Stunning Edge

Chapter 6: Doubting, Probing

Chapter 6: Doubting, Probing

At nightfall, the Duke’s castle was still bright, and it wasn’t just the Duke’s. All the houses of wealthy families of the capital had their homes brightly lit. At night, only the commoners who couldn’t afford candles lived in darkness.

In her bedroom, Claire lay on the bed. She played around with a fireball on her fingertips. Claire thought back to when Gordan warned her in the study. You must conceal this outrageous talent and not display your power in front of others unless it’s truly an emergency. Especially the Temple of Light, you must definitely not let them know. When you test for the Inst.i.tute, bear in mind you need to hold back. When Claire suggested couldn’t she not go to the Inst.i.tute and just learn from Emery, Gordan refused intensely. It was very obvious he didn’t believe Emery was good enough to be Claire’s teacher.

“The only person who can be your teacher is that person. But in order to find him, you must go to the Inst.i.tute. Once you become his disciple, then you don’t need to worry about the Temple of Light any more.” After saying these mysterious words, Gordan stopped talking.  He didn’t even mention who the person was. But, it was evident that once Claire became that person’s disciple, then the Temple of Light would have no chance at taking her away.

Sure enough, there was always conflict between the Royal and Divine powers. Claire extinguished the small fireball in her hand. She remembered the spell that Emery taught her the night before – fire shield. Evidently, the spell wasn’t widely known. It must be Emery’s own magic, his cherished a.s.set, but he had taught it to Claire selflessly. By making the fire elements cl.u.s.ter around the body, one would form a shield to protect from attacks. The only problem was that Claire didn’t seem to be able to form a shield yet. Claire remembered very clearly that Emery said you could not be too impatient. After trying a few more times, Claire gave up temporarily. The difference between magicians and regular people were that regular people were unable to stay awake for too long without feeling fatigued, while magicians could recover both their magic power and body strength through meditating. Claire crossed her legs and sat up and started to meditate. She began to capture and store the element into her body unceasingly. Three hours later, Claire opened her eyes feeling very refreshed. It was much better than sleeping for three hours.

Three days later, Claire pa.s.sed the Inst.i.tute’s test while holding back some of her power. She could now study at the Sunrise Inst.i.tute. And Jean, being her guardian knight, had to be beside her at all times in order to protect her. But Jean was already a grand warrior and couldn’t enter the inst.i.tute as a student, so he could only follow secretly.

The letters Sunrise Inst.i.tute stood out on the grand door. The arrogant looking letters lit up whenever it got dark or at night time. Obviously, there was some kind of spell.

“Miss, I will protect you in secret,” Jean said quietly when Claire entered the gate. Then he disappeared.

Once Claire picked up her student card, she followed a teacher to the Fire cla.s.sroom. As soon as she walked in, she felt odd gazes from everyone, and at the very back she saw a curious and puzzled stare. It was the second prince Nancy. He was also part of the Fire cla.s.s?

“Today we have a new cla.s.smate, Claire Hill. So today let’s review the basics again.” Standing on the dais was the teacher, Emily, a gentle middle aged woman who was the Fire cla.s.s instructor. In order to help Claire catch up, the instructor reviewed the basics.

“Claire, you can sit wherever you want.” Emily of course knew the girl’s ident.i.ty and was very polite.

“Thank you teacher.” Claire lightly nodded and after expressing her thanks, walked to the empty seats in the back.

Although Claire felt their strange gazes, she ignored them and walked straight to the back and listened to Emily’s teachings. It was pretty close to what the book wrote. Nancy, sitting nearby, occasionally sent probing looks.

In only the time span of one cla.s.s, the whole Inst.i.tute knew about Claire’s arrival. The Hill family’s idiotic girl who chased after men actually pa.s.sed the Sunrise Inst.i.tute’s examination and was accepted into the Inst.i.tute!  And she was in the same cla.s.s with the second prince who she had been chasing to death a few days ago!!

Many people a.s.sumed that Claire had used her family’s influence to enter the school and was doing this only to chase after Nancy. Claire became even more infamous.


Meanwhile, in the Lightning cla.s.s.

“What? She entered the school?” Lashia immediately became furious. The person who brought this news cowered a little. Lashia’s beautiful, innocent face had distorted completely. Her hate had reached the skies. That moron! To go as far as to shame the family in school! Why did Grandfather let the idiot come to school to lose face? Did he think that the Hill family’s name had not been shamed enough? Humph! Claire, you man-crazy nitwit, I’ll make you get the h.e.l.l out of school by yourself! Lashia finalized this decision in her heart, clenching a fist in her sleeve.

“What are you going to do, Lashia?” a girl nearby asked, feeling unease. “No matter what, she’s your older sister. You shouldn’t be too…”

“Shut up!” Lashia thundered, her face full of anger. “I don’t have this kind of older sister!” Shameful! That this kind of person was her, genius Lashia, older sister! How extremely shameful!

People around Lashia shut up as they saw her furious look and dared not to say anything. Everyone knew that Lashia was not only the granddaughter of the powerful Duke Hill, but was also the prized disciple of the principle. Who would dare to offend her?

The Sunrise Inst.i.tute was a full time school. It had teaching buildings, social quarters, and dorms. As the only inst.i.tute for Dou Qi and magic in Amparkland, it was huge. n.o.bles and commoners alike could join so long as they had the talent. You could live there or just stay during the day.

After cla.s.s, Claire walked out of the cla.s.sroom and felt how unwelcomed the previous owner of the body was. Girls would glare disgustedly and avoid her as if she was a snake or scorpion. And the boys who thought they possessed any attractive features would stay far away. Claire didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. She was speechless.

At noon, Claire sat in a corner of the cafeteria and ate her lunch in peace. At the same time she recalled Gordan’s words. She could only meet the person in the Inst.i.tute? Was it a school teacher? It couldn’t be the, or Gordan would have just said so. This meant this person was more powerful and important than the So who could it be?

The cafeteria was lively everywhere except for the area around Claire. The quiet and emptiness around her was very eye catching.

The entrance suddenly became noisy. Claire raised her head and saw Lashia strutting in like an arrogant peac.o.c.k, surrounded by a horde of young n.o.bles. Wherever the brilliant Lashia went, she was the center of attention.

Lashia suddenly looked towards Claire, but Claire  continued to eat indifferently. A fierce look flashed in the depths of Lashia’s eyes and she abruptly turned away, not glancing at Claire again.

A spoiled brat who got anything she wanted, Claire sighed to herself. But right now she herself was no match for her. The baleful look in her eyes shouldn’t belong to a twelve-year-old. Living in an environment where she was used to being pampered and praised by everyone had let her forget about proper behavior. If Lashia really attacked her, she wouldn’t be able to defend.

If she really faced this spoiled Lashia’s attack, what would she do? Claire became a little worried.


In a remote area.


“Jean, you received such a nice a.s.signment.” A person with chestnut colored hair teased Jean, who was leaning against a tree.

“Please, Your Highness, stop enjoying my misfortune.” Jean sighed quietly.

“Haha~~ I can’t help it.” The person who spoke was the second prince, Nancy. “But really, who would have thought the Duke would actually send her to school. Can she become a magician?” In his words, there was a hidden scorn.

“That’s hard to say.” Jean slightly frowned and suddenly said seriously, “Did you know? She entered the inst.i.tute by truly pa.s.sing the exam, not by the Duke’s ‘care’”.

“What?” This time it was Nancy’s turn to be shocked. The moronic girl had actually pa.s.sed the examination herself?!”

“Don’t doubt me, it’s true.” Jean’s face was completely serious. “Suddenly, I found myself unable to see through her.”

“That is a little strange. The Claire right now compared to the Claire from before seem like two different people.” Nancy frowned while thinking.

“At first, I thought she was letting you go on purpose to catch you unaware later, but now it seems that’s not the case.” Jean said in a thoughtful manner.

“Then what do you think?” Nancy asked.

“For now, let’s just observe.” Jean’s handsome face smiled knowingly. “There’s someone who’s itching to take action.”

Nancy, confused for a only a moment, suddenly understood. “Are you talking about Lashia?”

“That’s right.” Jean nodded, revealing a cold smile. “Whatever my idiotic master who chases after men plans to do, I think someone will quickly help us to probe it out.”

“Isn’t your job to protect her?” Nancy curled up his lip coldly.

“Letting her suffer a bit is fine, I’ll just be a bit late. As for protecting her, of course I won’t let her die. It’s only two sisters playing around, right?” Jean shrugged as he said jokingly, A glint of jest appeared in his eyes as he prepared to watch a good show.

Nancy nodded laughing but somehow had a strange feeling in his heart, a faint feeling of unease.

Was it really possible to probe out what was going on?

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