Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 7: This Guinea Pig Shouldn’t Be Devoured!

Chapter 7: This Guinea Pig Shouldn’t Be Devoured!

Zheng Tan climbed up a tree, and looked in the direction where the voices came from.

Not long after, Zheng Tan understood roughly what was happening. It was similar to the prime time drama Mama Jiao watched before, except the female wasn’t crying loudly or causing havoc.

After watching for a moment, Zheng Tan became impatient, and went down the tree for a stroll. Leaving the pain in the a.s.s parrot in the tree to continue watching its live prime time show. At least this way it wouldn’t come and bother Zheng Tan. Zheng Tan hoped that this drama would “broadcast” for the whole day, or be a continuous “broadcast”. This way of thinking was really lacking in morality, but what kind of thing is a moral heart? Ever since Zheng Tan could remember he had kicked this toy into a corner, occasionally picking it up to look. When it didn’t match his own interest, Zheng Tan would leave this toy in the corner to become moldy, and wouldn’t even glance at it.

Below the tree, Chubs was there lying in a “catloaf” position with his eyes closed as if he was about to fall asleep. As for Detective and Yellowy, they probably couldn’t stand being still and went to find somewhere to play.

Around this area, there were only a few places that the cats would go to. Therefore, Zheng Tan wasn’t worried about not being able to find them. Even if he couldn’t find them for a while, after calling them twice they would respond, and they would not go far.

Zheng Tan struck Chubs with a swing of his tail, telling it to catch up. This chap always looks like it has lacks sleep. In the beginning, Zheng Tan believed that it was because it had used its brain too much. However, later on he realized that even if Chubs didn’t really use its brain, it would still have a dead look. But, who could’ve imagined that this fat, sleepy looking cat knew how to use Morse code.

You can’t judge a person by their appearance, cats were also like this.

There was a small supermarket not far from the family supermarket, called “Dong Yuan Supermarket”. Recently Dongyuan supermarket has been under renovations and there was a pile of sand and stone at the backdoor. The workers were resting today, and there wasn’t anyone at the backdoor of the supermarket.

When Zheng Tan arrived at the backdoor of Dong Yuan supermarket, he just happened to see Yellowy sitting on a pile of sandy soil with a serene expression. It was very earnestly using the toilet. After it had finished, it used its paws to bury the deed with sand. Then it shook its fur and left as if nothing had ever happened.

After the surgery, Yellowy no longer peed everywhere randomly, but due to its natural instincts, it still liked to p.o.o.p in unexpected places.

Zheng Tan wondered, if those workers came here tomorrow, and found a pile of cat p.o.o.p with one dig of a shovel, what kind of expression would they have. Or if those workers didn’t notice and directly daubed it into the wall……

If Zheng Tan was the boss of this supermarket, he would definitely choke that fool, Yellowy, to death.

If you kept walking forward from Dong Yuan supermarket, you would see a large lawn. However, Zheng Tan and company normally wouldn’t go there because there were a lot of people on the lawn, adults and children. If they went there, they would be looking for trouble. Non-sensible brats were the natural enemies of all pets. If a cat was grabbed by the tail they couldn’t scratch back, even if the child was at fault the one punished would still be the cat.  

As a result, normally if Zheng Tan and the others came over, they would just play in the little forest between the large lawn and Dong Yuan supermarket.

Yellowy was scratching trees, after scratching one it would switch to another to scratch. Detective was foraging for food again, looking for small insects to be a snack. As for Chubs, he had his paws curled under him again, lying under a brush in a catloaf position, apparently not interested in anything happening in the surroundings.

Zheng Tan swept the area, and not noticing anyone approaching, jumped onto a table in the grove. He squatted down on a patch with sunlight to rest.

The wind carried a slight fragrance of osmanthus flowers, and the noises from the lawn had no influence on the little area of the grove. Occasionally, in the surroundings, there would be thudding and scratching sounds caused by the other two cats.

The warm sunlight s.h.i.+ning on Zheng Tan, made him somewhat drowsy.

Suddenly, from a nearby underbrush came a strange cry, it sounded like a bird call. However, listening more closely a bird call was different. Zheng Tan had stayed here for so long, but had yet to ever hear such a cry.

Zheng Tan opened his eyes. From where the cry came, Yellowy had a paw in the air. It turned its neck to the right and left, apparently deciding where to strike with its claws.

On another side, Detective heard sounds and had ran to that side. A moment later, a furball ran out from that side.  

Guinea pig (Tun Shu)?

Using the locals’ way to call it, it was also called guinea pig (He Lan Zhu).  

However this one was slightly different from normal guinea pigs. Its fur was longer, and the handful of white hair on its head and its bangs were hanging down, almost covering its eyes. It might be because it exercises regularly, this guinea pig wasn’t like the fat, caged guinea pigs that Zheng Tan had seen in past which moved very slowly. This one’s running speed was much faster.  

Even if its speed was faster compared to other guinea pigs, in the presence of two cats with excess energy, it couldn’t escape their claws.

Detective and Yellowy had the guinea pig trapped in the middle. If the guinea pig tried to run out, they would simply use their paws to block it and force it to return to the middle.  

Zheng Tan thought for a moment, it was still better to stop Detective and Yellowy as they prepared to bite it. On the campus, guinea pigs were raised as pets. They weren’t white mice. You couldn’t just play with them however you wanted to, and you couldn’t just eat them because you wanted to. Let alone that this breed had some special traits. Zheng Tan had just examined this guinea pig’s fur, it was very clean. It should’ve been carefully groomed, and its owner should take very good care of it. Who could guarantee that they wouldn’t leave a trace of eating it. If the owner found them, it would definitely bring about trouble. The large lawn was nearby, and this guinea pig should’ve came from over there.

When Zheng Tan swatted away Yellowy, the guinea pig didn’t take the chance to run away. Rather it stayed in place, vigilantly observing the cats. In the end, it made a decision and slowly s.h.i.+fted next to Zheng Tan’s side.

Zheng Tan. “…” Did it determine that it wouldn’t be eaten by me?

It’s hard to say, but sometimes an animal’s sixth sense was very sharp.

Zheng Tan swung his tail, preparing to move far away from the guinea pig. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw a silhouette, a stranger’s silhouette!

If it was only a stranger then Zheng wouldn’t be shocked. What shocked him was that the other three cats and him actually didn’t notice anyone approaching?! They didn’t even know how long the person was there, or if the person had just hidden nearby!

Zheng Tan’s line of sight fell on the person’s palm, their body slightly blocked their right hand.

When their line of sights crossed, Zheng Tan thought of the Papa Jiao’s expression on the night they had killed the white mice. However Papa Jiao only had such an expression towards the white mice, but the man before his eyes made Zheng Tan feel a chill. This person… has killed things besides insignificant white mice!

Yellowy was startled by the person who suddenly appeared. Afterwards, it returned its attention to the furball’s body next to Zheng Tan. It lifted its claws testing it, appearing as if it was still unwilling to give up.

Zheng Tan slapped Yellowy across its face. Does this idiot not see that there was a dangerous person?!

Even when Zheng Tan slapped Yellowy, his line of sight never left the stranger. The feeling that this person gave him was too dangerous. He felt like he was the white mice from the other night on the experiment counters, unable to escape, waiting to have their neck broken.

Chubs was no longer lying in the bush. It had gotten up like a bullet, back arched, hair standing on end, and its ears pulled back. Its pair of eyes emitted an ominous glint instead of its usual drowsiness. Its throat emitted a “Wu——Wu——” warning sound, as if about to face off against a large enemy. Since Zheng Tan had known Chubs, this was the first time it was like this.

Perhap due to Zheng Tan and Chubs influence, the other two cats also vigilantly watched the person. Although a little stupid and a little thick skinned, during a crucial moment, Yellowy and Detective didn’t run off alone, they were pretty loyal! Originally Detective was prepared to run off, but noticed that the other three didn’t move. It stiffened its body, while its hair stood on end, and stayed.

What to do?

Zheng Tan’s mind was spinning.

Immediately fleeing was a good method of many, and was the most frequently used, but Zheng Tan wasn’t certain if he could really leave safely with the others. The other party’s line of sight was still locked onto on their bodies, as if any movement would affect the thread of crisis. The other part never revealed what was in their hand, making Zheng Tan feel extreme danger.

Both sides had confronted each for about two minutes, and then the person smiled. When he smiled, the surrounding mood seemingly lightened a lot. The person revealed their arms, shook both hands, and said, “Little cats, don’t nervous, I’m only here to look for a pet, that’s all.”

After speaking, he pointed at the guinea pig hiding behind Zheng Tan’s body, but this guinea pig clearly didn’t plan to give any face to the person. It moved closer to Zheng Tan’s side, as if it wanted to hide from this person.

Zheng Tan relaxed a little, but didn’t dare get careless. He felt that this stranger should’ve had something in their hand just now. Perhaps it was a razor blade, or something else, but hid it away when they revealed their hands.

Who is this person? Zheng Tan’s heart was suspicious.

“Chestnut, quickly come over. If you don’t return your owner will be worried.” The person called out to the furball like guinea pig hiding behind Zheng Tan.

The guinea pig didn’t respond, it didn’t show its face or make a sound.

“Chestnut——” The person squatted down, leaned over, and called out to the furball a few more times.

Zheng Tan cursed in his heart. He leaned his body to the side, revealing the furball hiding behind him. He doesn’t want to find himself in a crisis just because of this furball.

Seeing that the furball didn’t move, Zheng Tan used his tail and pushed it a few times. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d why don’t you hurry and leave!

Finally, the furball that was pushed out by Zheng Tan, like it was unwilling, very slowly moved in the direction of the person.

After pinching the pet, the person didn’t stay, turned his body and left towards the large lawn.

Only when the figure of the person couldn’t be seen anymore, then did Zheng Tan let out a sigh. He thought to himself that it would be better to come here less.

On the other side, the person who was treated as a large enemy by Zheng Tan and company ignored the furball’s resisting sounds that was pinched in their hand. After leaving the grove, he turned his head back to look. He felt that two of the cats just now were very interesting… especially the black one.  

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