinking about how we can reach the ice without shattering it, a ray of light appeared in front of us . It looked like we were nearing the water surface

We looked at one another before swimming towards it

I asked Gaoqin Jiuye immediately as we broke through the surface, “Why didn’t we think of how to get out from here earlier? We can’t reach the ice here . ”.

“That’s right . ” Gaoqin Jiuye frowned . He touched the ice around us, and to my surprise, the ice did not shatter . Just when I wanted to try it for myself, I realized that Nie Zun was already out of the water and standing on the ice

Gaoqin Jiuye stretched a hand towards me . “What’re you blanking out for? Don’t you find it cold?” He then pulled me out of the water with him . Gaoqin Jiuye let me go as we reached the ice, looking slightly disgusted

I glanced at Nie Zun and found him staring at me .  What’re you looking at? I then happened to look at the icy surface, and I ended up scaring myself

My face, neck and skin were all wrinkled and broken . It was also extremely red . I looked just like a female ghost . That was the result of being scalded

I looked up angrily at the two of them with perfect-looking skin . “How did you guys heal so quickly…”.

Gaoqin Jiuye shot me a look . “Don’t you know how to use MF to quicken the pace?”.

I’m so annoyed .  But I still did it anyway . Before long, my skin was as good as new

“Where’s this place?” Nie Zun asked . This was the first thing he said after he decided to leave that enclosed room . I guess that’s just how he is . He doesn’t talk very much

I pointed my chin at all the ice surrounding us . “You see it right, we’re in a glacier . ”.

“It’s really cold here . ” Nie Zun looked around .  Right . My Nie Zun has become a childish little kid now .  Gaoqin Jiuye was not amused as he looked at Nie Zun, as if deep in thought

“Let’s go towards that glacier, see if there’re any paths over there . We dropped down here through the ground . Look above you, it’s all blue sky . There’s no way we can find an exit above . ”.

Gaoqin Jiuye looked up at the sky . “No sun again . ”.

I only realized when he said it that there was no sun here, only an azure sky

“Let’s go . Take a look in front . ” Gaoqin Jiuye set off for that glacier . I followed closely behind . Nie Zun caught up only after he took in the sights around him

We walked in silence . There was no wind or snow here, but an unnatural cold permeated the air in this bizarre environment . The icy surface below us seemed to continue forever, as if it was a path leading us to a glacial h.e.l.l

After walking for quite a distance, we realized that the glacier did not seem to be getting any closer . It seemed as if all our efforts had been wasted . We were still very far from the glacier

“Why does it feel like this is a mirage . ” I frowned as I broke the silence . I could no longer stand this silence

Sadly, none of them were keen to engage me in conversation . They simply kept their eyes on the glacier in front

My lips twitched .  The Split Zone is weird, the people here are weird . Weren’t these two at loggerheads before? Now that I look at it, they are a great match when they’re together in silence like this

Two cold, arrogant individuals

You guys should call yourselves Gaoleng Jiuye and Nie Leng . (T/n: The Chinese character for ‘cold’ is leng, and Li Shen replaced a character in their names with leng . ).

As I was still annoyed at being ignored, I realized we had already arrived at the foot of the glacier

“What’s… happening here . ” The glacier wasn’t small, but it wasn’t huge either . It seemed like a fake glacier, looking like a mountain was perfectly encased inside it under that smooth and dazzling exterior

“It seemed to be so far away, but we arrived here so quickly . ” Gaoqin Jiuye smiled mysteriously as he eyed the glacier with suspicion

“There seems to be someone inside . ” Nie Zun pointed a finger at the glacier right in front of us

I could not see a thing through that s.h.i.+ny and reflective surface ice . I focused MF onto my eyes to see better, and what I saw ended up confusing me

“Huan Qing… Why is he here?” I pointed at the standing figure embedded in the glacier . Huan Qing was still in his white suit, and it wasn’t easy to spot him in this glacier . Gaoqin Jiuye frowned . “This glacier isn’t hollow . Why would he be frozen in there? And we can see him from here . ”.

How would I know….

Nie Zun turned to me and asked, “You know this person?”.

I nodded . “He’s my friend . ”.

Nie Zun smiled . “Then let’s get his corpse out of there . He won’t be having fun there alone anyway . ” His eyes were gleaming with a wicked expectation as he looked at Huan Qing

My lips twitched again . He didn’t sound like he wanted to save Huan Qing by getting him out .  I wonder if it would be better for Huan Qing to just stay in there… But of course, there’s no way I would let Huan Qing stay here alone in this G.o.dforsaken place . So, we had to get him out first

I lifted my left hand and pointed it at the glacier . “Scorpion Ray, shatter this ice . ”.

A great weapon would need a cool phrase to go with it . Ever since the Scorpion Ray embedded itself into my arm, I did feel a sort of resonance with it . It had never disappointed me

A bright light emanated from my left wrist, producing countless needles of light that flew towards the glacier

I didn’t hope for much at first, since I expected for the MF to be absorbed by the glacier . However, those needles actually pierced right into the glacier . The scene shattered like it was gla.s.s

This isn’t a glacier, it was a mountain of mirrors . The icy surface that enclosed the mountain shattered into pieces upon Scorpion Ray’s attack

Originally trapped in the ice, Huan Qing’s figure could now be clearly seen

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