Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 115: Lead The Way

Chapter 115: Lead The Way
Jiao Yuan felt Fu Lei was a nice person despite what everyone said about him. He praised Charcoal which greatly pleased Jiao Yuan.
After talking about the cat, Jiao Yuan told Fu Lei, "I heard you can fight."
"Not really. I just get in fights a lot." Fu Lei wanted to be humble. After all, he lost a lot in his fights.
"Can you run then?"
Xiong Xiong had come out by this time. He heard Jiao Yuan"s question and looked at Fu Lei hopefully.

Fu Lei wanted to say he wasn"t a runner but was forced by the situation to answer yes.
He regretted it immediately. To him, running was a waste of time. He would much rather practice his punches on bean bags.
Xiong Xiong forgot he was upset with Fu Lei and draped his arm around Fu Lei"s shoulders. He took out his list of names and said, "Why don"t you sign up for the 800-meter run? We believe in you. Here, write your name here, then write 800 meters behind your name."
800 meters, Fu Lei visualized the length. He nodded and wrote 800 meters after his name.

Xiong Xiong was grinning so hard his eyes were slits. "Why don"t you write down 1500 meters too?"
Fu Lei rolled his eyes. What a scoundrel.
"Well, I"m pus.h.i.+ng it too far aren"t I?" Xiong Xiong took back the list. He got a name down for the 800-meter race, it was something.
On their way home after school, Jiao Yuan"s group ran into Fu Lei. However, Fu Lei wasn"t riding a bike, so Jiao Yuan"s group left after waving h.e.l.lo.

Jiao Yuan told Papa Jiao about what happened. Papa Jiao didn"t seem surprised. The cat often went to the pet center by himself. That was even farther away than Jiao Yuan"s middle school. He was, however, pleased the cat could find his way there without any help.
"Sadly my office is on the second floor. All the English teachers use the same office so I can"t let Charcoal in." Mama Jiao said.
"Don"t worry about it. He went there on his walks, he can just walk home afterward. I haven"t heard of anyone trafficking cats in this area. He should be fine."
After dinner, Jiao Yuan went to the track fields with his friends. Zheng Tan and Youzi went to watch and maybe run a lap or two in the meantime.

Jiao Yuan and his friends didn"t start running right away. They all just had dinner, so they needed to warm up first. They started chatting while they rested. Fu Lei became the topic of their conversation. Though there were all kinds of rumors surrounding Fu Lei, the group kind of liked him. Jiao Yuan liked him because he was kind to Charcoal, the rest of the group liked him because he signed up for the 800-meter race.
"Should we invite him over to train with us tomorrow?" Lan Tianzhu asked. "Do you guys know his phone number? We could ask him first."
"I only have a list of names." Xiong Xiong checked his watch, "It"s only seven. We could go to his house now."
They normally went home around 8, which meant they still had an hour left.

"That could work too. Where does he live?" Su An asked.
Xiong Xiong shrugged, "I don"t know. Don"t look at me."
No one knew where he lived, but he didn"t ride a bike to school so they felt he should live close by.
"I know how to find him." Jiao Yuan suddenly jumped off the parallel bars. He waved to Youzi and the black cat, "Come over here for a second Charcoal!"
Zheng Tan heard Jiao Yuan calling out to him. He looked at Youzi and shook his tail. He didn"t want to go over there. There was always something up with these boys.

"Charcoal, you know where Fu Lei lives right?" Jiao Yuan asked. "Lead the way if you do."
Zheng Tan twitched his ears, what did these boys want to do?
Xiong Xiong and the rest of the group didn"t believe a cat could lead the way, but Charcoal really did start walking.
Jiao Yuan followed him. Youzi didn"t want to go home just yet, so she rode her bike along the rest of the group

. She left her bike in the bike shed near the side gate.
"Jiao Yuan, does your cat really know the way? It won"t lead us to some female cat, will it?" Xiong Xiong asked while looking left and right.
It wasn"t completely dark yet but the street lamps were all lit. There were a lot of people on the street, so the kids were not so much afraid as dubious.

Jiao Yuan tutted, but he wasn"t so sure himself.
Zheng Tan led the way in the front of the group. After a while, Xiong Xiong started complaining again.
"I thought you said he lived nearby. Why aren"t we there yet?"
The other kids were voicing their doubt too.
Zheng Tan ignored them all. He just needed to focus on leading them there.
Zheng Tan crossed the street and headed to the old residential neighborhood where Fu Lei lived.
There were elderly people taking strolls in the neighborhood. They were surprised to see the group of kids and asked why they were here. Jiao Yuan told them.

"Fu Lei? Oh, that boy lives in that building over there. I think the family lives on the fourth floor." The man pointed to a building nearby.
So he really lived here!
The kids exchanged a look then looked at the cat again. They were truly surprised. Jiao Yuan"s cat really was something. No wonder it was the leader of all the eastern quarter cats.
Fu Lei"s family had just finished dinner.
His parents came home very late every day, so they always had dinner late.
Fu Lei"s mother got up to clear the table. She could tell by the look on her husband"s face that Fu Lei was in for a beating tonight. He didn"t like to be disrupted when he was trying to educate Jiao Yuan.

Fu Lei had three bowls of rice. He always tried to eat more when he knew his father was going to beat him. He felt he recovered faster if he ate more.
"Come over here!" Fu Lei"s father motioned his son to him.
He dragged to a chair over and sat down. He raised his hand ready to slap his son when there was a sudden knock at the door.
Fu Lei"s father didn"t want other people to see him educating his child. He wanted to show others the good side of his family. However, he was already on the verge of exploding. He sat there and didn"t move.

Fu Lei"s mother sighed. She put down the dishes, wiped the water off her hands and went to open the door.
She was surprised to see a group of kids about her son"s age outside. She had thought it was the neighbors coming to borrow something.
"Is this Fu Lei"s house?" Jiao Yuan asked.
"Yes, and you kids are?" Fu Lei"s mother quickly answered. She was worried her son had caused more trouble at school. These kids didn"t look like schoolyard bullies.
Zheng Tan went ignored everyone and entered the house. He saw right away Fu Lei was in his room with his father. Was Fu Lei"s father about to beat him? It seemed they had come right in time.

Fu Lei and his father were surprised to see the visitors. He hadn"t expected Jiao Yuan to visit. The black cat jumped onto a chair and looked like he was ready for the show.
"Um, they are?" Fu Lei"s father managed to squeeze out a smile, slapping Fu Lei on the back of his head as he asked.
Like his mother, Fu Lei"s dad thought his son had beaten up his cla.s.smates again. He thought of his bank account. He had just received this month"s salary, so he should have enough to pay any hospital charges.
"h.e.l.lo. We are Fu Lei"s cla.s.smates and we"re here to discuss the upcoming sports tournament." Xiong Xiong answered. He showed Fu Lei"s father the list in his hand and pointed at Fu Lei"s name.

Fu Lei was lost. Why would they come to his house just to discuss some sports tournament? It got him out of a beating though.
Fu Lei"s mother quickly found chairs for the visitors. She took out some snacks.
This was the first time Fu Lei had visitors. Some of these kids were members of the cla.s.s committee too!
Fu Lei"s father managed to find out these kids live inside Chuhua University. He immediately smiled. Fu Lei never saw him smile like that. He wasn"t even sure his father was capable of such approachability.

Fu Lei"s mother was embarra.s.sed. She knew these kids all came from families that had more money than them. She was worried they would look down on them. However, she found out that they showed no contempt. They were a bit ill-at-ease at first but all settled down fairly quickly.
Zheng Tan knew why.
Most of the professors living in the eastern quarters lived frugal lifestyles, especially those who were retired. They might not be as tight on money as Fu Lei"s family, but their homes were not that different.
Besides, although these kids could be proud, they were well mannered. Zheng Tan knew them well.

"He is our hope in the 800-meter race." Xiong Xiong pointed to Fu Lei.
Fu Lei"s father waved his hand, "Don"t worry about it. He can do both the 800 meters and the 1500 meters. That"s all he can do anyways!"
Fu Lei rolled his eyes. Who said that about their own kid?
Xiong Xiong"s eyes lit up when he heard 1500 meters. He quickly laid the list of names on the table and handed Fu Lei a pen. "If your father says you can do it, I"m sure you"ll be fine. You really are the hope of the cla.s.s!"
Fu Lei hesitated. He didn"t want to do it, but his father slapped him again.

"Why are you hesitating? Do you not understand collective glory? A collective, collective you understand? You should pitch in whenever you can." Fu Lei"s father glared at him.
Fu Lei"s mouth twitched. He didn"t agree with his father but still took the [pen and wrote 1500 meters after his name.
The trip had paid off! Xiong Xiong was very happy. Life was looking much brighter in his eyes. He looked forward to tomorrow!
The group moved into Fu Lei"s room.
"Sh*t Fu Lei, your room is even messier than mine!" Xiong Xiong looked around at the mess. He suddenly felt Fu Lei was one of them. Why would a man clean his room? No one saw it anyways.

Xiong Xiong said it out loud. It was better than pretending not to notice.
However, Fu Lei"s parents still blushed. It was embarra.s.sing!
The kids were all in Fu Lei"s room, Zheng Tan, however, stayed in the living room.
"Why did these kids bring a cat?" Fu Lei"s father asked his wife quietly.
"Maybe they are walking the cat?" She wasn"t sure either.
"Even a professor"s cat is different." Fu Lei"s father took out a cigarette but controlled himself when he remembered there were kids here.
The couple could go out for a walk now. They sat in their living room and stared at the cat.

Fu Lei"s father got up and took out the fish head and put it in front of Zheng Tan.
"Here, eat!"
Zheng Tan was speechless. Fathers and sons really were alike.
He ignored the food and moved to a different chair.
"No wonder this is a professor"s cat. Is this what they mean by not taking food that was given with pity?" Fu Lei"s father examined Zheng Tan.
This bothered Zheng Tan greatly, so he went into Fu Lei"s room.
The kids were listening to Fu Lei tell stories of his "childhood". Xiong Xiong envied his experience in his village dojo.

They stayed for half an hour. Jiao Yuan reminded them they would be in trouble if they went home too late.
"It"s too late tonight and we need to go home," Jiao Yuan said.
"Let"s discuss the rest at school tomorrow. Oh, right, come train with us tomorrow."
Xiong Xiong was still babbling on. Zheng Tan was growing impatient. It was getting dark. He didn"t know if the area was safe and wanted to leave when there were still plenty of pedestrians. If they ran into bullies, there was nothing he could do. There were girls in the group too.

Fu Lei"s father got his coat. "It"s late, I"ll take you guys home. Chuhua University isn"t far."
Zheng Tan left out a sigh of relief. The kids would be safe now.
Fu Lei went with them. He and his father walked along with the group of kids toward Chuhua University. The black cat walked alongside them. Fu Lei asked Jiao Yuan about the cat which got Jiao Yuan talking.
The kids chatted and laughed. In no time, they arrived at the side gate of campus.
Youzi went to fetch her bike and allowed Zheng Tan to jump into the front basket.

Jiao Yuan and his friends ran after Youzi"s bike all the way back to the eastern quarters.
Fu Lei"s father watched the kids leave. He then stared for a while at the words on the gate. He slapped Fu Lei on the back of the head again. "Be nice to them. It will do you no harm."
Fu Lei didn"t say anything.
"Did you hear me?!" Fu Lei"s father slapped him again.
"I heard slapping people on the back of the head make them stupid," Fu Lei squeezed the sentence out through gritted teeth.
"You rascal..." Fu Lei"s father was going to slap him again, but stopped himself. He thought about it, then slapped his son on the shoulder.

As someone who hadn"t had much schooling, Fu Lei"s father had a special obsession with universities. He stood there in front of the gate and sighed.
He would never have a chance to attend university in this lifetime, so he wanted his son to be able to enter college. He might be strict, but he never expected his son to be able to go to any good school, let alone Chuhua University. He would be satisfied if Fu Lei got into any college.
The next day, Fu Lei agreed to go to Chuhua University to train with Jiao Yuan and his friends. The tournament was soon, they needed to hurry up.
Fu Lei finished dinner. He picked up his backpack and got ready to leave. His father was going with him. If they trained till night, he didn"t want his son to walk home alone. On the other hand, he wanted to see the campus. He never got a chance to do so, since he was always busy at work.

Jiao Yuan had told them where the track field was. They would be able to ask for direction if they couldn"t find it. However, they found the black cat waiting for them at the gate.
Zheng Tan stretched. He led the father and son to the track field. He had waited for them because he knew even students of the university couldn"t differentiate between all the track fields on campus. He didn"t want them to get lost.
"What a cat!" Fu Lei"s father exclaimed.
Fu Lei twitched his mouth. He already knew this the first time he saw the cat outside the window.

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