Stellar Transformation

Chapter 42 – Three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures

Volume 16 – Marriage - Chapter 42 – Three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures

Translated by: Pumpkin

Edited by: Phillip and Robin

"Three congratulatory presents?" Qin Yu"s gaze zeroed in on the three presents, and the Spatial Energy naturally enshrouded these three items.  Qin Yu clearly felt the unique aura of Grandmist Spiritual Treasures.

QIn Yu felt his own breathing stop for a moment.

Three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures?

In an instant, Qin Yu became clear headed. However, he also became confused: "This silver haired silver eyed man said that his master had him sent the three gifts to congratulate me and even said that I would soon marry… his master, how could he be so certain that I"ll attain victory in the groom search? Furthermore, I believe I do not know any powerful individuals like that either."

Unrelated to one another in any way, without knowing each other, why did his master send him three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures?

That silver haired silver eyed man"s gaze was fixed upon Qin Yu. He then lightly smiled as he pointed to the three items. "This red pearl is the "Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl." The Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl possesses extremely peculiar effects. Brother Qin Yu, you would understand the remarkable ability of this Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl after you drip a blood on it and become its master. This Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl is something that my master had gifted Brother Qin Yu for your future child to use."

Qin Yu was unable to refrain his shock.

A gift for his future child?

He had yet to marry. This silver haired silver eyed youth"s master truly was thinking far enough.

That silver haired silver eyed youth pointed to the second item, the black battle blade with a blood red color light circulating through its surface. "This battle blade is called the "Gauze Feather Blade." Of course, Brother Qin Yu is likely not going to be using this Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. This Grandmist Spiritual Treasure, Brother Qin Yu can give it to your future wife to use. You can also give it to your other relatives to use."

Qin Yu could only continue to listen.

That silver haired silver eyed youth pointed to the third item. "This dress is something that my master had personally created for Brother Qin Yu"s marriage not long ago. It is called the "Purple Rain Dress." As long as Brother Qin Yu"s wife wears this Purple Rain Dress, there will not be many people in the entire Divine Realm capable of harming her."

Qin Yu was completely excited.

Purple Rain Dress, it was a defensive Grandmist Spiritual Treasure!

Even now, Qin Yu had never seen a single defensive Grandmist Spiritual Treasure like this before. Not only did it possess marvelous effects, it was also extremely perfect in its construction.

"What level are these three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures?" Qin Yu was thinking about this in his heart.

Without dripping blood on them to become their master, it was extremely hard to determine what levels the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures were from their external appearances. Qin Yu took a breath of air and calmed his excited mind. At this moment, there was a very important question.

Who exactly was it that sent these presents to him?

How could he possibly not make sure who it was that sent him these gifts and just open his hands and accept them like so?

"May I know who your master might be?" Qin Yu looked at the silver haired silver eyed youth.

This silver haired silver eyed youth light smiled. "Qin Yu, there is no need for you to ask about my master"s ident.i.ty. When your strength reaches the required level, you will naturally come to know about it. You will also naturally come to know about the relations.h.i.+p between you and my master!"

"The relations.h.i.+p between me and your master?" Qin Yu was completely confused.

From Qin Yu"s mind, he only knew a single super expert that was related to him and that person was Uncle Lan.

However, as Qin Yu was incapable of seeing through this silver haired silver eyed youth, it meant that this youth was at the very least of the G.o.dking level. A master of such a person was most likely much stronger than Uncle Lan.

Did he even knew such a person?

"My mission has been completed, goodbye." The silver haired silver eyed youth slight bowed and then disappeared into thin air. Only the three items floating in the air remained.

"He left right after?"

Qin Yu didn"t know whether to laugh or to cry.

He hadn"t left his name. He didn"t even leave behind any information. He merely left the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures and took off.

Seeing the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures floating before him, Qin Yu smiled and sighed. "I cannot just leave these here either." With a wave of his hand, the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures appeared before Qin Yu.

"What level might these three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures be?" Qin Yu was itching to know. Immediately, three drops of blood flew to the three items and directly a.s.similated into them.

The binding blood oath, this was the most preliminary refining method.

After doing this, at the very least Qin Yu would gain knowledge of the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures.

However, after he gained knowledge of the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, Qin Yu appeared to have been struck by lightning. Foolishly, he stood there. "This, this…"

In the entire Divine Realm, the Eight Great Sage Emperors possessed Inherited Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. The Grandmist Spiritual Treasures of the Eight Great Sage Emperors were first-rate Grandmist Spirtual Treasures. As for the other G.o.dking level experts, the majority of them used second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures for their weapons.

Only two or three of them, like the Asura G.o.dking, managed to obtain a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure crafted by the Craftsman G.o.d Chehou Yuan.

However now…

"Three, three…" Qin Yu felt that his heart was beating rapidly. It was as if landmines were exploding beside his ears. At this moment, Qin Yu felt that his mind was rapidly rumbling. His thinking speed had slowly reached its peak.

"First-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, all three of them are actually first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures!"

Qin Yu gulped. His facial expression had also turned rigid. Only after a long time did Qin Yu gradually recover back to normal.

"Huff, huff…"

Qin Yu was gasping in a low voice. He was firmly staring at the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures before him!

"They"re actually all first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, all three of them!" Qin Yu felt that his palms were hot. His forehead was even sweating. This was truly too shocking.

Had it been three second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, Qin Yu would"ve already been extremely excited.

However, as they were three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, Qin Yu was no longer excited, instead he had become frightened!

In the entire Divine Realm, the number of first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures numbered only around ten combined. Among them, the eight first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures possessed by the Eight Great Sage Emperors were there since the birth of the Divine Realm.

After Chehou Yuan managed to craft a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure, he was immediately bestowed the t.i.tle of "Craftsman G.o.d." Chehou Yuan had gifted this Grandmist Spiritual Treasure to the Asura G.o.dking. He then managed to obtain the protection of the Asura G.o.dking and became someone that no one dared to provoke.

It could be said that…

The birth of a single first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure would shake up the entire Divine Realm.

However, at this moment, on a small island in the surrounding of the Mountain Sea Palace, Qin Yu obtained three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. Furthermore, it was gifted to him under the purpose of "congratulating his marriage."

Qin Yu suddenly absorbed the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures into his body.

"Three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures; no matter what, I absolutely cannot let those G.o.dkings of the Divine Realm know about it. If they were to know about it, then I reckon they"d kill me to s.n.a.t.c.h them away." Qin Yu didn"t dare to imagine what would happen if the G.o.dkings were to find out that he possessed three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures.

After all, other than the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure that Exalted Celestials possessed, the most precious item would be the first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure.

After placing the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures inside his body, Qin Yu had also calmed down. He calmly thought of the course of the events. Qin Yu already had a plan. At the same time, he had a guess as to who the person that sent him those gifts was.

"To be able to gift three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures at once… I reckon that not even the Unfettered Exalted Celestial would be capable of doing that." Qin Yu clearly remembered what the Unfettered Exalted Celestial had said.

The Unfettered Exalted Celestial had clearly said before…  that his Eldest Martial Brother not poor like him and his Second Elder Martial Brother!

"To be able to gift three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures at once, that person is indeed very rich."" Qin Yu had a smile on his face. "This matter, there"s a hundred percent chance that it is related to the mysterious Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial."

"If that silver haired silver eyed youth was a G.o.dking, then his master ought to be the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial."

"If that silver haired silver eyed youth was an Exalted Celestial, then he could only be the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial. However, who would his master be then?" When Qin Yu thought of this, he didn"t dare to think any further.

The Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial, he was already the strongest among the Three Great Exalted Celestials.

Was there someone above even him?

"I hope that I am merely indulging in flights of fancy." Qin Yu laughed a self-mocking laugh. The most important matter was that he was incapable of determining the ident.i.ty and strength of the silver haired silver eyed man.

If he knew the strength of the silver haired silver eyed man, then he would"ve been able to speculate who the master of the silver haired silver eyed man was.

"No matter what… this matter is definitely related to the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial." Qin Yu smiled confidently. "When I return to Floating Snow City, I can totally say that I have obtained gifts bestowed by the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial."

Qin Yu had made his decision in his heart.

"I"ll first take out that "Jade Spring Gourd." If I am capable of winning the first chosen candidate spot with only the Jade Spring Gourd, then that"ll be great. If I am unable to do that, then I"ll take out a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure." Qin Yu was extremely confident.

Qin Yu truly did not believe that he would be incapable of winning against Zhou Xian with a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure.

Having obtained these three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, Qin Yu was naturally br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence. In the following days, Qin Yu casually visited the various different islands surrounding the Mountain Sea Palace.

Time pa.s.sed.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Yu and the other candidates had already been on the Mountain Sea Palace and its surrounding islands for nearly nine years.

Qin Yu was flying on the sky above the ocean. His black gown was fluttering in the wind. He had a smile on his face. "That silver haired silver eyed youth"s master is truly generous. This "Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl," once one a.s.similates it into one"s body, it will be very easy to reach the G.o.dking level."

The Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl was a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. It was the a spiritual pearl birthed by the Origin of the Fire of the entire Cosmos. If one were to a.s.similate with it, then after refining it, one would be able to easily control every level of flame. One would also be able to easily a.s.similate into the "Origin of the Fire" where one would comprehend the laws of the cosmos much easier.

"This is truly the best gift for my future child." Qin Yu was overjoyed.

He had began to antic.i.p.ate the child between him and Li"er.

As for the Purple Rain Dress.

It was also a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. After one refined it and wore it, then even G.o.dking level experts would find it very hard to kill the person wearing the Purple Rain Dress.

"To gift this to Li"er is also the most perfect." Qin Yu was unable to contain his joy.

As Qin Yu was thinking about this, he had soon arrived in the airs.p.a.ce above the Levitation Island. At this moment, many people had already gathered on the Levitation Island. These partic.i.p.ants of the groom search, they had all been trying their hardest to search for the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial in these past years. However, other than Qin Yu, not a single one of them managed to encounter him.

If the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial wanted to meet someone, then they"d be able to meet him.

However, if he didn"t want to meet someone, then no matter how hard those people tried to search for him, they would still not be able to meet him.

Qin Yu descended underneath the Mountain Sea Palace. At this moment, Kuiyin Hou and Shentu Fan were already here. The people in the surrounding of the Mountain Sea Palace, adding Qin Yu, numbered eleven.

"Heavenly Wolf Palace"s Palace Master, how has it been for you all these years? Did you manage to encounter the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial?" At a location far from Qin Yu were three people chatting with each other.

"Don"t speak of it. In these past years, I have never relaxed a bit. However, sigh. Forget about it. The Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial is not someone that you"ll meet just because you want to." That Heavenly Wolf Palace"s Palace Master sighed helplessly.

Another person comforted him saying. "Heavenly Wolf Palace"s Palace Master, it"s not only you. Neither one of us brothers managed to encounter the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial. It would seem that this first chosen candidate spot will either be Grandmaster Qin Yu"s or that Zhou Xian"s."

The Heavenly Wolf Palace"s Palace Master nodded. "However, I am in support of Grandmaster Qin Yu. Grandmaster Qin Yu had used his perseverance and ability to climb to the summit of the Heaven Connecting Flight of Steps. Although you didn"t see it, in that period of time close to half a year, I saw Grandmaster Qin Yu being jolted down from the Heaven Connecting Flight of Steps numerous times."

At this moment, the majority of the people were talking about the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial or the groom search.

"Qin Yu, you"ve also returned." Kuiyin Hou said with a smile. "I also just returned to the Mountain Sea Palace half a month ago. Did you also not manage to encounter the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial? Don"t mind it. Even now, I have yet to hear any one among us eighteen that managed to encounter the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial."

Qin Yu slightly smiled.

This Kuiyin Hou, before Qin Yu could say anything, he had already determined that Qin Yu did not encounter the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial.

Although Qin Yu was uncertain as to whether he encountered the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial or not, he did manage to obtain three gifts.

"Big brother Duanmu has returned as well." Shentu Fan suddenly said.

Qin Yu and Kuiyin Hou looked in the direction that Shentu Fan was pointing in. Duanmu Yu was currently flying over here. After he saw Qin Yu and them, he directly flew over to them.

When Duanmu Yu landed, Kuiyin Hou was the first to ask. "Brother Duanmu, did you manage to encounter the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial?"

Duanmu Yu lightly smiled as he shook his head.

"I didn"t, how about you guys?" Duanmu Yu looked to Qin Yu and them.

Kuiyin Hou and Shentu Fan shook their heads. As for Qin Yu, he merely smiled. Qin Yu found it hard to say it like that… After all, he was uncertain about the ident.i.ty of that silver haired silver eyed youth.

Seeing Qin Yu smile, Duanmu Yu thought that Qin Yu had also not encountered the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial.

"Everyone, I reckon that there will not be much use for us to remain here. Furthermore, it is also approaching the ten year deadline that the Utmost North Sage Emperor gave us. Shall we return now?" Duanmu Yu looked to everyone and suggested.

Qin Yu, Kuiyin Hou and Shentu Fan glanced at each other. Then all nodded to show their agreement.

Immediately after, Qin Yu, Kuiyin Hou, Shentu Fan and Duanmu Yu, all flew away from Levitation Island. They proceeded to fly towards the land of the Divine Realm.

Volume 16 – Marriage - Chapter 43 – Judgement

Translated by: Pumpkin

Edited by: Phillip and Robin

Snowflakes were fluttering in the air. After landing on the simple and unadorned black slab roads of the Floating Snow City, Qin Yu, Shentu Fan, Kuiyin Hou and Duanmu Yu said their farewells and separated from one another.

"I"ve finally returned." Qin Yu had a smile on his face.

When he obtained those three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, Qin Yu had already become completely certain that the first chosen candidate spot for the groom search would be his. Thus, Qin Yu naturally became very relaxed.

Qin Yu arrived before the Wood Mansion.

"Uncle Lan and Li"er ought to be inside that, right?" Qin Yu stood before the Wood Mansion. He was thinking in his heart. However, right at this moment…

"Little Yu, you can come in." Jiang Lan"s voice sounded in Qin Yu"s mind.

"The remarkable abilities of a G.o.dking are indeed extraordinary." Qin Yu exclaimed in his heart. He then directly walked toward the entrance of the Wood Mansion. The two guards standing at the entrance seemed to have received the transmission from Jiang Lan and did not obstruct Qin Yu.

"Uncle Lan and Li"er are in one of the most furthest courtyards within it." Qin Yu was very certain. For one, his Spatial Energy had covered the entire Wood Mansion. And secondly, because of the Meteoric Tear, Qin Yu managed to sense where Li"er was at.

With great familiarity, Qin Yu walked through the pa.s.sage corridors. Soon, he arrived in a courtyard within it.

Li"er had been standing at the entrance of the courtyard and looking around the entire time. When she saw Qin Yu, she was immediately overjoyed and began running toward him. Qin Yu also directly started hugging with Li"er.

Uncle Lan also walked out from the courtyard. He saw Qin Yu and Li"er hugging each other and smiled.

"Uncle Lan is looking at us, we should stop." Qin Yu quietly said to Li"er beside her ears. Li"er"s face had turned slightly red and then she released Qin Yu. However, she was still holding Qin Yu"s hands.

Jiang Lan looked to Qin Yu and smiled. "Little Yu, how was it? Do you have the certainty in obtaining the first chosen candidate spot?"

Qin Yu was blooming with smiles. "Yes, I am absolutely certain!"

"Absolutely?" Jiang Lan was smiling so hard that his mouth had even turned crooked. "Little Yu, please deceive me. I had heard that Zhou Xian obtained a gift from the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial."

Qin Yu smiled confidently. "Uncle Lan, just watch, when everyone is gathered at the Sage Emperor"s Palace, the first chosen candidate spot will definitely be mine."

"You"re even keeping a secret from me?" Said Jiang Lan while smiling.

Qin Yu also smiled and laughed.

"Well then, since you possess absolute certainty, I am also relieved. Now then, this old guy here won"t disturb the two of you anymore." Jiang Lan said this deliberately and then left.

After Jiang Lan left, Qin Yu and Li"er began to be intimate with one another again.

After some time. Li"er was lying with her head on Qin Yu"s bosom. She raised her head and asked in a low voice. "Big Brother Qin Yu, you truly possess absolute certainty in getting the first chosen candidate spot? I have heard that Zhou Xian managed to obtain a Grandmist Spiritual Treasure."

Qin Yu slightly smiled. He hooked Li"er"s straight and tiny nose. "You can rest a.s.sured. Although he managed to obtain a gift bestowed by the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial, I managed to obtain gifts bestowed by both the Unfettered Exalted Celestial and the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial."

"Two Exalted Celestials? Wasn"t that Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial…" Li"er opened her eyes widely in shock.

"Although I am incapable of ascertaining the ident.i.ty of that silver haired silver eyed man, the gifts that I obtained from him are definitely related to the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial." Qin Yu smiled. "Well then, you can be absolutely and completely a.s.sured."

The time during which Qin Yu was together with Li"er, always pa.s.sed very quickly. When Qin Yu departed from the Wood Mansion, he had already stayed in the Wood Mansion for three entire days.

Only after he returned to the Floating Cloud Mansion did he discover that Uncle Fu, Qiuzhong Fu and them had been anxiously waiting for his return.

When Qin Yu returned to the Floating Snow City, Uncle Fu and them already knew about it. After all, they were capable of sensing Qin Yu"s position. They had prepared a sumptuous banquet for Qin Yu. However, they waited for three entire days before Qin Yu returned from the Wood Mansion.

Qin Yu spent his days in the Floating Cloud Mansion extremely contentedly. He was merely waiting for the day of the gathering at the Sage Emperor"s Palace.

Inside the garden.

"There"s eighteen more days before the gathering at the Sage Emperor"s Palace to determine who would be the first chosen candidate." Qin Yu muttered softly. He then picked up the jug of wine on the table beside him and drank a mouthful of wine.

At this moment, a Heavenly Deity maid walked in from afar.

"My Lord, Princess Jiang Yan is seeking attendance."

"Oh? You can have her come over here directly." Qin Yu promptly said. For Jiang Yan to come here, perhaps she had also come to inquire whether he had certainty in obtaining the first chosen candidate spot?

In these couple days, there were many people that had come to check out if Qin Yu possessed the certainty.

Among them, a portion was sent forth by Zhou Xian. Zhou Xian didn"t know that Qin Yu had obtained three first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. However, he knew that Qin Yu had obtained a gift bestowed by the Unfettered Exalted Celestial.

Zhou Xian also did not possess the certainty of his black scepter being able to win against Qin Yu"s gourd.

"Big Brother Qin Yu." Jiang Yan had come alone.

"Yan"er, what"s the matter?" Qin Yu said while smiling. Just by seeing Jiang Yan"s expression, Qin Yu knew right away that something joyous had happened to her.

Jiang Yan said happily. "Big Brother Qin Yu, Big Brother Luoyu has ascended." Jiang Yan said excitedly.

"Luoyu? Jun Luoyu?" Qin Yu was slightly startled.

Jiang Yan repeatedly nodded and said. "That"s right. I have been paying attention to him the entire time. Two years ago, he had ascended. I even met him."

Qin Yu was also extremely happy.

"You meeting him, what was Luoyu"s reaction to that?" Qin Yu was looking forward to Jun Luoyu"s reaction. In Jun Luoyu"s point of view, he had thought Jiang Yan to be a relatively weak Immortal Emperor. However, if he were to suddenly discover Jiang Yan"s actual ident.i.ty after coming to the DIvine Realm, then…

Jiang Yan smiled complacently. "Hehe, it"s alright. At the beginning, Big Brother Luoyu was extremely shocked. However, his ability to accept stuff is very powerful. Because of me, Big Brother Luoyu was excused from the thousand years of arduous mining." Jiang Yan said very complacently.

"I have been back in the Floating Snow City for some time now. Yet, you waited until today to come to my place. Have you been at Luoyu"s place the entire time?" Qin Yu asked.

Jiang Yan nodded cheerfully. "That"s right. Big Brother Luoyu is in the "Luanshan City" underneath Utmost Northern Region"s Floating Snow City. That Chi Qing is also there."

[TL: I found out that most of these city names cannot be translated. I"m a.s.suming they are the named after the governors of the cities. Most likely their last names. There"s a lot of dual character last names in the Divine Realm. Ex. Shentu, Duanmu, Yuchi.]

"Chi Qing, Cyan Emperor Chi Qing?" Qin Yu"s eyes s.h.i.+ned.

Jiang Yan nodded and said. "That"s right. That Cyan Emperor"s strength is pretty good. When he just ascended to the Divine Realm, he had already reached the peak of the Mid Level Deity stage. And now, he is already a High Level Deity. However, unless he has reached the Heavenly Deity level, Granny cannot bring him over to the Floating Snow City."

Qin Yu suddenly understood.

No wonder he had never seen the Cyan Emperor even after all these years in the Floating Snow City.

Qin Yu cannot help but sigh emotionally in his heart. That Cyan Emperor was truly a valiant person. He had stayed in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm for that many years and his soul had long since formed a Golden Soul Pellet. No wonder he managed to easily take care of the Peng Demon Emperor and them during the time of his Divine Tribulation.

"Big Brother Qin Yu, do you have certainty in obtaining the first chosen candidate spot for my big sister"s groom search?" Jiang Yan pushed Qin Yu"s arm and asked.

Qin Yu grinned and said. "Is there even a need to ask?"

Today, the Utmost Northern Region"s Floating Snow City"s Sage Emperor"s Palace had once again become lively. The eighteen candidates were all gathered in the Sage Emperor"s Palace. The thirteen G.o.dkings were all seated above the Sage Emperor"s Palace.

The sound of chatter and laughter was unceasingly heard throughout the palace hall.

"Qin Yu, it would seem that the compet.i.tion for this chosen candidate spot will be between you and Zhou Xian." Kuiyin Hou said while laughing. Qin Yu and Zhou Xian glanced at each other.

The two of them both had a confident smile on their faces.

Suddenly, Qin Yu, Zhou Xian, Duanmu Yu and everyone else all looked up. At this moment, the Utmost North Sage Emperor Jiang Fan stood up while smiling. Immediately, the people underneath all grew quiet.

Seeing that everyone had grown quiet, Jiang Fan smiled and said.

"Everyone, the determined deadline of ten years has arrived. The first chosen candidate for my daughter"s public groom search shall soon be determined. And now, the eighteen candidates shall present their gifts." Jiang Fan"s gaze was cast upon the eighteen people below.

At this moment, Zhou Xian"s father, the Northwest Sage Emperor, laughed loudly and said. "Brother Jiang, there is no need for it to be that troublesome. As far as I know, this time to the Mountain Sea Palace, only that Grandmaster Artifact Craftsman Qin Yu and my son Zhou Xian managed to obtain gifts bestowed by the Exalted Celestials. It would make do if we just have the two of them display their gifts."

Jiang Fan smiled and nodded.

Zhou Xian was the first to stand up. He walked to the center of the palace hall. After he respectfully bowed to the thirteen G.o.dkings, he said. "Uncle, this gift that I obtained was the "Sulfur Flame Scepter" bestowed by the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial. This Sulfur Flame Scepter is a second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure."

The thirteen G.o.dkings above all nodded.

Jiang Fan"s wife "Chunyu Rou" nodded and said. "This "Sulfur Flame Scepter" is both a second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure and also a scepter. As a scepter is a symbol of power and good fortune, it is a very appropriate gift for the groom search."

Hou Fei who stood behind the Asura G.o.dking made eye signals to Qin Yu.

Although Qin Yu was not anxious, Hou Fei had become anxious for Qin Yu. Qin Yu slightly smiled to Hou Fei and used his eyes to signal to him to rest a.s.sured.

At this moment, the Asura G.o.dking suddenly opened his mouth and said. "This Zhou Xian"s gift is indeed very good. However, let"s have a look at Qin Yu"s gift too."

That Jiang Fan was also very interested in the Grandmaster Artifact Craftsman Qin Yu. He immediately smiled and said. "I have also heard that Qin Yu climbed to the top of the Heaven Connecting Flight of Steps. Because of this, he managed to obtain a gift bestowed by the Unfettered Exalted Celestial."

Ascending to the summit of the Heaven Connecting Flight of Steps without being a G.o.dking, this had caused all the people above to look at Qin Yu with a different sort of gaze. The people on the side were all discussing with one another through voice transmission.

"Qin Yu, show us your gift." Jiang Fan smiled as he looked to Qin Yu.

Immediately, everyone looked to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu also bowed to Jiang Fan with a smile on his face. As Jiang Fan was his future father-in-law, how could he possibly be lacking in manners?

Qin Yu stood up while smiling. He then walked to the center of the palace hall and stood beside Zhou Xian. Before Qin Yu could speak, that Zhou Xian already spoke to Qin Yu. "Brother Qin Yu, you"ve managed to obtain a gift bestowed by the Unfettered Exalted Celestial. I truly wonder what sort of treasure the Unfettered Exalted Celestial had bestowed you. Come, take it out and show us."

Qin Yu was not anxious.

With a flip of his hand, he took out the Jade Spring Gourd. The various G.o.dkings present were all able to sense the aura characteristic to the Grandmist Spiritual Treasures when they looked to the bronze colored gourd.

Qin Yu smiled and said. "This is the Jade Spring Gourd. This Jade Spring Gourd is also a second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. The Gourd is capable of emitting Jade Spring to attack or bind a target."

Hearing that Qin Yu had also taken out a second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure, Zhou Xian started to smile.

"As the two of them are both second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, which one is better?" Jiang Fan smiled and said. "According to the rules we have determined, the thirteen G.o.dkings shall be the judges. Whoever manages to obtain more G.o.dkings to support them shall be the victor."

Chunyu Rou instead smiled and said. "Although both gifts are second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, I believe that this "scepter" is more festive of an item. It ought to be slightly better. Unfortunately, I do not have the authority to judge."

Qin Yu took a glance at Chunyu Rou.

"My future mother-in-law seems to be in support of Zhou Xian." Qin Yu had a slight smile on his face. "It seems that there"s not a high chance of winning with this Jade Spring Gourd. I can only…"

At this moment, the G.o.dkings were all preparing to judge the two items.

"Please wait a moment." Qin Yu"s voice sounded through the entire palace hall. All the G.o.dkings stopped to look at Qin Yu.

Zhou Xian frowned. He said. "Brother Qin Yu, the G.o.dkings are preparing their judgements. How can you disturb the G.o.dkings?"

"Qin Yu, please speak if you have anything." Jiang Fan said while smiling.

As Qin Yu was a Grandmaster Artifact Craftsman, he still possessed the authority to speak.

Qin Yu looked to the thirteen G.o.dkings on the stage. He said in a clear voice. "G.o.dkings, I did not say that my gift was this Jade Spring Gourd. Everyone, there is no need to judge the Jade Spring Gourd against the Sulfur Flame Scepter."

"It"s not this Jade Spring Gourd?" The majority of the people on the palace hall had grown confused.

Qin Yu smiled and said. "Earlier, Brother Zhou Xian asked me to take out the gift bestowed to me by the Unfettered Exalted Celestial to show everyone, thus, I took it out. However, that does not mean that my gift is this Jade Spring Gourd."

"In that case, Brother Qin Yu, what is your gift? You must know that this gift must be something bestowed by the Exalted Celestials." Said Zhou Xian beside him.

"Of course I know about that."

Qin Yu cast a glance at Zhou Xian. He then looked at the thirteen G.o.dkings on the platform above. "My gift is not the "Jade Spring Gourd" bestowed by the Unfettered Exalted Celestial. Instead, it is the "Gauze Feather Blade" bestowed by the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial."

Qin Yu immediately retrieved the Jade Spring Gourd. At the same time, a black battle blade with a red light flowing through its surface had appeared before him.

"Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial?"

Zhou Xian"s expression took a huge change. The various Heavenly Deities in the palace hall were all shocked. Even the thirteen G.o.dkings above had frozen expressions.

The most powerful and mysterious Exalted Celestial amongst the Three Great Exalted Celestials, the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial!

Qin Yu continued to speak in a clear voice. "This blade is called "Gauze Feather." It is also a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. The gift to express my sincerity is this Gauze Feather Blade."

A gift bestowed by the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial?

A first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure?

The entire Utmost North Sage Emperor"s Palace had grown silent. Only Qin Yu"s voice continued to echo in the palace hall.

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