Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1021: Let’s Be Spectators Together

Chapter 1021: Let’s Be Spectators Together

These should have been absurd words, but when they came out of the mouths of those people, Darcy felt that they were somehow real.

It was a little scary.

If it was fake, then these lunatics were too immersed in the act. If they went crazy and treated her as some Frost Giant or dragon, smashed her head in and dug her heart out, and left her corpse out in the wilderness as a warning to others, that would be too unlucky.

If it was true… No, no, no, it couldn’t be true. The girl in felt her heart pounding. She could only press her hand to it and comfort herself so that it wouldn’t beat too fast.

Luke patted her shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. Even if they’re crazy, they’re a bunch of insane people with moral integrity. They wouldn’t bother to attack a weakling like you.”

Darcy: “What?”

Luke said, “They’re warriors, not butchers. You can’t fight, so you don’t have to worry, since they won’t bother with you at all.”

Darcy: “…Thank you for the rea.s.surance.”

Although Luke’s words were weird, she calmed down.

As for fighting, she was nothing to them at all.

She was just an ordinary freshman and a young lady. It would be abnormal if she had combat power.

When they arrived at the ranch, the five good friends walked to the big meadow in front of the main house and started talking.

They gathered around the long wooden benches in the gra.s.s as they talked about something, bellowed from time to time, and hugged and comforted each other — the last basically only happened between Sif and Thor.

Luke pursed his lips and adjusted the earpiece in his left ear. You don’t seem to be using any electronic interference devices. Why do you think I can’t hear you? Or do you think I can’t listen in with an electronic device?

As he was thinking this, Darcy leaned over next to him and whispered, “They… won’t suddenly go crazy and come beat us up, right?”

She was only 1.64 meters tall, and was half a head shorter than Luke. When she leaned in slightly, her head almost reached his chest.

Smelling the faint scent of the shampoo on her hair, Luke lowered his head and whispered into her ear, “Don’t worry. If you say ‘don’t see me, don’t see me,’ in your heart, they’ll pretend that we don’t exist.”

Darcy burst out laughing and almost dropped a meat skewer into the pile of charcoal. “Do you think I’m an ostrich?”

Luke looked at her and couldn’t help but imagine the scene of an ostrich sticking its head into the sand with its b.u.t.t sticking out. He smiled and said, “Yeah, it doesn’t look like it.”

In this way, almost an hour pa.s.sed. While he and Darcy chatted with each other, he also recorded the conversation between Thor and others.

This was super gossip.

It was a cosmic-level family melodrama, and more than that, a super palace drama — although the partic.i.p.ants were mostly men.

Simply put, Thor’s father, Odin, wasn’t dead. His conniving brother, Loki, lied.

As for the reason, the straightforward bearded Volstagg had already blurted it out.

It was a fight for power and rank!

Without Thor, Odin’s first heir, Loki could sit on the throne of Asgard.

Luke didn’t overly react to that.

This gossip simply confirmed his vague recollections.

Loki messing around with his brother fell within the scope of family and palace melodramas on Earth.

It was just that the people involved had become “G.o.ds.”

Luke smacked his lips and said, “But a fight between ‘G.o.ds’ can be fatal.”

Darcy had already started eating skewers on the side.

Upon hearing this, she casually asked, “Fatal? Mm, this roast meat is really spicy. Are my lips swollen?”

Luke looked over and saw that her lips, which were oily, were now even fuller. He couldn’t help but smile. “Then, should I apply less pepper oil?”

Darcy hesitated for a moment before she shook her head. “Spicy is the best. I don’t believe that these meat skewers can kill me.”

As she spoke, she took another big bite, and the entire skewer of meat was sucked into that giant void of a mouth.

Luke was lost for words. What a tough character!

By the time the group of five finished chatting, five people and a dog were already sitting in front of Luke’s “BBQ stand.”

Luke, Selina, Darcy, Jane, Selvig.

Apart from Dr. Jane, who looked uneasy and only drank a bottle of fruit juice, the other four people and the dog had been eating heartily for a while.

Darcy had long been defeated. Rubbing her bloated stomach, she reverently watched as Selina ate with big, ravenous bites.

Luke? No way. It was normal for men to be able to eat.

Luke saw the five friends walk back, and had heard enough of the drama. He simply told Darcy to serve them, said goodbye to the five, then went off to do his own thing.

Selvig hesitated for a moment, before decisively leaving to go to the jeep to tinker with his equipment.

Darcy blinked her big eyes. She was still a spectator despite becoming a server, and continued to watch the show.

Unlike Luke, she didn’t have an electronic sound-collecting system. She had only heard bits and pieces of what the five said, and was simply too curious to leave, even when she turned into a maid.

After Selina followed Luke into the tool shed, she took out her phone and typed, “Are they really G.o.ds?”

Luke also typed on his phone: “To be able to live for thousands of years and still fight, and not get gastric, alcohol poisoning, or liver problems after eating and drinking so much – do you think human beings can do that?”

Selina thought that it made sense, and was speechless for a time.

The two of them used their phones, afraid that the guys outside would hear them.

Luke had also reminded Selina that these “G.o.ds” were far stronger than humans, and their five senses were much keener than Earthlings’.

They talked via their phones in the tool shed for a while, before Selina drove back to Shackelford.

Luke had to keep an eye on these troublemakers, so she had to report the situation to Robert.

Looking at the five friends chatting and eating meat by the bonfire, Luke couldn’t help but look at the darkening sky. The crown prince’s little brother wouldn’t attack at night, would he? The big android in the movie had only appeared in broad daylight.

But thinking too much was useless; Thor’s little brother wasn’t that considerate.

It was getting late.

Luke arranged for Jane and Darcy to stay in the guest rooms in Drax’s main house.

Texas was huge, and so was Luke’s grandfather’s house.

There were three guest rooms alone, which Drax had set aside for Robert’s family. Just nice, they could be used to house these people now.

Luke was still in the tool shed, fiddling with the armed pickups.

Outside, the five friends were drinking happily.

The ranch could be short of other things, but not meat and alcohol.

The large roast furnace could cook several kilograms of meat in one go; it just took a little longer to roast. There was even a small storeroom specially for beer and whiskey, which was enough for these people to drink for a long time.

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