Summoned Slaughterer

Chapter 90 – Not A Bad Thing

Chapter 90 – Not A Bad Thing


“Peace is scary.” (Sabnak)

“Dear, what are you saying?” (Shibyura)

While placing black tea on Sabnak’s desk, Shibyura says in a fed up voice.

“How many days pa.s.sed since Hifumi-san left the capital? Doesn’t it seem like he entered the wastelands, as far as I’ve heard? Though it’s great to not have to worry about troubles, if I think about that person not being in this country, I become uneasy wondering what he’s doing outside the country.” (Sabnak)

Sabnak has a distant look while tasting the black tea.

“Rather than such things, gather the doc.u.ments. Please hurry up and check them. If you don’t finish before Vaiya-san returns from his honeymoon, won’t it result in a change of captain?” (Shibyura)

“… Why is Vaiya able to take a holiday before me, I wonder?” (Sabnak)

“It’s because you were too slow with your marriage proposal, dear.” (Shibyura)

Sabnak, who gave up to dismiss it resolutely, reluctantly cast his sight on the doc.u.ments.
Him being able to win against Shibyura in an argument has never happened.

“Besides, get a grip and please have self-awareness as Royal Knight Commander. Please abstain from hitting the city’s bars after eating at the knight’s dining hall.” (Shibyura)

“P-Please wait! I have to stay in touch with my comrades and the mingling with the townspeople is an important duty…” (Sabnak)

“If you properly interact with the other n.o.bles, I won’t have to talk about such things though. At least partic.i.p.ate a tea party or banquet once every 5 days, please. If it goes on as it is now, it will become difficult for our children to enter the n.o.ble’s society.” (Shibyura)

“But, you know”, Sabnak faltered, but Shibyura glared at him sternly.

“Dear, you probably want to experience freedom similar to Earl Tohno, but if you want to do so, please show achievements and a level of ability, which can’t be called ambiguous by your surroundings.” (Shibyura)

Piling up the doc.u.ments in front of him, Sabnak grumbled.

“Although you are behaving like you have spare-time and are nonchalantly drinking black tea, don’t you have to straighten up these doc.u.ments throughout the morning since it is scheduled for you to act as Her Majesty’s, the Queen’s, attendant in the afternoon? Please get it done quickly without dreaming around because no one but you is able to put your signature on them.” (Shibyura)

“Haa… understood.” (Sabnak)

Sighing while running his pen across the doc.u.ments in a fluent motion, Sabnak thoughts got lost in Hifumi’s situation once again.
(Be it the wastelands or even Swordland, that person likely won’t receive an injury. Even picking a fight with that person and losing one’s life due to that can be simply called reaping what you sow. That’s all there is to it.) (Sabnak)
Tossing a doc.u.ment into the “Processed” tray, he grabs the next doc.u.ment.
(The problem is the case, where people, who choose to “accompany” that person, appear. If their situation resembled Midas-san and me, they would have a hard time by getting dragged into things, even if they stayed at distance. If they chose something like fighting besides him, then…) (Sabnak)
Origa’s face surfaces within Sabnak’s mind.
It would be a disaster, if the number of such children increased, while shivering, he wrote down his signature on the doc.u.ment.

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