=LANCE= (Spear) =PC=3, 4, =C=7, 8, =M=6, =C=11, 14, 15, =G=3, 22, =Ma=1, 2, 24, =Ge=22, =H=, =D=11, 12, 16, =Q=50, 51, =GG=9, 15, 16.

=LANCELOT=, Lancelot of Lake"s grandfather =Q=26, =GG=30, 59.

=LANCELOT.= Galahad"s father =Q=, =GG=, =Q=1, 2, 4 (_cf._ =C=11), 5, 11, 12 (_cf._ =C=7 and =G=3), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 (_cf._ =GG=58) 27, 28, 29, 42, 43, =GG=30, 33, 40, 45, 58, 59, =PC=4.


=LIONEL Q=1, 3, attacks Bors =Q=33, =Ma=18.

=LOATHLY DAMSEL.= Anonymous =Co=, Kundrie =W=, Perceval"s cousin =M=, reproaches Perceval =C=11, =W=, =M=20----announces end of Quest, =Ma=23, =M=25.

=LOGRES= =PC=1, =G=3, =Q=12, 35, 47.

=LOHENIS= =H= = Griogoras =C=16.


=LONGIS= =PC=4, =Ma=2, =D=16.

=LOT= =GG=48.

=LUCES= =GG=48.

=LUFAMOUR= =T=7, _cf._ Blanchefleur.

=MAIDENS" CASTLE= =PC=5, =G=12=a=, =Ge=6----=Q=9.

=MAIMED= or =LAME KING=. Same personage as Fisher King. Designated in this way _only_ =M=, almost entirely so =Q={2} (5, 13, also =Q={1} 36, 39, 47, 50), never so =B=, =D=. =GG=58 applies the designation to Pelleans.

=MANAAL= =GG=58.

=MANCIPICELLE=, see Orgueilleuse.

=MARGON= =Ma=10.

=MARIE LA VENISSIENNE= =GG=3 = Verrine, =B=6, =W=.

=MARPUS= (=WARPUS= =Q=26) =GG=30, 59.

=MEAUX= =GG=11.

=MELIANS=, Galahad"s companion =Q=8, 10.

=MELIANS DE LIS= =C=13, =D=15.

=MERLIN= (see p. 64D) =G=20, =Dprol=, 14, 15, =Q=13.

=MORDRAINS= =GG=, Mordains =Q=, _once_ Noodrans =Ma=, _once_ Mordrach =Ge=----Baptism =GG=14, 15, =Q=6, 26, =Ma=3 =Ge=15----=GG=16, 17, vision of descendants 18, =Q=26----=GG=19, 20, stay on island 21, _cf._ =Q=19----=GG=27, =Q=36----=GG=29 Crudel, and blinding by Grail 37, 38, =Q=15, =Ge=15----retires to hermitage =GG=39, =Q=44----his shield =GG=50, =Q=6.


=MORDRET= =Ge=6, 7.

=MORGHE LA FeE= =G=18.

=MORONEUS= =Q={2}26.


=MOUNT DOLOROUS= =G=19, 20, =Ge=5.

=MOYS=, =MOYSES= (=B=). Seat Perillous =B=10, 11, 12, =Dprol=, 1, =GG=41, 46.

=NASCIENS= =GG=, =Q=, Natiien =Ma=----Baptism =GG=14, =Q=6, 26, =Ma=3----Blinded by Grail =GG=16----=GG=18, 19, 20, 21, 22, turning isle and Solomon"s ship, 23-27, =Q=35-37----=GG=28, 29, 30, 32, 33, Crudel 37, 38, (called Seraphe) =Q=15----=GG=39----his tomb =GG=50----death =GG=59----appears as hermit in Arthur"s time =Q=4, 5, 6, 29.

=NASCIENS=, son of Celidoine, =GG=39.

=NASCIENS=, grandson of Celidoine =GG=30, 59.

=NICODEMUS= =B=3, 4, 5.

=NOIRONS=, _i.e._, Nero =GG=3.

=ORCANZ= =GG=48.

=ORGUEILLEUSE.= Orguellouse =C=, Orgeluse =W= = Mancipicelle =H=, =C=16----=G=1, =W=, =H=.

=OWAIN= =M=, =EWAYNE= =T=, =YONES= =C=4, =YWAIN= "li aoutres" =Q=6, 9, 10, 29, =GG=49----meets Perceval =M=1, =T=2----helps him =M=3, =C=4.

=PARTINAL= =Ma=5, 8, 21, 22.


=PELEUR= =Q={1}5, 47, 48.


=PELLEHEM= =Q={2}35.

=PELLES= =Q={2}1-3, 14, 27, 36, 44, 48, 50, =GG=59.

=PERCEVAL= =Co=, =D=, =Q=, =GG=; PARZIVAL =W=, =H=; PEREDUR =M=; PERCYVELLE =T=.--_Father_: Bliocadrans =PC=; anonymous =Co=, =Q=; Alain =D=; Gahmuret =W=; Evrawe =M=; Percyvelle =T=; Pellehem =Q={2}. _Mother_: Anonymous =Co=, =D=, =Q=, =M=; Herzeloyde =W=; Acheflour (Arthur"s sister) =T=----brought up in wood =C=1, =W=, =M=, =T=1----meets knights (5) =C=1, =W=, (3) =M=1, =T=2----leaves mother =C=1, =W=, =D=, =M=1, =T=2----first meeting with lady of tent =C=2, (Ieschute) =W=, =M=2, =T=3----arrival at Arthur"s Court =C=3, =W=, =D=, =M=3, =T=4----laughing prophetic damsel =C=3, =W=, dwarves =M=3----slays _red_ knight =C=4, (Ither of Gaheviez) =W=, (colour not specified) =M=3, =T=4----overcomes 16 Knights =M=4----burns witch =T=5----arrival at house of first uncle, Gonemans =C=5, Gurnemanz =W=, Anonymous =M=5, and (different adventure partly corresponding to =Ge=8) =T=6----first arrival at castle of lady love, Blanchefleur =C=5, Conduiramur =W=, Anonymous =M=8, Lufamour =T=7----first arrival at Fisher King"s =C=7, =W=, =D=11, =M=6----is reproached by wayside damsel, cousin: (Anonymous) =C=8, (Sigune) =W=, =D=12, foster sister =M=7----second meeting with lady of tent =C=9, =W=, =M=9----overcoming of Sorceresses of Gloucester =M=10----blood drops in the snow =C=10, =W=, =M=11----Adventures with Angharad Law Eurawc; at the castle of the huge grey man; serpent on the gold ring; Mound of Mourning; Addanc of the Lake; Countess of Achievements =M=12-19----reproaches of the loathly damsel =C=11, (Kundrie) =W=, =M=20----Good Friday incident and confession to uncle =C=15, (Trevrezent) =W=, =D=14, =M=22----the Castle of the Horn =G=6----the Castle of the Chessboard =G=7, =D=4, =M=24----meeting with brother of Red Knight =G=8----Ford _amorous_ =G=9, _perillous_ =D=9----second meeting with Blanchefleur =G=10----meeting with Rosette and Le Beau Mauvais =G=11, =D=8----meeting with sister and visit to hermit =G=12, =D=5 and 6----the Castle of Maidens =G=12=a=----meeting with the hound-stealing damsel =G=13, =D=13, =M=24----meeting with the damsel of the white mule =G=14----tournament at Castle Orguellous =G=16 = =D=15 (Melianz de Lis) and =M=19 (?)----Deliverance of knight in tomb =G=17----second visit to the Castle of the Chessboard =G=18, =D=13----delivery of Bagommedes =G=19----arrival at Mount Dolorous =G=20----the Black Hand in the Chapel =G=21----second arrival at Grail Castle =G=22-=Ma=1-7 and =Ge=1, =D=16, (with final overcoming of Sorceresses of Gloucester) =M=25.

Puts on red armour for love of Aleine, accomplishes the feat of the Seat Perillous, and sets forth on Quest =D=1 and 2.

Slays the red knight, Orgoillous Delandes, =D=3.

Overcomes Black Knight, slays giant and finds mother =T=9.

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