Though the red juice was being applied to Xiang Bao’s face, her smile still remained.

The candle flame moved slightly and Mo Li noticed that there was a shadow of someone swaying by the entrance, "Who?!" She put down her brush, stood up and hurriedly opened the curtain.

"Sister Mo Li." Standing behind the curtain was Qiu Xue.

Mo Li slightly pursed her lips, "It is already so late, what is Lady Qiu Xue still doing here?"

"When I was on the stage, I saw Xiang Bao being carried away by someone, Qiu Xue was a little worried so I came over to have a look."

"Many thanks for your worry. Xiang Bao is fine."

After escorting Qiu Xue out, Mo Li went back into the room and saw that Xiang Bao had already fallen asleep.

She was sleeping very soundly.

The next morning, Xiang Bao as always, woke up really early. After washing up, she was filled with lots of energy. In high spirits, she ran out. The sun had just rose, the morning air was very fresh and relaxing. Under the sun, Xiang Bao comfortably stretched her neck and body.

Her mouth was stuffed with a large biscuit as she energetically ran to the big hall, preparing to start her busy day.

The big hall was bustling with noise. There were no customers during the morning, however, there was Chun Xi who was learning how to dance from sister Zi Fei. There were also a few servants wiping the windows and sweeping the floor. Xiang Bao observed that no one had noticed her so she hurriedly chewed the large biscuit.

Swallowing the large biscuit as quickly as she could before wiping her mouth. Still, no one had noticed her.

Xiang Bao started to feel remorseful. Everyone was busy doing their, yet she was the only one being idle! Her life, her ideal dreams would never allow her to degrade herself like this!

"Lady Zi Fei, would you like some tea?" Xiang Bao asked with gleaming big eyes as she eagerly tried to serve the tea.

Lady Zi Fei enthusiastically shot her a glance and shook her head, "I wouldn"t dare inconvenience a lady like you."

Huh? Xiang Bao was really confused as she scratched her head, looking at Chun Xi. "Chun Xi, Chun Xi, you must be very tired after all that dancing. Drink some tea to relieve yourself ah?"

Chun Xi shook her head.

Disappointed, Xiang Bao left but suddenly saw Ah Jiu who was doing the laundry. "Ah Jiu, Ah Jiu, Ah Jiu, let me help you wash the clothes."

Ah Jiu showed a face filled with terror.

For that busy half a day, everyone was busy doing their own, but only she was doing nothing. The atmosphere felt weird, even the oblivious Xiang Bao could tell that there was something wrong. There was actually no one ordering her to do anything, she who was the ultimate strong labour slave! Normally at this time, Xiang Bao should have been so busy that her feet wouldn"t even be able to touch the ground.

With a gloomy expression, Xiang Bao squatted down on the floor. She pondered for a long time but was still unable to understand what was going on.

"Ah w.a.n.g, do you want me to scratch your itchy parts?" Xiang Bao fawned, looking at Ah w.a.n.g who was sleeping on the floor.

Ah w.a.n.g lifted his head to look at Xiang Bao. It casted her a few glances before shutting his eyelids and going back to sleep.

Even Ah w.a.n.g was ignoring her…….

Pursing and twitching lips, Xiang Bao stood up and looked back. Just then, she spotted Ah Fu walking through the door while carrying a big bucket of water.

"Brother Ah Fu! Brother Ah Fu!" Xiang Bao hurriedly ran towards the door.

Not only did Ah Fu not slow down, he actually quickened his steps.

"Brother Ah Fu!" Xiang Bao ran even faster, exasperated.

Unexpectedly, Ah Fu suddenly stopped. Xiang Bao didn"t have enough time to halt and therefore fell with her four limbs facing the sky.

"Xiang Bao! Are you alright?!" Ah Fu very hurriedly put down the bucket to help Xiang Bao up.

Xiang Bao was seething, "What happened? Why is it that even you are ignoring me?" Xiang Bao felt very puzzled.

Ah Fu helped her up, then let go of her and just looked down, not saying a word.

"Just what in the world happened!"

"They said….."

"Said what!" Xiang Bao was so angry that she stomped her feet.

"Said that official Fan fancies you and that he"s going to take you away from Liu Jun Zui," Ah Fu choked out the words in a breath.


Xiang Bao was extremely dazed, even after a while, she still did not come back to her senses.

"If ever… If you"re going to get married and become a Madame, don"t let anyone know that you"re from this place…" Ah Fu advised stiffly.

"That…" Xiang Bao opened her mouth, wanting to explain.

"Remember to not let anyone bully you…"


"To have the chance to get out of this place is also good, I"m happy for you…"


"I know…You don"t have to say anything…"

Property of ©; outside of it, it is stolen.

"What do you know!" Xiang Bao jumped up as she couldn"t take it anymore.

"Huh?" Ah Fu finally raised his head and looked at the seething Xiang Bao in a daze.

"What"s so good about marrying and becoming a Madame! Am I such a useless and incompetent person!" With much vigor, Xiang Bao patted her chest.

"Huh?" Ah Fu couldn"t understand.

"Who do you think I am? In the future, I am going to open a place even bigger than Liu Jun Zui!" Xiang Bao tightly clenched her fists and with a glint in her eyes, she did a "fighting" pose.

Uhm….So this was her use and competence? Ah Fu repeatedly wiped his sweat.

But….does that not mean that she would not be taken away by that official Fan? Ah Fu smiled a silly smile, showing his teeth.

"Shao Bo (Fan Li), you"ve just been rejected." An irksome voice that never seemed to go away suddenly sounded out.

Xiang Bao pursed her lips and slowly looked back. She saw Sir Wen Zhong who was waving that feathered fan and also the white clothed young man standing beside him. Fan Li had a smile that did not look like a smile.

"Ke…" Xiang Bao looked at Wen Zhong, "As an official, should you be so idle and carefree?"

"Lady Xiang Bao, where is your sister?" Wen Zhong immediately changed his facial expression as he walked towards Xiang Bao with a smile.

"Heng." Xiang Bao turned her head aside.

Wen Zhong, who was already accustomed to Xiang Bao"s behavior, took out a few coins from his wallet without any hesitation. He smiled, "Lady Xiang Bao, where is your sister?"

Xiang Bao grinned, "Sis said that her clothing materials were not enough so she went to the market to get some. If you hurry now, you might be able to catch up to her."

Wen Zhong cupped his fist before running out of Liu Jun Zui.

Ah Fu glanced at Xiang Bao before picking up the bucket and walking to the kitchen.

"Official Fan." Seeing that Fan Li had a smile that was not really a smile, Xiang Bao honestly and politely greeted him.

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