Stunning Edge

Chapter 144:

Chapter 144:

Just when Claire was in deep thought, a cold voice came from behind her.


Claire did not look back. Of course she could tell who it was. It was the one who had always gazed at her disfavorably, Eric!

"Oh? Is something the matter?" Claire asked indifferently. She still hadn"t turned around.

"What"s with your att.i.tude? And what"s what your att.i.tude towards Father!" The ice cold voice now contained a trace of anger.

"Excuse me, who are you to talk to me like that?" Claire yawned lazily. Only now did Claire remember her haughty second brother had only one virtue: filial piety. In other words, this second brother of hers had come to admonish her rude att.i.tude towards Father?

"I am your elder brother!" The voice was on the verge of exploding.

"What a joke, since when have you acted like you were my brother? Now you"re pretending like you are." Claire laughed disdainfully. Slowly, she turned around, derision in her eyes.

Eric"s originally fiery expression froze.

"Venerable second brother, I advise you not to learn from your father, never fulfilling the responsibilities of a father, but stepping in once his daughter"s accomplished. Don"t t you think that"s ridiculous? Shameless?" Claire scoffed. She leaned back on the pillar lazily. "I don"t mind fighting you right now.

Eric"s expression instantly darkened. The girl before him was not a coward who could be scared off by just a few words any more.

Claire"s expression suddenly turned icy, not a trace of warmth in her eyes. "But be aware of the price of fighting me. I might just kill you without batting an eye. Do you think you"re my match currently?" Her voice was even more frigid than her gaze, radiating a murderous aura. An enormous, terrifying power burst out abruptly, then disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.

Chills ran down his spine and he trembled. The sensation the girl gave him was so alarming and cold.

"Another word of advice. No matter if you support the crown prince of if you are a spy sent by the second prince, no matter how could fight, do not involve Mother. If anyone hurts her, no matter who, I will slaughter them." Claire smiled lazily, as casual as if she were chatting with some friends, but the coldness that seeped through told Eric the girl was definitely not lying!  

"Remember my words." Claire laughed lightly, then walked pa.s.sed Eric.

"The crown prince is the true successor of the emperor!" Eric"s determined voice came from behind.

Claire glanced over from the corner of the eye and saw the nearly mad loyalty in Eric"s eyes.

"I don"t care," Claire waved offhandedly. "Just remember my words," she said, then left.

Eric didn"t move, watching Claire"s retreating figure, his gaze complex. He turned and looked towards the greenhouse. When he saw the crown prince smiling, his eyes softened. Then, he clenched his fists tightly. The crown prince was his G.o.d, the true successor of the empire! He had to a.s.sist the prince until he was sitting on the throne!

The capital. Slowly, winter creeping in:

Cold wind blew past, slightly chilling.

Nightfall. Claire walked through a colonnade, planning on finding Lashia and give her her old storage ring. The s.p.a.ce inside was more than enough for Lashia to use.

A breeze blew past. Claire frowned and gazed past the courtyard, then relaxed. She lept onto a rooftop, then hurried off into the distance.

Jean appeared from behind a pillar, watching silently as Claire"s figure disappeared into the night. He did not give chase.

"Chirp chirp?"

"Peep peep!"

Perched on Jean"s shoulders, White Emperor and Black Feather conversed. As for what they were saying, no one would know.

Jean gazed into the night without moving, a lonesome figure.

It was Leng Lingyun. It was Leng Lingyun who had been inside the courtyard, so Jean didn"t follow.

What did he come to find his lady for?

Jean stood silently, staring into the night for a long time.

Leng Lingyun flew and Claire followed. They flew all the way out of the city and finally arrived at a secluded area. After a moment, Claire realized it was where Alice and her cousin had ambushed her during one of her breakthroughs. Leng Lingyun descended and stood there silently. The wind ruffled his long, silver hair. He looked like he had stepped out of a painting.

"What do you need me for?" Claire said indifferently and also descended. She could not treat Leng Lingyun the same as before after what she had seen at the Temple today.

"Claire…" Leng Lingyun turned to look at Claire, his gaze distant.  

"I am very grateful for your yell that awakened me, helping me control of myself. I am truly not the match of the pope. I sincerely thank you for saving me once again." Claire"s voice was emotionless and cold.  

When Leng Lingyun heard her words, he felt as if his heart had been sliced.

"Do not think I am mocking you, it"s true," Claire added indifferently when she saw Leng Lingyun"s expression.

Leng Lingyun bit his lip. "I let Shack and the girl go. I told them to get as far away as possible and not to let me catch them again, that if I caught them again, perhaps I would not be alone. Then I would not be able to let them go," Leng Lingyun forced out with difficulty.

Claire froze. In Leng Lingyun"s violet eyes, she saw confliction and pain.

"Everyone has someone they treasure the most. For me, that is Xuanxuan. For her, I am willing to have blood on my hands and descend into h.e.l.l. But I wish that Xuanxuan will be pure forever." Leng Lingyun"s voice trembled slightly, his eyes full of anguish.

Claire"s eyes flashed with realization. "When you found the knight and girl, was the Divine Princess the one who attacked?"

Leng Lingyun fell silent. Slowly, he unclenched a fist, frowning. "I had no way of saving them. I could not give up Xuanxuan for them…"

Claire fell silent, understanding instantly. Leng Xuanxuan required medicine supplied by the Temple to survive. Leng Lingyun"s every action was to help Xuanxuan live more comfortably. He knew the Temple was fraudulent, but kept his mouth shut for Xuanxuan, striving his best to a.s.sist her disability.   

"Your life sure is exhausting." Claire sighed, sorrow in her heart.

Every individual had someone they treasured the most and for this person, they could do things others would find hard to understand.

"Claire, in truth, you are already aware of the hypocrisy of the Temple. But I do not wish for you to fight the Temple and be harmed." Leng Lingyun finally revealed the purpose of his visit.

"I know, I am not the pope"s match. The pope"s strength is unfathomable." Claire frowned, thinking. "His strength is far above Master"s. Even with Master"s recent breakthrough, he is not the pope"s match."

The pope"s strength is not something easily read." Leng Lingyun sighed. "And there are so many archbishops and cardinals. I do not wish for you to face them." His underlying meaning was, I do not wish for you to get hurt.

"Thank you for your concern. I will not be as rash as I was today again." Claire"s tone was now genuinely sincere.

However, Leng Lingyun understood the true meaning of her words. Not being as rash meant she had other plans.

"Claire, remember, the pope"s strength is unfathomable," Leng Lingyun warned again, worried.

"I understand. Thank you." Claire nodded.

"Also, the struggle between the princes is becoming more intense. At the end, the Temple of Light will definitely choose a side," Leng Lingyun said in a low voice, "And the Hill clan will also choose a side. If both support the same prince, there would be nothing to be worried about, but if not, your position would be very special."

Claire fell silent, pondering. Duke Gordan had ordered Jean to support the second prince secretly, but her second brother Eric supported the crown prince publically and Duke Gordan did not show any disapproval. What did this mean?

Seeing Claire deep in thought, Leng Lingyun couldn"t help but ask, "Has the Hill clan already chosen a side?"

Claire shook her head. "I do not know." She sat down on a nearby stone and patted on the spot next to her. "Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Leng Lingyun paused for a moment but still sat down.

"What kind of person do you think my grandfather, Duke Gordan, is?" Claire asked seriously. "I want to listen to an objective viewpoint."

Seeing Claire"s solemn expression, Leng Lingyun understood Claire was serious. After some thinking, he responded sincerely. "He is no simple individual. Someone who is able to maintain the Hill clan"s status for so long and even able to have the emperor fear them is no ordinary person." Leng Lingyun paused, then added with hesitation, "This individual is extraordinarily cunning."

Claire switched to another topic. "Has the Temple not chosen a prince yet either? In other words, the pope is waiting to see which prince has a better chance?"

"I believe so." Leng Lingyun nodded.

Claire frowned, switching back. "Grandfather must be waiting also. His position is not definite."

"But I have heard the captain of the Griffin Squad, Eric, your second brother, is very close to the crown prince whereas rumors say you are close to the second prince." This was the reason why no one could tell which prince the Hill clan was supporting.

Chapter 145:

Claire finally understood Eric"s hostile att.i.tude a little. Eric thought she was supporting the second prince?

"Many people are waiting to see which prince the Hill clan will support."

Claire let out a sigh. "It doesn"t matter. As long as no one harms my mother. Otherwise, I will not let the matter go."

"Your mother is now the head lady in waiting of princess Maurice. Be careful." Leng Lingyun reminded solemnly.

"Yes, I will be careful. Thank you. I should leave now." Claire stood up.

"Yes." Leng Lingyun nodded. His gaze followed Claire"s retreating figure. When her figure disappeared into the night, he finally retracted his gaze. He gazed up towards the endless night sky. It was the first time he had spoken to someone for so long, the first time he had felt such a sense of relief. He couldn"t understand what had happened, couldn"t understand why he had been so frustrated when he was not able to explain to Claire.

Claire arrived at Hill manor. Jean still had not moved from his original position, waiting.

Once White Emperor and Black Feather saw Claire had returned, they hopped onto her shoulders and started nuzzling her affectionately.

"Jean, why are you not resting?" Jean was still standing still in the middle of the colonnade.  

"If Miss is not back, I will not rest," Jean replied seriously.

"Well, now I"m back. I"m going to go rest after visiting Lashia. You should also go rest," Claire said softly, seeing Jean"s resolute expression.

"Yes, Miss." Jean turned around and left quietly.

After she gave Lashia an interspatial storage ring, Lashia was as ecstatic as Claire had expected, almost kissing Claire.

The next morning, Hill manor. Duke Gordan had an ugly expression –  

because of two visitors in the main hall.

Claire had just returned, but before Duke Gordan even had enough time to present her to the emperor, the Divine Prince Leng Lingyun and Divine Princess Liu Xueqing of the Temple of Light had come knocking on the door, stating straightforwardly they were here for Reverend Claire for business at Snowfall city.  

"Big sis, you"re so coveted, haha. The Temple comes seeking for you even though Grandfather was planning on bringing you to the palace," Lashia giggled.

Claire remained silent. She appeared at the hall with Jean.

"Claire, you"ve come." Liu Xiuqing stood up to welcome Claire, her graceful actions so pleasing to the eye. n.o.body could see anything wrong with her att.i.tude towards Claire.

"Divine Princess, Divine Prince," Claire greeted indifferently.

"We came here to bring you to the Temple. Because you are a Priest of our Temple, naturally, it is better to stay at the Temple. Also, make a few preparations. Today, we are going to Snowfall city to a.s.sist. The blizzards are very serious." The Divine Princess"s voice was gentle. She sounded neighborly, as if she were Claire"s senior sister.

Claire turned to look at Duke Gordan. Duke Gordan was resigned. "I will order someone to send over Claire"s belongings."

"There is no need, your Grace. The Temple has already prepared everything for Claire." Although the Divine Prince was polite, she was somehow hard to refuse.

"Grandfather, don"t worry." Claire didn"t want to waste her breath. "If the blizzard is really so bad, we should hurry and go already."

Leng Lingyun had not spoken the entire time. n.o.body saw the forlorn flash in his eyes.

"Claire, your knight…" The Divine Princess glanced past Claire at Jean. She frowned, about to say something, when Leng Lingyun spoke.

"Jean is Claire"s personal knight who has guarded her her entire life. They have never been separated." These words were enough to stop the Divine Princess from finishing what she was about to say.

"Oh, is that so? Then let"s go together. The more, the merrier." The Divine Princess smiled, although her smile was not as gentle or natural as before.

And like so, the group left Hill manor, but all the while, Duke Gordan"s expression darkened and darkened.

When they were all in the carriage, Liu Xueqing smile and said, "Claire, we should first go to the Temple to prepare.

"No need, let"s go straight to Snowfall. I"ve already brought everything." Claire closed her eyes and leaned back into the carriage indifferently.   

Brought everything? Liu Xueqing watched Claire with shock, then turned to look at Jean, but she didn"t see then carrying any sort of bags. Perhaps?! Astonishment and jealousy flashed through her eyes. Perhaps Claire had interspatial storage rings?! Such precious treasure?!

Claire rested her eyes, Jean rested his eyes, Leng Lingyun rested his eyes, while the gaze in Liu Xueqing"s eyes was strange…

The carriage slowly left out the gates of the capital, silent.

As its name indicated, it snowed constantly at Snowfall city. With its extreme cold, snow fell from October to February every year. The rest of the seasons were short, in total, only seven months. Blizzards occurred frequently, but never too much to handle. Every year, the capital sent relief,  but this year, the blizzard seemed more severe, severe enough that the Temple was going to intervene.

The carriage stopped at a small town nearby. "Many villagers are trapped and unable to get out. The relief wasn"t able to arrive," Leng Lingyun said softly. He stepped off the carriage and gazed into the endless field of white.

They were about to enter Snowfall, but the road was covered under a thick layer of snow, leaving the carriage unable to proceed. They had to switch to a sleigh in order to advance. The sleigh was pulled by short and stocky magic beasts called snow beasts. Snow beasts had strong limbs, thickly padded paws, and long and thick fur. They all changed into thicker clothes and by this time, Liu Xueqing was certain Claire had a previous interspatial storage ring. She was envious, but also puzzled. How could Claire have such a valuable treasure? Did Cliff give it to her? Impossible, Cliff only had one himself and even then, it was said to be acquired with much trouble. Then where did Claire"s storage ring come from?  

"We will first go in this direction. There are three villages whose people are trapped in this direction. Soon, they will run out of food," Leng Lingyun said as he studied a map. "The Temple has sent people to the other side. We are responsible for saving the villagers on this side as soon as possible."

"The blizzard this year seems a bit abnormal," Jean said in a low voice, frowning. He gazed into the field of white before them.

"Yes, which is why the Temple sent us. We are here to figure out what exactly is going on." Leng Lingyun sat down onto the sleigh. "Let"s go."

The situation would be resolved easily with just the Divine Prince and Divine Princess, but the pope specially instructed them to bring Claire with them. The meaning was clear.  

Everyone sat down on the sleigh. Leng Lingyun cracked the whip and drove the snow beasts forward.

The winter winds blew, icy and piercing, feeling like needles on their skin.

White Emperor and Black Feather hid away in Claire"s mantle, staring out.

The sleigh left a long trail in the snow as it journeyed to the valley.

Along the way, the atmosphere was strange: silent. Other than silence, there was silence still.

"Chirp chirp!" White Emperor climbed to Claire"s bosom, then scratched Claire with his claws.

Claire looked down and smiled gently. Out appeared a tiny, tiny chocolate cake from her storage ring. She dropped it into white emperor"s claws. Seeing this, White Emperor hopped down and lunged for the cake. The two little things started fighting in Claire"s bosom while Claire tilted her head and watched the two fight with interest. Jean watched Claire"s wicked pastime, a little speechless. She was fully capable of getting out another cake, but she purposefully didn"t. She simply loved watching the two little things fight.

"Claire, are those two your pets? How cute." Liu Xueqing tried to initiate a conversation.

"Yes." Claire replied lightly. She didn"t bother to say anything past that.

"However, what kinds of magic beasts are those two? I"ve never seen anything like them." Liu Xueqing smiled warmly and reached out at Black Feather.

Jean looked away, his lip twitching.

Such enough, what he expected happened next.

Black Feather viciously clawed at the back of Liu Xueqing, instantly leaving behind three b.l.o.o.d.y streaks. The three red streaks were especially conspicuous on Liu Xueqing"s fair skin.

"Ah!" Liu Xueqing exclaimed in a low voice, quickly drawing back her hand painfully.

Claire immediately grabbed Black Feather and said apologetically, "Divine Princess, I am truly sorry." Although it had existed for merely a split second, Claire noticed a faint flash of malice in her eyes.  

"It was nothing." Liu Xueqing said softly. She smiled warmly, stroking the hand that had been scratched. It stung a little. Then, she looked towards Leng Lingyun. There was no doubt Leng Lingyun was aware of what had happened, but he didn"t even look back, not to mention offering to treat Liu Xueqing"s wound.

Liue Xueqing"s beautiful face ashened, and her hatred towards Claire grew stronger.

At this time, the sleigh had already entered the ravine. Each side was lined with steep cliffs with scarce trees. The animals had either gone south or were hibernating.

Suddenly, Liu Xueqing frowned and exclaimed quietly, "Lingyun! There"s a Dark aura!"

Claire looked up started scanning the vicinity, but saw nothing unusual. Jean frowned, his hand on his hilt. Leng Lingyun became alert, because Liu Xueqing was very sensitive to Dark aura, even more than he.

"Where?" Leng Lingyun"s expression turned serious. They could not see anything out of the ordinary, but Liu Xueqing had sensed something. Their opponents were concealed very skillfully.

She stood up, looking around nervously. "Close by, over there, wait, no! Over there too! It"s everywhere!" Liu Xueqing started to become frantic.


"Roar…." The snow beasts were suddenly restless, stamping their feet. Then, they started to charge forward without any sense of direction. The sleigh was about to ram straight into a huge boulder. The four immediately lept off the sleight agiley right before the sleigh crashed into the boulder, then smashed into a thousand pieces. The snow beasts stampeded away, soon completely out of sight.  

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