Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1018: The Difference In Heirs

Chapter 1018: The Difference In Heirs

Who was messing around with Thor?

Loki! An image of a little Bambi subconsciously appeared in Luke’s mind.

Alright, it should be the image of a black-haired young man with a horned helmet.

It seemed he was the boss dispatched during the Battle of New York, and who brought a bunch of aliens to invade Earth.

This guy was also Thor’s brother, and seemed to be a sorcerer. He loved to scheme, and tricking his stupid brother was his life’s greatest pleasure.

What other nickname did he have? Luke thought hard for a moment, then slapped his thigh. “Sister Ji[1]!”

The thing that Luke remembered most about Loki was that in the Battle of New York, this “G.o.d” was smashed around by a certain green hulk, and finally ended up in a pit, unable to draw breath.

As for the rest… Luke really couldn’t remember.

As for how this guy triggered the Battle of New York, Luke had no idea. It seemed it had something to do with the Tesseract and opening something like a portal.

Luke collected his wandering thoughts and started thinking about the current situation.

If nothing unexpected happened, Dr. Jane and the others should be leaving soon.

After all, Thor didn’t seem to have any intention of staying here, and Dr. Jane had even less reason to hang around in a makes.h.i.+ft house in the middle of nowhere.

It was only because there was something wrong with Thor that Dr. Jane hadn’t thought about leaving today.

But they should be gone in a day or two at most.

That way, Shackelford’s state of high alert could be canceled and everything would return to normal.

Given the situation, Luke could follow them for a day or two; he might even be able to run into the android.

With Thor drawing the big guy’s attention, Luke would be able to more safely test his own ability against Asgard’s lethal weapon.

Asgard’s military power could be considered the top in the universe from all aspects, and would be a very good reference point.

Just like how any basketball team, if they went up against a top-tier NBA team, would be able to get a simple and clear idea of their strength.

Forget saving Thor; he was Odin’s son.

The Earthlings would treat him pretty much the same way they would treat the Son of G.o.d.

At most, Luke would save the ordinary Earthlings caught up in the battle. A man like Thor, who was destined to be king, still had to rely on himself to grow.

Back in the tool shed, he looked at the two modified pickup trucks and murmured, “If I don’t need you guys, that’s good too.”

He liked experience and credit points, but he absolutely didn’t want disaster to fall on Shackelford.

Once Thor and the others left Shackelford, Luke wouldn’t have to use his main ident.i.ty to take action. Instead, he would use his strongest and also least known persona — Big Dipper. That would make it easier for him to go all out.

It was still better to test the effectiveness of these two modified pickup trucks in Shackelford first. If he really couldn’t win, he would run.

After all, in the eyes of “G.o.ds,” ordinary people weren’t worthy of their attention unless the “person” could stomp them into the ground.

Luke also knew very well that the Asgardians’ military might would never come to Earth just for Thor.

Ordinary superheroes wouldn’t last a minute in a head-on clash against ordinary soldiers of Asgard.

The real cheats on Earth would always be the first-line superheroes with the protagonist halos; everyone else would be completely crushed by the gap in strengths.

Therefore, he had no intention of being a savior or some invincible paragon. He would leave that to Thor, the super MVP in this equation.

That night, Luke went to the construction site alone.

After a day, the cement blocks in the construction site had basically hardened. After all, this was high-grade cement.

As for cracks or whatnot, there was no need to worry; it wasn’t like this was a real cowshed.

Taking advantage of the night, Luke created something like a maze with the cement blocks. It took him almost two hours to finish.

The purpose of this cement maze was basically to help give him more opportunities and increase the level of security as he completed the test.

Even if he didn’t use it, it was just a small matter of a few hundred thousand dollars. He could afford the waste.

After returning to the ranch, he rested for two hours, then continued working overtime.

Only Selena and Gold Nugget were at the Shackelford house. Robert had recently been sleeping in the lounge in the police station, to set an example during the emergency drill.

Of course, police officers should go home when they needed to, and sleep when they needed to, as long as they were ready to get up and carry out their duties at any time.

The next day, everything was peaceful.

When Luke sent Darcy and the others breakfast, the girl said that they might leave today or tomorrow afternoon. The exact time would depend on when Dr. Jane had calmed Thor down.

When she said that, both she and Luke got subtle looks on their faces.

Looking at the suspicion and self-doubt in her eyes, Luke could almost translate it into one sentence: Is there something wrong with you, or me? Why aren’t you comforting me?

Luke could only sigh inwardly.

If it were another time, he wouldn’t mind talking about life and dreams with Darcy, a girl who fit his taste so well, but she was Thor’s temporary companion at the moment.

If things between them got too heated, a huge android that could shoot lasers would fall from the sky, and shoot a laser cannon at them.

Crown Prince Thor would probably be fine, but Luke and Darcy, as extras, would become roast chicken.

Even if Luke was lucky enough to dodge the attack, and take Darcy while he was at it, he couldn’t guarantee that everyone would escape with their clothes on.

Hiding naked during battle was something that could only happen in R-rated movies. If Marvel movies played this, it would be a direct 404.

As these ridiculous thoughts flashed through Luke’s mind, he decisively and immediately pushed the blame on Robert. “The police department has been doing drills recently. The officers are very busy, and I’m a temporary recruit.”

Darcy, on the other hand, wasn’t stupid. While she liked to ramble on, she could always get to the heart of the matter. Not long after she nodded in agreement, she suddenly felt strange. “But shouldn’t the drill be carried out in town? There aren’t many people here.”

Embarra.s.sed, Luke lowered his voice, as if disclosing a secret. “Because this is my grandfather’s ranch. As an informal recruit, I can’t slack off in front of the other officers, so I come here to hide. There are still seven or eight people on the ranch, and they still need me to maintain order.”

Darcy said, “…So your grandfather is the ranch owner and your adoptive father is the sheriff? You’re actually the strongest heir in Shackelford?”

Luke said with a smile, “It’s no use. My grandfather’s ranch is only average at most; there are at least a dozen other farms that are several times larger than his. Robert is indeed a sheriff, but this isn’t a densely populated place. He doesn’t have as many people under his command as the leader of a major city division.”

Darcy thought about it.

A town sheriff wasn’t very powerful.

The owners of small and medium-sized farms in the United States didn’t have very high social status, similar to farmers in China.

Calling Luke an “heir” was just a joke.

[1] Loki is translated as Luoji in Mandarin. Sister Ji is a nickname the Chinese fandom gave him

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