Stellar Transformation

Chapter 25 – The Original Residents

Book 14 – The New Sovereign - Chapter 25 – The Original Residents

Translated by: Pumpkin

Edited by: Phillip and Robin

Hearing the humph sound, Qin Yu turned around to look at the origin of the sound. The person who had humped earlier was a cold looking middle aged man. His ice-cold gaze contained vicious fierceness within them.

"What a fierce man." Qin Yu still had a tranquil smile on his face.

The man in front of him possessed fairly decent strength. He was a seventeen star Emperor. Only comparing their bodies, that man was at the same level as Qin Yu. Unfortunately… if they were to really fight, Qin Yu was absolutely confident that he could take care of him in a single hit.

"Liu Xing, this is Vice Sect Master Liu Lan. Vice Sect Master Liu Lan is already at the seventeen star Emperor level. He is the second strongest expert in our Gold Punishment Sect." Great Elder Fu Lan immediately said to Qin Yu. "Next to Vice Sect Master Liu Lan is Vice Sect Master Bao Yu. As for the final one of the Three Great Vice Sect Masters, you"ve already met him. He"s Vice Sect Master Kou Feng. As for this person, he is our Gold Punishment Sect"s prestigious Guard Elder."

In the middle of the great all, Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan was seated on the master seat.

To the right of the Gold Punishment Lord"s seat were three seats. There sat the Vice Sect Masters Liu Lan and Bao Yu. The last seat was empty. Qin Yu suspected that it should be the seat for that Vice Sect Master Kou Feng.

To the left of the Gold Punishment Lord"s seat were four seats. Only the Guard Elder sat on the first one. The other three were all empty. Qin Yu knew that those ought to be the seats of Wen Feng, Great Elder and himself.

Qin Yu merely slightly bowed. He indifferently said. "Liu Xing pays his respects to Vice Sect Master Liu Lan, Vice Sect Master Bao Yu and the Guard Elder."

Immediately after, Qin Yu stopped looking at Liu Lan. Instead, he turned to the Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan and slightly bowed. "Liu Xing pays his respects to Your Majesty." Qin Yu"s appearance, expression as well as his words have all displayed his proud and aloof personality.

Originally, when people see the Gold Punishment Lord, they would bow completely and say "Baijian (kowtow and pay one"s respect to) Your Majesty." Qin Yu, however, merely slightly bowed and said "Pays his respects." The difference between the two was immensely great.

[TL: Okay, this is pretty hard to translate. What Qin Yu did was that he said basically said "I, Liu Xing, saw Your Majesty." This basically means paying one"s respect. However, the Baijian version would be: "I, Liu Xing, kowtowed and saw Your Majesty." See the difference? Essentially, both of them were very respectful but the second version made one more of a subordinate.]

"Consecrated Liu Xing seems to be a bit arrogant." Sneered that Vice Sect Master Liu Lan.

Qin Yu however ignored that Vice Sect Master Liu Lan.

Vice Sect Master Liu Lan"s expression immediately changed. This Liu Xing actually ignored his existence. How would he not get angry? Back then, Liu Lan had wanted to become the Gold Punishment Lord. However, he was merely a bit weaker than Xing Yuan and thus ended up with the position of Vice Sect Master. Other than Xing Yuan, he had never showed any respect to anyone.

"Liu Lan, Liu Xing"s temperament might be a bit proud and aloof. You shouldn"t mind too much about it." Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan spoke.

Liu Lan coldly cast a side-eye glance to Qin Yu and then stopped talking.

Qin Yu did not care about that Liu Lan at all. He knew that… this Liu Lan does not affect him much.

"Liu Xing, I am very glad that you"ve come to the Sacred Mountain. Originally, I had thought that you"d continue training and ignore the position of Consecrated." Xing Yuan said with a light smile.

That Xing Yuan possessed a very sharp facial appearance. Even though he had just been sitting there, he was giving off the imposingness of Mount Tai, causing one to not dare to be the slightest contemptuous toward him.

"Your Majesty, Liu Xing has come to the Sacred Mountain to accept the position of Consecrated. However, the main reason why he wanted to come to the Sacred Mountain was not merely to accept the Consecrated position." Said Wen Feng with a smile. At the same time he looked to Qin Yu. Qin Yu took over from Wen Feng, he nodded and said. "Your Majesty, I came to the Sacred Mountain in hopes that Your Majesty would grant me a pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate to the Bewitching G.o.d Temple."

"Bewitching G.o.d Temple!"

Liu Lan, Bao Yu and Kou Feng and the rest, including the Gold Punishment Lord himself, were all shocked. Even the Guard Elder who had his eyes closed the entire time also opened his pair of muddle eyes. He took a glance at Qin Yu before closing his eyes again.

"Bewitching G.o.d Temple, there are indeed Divine Artifacts there, but Liu Xing, with your strength, you shouldn"t need any Divine Artifacts. As for High Quality Divine Artifacts, the possibility of obtaining one is extremely low." Said Vice Sect Master Bao Yu.

Qin Yu was merely silent.

How could these people possibly know that Qin Yu possessed the Bewitching G.o.d Painting?

"Liu Xing, our Three Great Sovereigns of our Dark Star Realm have already determined a rule that the Bewitching G.o.d Temple shall be closed all the time ordinarily. Only once every hundred thousand years would we all obtain an opportunity to enter it." Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan frowned as he explained.

Qin Yu frowned.

"How much longer till the next time the entrance of the Bewitching G.o.d Temple will be opened?" Qin Yu asked.

"The last time it was opened was over sixty thousand years ago. For the next time, it"ll take over thirty thousand years more."Great Elder Fu Lan instead answered Qin Yu"s question.

Over thirty thousand years?

Qin Yu simply cannot wait that long. At once, Qin Yu spoke out. "Your Majesty, I was told that the entrance of the Bewitching G.o.d Temple was sealed together by the past Three Great Sovereigns through using their Inherited Treasures. Only through using the pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate refined by all Three Great Sovereigns would one be able to open the seal. I wish to obtain the help from Your Majesty to open the seal. I would like to know what I must do in order to have my request agreed?"

Qin Yu"s question had made it clear that he was determined to enter the Bewitching G.o.d Temple.

"It is not that I am not willing. As you are the Consecrated of our Gold Punishment Sect, I naturally would agree to help you. Merely… there is no certainty that the Black Flame Lord and the White Profound Lord would agree to help you. Back then, the reason why such a rule was established, sealing the Bewitching G.o.d Temple and opening it once every hundred thousand years, was firstly to prevent others not from our Dark Star Realm from forcing their way into it and secondly to make sure the Divine Artifacts in the Dark Star Realm remain in control of our Three Great Sects." Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan explained.

Qin Yu grew slightly relaxed.

"Since your majesty has agreed, why not invite the Black Flame Lord and the White Profound Lord over to have a discussion?" Said Qin Yu sincerely.

Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan smiled and nodded. "Good, I shall invite the two of them. Merely, the chance that the two of them would agree to it would be extremely low. You must know that the Black Flame Sect and the White Profound Sect had been in compet.i.tion with us the entire time."

"For Your Majesty to be able to invite the other two Majesties to come, Liu Xing is already extremely thankful. If we were to be unable to come to an agreement at that time, then I can only renounce my wish to enter into the Bewitching G.o.d Temple." Said Qin Yu while smiling.

"Since you"re prepared to fail, then the matter would be easier to deal with." The Gold Punishment Lord"s impression of the Liu Xing in front of him grew a lot better.

The Gold Punishment Lord was originally a person with a very good temperament. Everyone who knew Xing Yuan, knew of his good temperament. Even though he had become the Gold Punishment Lord, Xing Yuan still did not have the arrogance of the sovereign.

"Good, let"s not waste any more time. I shall now grant you the position of Consecrated." The Gold Punishment Lord suddenly stood up. The few people that had been sitting all stood up following him. At this moment, Qin Yu also gave a well behaved salute.

The etiquette of all the cultivators of the Dark Star Realm.

A bow with the left fist to the right chest!

"Take it." The Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan placed two items in front of Qin Yu.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Qin Yu received the two items.

These two items, one was an imperial order and the other was the t.i.tle plate of the Consecrated. The imperial order was constructed by a special kind of silk cloth. Its toughness was comparable to that of a Top Quality Immortal Artifact.

"Wen Feng, you are to bring Liu Xing to check out the "First Ancient Palace" and the "Inherited Palace."" Said the Gold Punishment Lord with a light smile.

Wen Feng stood up. "Yes, Your Majesty."

The Front Palace, Main Palace and many other palaces, were all located on the main mountain summit of the Sacred Mountain. At the same time, there were also a lot of places where cultivators lived. As for the seventeen summits that surrounded the main summit, seven of them were private residences, eight of them were the residences of previous Gold Punishment Lords. The remaining two were important palaces of the Gold Punishment Sect.

These two palaces were respectively the First Ancient Palace and the Inherited Palace.

First Ancient Palace occupied a very large area. It occupied roughly seventy percent of the summit that it was on. Qin Yu and Wen Feng were currently outside of the First Ancient Palace.

"Halt. Lord Wen Feng, please have that Lords.h.i.+p take out his t.i.tle plate." Shouted the guard of the First Ancient Palace coldly.

Qin Yu looked to Wen Feng. Wen Feng explained. "Both the First Ancient Palace and the Inherited Palace are very important places for the Gold Punishment Sect. There are less than ten people in the entire Gold Punishment Sect that are qualified to enter into them. You, as the newly appointed Consecrated, are naturally qualified to enter into it."

Qin Yu promptly took out his Consecrated t.i.tle plate.

Upon seeing the t.i.tle plate, that guard immediately bowed and saluted. "Lord Consecrated, please come in."

Qin Yu and Wen Feng walked through the gate together and entered the enormous First Ancient Palace. The First Ancient Palace was separated into the front hall and the back great hall. There were a lot of hanging boards in the front hall.

Qin Yu was unable to refrain himself from looking at those hanging boards.

"The third Gold Punishment Lord was called Liu Tian. His place of birth was the Cedar Lotus Star. He reached the first star King level after spending seventy two years. After that, he left the Cedar Lotus Star and started to wander the interstellar s.p.a.ce…."

"The eighth Gold Punishment Lord was called Hong. His place of birth was unknown. The amount of time he cultivated was unknown. Killed the sixteen star Emperor level Ma.s.sacre King, Xue Sheng…."

Written on each board was the biographical notes of a Gold Punishment Lord.

On the front hall, there hung a lot of boards. With a sweep of Qin Yu"s eyes, he saw numerous boards closely packed together. There were definitely no less than ten thousand boards total. Hanging in the front were early generations of Gold Punishment Lords. As Qin Yu and Wen Feng walked toward the back, there were even more boards.

"Wen Feng, exactly how many Gold Punishment Lords have there been?" Qin Yu looked to Wen Feng.

Wen Feng smiled and said. "Could it be that you are unable to tell with your Soul"s Power?"

Qin Yu shook his head and smiled. "It"s not that I cannot count them. Rather, it"s because I was able to count the amount that I found it hard to believe. There are over seventy thousand boards here…. from the past till now, there"s already been over seventy thousand Gold Punishment Lords?"

"That"s right. The current Gold Punishment Lord Majesty is already numbered over the seventy thousandth Gold Punishment Lord." Wen Feng nodded.

Qin Yu continued to ask. "In that case, how long would each generation"s Gold Punishment Lord usually hold their position?"

Wen Feng smiled and shook his head. "That is very hard to say. Some Gold Punishment Lords ascended to their position when they were just a fifteen star Emperor. Someone like that might be a Gold Punishment Lord for several millions of years or several tens of millions of years, before ascending to the Divine Realm. There are some… for example our current Gold Punishment Lord, that took up the position at Eighteen Star Emperor level. Even though they"ve become the Gold Punishment Lord, they"ll also likely ascend to the Divine Realm in several tens of thousands of years or even earlier."

Qin Yu nodded.

It was hard to tell how long each generation"s Gold Punishment Lord would last. Some were there for an extremely long time and could be several tens of millions of years. Some were there for a short period of time and would be there for less than ten thousand years. However, with over seventy thousand Gold Punishment Lords, even if each person were to be a Gold Punishment Lord for an average of a million years, that would still be over seven hundred billions of years.

Furthermore, Qin Yu suspected that… the average number of years was more than a million years.

"Wen Feng, exactly how long does our Dark Star Realm"s history go back to?" Qin Yu asked.

Wen Feng muttered and shook his head. "I"m afraid that no one knows. As far as I know, the history of the Dark Star Realm was separated into two different phases. The first phase was without Inherited Treasures. At that time, the Dark Star Realm was extremely chaotic. People were at war with one another constantly. This lasted until the Inherited Treasures appeared. Only then did the Dark Star Realm enter a peaceful development phase."

Qin Yu was astonished.

Holy, the amount of years these seventy thousand Gold Punishment Lords represented was merely the years when the Inherited Treasures appeared in the Dark Star Realm. Who knows exactly how long the chaotic period was?

The history of the Dark Star Realm was truly long.

Wen Feng gasped. "The people of our Dark Star Realm were very warlike. Without a powerful enough strength, who amongst us would serve someone? Only when the Three Inherited Treasures appeared did everyone in the Dark Star Realm start serving the holders of the Three Inherited Treasures."

Qin Yu"s gaze was shot toward the back. Behind the front hall was the back great hall. The dimension of the back great hall was much greater than the front hall. There were numerous sculptures there.

"Over there are the sculptures of every generation of Gold Punishment Lords. Do you wish to go and admire them?" Said Wen Feng with a smile.

"Let it pa.s.s, it"s not even the actual person. What is there to admire?" Qin Yu said that and turned around. "Wen Feng, let"s proceed to the Inherited Palace. Oh, that"s right, what"s in the Inherited Palace?"

Wen Feng and Qin Yu walked as they chatted.

"The Inherited Palace is the location where each successive Gold Punishment Lord merges with the Inherited Treasure. For example, after the previous Gold Punishment Lord ascended to the Divine Realm, the Inherited Treasure had remained in the Inherited Palace the entire time. This lasted all the way until His Majesty Xing Yuan appeared. Only then did he fuse with the Inherited Treasure. The person in charge of the Inherited Palace is the Guard Elder." Wen Feng explained in details.

By the time Wen Feng finished, the two of them had already arrived outside the Inherited Palace.

The Inherited Palace was very simple and unadorned. It was black all over. It gave off an ancient aura. Merely standing outside the Inherited Palace would give one a repressive sensation.

"Liu Xing, Wen Feng, come inside." A voice sounded from within the palace.

Qin Yu looked over. On the corner of the palace sat cross-legged a dark and thin old man. It was the Guard Elder. At this moment, the Guard Elder had already stood up and was walking toward Qin Yu and Wen Feng.

"What is the painting on the wall?" Qin Yu looked to the wall of the Inherited Palace in confusion.

On the walls were rows upon rows of carved pictures. With a sweep of his gaze, Qin Yu discovered that there were a total of ten thousand carved pictures on the wall.

"On the walls are some of the scenes of the people of our Dark Star Realm fighting each other before the appearance of the Inherited Treasures." Said the Guard Elder.

Qin Yu suddenly looked to a picture amongst the many.

That picture was actually the Interstellar Map of the entire Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. Merely, there were a lot of symbols on this Interstellar Map. It was as if the entire Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm was occupied by the people of the Dark Star Realm.

"What"s with this? Where are the people from the Immortal Realm, Devil Realm and the Demon Realm?" Qin Yu asked curiously.

The Guard Elder had a long sigh. "After countless years, majority of our Dark Star Realm"s descendants have forgotten about it…. the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm was originally called the Dark Star Realm."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yu was unable to refrain his shock.

What? The entire Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm was originally called the Dark Star Realm?

The Guard Elder closed his eyes and slowly said. "The people of our Dark Star Realm were the original residents of this Cosmic s.p.a.ce. As for those Immortals, Devil and Demons, they are all people who have ascended from the lower realm…merely, there are too many of them that have ascended to our Dark Star Realm. Furthermore, their ability to reproduce and multiply is truly too powerful, greatly surpa.s.sing us of the Dark Star Realm."

Book 14 – The New Sovereign - Chapter 26 – The Gathering of the Three Great Sovereigns

Translated by: Pumpkin

Edited by: Phillip and Robin

It was the first time that Qin Yu came to know that the original inhabitants of the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm were actually the people from the Dark Star Realm. The Immortals, Devils and Demons were all people that have ascended from the lower realm and then started to propagate in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm.

It was likely that even the name "Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, was named by people afterwards.

"To ascend from a lower realm to a higher realm is the natural law of the cosmos. It is something that cannot be changed. Thus, the Three Great Sovereigns of our Dark Star Realm from back then decided to step aside and retreat back to a single place to reside on. After all, our Dark Star Realm"s population was tiny to begin with… it was useless for us to occupy so many territories." The Guard Elder said slowly.

Qin Yu gasped in his heart.

If the people from the Dark Star Realm had wanted to really kill those that ascended from the lower realm, then with the strength of those seniors of the Immortal Realm, Devil Realm and Demon Realm, that had just ascended, it would simply have been impossible for them to resist. It was likely that there would be a large number of casualties.

"As those people ascended from the lower realm, the cosmic s.p.a.ce restrictions on them was much greater too. It was also a lot harder for them to reach Emperor level…. thus, even though their population is hundreds of millions times greater than ours, the number of Emperor level experts they possessed were much fewer than ours." The Guard Elder face was filled with confidence.

Wen Feng who stood to the side also nodded. He said. "If we were to truly fight each other, then we merely need to execute the "gravitational barrier" and then fight them at close range. Humph… our people from the Dark Star Realm would definitely be able to surpa.s.s them and kill them."

Qin Yu was able to tell that these people from the Dark Star Realm were very arrogant.

However, Qin Yu knew… that although there are more Emperor level experts on the Dark Star Realm, there were still some extremely powerful individuals in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. When compared to the Dark Star Realm, they were not much inferior.

In this great hall, other than the four walls possessing numerous cravings, there was also an enormous altar over a hundred meters wide and long in the middle of the great hall.

"This is the Sacred Altar. Whenever the position of Gold Punishment Lord is unoccupied, the Inherited Treasure will be kept in the Sacred Altar." Said the Guard Elder tranquilly.

Qin Yu asked puzzled. "Could it be,Guard Elder, that you are not afraid of people harboring unfathomable motives coming to plunder the Inherited Treasure?"

Wen Feng who stood to the side started laughing loudly. "Liu Xing, I suspect that you do not know this. This Sacred Altar contains within it the power of the Inherited Treasure. Forcibly seize it? That is simply an impossible matter."

Qin Yu was unable to refrain from spreading out his Divine Awareness. It covered the entire Sacred Altar.

Sure enough… a very astonis.h.i.+ng power was contained within the Sacred Altar. The feeling it gave Qin Yu was very similar to the feeling that the seal on the entrance of the Bewitching G.o.d Temple gave Qin Yu.

Even without the Inherited Treasure in the Sacred Altar, it was already giving such a sensation. Once the Inherited Treasure was placed inside, Qin Yu reckoned that its defense would become even more powerful. No wonder Wen Feng said it was impossible to forcibly take it.

"Guard Elder, today I have gained knowledge and experience." Qin Yu smiled and nodded. "Thus, I shall not bother you anymore. I"ll take my leave first."

Seeing Qin Yu like this, Wen Feng was a bit confused. However, he also bid his farewell to the Guard Elder.

The Guard Elder nodded.

Qin Yu and Wen Feng left the Inherited Palace.

In Wen Feng"s personal palace.

As one of the eight big shots of the Gold Punishment Sect, his palace also occupied a very wide area. He also possessed many servants. For the time being, Qin Yu had decided to stay here.

"Liu Xing, what exactly are you planning to do, going to the Bewitching G.o.d Temple? Is it possible for you to tell me?" Wen Feng asked.

Qin Yu knew that Wen Feng would ask him this question. He had already made up an excuse. With a smile, he said. "Wen Feng, do you know of my true strength?"

"I"m not certain, I think you ought to be a fifteen star Emperor level." Said Wen Feng uncertainly. Wen Feng"s soul"s level was much inferior to Qin Yu"s. Thus, he was simply unable to see through Qin Yu"s level. Naturally, he was also unable to determine Qin Yu"s level.

"Fifteen star Emperor level?" Qin Yu lightly smiled and shook his head.

Wen Feng"s eyes suddenly s.h.i.+ned.

It would appear that this Liu Xing was indeed concealing his strength. Wen Feng felt a bit of admiration toward Liu Xing. However, he was also puzzled. What exactly was the true strength of this Liu Xing who stood before him?

"I am seventeen star Emperor level." Qin Yu said to Wen Feng with a smile.

"Seventeen star Emperor level!" Even though Wen Feng was prepared, he was still greatly shocked.

Qin Yu continued. "As for the reason why I want to go to the Bewitching G.o.d Temple, it"s precisely because of the treasures within it. My current strength is equivalent to that Vice Sect Master Liu Lan. Yet It would still be a bit hard for me to defeat him and become the next Gold Punishment Lord."

"Haha… Liu Xing, you"re certainly as I had expected." Wen Feng started laughing. "Liu Xing, I have heard that His Majesty will be undergoing the Divine Tribulation soon. Originally I had thought that… once His Majesty ascends to the Divine Realm, then with Liu Lan"s strength, it would be absolutely certain that he"ll become the next Gold Punishment Lord. However now, it would appear that it is still very hard to tell. I reckon that Liu Lan has no idea that your strength is already at the seventeen star Emperor level."

Qin Yu nodded.

This was the only explanation Qin Yu could tell others.

"His Majesty will be undergoing the Divine Tribulation soon?" Qin Yu was shocked. He didn"t know about this information.

Wen Feng nodded and smiled. "That"s right. You"ve just arrived on the Sacred Mountain, how would you know about such hidden matter as this? Furthermore, the matter of His Majesty undergoing the Divine Tribulation was not publicized at all. In these recent days, that Liu Lan has already prepared to take on the position of the Gold Punishment Lord the moment His Majesty ascends to the Divine Realm."

Qin Yu was excited.

He decided that it would be pretty good to compete for the position of the Gold Punishment Lord. At the very least, he would be able to experience the strength of one of the Three Great Inherited Treasures of the Dark Star Realm.

"Liu Lan, if he wants to become the next Gold Punishment Lord, he"ll have to pa.s.s through me first." Qin Yu"s face was filled with confidence.

"Good, Liu Xing, I"ll support you!" Wen Feng patted Qin Yu"s shoulder. He then gasped and said. "Back then, I had wanted to become the Gold Punishment Lord when I reached fifteen star Emperor level. However, His Majesty Xing Yuan appeared. Afterwards, Liu Lan also appeared. His Majesty Xing Yuan was very broad-minded and open, it is one thing for him to become the Gold Punishment Lord. However, someone like Liu Lan…. he"s vicious and arrogant. I do not like him in the slightest."

A trace of hatred appeared in Wen Feng"s eyes.

"After knowing that His Majesty was about to undergo the Divine Tribulation, that Liu Lan grew even more domineering. From his point of view… with his strength as a seventeen star Emperor level expert, for him to succeed the position of the Gold Punishment Lord was merely as simple as stretching his hand and grabbing it."

"Liu Xing, you must definitely teach that Liu Lan a lesson." Wen Feng said to Liu Xing.

"Rest a.s.sured. However before that, I shall first go to the Bewitching G.o.d Temple. If I were able to obtain a good weapon, then I"ll hold even more certainty in defeating him." Said Qin Yu while smiling.


A man walked in front outside Wen Feng"s private palace. It was Vice Sect Master Kou Feng. Vice Sect Master Kou Feng still had an amiable smile on his face. He said. "Liu Xing, His Majesty the Black Flame Lord has arrived."

"His Majesty the Black Flame Lord has arrived?" Qin Yu was overjoyed.

Wen Feng also said. "Liu Xing, make sure to try your best to persuade His Majesty the Black Flame Lord to help you."

Vice Sect Master Kou Feng said while smiling. "The Three Great Sacred Planets are all core planets in the Three Great Star Fields. Furthermore, they all possess Interstellar Conveying Arrays to each other. After the Black Flame Lord received His Majesty"s transmission, he immediately rushed over. It is said that His Majesty the White Profound Lord had also set off, I reckon he"ll be arriving shortly."

Qin Yu was overjoyed. He had not expected that the Black Flame Lord and the White Profound Lord would come so fast.

"Vice Sect Master Kou Feng, quickly, bring me over." Qin Yu"s face was filled with happiness.

"His Majesty the Black Flame Lord is located in the Sect"s main hall and is chatting with His Majesty Xing Yuan right now." Kou Feng explained to Qin Yu while flying with him and Wen Feng toward the summit where the main palace was located at.

In the great conference hall.

"Haha, Xing Yuan, what I admire the most is your straightforwardness! Haha…" Qin Yu and the other two were still outside when they heard a loud and clear laughter.

Vice Sect Master Kou Feng said in a low voice. "The person speaking is His Majesty Black Flame Lord. Liu Xing, His Majesty the Black Flame Lord is very straightforward. You must make sure to not speak in a roundabout way or do something like containing implied meanings within your words. Those are things His Majesty the Black Flame Lord hates the most."

"I understand." Qin Yu thanked Vice Sect Master Kou Feng"s advice in his heart.

When trying to befriend someone, knowing their temperament was very important.

Qin Yu, Wen Feng and Kou Feng walked to the doorstep of the main hall together. They then walked into the main hall.

Qin Yu"s gaze immediately locked onto the man with the most robust body in the main hall. That man possessed a steadfast appearance, extremely bulging muscles and fiery red hair… this was one of the Three Great Sovereigns of the Dark Star Realm, the Black Flame Lord.

"Seventeen star Emperor level strength. However, he possesses a mysterious aura. It ought to be because of that Inherited Treasure." Qin Yu had made this determination in his heart.

"Liu Xing pays his respects to Your Majesty Black Flame Lord." Qin Yu slightly bowed and said with a smile.

The Black Flame Lord took a glance at Qin Yu. He then looked to the Gold Profound Lord Xing Yuan in shock. "Xing Yuan, this Consecrated of your Gold Punishment Sect is extraordinary indeed. Even I am unable to determine his soul"s level."

"Not only you, I too am unable to see through it." Xing Yuan said while smiling.

"He"s really that exceptional?" A clear and cold voice sounded from behind Qin Yu. Qin Yu turned around to look… what he saw was a handsome man walking over with a maid.

"Ju Mi, if you don"t believe us then you can try checking it yourself." Joked the Black Profound Lord.

At this moment, Qin Yu took note of the strength of the person that had just arrived.

This man called Ju Mi was also seventeen star Emperor level. As for the maid following behind him, she was fifteen star Emperor level… furthermore, Qin Yu even recognized this maid. It was precisely the woman that he met on the Fifteen Star Emperor Level Dark Star, Han Xue.

"Liu Xing." Han Xue was a bit surprised to see Qin Yu.

"Little Xue, you know him?" Ju Mi turned around to look at Han Xue.

Han Xue nodded. "Master, this Liu Xing is the person that I have mentioned to master before, he"s that man who trained for three thousand years on the Fifteen Star Emperor Level Dark Star."

"Fifteen star Emperor level? With such a soul, I suspect that his level is higher than merely fifteen star Emperor." Said Ju Mi with a light smile.

Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan said to Qin Yu. "Liu Xing, this is the White Profound Lord."

"As I have antic.i.p.ated." Qin Yu was already prepared. Immediately, he slightly bowed and said. "Liu Xing pays his respects to Your Majesty White Profound Lord."

"Liu Xing, right? I"ve heard that Xing Yuan invited Wu Shan and I to come this time precisely for your matter." The White Profound Lord"s appearance was as clear and cold as when he just walked in. It was as if his emotion have not moved at all.

Qin Yu nodded and said. "Precisely. I wish to enter the Bewitching G.o.d Temple. However, it is not yet the unified time to enter the Bewitching G.o.d Temple. Thus, I wish for the Three Majesties to help refine a pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate for me."

"This matter is a bit troublesome." The Black Profound Lord Wu Shan"s blazing black brows jumped. He then started laughing. "Oh Liu Xing, there"s not anything good in the Bewitching G.o.d Temple anyways. It shouldn"t matter for you to not go in there."

Qin Yu merely shook his head. "Your Majesty Black Flame Lord, please help me out."

At this moment, the Black Flame Lord turned his gaze to the White Profound Lord. The White Profound Lord merely sat and shook his head indifferently without saying a single word.

Immediately, the atmosphere within the great hall turned oppressive.

"Wu Shan, Ju Mi, Liu Xing"s soul"s level is extremely high. I reckon he would ascend to the Divine Realm very fast. Isn"t it merely allowing him to enter the Bewitching G.o.d Temple once? That"s not really anything of great concern…. just help him out. Furthermore, it would merely take us a blink of an eye"s time to refine a pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate together. Now that we mentioned it, I have yet to refine any pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate after becoming the Gold Punishment Lord. Furthermore, I would soon be ascending to the Divine Realm, if I were to not refine a pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate now, then I reckon that I"ll never have a chance to refine one again." Joked Xing Yuan.

However, what Xing Yuan said was the truth.

He had been the Gold Punishment Lord for merely several thousands of years. The Dark Star Realm would usually allow people to enter into the Bewitching G.o.d Temple once every hundred thousand years. Only in every hundred thousand years would the Three Great Sovereigns meet and refine a pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate together. Xing Yuan would be ascending to the Divine Realm shortly, it was truly possible that he would not have an opportunity to refine a pa.s.sage t.i.tle plate again.

"Ju Mi, even Xing Yuan had said something like this, just help us out a little." Wu Shan muttered to himself for a moment and then said to Ju Mi.

Ju Mi calmly shook his head indifferently. He said. "There seems to be no need for this Liu Xing to enter the Bewitching G.o.d Temple. Why must we break the rules? At the very least, there ought to be a reason for us to break the rules. Liu Xing, if you are able to provide a reason that can convince me, then I will be able to agree to help."


Qin Yu took a look around the grand hall.

There were quite a lot of people in the great hall. Even that Vice Sect Master Liu Lan was present.

"Your Majesty White Profound Lord, Your Majesty Black Flame Lord, is it possible for the two of you to come to a side hall with me?" Said Qin Yu with a smile.

Upon hearing those words, the Gold Punishment Lord Xing Yuan, Vice Sect Master Liu Lan and the rest of the people were surprised. However, Wen Feng was instead smiling. He believed that Qin Yu was about to mention the matter of competing for the position of the Gold Punishment Lord. At this moment, Liu Lan was present. Thus it would be hard for Qin Yu to mention it in the grand hall.

The Black Flame Lord and the White Profound Lord took a glance at each other.

"Fine, I shall see what kind of reason you"ll give to persuade me." Nodded the White Profound Lord.

Soon after, Qin Yu, Black Flame Lord and the White Profound Lord entered into a side hall. Once they entered into the side hall, the White Profound Lord waved his hand and set up a barrier around them. He then looked to Qin Yu. "Liu Xing, I have already set up a barrier around this side hall, just go ahead and speak without hesitation."

The Black Flame Lord also looked to Qin Yu.

"Your Majesty Black Flame Lord, Your Majesty White Profound Lord, the two of you have guessed correctly. My soul"s level is high. My strength is also above fifteen star Emperor level. It is actually seventeen star Emperor level." Qin Yu said.

The Black Flame Lord and the White Profound Lord nodded. The two of them were not shocked in the slightest.

"The two of you ought to know that His Majesty Xing Yuan would be undergoing the Divine Tribulation and ascending to the Divine Realm shortly. When that time comes, that Liu Lan and I would have to contest over the position of the Gold Punishment Lord. Currently, I do not have absolute certainty that I would be able to defeat him. However, my soul"s level is high. I believe that if I were to go to the Bewitching G.o.d Temple and explore, I would be able to obtain a pretty good harvest. Thus, I want to obtain a good treasure so that I can defeat him. I wish for the two of you to help me out." Qin Yu said his reasoning in one breath.

The Black Flame Lord laughed and said. "So that was the case. This could also be considered as a reason. Ju Mi, what do you think?"

The White Profound Look shook his head indifferently. "Competing for the position of the Gold Punishment Lord? It does not matter to us at all who would be the next Gold Punishment Lord. It also does not affect the Dark Star Realm at all. Why then must I help you?"

Qin Yu was stunned.

With his brows creased, Qin Yu took a deep breath. He then stared at the White Profound Lord. "Your Majesty White Profound Lord, then could you help me out once in honor of this?" A ring suddenly appeared on Qin Yu"s finger…. the Blazing Profound Ring!

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