Stellar Transformation

Chapter 9 – Living World Seal

Volume 18 – Exalted Celestial Mountain - Chapter 9 – Living World Seal

Translated by: Pumpkin

Edited by: Robin

"Haha, of course the more children there are, the better it is. To be honest, I love children the most. Merely, if we have too many kids, then Li"er would have to suffer through hards.h.i.+ps." Qin Yu said with a smile. This caused Li"er to blush.

Qin Yu immediately said. "Second brother, let"s stop chatting in this pa.s.sageway, it"s better for us to go to the courtyard, sit down and slowly chat with one another. What do you think?"

"Good." Lin Meng nodded with a smile.

After that, Qin Yu, Jiang Li, Lin Meng, the silver haired silver eyed youngster Clayweg and the jumping around and occasionally playing with the golden spear Qin Si all proceeded to walk toward the courtyard.

Inside the courtyard, beside the ancient tree, Qin Yu and Lin Meng were sitting across one another. As for the silver haired silver eyed Clayweg, he was standing behind Lin Meng like a bodyguard.

"Clayweg, you can return first. I will return by myself later." Lin Meng said to the silver haired silver eyed youngster behind him.

The silver haired silver eyed youngster immediately bowed. "Yes, master."

The silver haired silver eyed youngster moved slightly and disappeared before Qin Yu.

"Li"er, you can return to the room with Little Si and rest." Qin Yu said to Jiang Li beside him. Jiang Li nodded her head cleverly and entered into the room with Qin Si. In an instant, only Qin Yu and Lin Meng remained in the courtyard.

The wind caressed through.

A jug of wine and two wine cups.

"Qin Yu, I admire you greatly, did you know?" Lin Meng raised his wine cup. This was the first thing that he spoke.

"Admire me?" Qin Yu was startled.

"Back then, you obtained Lei Wei"s half completed "Stellar Transformation" martial technique. At that moment, the "Stellar Transformation" martial technique could only be considered a very ordinary cultivation martial technique with a bit novelty to it. Merely, the final few continuous transformations that you have made allowed the Stellar Transformation martial technique to reach an unprecedented level of achievement. You… without anyone else"s a.s.sistance, were able to achieve your current level of achievement. I truly admire you… that i because when I reached your current level of achievement, I received the a.s.sistance of others." Lin Meng said with a self-mocking smile.

Qin Yu looked to Lin Meng with a pleasantly surprised expression.

This Lin Meng knew that he possessed the New Cosmos?

"Qin Yu, that "Black Hole Stage" of yours was truly astonis.h.i.+ng. You actually managed to connect your dantain"s s.p.a.ce with the Grandmist s.p.a.ce with that single step. When I discovered it back then… I was truly stunned." Lin Meng started to praise.

"Back then, I had also once comprehended that the theory that the human body was a Cosmos. Merely, I had never once thought that one would be capable of connecting the body"s dantain"s s.p.a.ce with the Grandmist s.p.a.ce. After all, before that, I had never heard of the existence of the Grandmist s.p.a.ce. You too did not know about it. Yet you were able to succeed in doing it. It is truly amazing. It could also be considered as you being lucky. Haha… in actuality, the success of a genius usually requires a bit of luck." Lin Meng said with a loud laughter.

"Not delightful, truly not delightful. That is because according to the rules, the current you have still not completely succeeded yet. Thus, there are a lot of things that I cannot speak of. However, it will be quick… several tens of years of time would be sufficient." Lin Meng"s face was filled with smiles.

Qin Yu"s heart moved.

"What does this Lin Meng mean by his words? Several tens of years of time would be sufficient? Does he mean that in several tens of years, my New Cosmos will finish developing?"

Qin Yu understood the development speed of the New Cosmos very well.

A single Cosmos was separated into three layers. The Mortal Realm was a layer. The Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm and the other countless same level s.p.a.ces was the second layer. The Divine Realm was the third layer. Among them, the Mortal Realm layer was the largest and most extensive. It was also the one that required the most time to form. As for the upper layers, because the amount of s.p.a.ce that they needed to develop was less, the amount of time they required to form was also much smaller.

Compared to the differences in the number of Cosmic s.p.a.ces that numbered in the hundred times.

Several tens of years was indeed enough time for the entire Cosmos to finish its development.

After having chatted about the matters regarding the "Stellar Transformation" martial technique, Qin Yu and Lin Meng began to casually talk with one another. The two of them were chatting about all kinds of peculiar matters. They were enjoying the conversations greatly.

The Dark Curtain of Night dissipated and the Light of Daytime arrived.

Qin Yu and Lin Meng were still seated across from each other at the round table.

"Second brother, I wish to ask why the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron within the Exalted Celestial Mountain is capable of forming an Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure?" Qin Yu had been confused about this matter the entire time.

Lin Meng smiled and said. "As for that, you do not need to ask about it for the time being. In several tens of years, even without asking you will come to understand the reason why."

Qin Yu smiled bitterly. "Second brother, I have discovered that you never give me a straight answer when I ask you about matters regarding the Divine Realm. You always answer me in riddles."

"Haha, there"s nothing I can do. It"s rules, rules. I must abide by the rules." Lin Meng said while smiling.

"In that case, what about the name of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure that is about to appear this time around? You can tell me that, right?" Qin Yu asked.

Lin Meng smiled helplessly and said. "Fine. This cannot be considered important information. The Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure that shall arrive from the descent of the Exalted Celestial Mountain this time around is called the "Living World Seal.""

"Living World Seal?" Qin Yu was completely ignorant about it.

"According to the rules, this Living World Seal will split into three portions. Of these three portions, one will fly out of the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron roughly every ten years. Each of these three portions contains a portion of the Temporal Laws." Lin Meng said with a smile.

"Living World Seal, split into three portions." Qin Yu nodded in his heart.

"The Living World Seal was originally something that could be split into three. When the Living World Seal splits into three, it would form three seals that possess might comparable to first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. They are respectively… Blue Sky Seal, Rear Earth Seal and the one with the strongest power, All People Seal. However, becoming the Exalted Celestial is not something that one can accomplish just by being the strongest. It depends on the individual"s…. Achievements and virtue!" Lin Meng said with a smile.

"Achievements and virtue?" Qin Yu was stunned. "Becoming the Exalted Celestial was depended upon one"s achievements and virtue?"

This was the first time he had heard such a thing. He had never heard the words "achievements and virtue" from the mouths of the Exalted Celestials or the G.o.dkings.

"Oh, "achievements and virtue" could also be called "contribution."" said Lin Meng with a smile. "It is the contribution one has had toward the Cosmos. As for how big one"s contribution is, there"s naturally a way to judge that. What are the achievements and virtues? It is not something that you think it to be. Much less you all, even the Exalted Celestials do not know what the achievements and virtues are. Is it saving others? Even if you"ve saved billions of people, you would not possess a fraction of virtue. Even if you"ve killed millions of people, you would also not lose a fraction of virtue."

The definition of achievements and virtues were simply not something that ordinary people could understand.

"Second brother, according to what you said, who would be the new Exalted Celestial is determined by their achievements and virtue. In that case, is the battle for it meaningless?" Qin Yu was confused.

The battle of the Exalted Celestial Mountain for the three portions of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, if it was meaningless to begin with, if the new Exalted Celestial was determined in the shadows, then was use was there for the G.o.dkings to fight for it?

"No, it"s meaningful."

Lin Meng smiled and said. "That is because the three portions of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure each contains a portion of the temporal laws within it. If a G.o.dking were to obtain it, even if he cannot become the Exalted Celestial, his comprehension of the temporal laws would still increase. It might even be possible for him to become an Exalted Celestial by relying only on his own strength."

"However, in the entire history, there has not been a single Exalted Celestial that managed to become an Exalted Celestial through merely their own comprehension." Qin Yu added.

"Although there has not been one in the history, it does not mean that it is impossible for there to be one." Lin Meng smiled.

Qin Yu was startled. He immediately also started smiling.

That"s right. For example, the Asura G.o.dking, he had already comprehended Time Stop now. If he were to comprehend Time Reversal through the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, then he would naturally become an Exalted Celestial level expert.

However, it was extremely difficult to comprehend this last step.

"Well then." Lin Meng stood up. He raised his head and looked to the sky. "It is already daytime. It"s also about time for me to return now." Lin Meng stared at Qin Yu. He smiled and said. "I look forward to our meeting again in several tens of years. The next time we meet, we will be able to chat without any worry for the rules anymore."

"I"ll see you again in several tens of years." Qin Yu replied with a smile.

The two of them smiled to each other. After that, Lin Meng"s body turned dim like a phantom. In the end, he directly disappeared before Qin Yu.

"Achievements and virtue? The determination of one"s achievements and virtue, I reckon it was determined by the master of the Divine Realm"s Cosmos." Qin Yu shook his head and smiled. He then no longer bothered to think anymore. To Qin Yu, the status of Exalted Celestial did not possess any attractiveness. Thus, achievements and virtue was not something meaningful to him.

His path ought to be the pursuit for the successful development of the New Cosmos.

"Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, Living World Seal. The Living World Seal will be separated into three portions. One is the Blue Sky Seal, the other is the Back Earth Seal and the last one, the All People Seal. Which seal will be the first to appear?"

Qin Yu"s gaze was cast toward the west. At the same time, his New Cosmos" Spatial Energy rapidly covered the entire Divine Realm like a violent wave.

Qin Yu"s New Cosmos" Spatial Energy pa.s.sed through the Relief Sculpture Tunnel and entered the Exalted Celestial Mountain. In an instant, it entered the ravine that contained the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron. Merely, Qin Yu"s New Cosmos" Spatial Energy was unable to touch the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron.

Several days later, the Three Great G.o.dkings, Jiang Lan, Zuo Qiulin and Yi Feng, entered the Exalted Celestial Mountain. Soon, they mixed themselves in with the others and began pulling connections, either friendly or antagonistic.

All of the G.o.dkings were in a state of restraint.

As the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure had not appeared yet, all of the G.o.dkings were capable of enduring patiently. However, once the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure appeared, the forty plus G.o.dkings present would all begin to fight each other with their lives on the line.

While waiting, time pa.s.sed. In the blink of an eye, eight years had gone by.

Volume 18 – Exalted Celestial Mountain - Chapter 10 – The Birth of the Blue Sky Seal

Translated by: Pumpkin

Edited by: Robin

"Drip drop!"

Several drops of spring water fell down from an high alt.i.tude. They were sparkling, translucent and reflecting the light. The water droplets all landed on the mossy boulder within the ravine. They shattered upon hitting the boulder and sprayed in all directions.

Beside this mossy boulder were two men and a woman. They were sitting in a cross-legged position. It was Zuo Qiulin, Jiang Lan and Yi Feng.

On the Exalted Celestial Mountain, several tens of G.o.dkings were scattered about the mountain at various location. The various G.o.dkings were all located at locations surrounding the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron.

The Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron was located in the center of the ravine. Each of its totems radiated a mysterious aura.

Yi Feng took a glance at the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron in the distance. He then took a glance at the other G.o.dkings. After that, he smiled to Jiang Lan and said. "Brother Jiang Lan, did you notice that during the descent of the Exalted Celestial Mountain this time around, with all of us gathered on the Exalted Celestial Mountain, that big brother of yours, Jiang Fan, has been extremely enthusiastic and frequently comes into contact with the various other G.o.dkings."

Jiang Lan lightly smiled.

Jiang Fan was indeed a G.o.dking with an extremely bright mood in the ravine. He had come in contact with all the other G.o.dkings. Even many of the hidden G.o.dkings managed to develop a pretty good relations.h.i.+p with Jiang Fan.

"My big brother? Humph." Jiang Lan coldly humped indifferently. "Back when he was selecting the son-in-law at the Utmost North Sage Emperor"s Palace, in a situation where Qin Yu was standing in the dominant position, Jiang Fan still chose Zhou Xian… Ever since that time, I have thought that there is an eighty to ninety percent chance that big brother selected Zhou Xian for the purpose of becoming an Exalted Celestial."

"Other than becoming an Exalted Celestial, there are no other possibilities that would make big brother renounce Qin Yu." Jiang Lan said directly.

"Renounce Qin Yu?"

Yi Feng also started to smile. "Now that you mention it, it is truly laughable that your brother renounced Qin Yu. Without mentioning Qin Yu"s current strength and status, even his strength and status before ought to be enough to have moved him."


Jiang Lan"s gaze was cast toward Jiang Fan who was in a corner of the ravine. At this moment, Jiang Fan was chatting with another G.o.dking with smiles on his face. Jiang Lan said with a sneer. "Although Jiang Fan is smiling right now, the greater Qin Yu"s accomplishments, the deeper his regret will be."

"The two of you, quiet down."

A hoa.r.s.e voice suddenly sounded. Zuo Qiulin who had her eyes closed and quietly training the entire time opened her eyes. She glanced at Jiang Fan and Yi Feng. Jiang Fan and Yi Feng glanced at each other. They smiled and then stopped saying anything.

Seeing their reaction, Zuo Qiulin was finally pleased. She closed her eyes and continued to quietly train.

"Brother Jiang Fan, I too understand all that you have said. I reckon that when compared to that Asura G.o.dking, all of us are in a disadvantaged state. If we don"t unite against the Asura G.o.dking… then the Asura G.o.dking would be able to obtain all three portions of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure. Brother Jiang Fan, please rest a.s.sured. At that time, I will definitely stand out too."

A bald headed man said to Jiang Fan with smiles on his face.

Jiang Fan nodded cheerfully. "Widespread Laws G.o.dking is truly reasonable. As long as all the rest of us unite against the Asura G.o.dking, he won"t be able to do whatever he wishes just by relying on his own strength."

"In that case, I shall not bother the Widespread Laws G.o.dking anymore. Farewell."

Jiang Fan clasped his hands and then left the location where the Widespread Laws G.o.dking was at and returned to the location where he originally did his quiet training at.

Jiang Fan sat in a cross-legged position. However, his train of thoughts was extremely complicated.

"According to the last Exalted Celestial Mountain, of the three portions of Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, it ought to be the last portion that contains the most Temporal Laws and is the strongest. That last portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, I must definitely obtain that."

"Thus the only time I should ask the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial to help will be for obtaining that final portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure. As for the two before that… the first portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure will end up in the Asura G.o.dking"s hands. However, as for the second portion, I must try my best to obtain that."

Jiang Fan was pondering about all the possibilities of what might happen.

Among all the G.o.dkings that were currently in the Exalted Celestial Mountain, the Asura G.o.dking was the strongest. However, although the Asura G.o.dking was very powerful, he had also caused a lot of G.o.dkings to fear him in their hearts. If the various G.o.dkings were to unite against him, then the Asura G.o.dking would only at the most be able to obtain the first portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure.

"Using the opportunity of the first portion, we"ll combine the strength of several tens of G.o.dkings to force the Asura G.o.dking back! Once the Asura G.o.dking is forced back, the remaining G.o.dkings here will all possess about the same level of strength. At that time, the Eight Great Sage Emperors will be the strongest. Brother Zhou Huo and Brother Shentu had agreed to help me. In that case, how could I possibly not obtain the second portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure? Humph!"

According to Jiang Fan"s plan.

The Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure was separated into three portions. For the first portion, it would be obtained by the Asura G.o.dking. As for the second and third portions, Jiang Fan planned to obtain both of them.

"Right now, the only variable is… Qin Yu!"

Jiang Fan"s eyes narrowed. Cold light flickered through them.

Among all the G.o.dkings present on the Exalted Celestial Mountain right now, the Asura G.o.dking was the strongest person. Following him were the Eight Great Sage Emperors. If no one else were to come in, then perhaps Jiang Fan"s plan would really be feasible.


What about Qin Yu?

Qin Yu who possessed strength comparable to that of the Asura G.o.dking. Would he fight his way to the Exalted Celestial Mountain at the crucial moment?

"Spatial Freezing" and "Cosmic Spatial Energy." The combination of these two moves possessed a power no weaker than the Time Stop. Furthermore, Qin Yu also possessed the Divine Spear Waning Snow.

With such strength, if he chooses to fight his way here…

Everything would become unknown!

"If Qin Yu were to help me. Then…" Jiang Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He threw this thought out of his head. To have Qin Yu who possessed strength greater than the Eight Great Sage Emperors to a.s.sist him, it was only possible if time could turn backwards.

Time elapsed. Since the descend of the Exalted Celestial Mountain, nine years had pa.s.sed. According to what was written on that floating slate… roughly every ten years, a portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure would fly out.

Roughly ten years.

It was a very vague wording. At this moment, all of the G.o.dkings in the ravine of the Exalted Celestial Mountain were in a state of absolute alertness. They were all ready to fight and plunder for the portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure that would be born at any moment.

"Big brother!"

An Xun softly called. Sun Lian and Liu Lian also looked at the Asura G.o.dking Luo Fan who stood before them with his hands behind his back. Luo Fan was a very outstanding leader. He was also someone that Sun Lian and them respected greatly.

Sun Lian also frowned and said. "Big brother, the situation is not good. Based on how those G.o.dkings have been interacting with one another and how they occasionally glance over at our place, I fear that many of the G.o.dkings have grown wary of us. Perhaps they might even be planning to attack us as a group."

Luo Fan was still lightly smiling. It was like he would not be surprised even if the heaven suddenly collapsed on him.

"Sun Lian, Little An, you do not need to worry. How could I possibly not be able to guess what those G.o.dkings are thinking in their hearts? However, a group of non-united sheep is unable to win against a wolf. What I am concerned the most right now is not them. Instead, it is… Qin Yu who has not appeared this entire time." Luo Fan said in a low voice.

"Qin Yu?"

Sun Lian, An Xun and Liu Lian were all startled.

In the past couple years, Qin Yu had never appeared on the Exalted Celestial Mountain. This caused them to subconsciously think that Qin Yu was not planning to fight for the treasures.

"Qin Yu"s strength is not inferior to mine."

Luo Fan"s voice was like a whisper. "To be able to resist the attack from the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial twice, even if they were only two casual attacks, his strength was already extremely terrifying."

When Qin Yu was fighting against the G.o.dkings of the Thunder Punishment City, Luo Fan was paying close attention to the battle.

Later on, the two sudden attacks, although he did not see who it was that launched those attacks, anyone with half a brain could guess who it was.

A "Single Aura Eight Elements attack" and a sword energy attack.

The attack power of these two attacks were something that no G.o.dking would be capable of executing on their own.

"Has Qin Yu returned?" Liu Lian was also a bit worried for her big brother.

"I don"t know." Luo Fan slowly exhaled. "Regardless of whether Qin Yu returns or not, this first portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure is definitely mine." A sharp light flashed through Luo Fan"s eyes.

Time pa.s.sed. All of the G.o.dkings in the ravine of the Exalted Celestial Mountain were growing more and more tensed.

Fog City. Inside the Purple Mystic Mansion.

On the sh.o.r.e beside the Inner Lake of the Purple Mystic Mansion was an area with a meadow. On the meadow sat Qin Yu, Jiang Li, Hei Yu and Bai Ling drinking tea and chatting with one another.

At the airs.p.a.ce above the lake was a ten meter wide and ten meter long enormous water screen. The water screen was displaying the scene of the ravine of the Exalted Celestial Mountain.

Hei Yu moved his chess piece and then raised his head and glanced at the water screen. The Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron on the water screen was still the same as before.

"Big brother, it has been over nine years now. Why hasn"t this Blue Sky Seal appeared yet?" Hei Yu asked.

Qin Yu was not worried. "It will naturally be born when it should be born. Cannon; Checkmate! With my cannon and my horse, you"re done."

Hei Yu was startled. He looked at the chess board for a long time. In the end, he could only concede.


A sharp and clear sound was heard. Qin Yu smiled and looked over. A handsome blazing  youngster holding a golden spear streaked across the vast sky in a blink of an eye and flew over to Qin Yu. He immediately hugged Qin Yu.

"How was it? Were the days outside alright?" Qin Yu said with a smile.

Ever since birth, Qin Si had fused with the first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl. His strength was already comparable to that of Heavenly Deities. Furthermore, because of the Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl, he was able to easily sense the Cosmic Origin Energy and managed to easily comprehend the spatial laws.

It had been less than ten years, but he has already reached the High Level Heavenly Deity stage.

Fire Origin Spiritual Pearl and the golden spear. The two first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures… Qin Si"s strength was truly frightening.

"All those Heavenly Deities outside are too weak. There were even some people who wanted to rob me. I directly set flames on their b.u.t.tocks and burned them off. Hehe…" Qin Si laughed happily.

Qin Yu was unable to refrain himself from laughing.

Practically all of the G.o.dkings in the Divine Realm were at the Exalted Celestial Mountain right now. In the entire Divine Realm, other than the G.o.dking from the Western Sea"s Blood Sea, there were truly not many people that could match Qin Si.

"Little Si." Jiang Li walked over with a smile on her face.

"Mom." Qin Si"s eyes s.h.i.+ned. He immediately ran over to Jiang Li. Immediately after, his round eyes were fixed upon Jiang Li"s stomach. "Mom, when will I get a younger brother or sister?"

Jiang Li"s stomach was once again swelling now.

Evidently… what Lin Meng had predicted was extremely accurate. Qin Yu would have more than a single child.

"When? Your sibling is better than you. You stayed in your mother"s stomach for thirty six thousand years. And now, your mother has only been pregnant for over three months and her stomach is already this big. I reckon that ten months of pregnancy will be enough for her to give birth this time." Qin Yu said with a smile.

It was strange indeed.

This time, Jiang Li had only been pregnant for over three months but her stomach was already swelling. According to this pace, ten months of pregnancy would be about the time it would take.

Why were the two pregnancies so different?

"Eh? Dad, why did that big cauldron on the water screen start s.h.i.+ning?" Qin Si pointed to the water screen and said.

Qin Yu, Jiang Li, Hei Yu and Bai Ling all turned to look at the water screen. At this moment, the four totems of that simple and unadorned Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron all possessed faint light rotating around it. At the same time, the top of the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron was completely s.h.i.+ning. All of the G.o.dkings in the ravine had stood up.

"The Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron is s.h.i.+ning? The Blue Sky Seal is about to be born?" Qin Yu had a smile on his face.

"Uncle Lan, do you need my a.s.sistance?" Qin Yu directly sent a voice transmission.

Inside the ravine of the Exalted Celestial Mountain.

All forty plus G.o.dkings present were now standing up. They were all looking at that radiating Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron located in the center of the ravine.

Hearing Qin Yu"s voice transmission, Jiang Lan merely shook his head.

"Little Yu, the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure and I, if I were to obtain it, then it would be my luck. If I cannot obtain it, then it would be my fate." Jiang Lan conversed with Qin Yu through Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

Knowing Uncle Lan"s att.i.tude toward the matter, Qin Yu stopped asking anymore.

At this moment, within the ravine, the forty plus G.o.dkings were separated into various small groups. The groups were either made up of three or four people, or one or two people.

"What"s happening with this Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron?" A G.o.dking asked.

The other G.o.dkings did not reply. All those that have experienced the previous Exalted Celestial Mountain"s descent all knew that this signified that the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron was about to spit out the first portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure.


The Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron suddenly started to tremble. The light on the surface of the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron became even more bright.


Practically at the same moment, twenty plus figures, with a "woosh" sound, appeared before the airs.p.a.ce above the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron. At the same time, the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron spurt out a cyan light.

The twenty plus figures all proceeded to try to catch that cyan light at the same time.

All these twenty plus individuals were people who had experienced the previous descent of the Exalted Celestial Mountain. They knew that the tremble of the Spiritual Treasure Origin Cauldron signified the first portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure was to be born!

"Ha!" One of the Three Great Sage Emperors of the Utmost Western Region"s Mount Blazing Flame, Shentu Nian, was the first to grab the cyan colored light. Once he obtained the cyan colored light, the light immediately vanished and turned into a cyan colored seal.

The other twenty plus individuals immediately rushed toward Shentu Nian.

"Humph." Seeing that the others were rus.h.i.+ng toward him, Shentu Nian immediately used his teleportation. His figure moved, however…

The white spiritual pearl above the Utmost Southern Sage Emperor Duanmu Yun started to s.h.i.+ne brightly. Shentu Nian became unable to teleport away.

"Spatial Freezing!" Shentu Nian"s expression took a huge change. However, at the very moment when he caught the first portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, he was already prepared to be surrounded and attacked by others.

Time Acceleration!

His speed had reached its limit. Like a mirage, he strangely turned into two. The two Shentu Nians began to fly in two different directions. Furthermore, these two people both possessed the aura of Shentu Nian. It was simply impossible to identify who was the real Shentu Nian using Divine Awareness.

"Woos.h.!.+" "Woos.h.!.+" "Woos.h.!.+" "Woos.h.!.+"  …

The G.o.dkings that had surrounded him started attacking at practically the same time. Rays of attacks were flying toward the two different Shentu Nians. Among them, one of them was immediately annihilated.

Shentu Nian"s true body was rus.h.i.+ng toward the foot of the Exalted Celestial Mountain like a madman.

"Humph, even you tried to obtain the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure?" A black whip suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan"s hand. He directly lashed out towards Shentu Nian"s true body.

Shentu Nian"s expression changed.


Wind suddenly stopped. Jiang Fan, Shentu Nian and three other G.o.dkings beside them all suddenly became immobile. They seemed to have their body stopped. It was impossible for them to move.

An elegant figure flew past Shentu Nian.

The Asura G.o.dking Luo Fan, like an elegant painter, gently stroked his finger across Shentu Nian"s body. That cyan colored seal was obtained by Luo Fan.


With blood like a blooming flower spraying down the vast sky, Shentu Nian"s body slanted and splitted into two. The two parts of his body directly fell to the ground.

Shentu Nian, died!

"Time Stop, powerful indeed." On the meadows beside the lake in the Purple Mystic Mansion, Qin Yu gasped in admiration after seeing this scene on the water screen. Hei Yu, Little Qin Si, Qin De, Qin Feng, Qin Zheng and a large group of other people were all focused deeply upon this great battle performed by the G.o.dkings.

The attacks of G.o.dkings, each and every one of them were powerful enough to split the heavens and earth. Although they looked simple, if one were to get hit by the attack, then one would become gravely injured.

Beside the Exalted Celestial Mountain, the various G.o.dkings were flying over rapidly.


Seven or eight rays of light s.h.i.+ned in the region of s.p.a.ce where the Time Stop was. The Time Stop was broken through. Jiang Fan and them immediately recovered their mobility.

"Humph." The Asura G.o.dking sneered and cast a glance at that group of people.

"He who blocks me shall die!"

The Asura G.o.dking"s blood reeking and grim voice sounded throughout the entire Exalted Celestial Mountain. As for the Asura G.o.dking himself, he was rapidly flying towards the foot of the Exalted Celestial Mountain. That was because the only entrance, the Relief Sculpture Tunnel, was located there.

As for why he did not teleport…

That was because at the beginning of this battle royal, the Eight Great Sage Emperors seemed to have a mutual agreement, and all used the Spatial Freezing. The combined Spatial Freezing from the Eight Great Sage Emperors was so powerful that even the Exalted Celestials would have to use their Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure in order to break through it. As for the G.o.dkings, it was simply unable for them to break it.


Rapid flying. The sound of the wind whistling.

Behind the Asura G.o.dking Luo Fan were the three other G.o.dkings Liu Lian, Sun Lian and An Xun. The four of them proceeded to rush down with an att.i.tude of killing whatever it is that blocked their path, be it G.o.d or Buddha.

Wherever they pa.s.sed, not a single G.o.dking dared to block them head on.

However, Luo Fan"s flying speed gradually slowed down. His brows also started to crease together. When he flew to the location before Relief Sculpture Tunnel, he completely stopped.

He was unable to go forward.

That was because twenty one G.o.dkings were currently blocking the entrance of the Relief Sculpture Tunnel. Among them were Four Sage Emperors. While the other G.o.dkings were pinning him down, the rest of the G.o.dkings had already rushed over to the entrance of the Relief Sculpture Tunnel.

"Woos.h.!.+" "Woos.h.!.+" "Woosh"… Jiang Fan, Shentu Yan and them had also arrived from behind. They flew over to the twenty one G.o.dkings. After that, Jiang Lan, Yi Feng and Zuo Qiulin had also flew over.

One side was only four G.o.dkings whereas the other side was lead by the Eight Great Sage Emperors.

The difference in number between the two groups of people was truly too great.

"In order to handle I, Luo Fan, you all actually joined hands." Even at this moment, Luo Fan still had a slight smile on his face.

He was not worried in the slightest.

"Luo Fan!" The Utmost South Sage Emperor Duanmu Yun said coldly. "If you wished to obtain this portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure with only your own strength, then you would be dreaming."

"Enough with the portion of Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, that"s extremely awkward to say. Let me tell you all it’s name. This cyan seal is called the "Blue Sky Seal."" The Asura G.o.dking held the Blue Sky Seal in his hand and said in with a light smile.

"Blue Sky Seal?"

All of the G.o.dkings remembered this name.

"You all truly wished to block my path?" Luo Fan said soft and slowly.

Jiang Fan, Duanmu Yun, Zhou Huo and them glanced at each other. In the end, Jiang Fan walked out and said in a clear voice. "Luo Fan, it is not impossible for us to give you this Blue Sky Seal. However, you must agree to a condition from us."

"Speak!" Luo Fan said directly.

Jiang Lan smiled and said. "It"s very simple. After you obtained this Blue Sky Seal, you are not allowed to contest for the next two portions of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure! As long as you vow that to the heavens, we shall allow you to leave."

None of those G.o.dkings had any objections.

There was no doubt about the Asura G.o.dking"s astonis.h.i.+ng strength. If they were to anger him and make him go to the extreme, then of the G.o.dkings gathered here, many would end up dying.

However, if they were to let the Asura G.o.dking leave, then he would likely use the same method to obtain the second and the third portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure.

Thus, the only option was to force him to give up on the next two portions.

"No can do." Luo Fan said that directly.

Jiang Fan hurriedly said. "Luo Fan, you have already comprehended Time Stop. This Blue Sky Seal also contains a portion of the Temporal Laws within it. Through it, it might be possible for you to comprehend Time Reversal. At that time, wouldn"t you still become an Exalted Celestial?"

"Humph. Ridiculous." Luo Fan had a cold expression. "It is impossible for me to give up the next two portions of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure."

"Are you saying there is no margin of discussion?" The expressions of Jiang Fan, Shentu Yan, Duanmu Yun, Huangfu Yu, Tang Lan and them all changed. The other G.o.dkings were all frowning coldly.

At this moment, one"s standpoint must be firm!

They must finish the strongest Asura G.o.dking. Otherwise, the other G.o.dkings would not have any opportunity.

Fog City"s Purple Mystic Mansion. Qin Yu began to laugh.

"According to what Lin Meng said on the day of Little Si"s hundred days ceremony, none of the G.o.dkings on the Exalted Celestial Mountain are able to become the Exalted Celestial. Of course, that includes the Asura G.o.dking as well as the Eight Great Sage Emperors… What reason is there for them to bother fighting? It"s already destined that they would not be able to become an Exalted Celestial." Qin Yu felt sorrowful for those people.

Without knowing their own fate, they were fighting and scheming against each other.

On the Exalted Celestial Mountain.

The various G.o.dkings were standing together. Even Jiang Lan, Zuo Qiulin, and Yi Feng were standing at the corner of the group of G.o.dkings. They were led by the Eight Great Sage Emperors.

Across from them were the four G.o.dkings led by the Asura G.o.dking Luo Fan.

"No matter what, I will definitely not give up on this Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure. If you all truly wish to block my path, then… today, I shall open the floodgate to a ma.s.sacre."

The Asura G.o.dking"s expression grew cold. Suddenly, a scarlet colored ruler appeared in his hand.

Blood Ruler" Life Sunderer."

It was the first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure that the Craftsman G.o.d Chehou Yuan had crafted for the Asura G.o.dking. It was also a Grandmist Spiritual Treasure with an extremely frightening offensive power.

Seeing this Blood Ruler, the expressions of the Eight Great Sage Emperors all changed.

Time Stop and a first-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. If they wished to kill the Asura G.o.dking, at the very least more than ten G.o.dkings would die today.

Zhou Huo, Jiang Fan, Duanmu Yun and the other Sage Emperors were all conversing with one another through voice transmission. They were intensely discussing what to do.

"Wait!" Zhou Huo suddenly spoke out.

"What else is there to say?" The Asura G.o.dking Luo Fan said in a cold voice.

Zhou Huo said solemnly. "Luo Fan, we asked you to not compete for the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure from now on and you"re unwilling to accept that. In that case… we shall take a step back! At the same date of the birth of the second and third portions of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure, you are not allowed to contest for them. However, on the day after that, you would be allowed to contest for them. How is that?"

This proposal was already a decision that the Eight Great Sage Emperors didn"t wish to make.

"What a joke. Whoever obtains the portion of the Exalted Celestial"s Spiritual Treasure would immediately hide themselves. If a G.o.dking hides himself, who would be able to discover them so easily?" The radiance of the Blood Ruler in Luo Fan"s hand began to s.h.i.+ne deeper.

In an instant, the expressions of the Eight Great Sage Emperors changed.

A battle was inevitable!

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