Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 3


The fifth prison that jails Chen Boqiao temporarily is located in the deep forest on a mountainside of Mishan. It takes about four hours to drive from the Asian Union Military Court to the prison, which needs to cross Mishan Canyon.

The van team was unimpeded all the way. At the moment when they drove halfway, everyone was relaxed, a deafening loud noise came from over their heads. The heavy armored vehicle moving forward quickly stopped abruptly, and the sound of the brake sounded through the valley.

The four rushed forward due to inertia. Chen Boqiao was still handcuffed, and his shoulder to the steel wall inside the car with a thwack.

The escort officers responded very quickly and quickly stabilized their figures. The older officer held up his gun and firmly pressed Chen Boqiao’s waist, ” Don’t move!”

The other two turned their guns back to back in an alert posture.

The four listened nervously. Suddenly, the weird sound of leaves came into the car, and after a few seconds, the sharp sound of the escort helicopter propeller hitting the trees and rocks, which penetrated the trembling steel plate of the escort armored vehicle and got into the ears of officers and prisoner inside the vehicle.

“Bang, bang,” the clash sounded quickly, slowed down regularly, like a pair of rough hands clinging to the prisoner’s throat, which was not fatal for a time but made people creepy.

The officers’ faces looked pale and exchanged eyes.

Chen Boqiao didn’t have any fear, just a bad hunch in his heart.

Compared with their original plan, the simple and rude behavior style and the untimely rescue timing is quite unusual.

As soon as the helicopter crashed, the surroundings were quiet again. The four people in the van were holding their breath. When the older officer was about to speak, the left side of the door was being held up. The van shook up and down and moved to the side.

The armored vehicle was moved off the driveway, opened up the fence on the mountain road, rolled over towards the canyon, and fell straight.

The officer next to Chen Boqiao had only had time said a bad language, and his head hit the roof of the car, his submachine gun almost discharges accidentally.

Fortunately, after a moment of weightlessness, something pulled the head of the car violently. Several people leaned back at the same time and slammed heavily on the steel door at the rear of the car.

Due to the position, Chen Boqiao was pressed on top, without any injuries, but the back ached by the gun handle. In addition, he felt that the four Alphas squeezed too close to each other and didn’t smell very good.

The armored vehicle was about to be hoisted by a helicopter, rising like a pendulum.

The middle-aged officer slowed down first. He broke his head, and blood flowed down the hairline. Without a word, he grabbed the barbed wire, barely stood up, and pointed at Chen Boqiao with a gun, “Don’t move.”

Chen Boqiao raised his hands to show his innocence.

The helicopter flew them for a long time. The middle-aged officer’s hand with the submachine gun gradually became unstable. The muzzle was shaking to the left and right. When he can’t find the right angle, he winked at another young police officer and motioned for a subst.i.tution. When he was about to let go, the body of the armored car trembled, and the rear wheels landed first, followed by the front wheels.

They landed.

The three officers who surrounded Chen Boqiao didn’t speak. As promised, they first aimed at Chen Boqiao with their guns. After a breathless silence, the door at the rear of the car was opened, revealing a very thin seam.

The middle-aged military officer made a simple gesture. Three officers bent over together and held a gun against Chen Boqiao’s back, and let Chen Boqiao open the door.

Chen Boqiao moved two steps forward by the muzzle, reluctantly pushed the bulletproof door slowly, and the cold air belonging to Mishan came into his nose.

He saw dark green trees, the ground where the sand was raised by the wind, a group of heavily armed mercenaries, nearly thirty black muzzles, and an unexpected person.

“Come down.” Zhang Jue looked at Chen Boqiao expressionlessly and said to him.

Chen Boqiao raised his hands and stepped out of the van. The officers also followed him down and had no time to respond. Three silencing guns from different positions fired at the same time, and the three fell down. When Chen Boqiao squatted down in disapproval, trying to probe the pulse of a middle-aged officer, Zhang Jue said, “Anesthetic.”

Chen Boqiao withdrew his hand, watching Zhang Jue quietly.

Maybe he was thinner than while studying, he thought silently.

They were not familiar with each other during studying, and it has been so many years since they graduated from high school. No matter how hard Chen Boqiao thought back, he can only think of his general outline.

The two were silent for a few seconds, Zhang Jue to look away first. He raised his hand to grab the coat in the hands of his subordinates and approached Chen Boqiao. He cut the handcuffs of Chen Boqiao with a laser cutter and forced the Jacket into Chen Boqiao’s arms, and whispered, “Put on.”

“Thank you.” Chen Boqiao was a little bit cold, so he was not polite to Zhang Jue. He shook off his coat and put it on his body. When he looked up and thanked Zhang Jue, Zhang Jue had already gone, and he was talking softly to his subordinates.

In fairness, Zhang Jue is definitely not the type of Alpha with a good appearance. He is not good, and thinner than ordinary Alpha, and can easily be mistaken for Beta.

He was relatively tall, only a little shorter than Chen Boqiao, with pale skin, eyes and lip colors also were pale, a dull face, slightly curly black hair over his shoulders, and tied it behind his neck without taking good care of his hair. In the words of Chen Boqiao’s friend Pei Shu, Zhang Jue was filled with frustration.

Not long ago, Pei Shu sighed that if Zhang Jue could join them in some sociable evenings of the Asian League, then Pei Shu would never be voted as champion of that “Omega didn’t want to marry him”.

Maybe he noticed Chen Boqiao’s eyes, Zhang Jue raised his head slightly, looked at Chen Boqiao, and asked him, “Well done?”

Waiting for Chen Boqiao to nod, Zhang Jue said briefly “Follow me,” and then walked towards a helicopter without turning back.

Chen Boqiao paused on the ground, looking at Zhang Jue’s back, and remembering in that conversation, that Pei Shu mentioned Zhang Jue’s reason: “I heard that Zhang Jue was broken off an engagement by his childhood friend Omega.”

At that time, Pei Shu asked Chen Boqiao, “Did he ever confess to you before?”

Chen Boqiao thought about it for a long time before digging out figure of Zhang Jue from the memories of his student days. He honestly told Pei Shu, “Many people have confessed to me, and I am not impressed.”

Zhang Jue walked to the helicopter, turned around and found that Chen Boqiao was still on the ground. His eyebrows twisted, and he straightened his back, and asked Chen Boqiao, “Is there anything else?”

Chen Boqiao no longer remembered, smiled at Zhang Jue, and opened his legs.


“h.e.l.lo, the user you dialed is inconvenient to answer your call now, please leave your message after.”

“A Jue, I saw the news, I know it is you … are you crazy! Do you think that person still remembers your name?

“… I will be in Bangkok tomorrow at three o’clock. I don’t think we will meet again.


“Zhang Jue, I will never care about you again.”

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