Status I Was Able to Have a Harem Once it Became Visible

Chapter 4: I accustomed to both feelings if you look at the pants

When I became able to see status, I made a harem
Chapter 4: I accustomed to both feelings if you look at the pants

(TL:Not edit.)

Once your status is visible she was able to
I accustomed to both feelings if you look at the pants

「You gun! Do not tell anyone! Please! I’ll do anything!」

 She apparently, seems to be the type to appeal to want have silently once identify.
 As I thinking to earlier, I do not think it going to be ifuraso.
 And though I was scared to excess, that I had leaked that I know by cladding the dodge.

 However, because 「anything you want」 for a girl in this situation, I can’t be overlooked as a high school boy. Moreover the opponent is a succubus.
 Even with a good face. While not as Kataoka Saki the b.i.t.c.h Idol, well it can be said that she a beauty.
 Her length of her skirt is keep at the knee, good. A strangely short skirt that useless.
 Come to think of it, her skirt will not see something pants. What can I wonder I thought was seen?
 Well, easy to look because value is thought not in the pants, moderately guard is rigid it but it may be my favorite.

 For body type will place the evaluation is divided.
 It is a slender body type, but not therefore breast.  (As long as I see status.)
 Since she doesn’t have separately big t.i.ts absolute principle, there is no particular problem.

 Here I recall a conversation with up earlier.

 Circ.u.mstances and situations, means aside, I’m confessed. Circ.u.mstances and situations, aside means.

 I still did not answer anything to her.

 Frankly, it was unpleasant.
 Would not such choices to refuse to a normally confession.

 So, what would be the problem?

 Because she a succubus?

 Although until earlier I thought to be Kowaroshii opponent, nothing felt danger from this girl begging in front of my eye.
 After all,  there no problem.  For now, I’ll eliminate her anxiety applying my voice.

「I’m good with a confidence …… And something I was not going to bandy you from the beginning.」

 In my words, Megumi wear a smile of relief.

(Oh, cute.)

 Simple I fell completely in it.

「Even so, the name in my pants. Who did you heard it?」

 It did not seem only to have been deceived by someone.

「To whom, we are all doing …… What?」
「Yup. From a look at the time of change of clothes, girls love whom, they know.」

 That was a fact of impact.
 I wonder if it common sense just that I do not know?
 At least, but I never saw something write like the name of her boyfriend to the sister of pants ……

「 I’m writing to any ……」
「I see?」
「Okay? Then show me ……」

 Because grace has been heard naturally, I noticed on the way …… over the answer in the original.

 - What you just said?

「It looks firmly ……」

 Her face stained red again, slowly lift her skirt.



 Gradually go up cloth, my eyes chase.  And ……

 Endo Tatsuya

 Was written underwear became reveal.

 It was a 「come」 scene than I think.

 Chairman of the cla.s.s is showing her pants with raised entrusted of her skirt.
 Destructive power that alone would be preeminent.
 Looking further, but my name is written in the pants.

 I remember the excitement.

「In this case, we accustomed to both our feelings.」

 Such words came out from me.

「A little bit, not to say witty?」
「It can’t be helped, I never had that.」

 While conversation, my eyes were glued to another location.

「Naa, to be touched?」
「A destination is to kiss me … is it okay.」

 Objection also I did not.  Order are important.


「Fine, it’ll pa.s.sed time.」

 Sumaho clock had indicated after 2 hours.

「Alright. In my room with an ability, outside has a different time flow. It only two minutes outside.」

 While wearing clothes, I said that it kidnapping and the picture is outrageous.

「What, it amazing to be a succubus.」
「Because of this ability, it is called Muma. If you do not know anything, and you would think it’s a dream.」

 However, to manipulate time her ability has a 3, or 4 hour limit.

「Oh, that 『s.p.a.ce-Time Isolation』.  And it manipulated me in the cla.s.sroom, 『Operation Beans』?」

 The status can be seen well skills are to other strength and physical strength.
 You can easily find ordinary human beings, 「j.a.panese」, 「English」, 「Mathematics」 such as academic ability-related skills like 「Fencing」, 「Body Art」, not only skill that seems to club-related, such as 「Football」, but to grace the 『s.p.a.ce-Time Isolation』 there was indeed suspicious skill called 『Operation Beans』.  By the way, it is not like 『s.e.x Change』.

「…… It status is that so? What it? An ability.」

 Because grace has been heard, I spoke of the events from last night. Indeed, personal information of cla.s.s-mate I did not say.
 I mean again, I tried to pray 「Status Open」.  When said that she was said with a straight face as 「Eh? Stupid?」.

「Hey, do not tell me I’m not a timer mechanic it kind of a family tree?」
「I think it different.」

 Due to my sister boyfriend turmoil, I did not confirmed until my mother’s status, but it’s an ordinary housewife status. My father is even my father.
 The first place, as if it was kind of family, there is no reason to add her or harm to their families. I’m not allowed.

 Even while talking, Megumi trimmed dressed. The rest ……

「Hey, it returns to that pants.」

 In fact, even while talking I was messing with pants of example.
 s.e.xual as well, I did not let go also touch basis. Feeling are good in many ways.

「Naa, are you getting this? No, to have written my name, but it may be said that it’s my thing?」
「Cho, what the …!」

 My decision was no good. But what am I saying this boyfriend-like thing.
 Although I tried Ayatsuro in operation magic eye, and not match the line of sight! Frankly it come with a weakness, this person is really whether in public.
 Megumi is in a hurry I got out from the quickly preparation room.

 It might have been premature.
 While trapped in such feelings, Megumi was coattail me.

 While wearing no underwear.
Author Note:
This is the first Akirakan.

For Chapter 2 Please wait a little.
Since nothing has been decided at the comparatively serious ……

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